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Everything posted by Midget_Yoda

  1. Soooo, you've already soloed an H-Star fortress with the post nerf companions? No? Then kindly **** & ****.
  2. True, but that's never stopped you in the past has it?
  3. I'm going to go with "seconded" on both counts.
  4. Hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahah you can't even action people without screwing the delivery up?
  5. Eric's the Community Manager, not a Dev. He had nothing to do with the changes, he was just the poor soul who got "misinformed" to by the Devs first. Think of it like CJ in the episode of the West Wing ("Lord John Marbury") where Leo deliberately lies to her so she'll give the press the message he wants them to get rather than the truth. Then watch how, err, "peeved" she is when she realizes she passed on misinformation. I now have a mental image of Eric as a tall blonde and kinda need some mind bleach...
  6. Aaaaand that's where you lost the balance devs. They may _claim_ the changes are to balance PvE but it's sadly quite clear that pretty much every change that's been made to every class since 1.0 has been either 1) to appease PvP cry babies 2) because they no longer have the staff/tech to balance hybrids properly (PvE or PvP) They've gone on record admitting the latter in PvE (well, they admitted the lack of tech to track it properly), the former remains starkly true whether they admit it or not. For the record, I have ZERO issue with the devs being in a corner, with limited resources, what I dislike is the PvP induced changes being forced on everyone. And claiming it's PvE induced is pretty weak too.
  7. Yaaaaaaay! </Kermit> Hurrah, thank you Bioware & thank you Eric, the bearer of glad tidings
  8. Holocron is, sadly, wrong. Temptation is/was a Tionese main hand (I know, my Sorc has one). It was never dropped by open world champs, so could not have been affected by a Champ Loot Nerf. All of the original three tiers (TIon, Columi & Rakata) were removed as dropping items in 2.0 so there is currently no way of obtaining them (we also lost "The Unslung Hero", "Darth Scion's Lightsaber", "Easy Credits", "Project Claw", "Edge" and many more)
  9. Although, lvl 8 H2... shouldn't be too taxing if you've already done it
  10. In that example, only the Armouring piece should be restricted, the "Mod" and Enhancement should be fine to move.
  11. Yep, best Codex fix yet -- THANK YOU BIOWARE!
  12. Most armourings, hilts and barrels are locked to a specific position (e.g. head or knife) so if you extract them from, say, a hands drop, you can only put them into another hands piece. I've not seen any mods (Armouring/Mod/Enhancement/Hilt/Barrel/Augment) that couldn't be removed at all though. Can you give a specific example?
  13. I know what you mean, I write code myself and that's part of the reason their lasseiz faire release practices annoy me so much. Given that the KNEW it was broken, it should not have gone live, end of story. [Edited since lasseiz is clearly not spelt lasse... ]
  14. It was, like most (but not all) negative AC changes, due to PvP-ers crying. Sorcs used to have a 360 knock back, which used the flip'n'punch animation. This was deemed to be OP and so was changed to a conal. As part of this, BW altered the animation. Many Bothans were stun locked by teams of operatives to bring you this information
  15. The only conclusion I can draw is that they just don't care. It's happened before (with previous ops for example) and it'll happen again. Given that they had a known bug they could: a) postpone the whole patch (it's happened before) b) release only the first op (let's face it they did that with Karagga's at launch and that wasn't even split into to distinct ops) c) screw it, let's push something we know is substandard and then, maybe, fix it later. which did we get? What a surprise...
  16. Dromund Kaas , by the datacron closest to the world boss. His respawn is regularly broken (in the sense that he just doesn't respawn until server resets or new instances open)
  17. You mean like those posts by BW employees that still lead to 11+Gb downloads despite claims to the contrary? Sorry Courtney, I'm well aware that this is far from your fault but the company's response thus far is, frankly, pathetic.
  18. Don't forget that the community mods' sole source of information on matters like this is the devs, since the devs actually write the code. Unfortunately, despite the overwhelming evidence, the devs aren't prepared to admit that they can't tell their backsides from their elbows and so the CM team continually have to come out here and take the flack . Bottom line, the info we got yesterday was almost certainly delivered in good faith by the CM team. Whether the dev who passed that information to the CM team knew what the hell they were talking about... well, I'll leave that up to you to decide.
  19. Got to go with Khem here. Devour him my monster!
  20. I should point out here that I'm in NO WAY referring to Allison or anyone who works on the community team. If I wanted to criticise some one on this board, I'd do it in a direct reply to their post. I apologize for not realizing that my comment could be construed in this way. It is in fact a reference to an individual I used to meet on another board who sometimes seemed unable to argue a point directly and would pick a post which was _close_ to the point they were against, and then make an argument against some random third position & then conclude (s)he'd rebutted the original point while at the same time seeming to discredit the person he/she replied to at the same time. It's a (n admittedly weak) pun on the "Strawman". Again, I apologise if I appeared to be insulting the community team, this was not my intent. There may be people at BW who I don't think are doing all they should (as I've posted elsewhere) but Eric, Courtney & Amber are not amongst them.
  21. Balderdash. (he says replacing the word he'd like to use...) Using a primary only colour dye on my chest plate means that random mob Z on planet Xog won't agro me == valid thing for QA to miss Using a primary only colour dye on my chest plate means that Match To Chest doesn't work == someone (dev or downstream release candidate QA) not testing their product. I don't write game code but I _DO_ write software for a living and all you apologists are talking out of your backsides. While some of these bugs are understandable, there are far too many ICBA things hitting the live servers.
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