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[Repairs] Too expensive!!!


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What i meant in my post is, with 20-50mil, you have a lot more money to burn, so this will not hamper your progression. But the guys with less money, without time/desire to do dailies, will have to devote LOTS of time with something they don't like/have time just to do the things they like, effectively spending more time doing grindy/boring stuff just for the sake of doing the fun stuff.


What I meant by my post is, that if I do that, all the credits I've saved up over the course of however many months I've been playing this game (15?) will quickly be gone. That position is no better than forcing people to grind.

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I'm hoping. I haven't seen any other major problems with this update, so unless there's some exploit that they're fixing under the radar...I'm hoping.


I bet the only thing they're fixing tomorrow is the starship transport bug.


They don't mind crippling people with repair costs, but heaven forbid we can travel to our starships more often than intended.

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Yeah, first T2 HM run last night.... um wow.


It really wouldn't be so bad if HM EC actually returned a decent amount of credits but no, it only takes a couple of wipes and you come out in the red.


Progression Sat is going to be real interesting for us :(

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Yeah, first T2 HM run last night.... um wow.

Progression Sat is going to be real interesting for us :(


Yeah.. I've been talking with my raid team and we are most likely going to skip our weekly EC HM or TFB HM just for this reason. Pretty SAD state of affairs a simple change has this kind of impact. Most likely move to a Gree event instead and hope BW DEV Clowns :rolleyes: fix this next patch (Tonight or next Tuesday).


Personally - I thought the current repair bills had been a little high, but workable still. (Pre 1.7)

Edited by dscount
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Yeah.. I've been talking with my raid team and we are most likely going to skip our weekly EC HM or TFB HM just for this reason. Pretty SAD state of affairs a simple change has this kind of impact. Most likely move to a Gree event instead and hope BW DEV Clowns :rolleyes: fix this next patch (Tonight or next Tuesday).


Personally - I thought the current repair bills had been a little high, but workable still. (Pre 1.7)


:/ Sadly for us our progression team is still banging their head against the wall with Operator IX and the second group is still only HM EC ready, so we're in the thick of it.


Oh well, time to start encouraging everyone to run dailies with a group

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:/ Sadly for us our progression team is still banging their head against the wall with Operator IX and the second group is still only HM EC ready, so we're in the thick of it.


Unrelated to thread, but fail the third color on purpose after burning 1st core in that phase. Kill big dudes mostly, go back to 2nd core. Then final color don't grab probes until IX is up. That has worked pretty good for getting two of our teams thru IX mechanix. We also use LEFT raid column is first to save from deletion and RIGHT raid column is 2nd person. (1st left person is Yellow, 1st right person is yellow). Mostly DPS on right side w/highest DPS going in first 2 phases - Hope that helps. :)


Meanwhile - BW I hope the only bug fix tonight isn't that silly transport to ship. If so you are going to have some pretty bent out of shape users that is a bigger priority than real ones this patch created. :D

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I agree that they are too high.


There are surely people who have tons of money, and tons of time to grind dailies for credits who can easily afford this.


I am not one of those people. I have limited play time and play in a small guild of RL friends a couple of hours a week. We don't have time to constantly run dailies, and are careful to manage our game time doing things that optimize fun and minimize grind/stress.


Unfortunately, we won't be able to afford trying harder content (Lost Island Hard Mode for example) because the repair costs are too high. Our last attempt at it, when repair costs were reasonable, nearly broke us.. now we definitely won't be able to afford to even attempt it.


As others have pointed out, it means no more Group Finder/PUG'ing on the odd nights were I find myself with a little time to play when the guild mates are not on.


The more I play after this last patch, the more discouraged I am about playing the game.

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Unrelated to thread, but fail the third color on purpose after burning 1st core in that phase. Kill big dudes mostly, go back to 2nd core. Then final color don't grab probes until IX is up. That has worked pretty good for getting two of our teams thru IX mechanix. We also use LEFT raid column is first to save from deletion and RIGHT raid column is 2nd person. (1st left person is Yellow, 1st right person is yellow). Mostly DPS on right side w/highest DPS going in first 2 phases - Hope that helps. :)


Meanwhile - BW I hope the only bug fix tonight isn't that silly transport to ship. If so you are going to have some pretty bent out of shape users that is a bigger priority than real ones this patch created. :D


Cheers mate, we've still just been working through the kinks of sorting the kill priorities and are slightly off on DPS for final phase, so hopefully this week we'll be able to move onto Kephess (oh... god)

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Just wanted to add that I agree that this will affect FP pugs. I am usually one of the more patient players. I will put up with many wipes in an instance if I feel like the person is actually trying and willing to work to improve. I have wiped repeatedly for over 2 hours before on something that I have cleared many times before in less than 15 minutes. Why? because I am a good guy like that... I normally call it quits only when either I just get completely bored of wiping repeatedly or the repairs started to get noticeable against my bank account. Guess what this change just did? Lower my threshold for tolerance in the latter category.


Pre 1.7 Getting to yellow usually meant me spending about 50k on repairs. Post 1.7 one death is costing me a little over 9k (this is assuming that you run in, pull, and die... no extra damage from trash mobs or anything). I am full 63s.


Yes, I realize that if I wanted to spend about 4 hours each day running dailies (this is about the time it takes to do ALL of them) you can get around 400k from the quests and selling everything... But I do not WANT to run dailies for 4 hours... I have done this... it is not fun. You get burnt out on Dailies REALLY fast like this, and subsequently burnt out on the game... and burnt out players will be players that are more likely to leave the game (although they may come back later... do you really want to gamble with that?)


The interesting thing here is I actually COULD find the time to run dailies if there were something to gain... This is not one of them... I will not run dailies like this just so I can raid and play the game... just isnt going to happen. I am not threating to quit here, or anything like that, because I do enjoy this game and have given a ton of my time toward it. But you can guarantee I am likely to be a whole lot less active, because my time will be better spent doing other things... in other games... not rerunning the same boring daily for the millionth time.


And to those who say, make money in other ways... all the other ways involve getting money from other people... if NOONE has any money, then NOONE will buy anything on the GTN. Prices will bottom out. Its called deflation, and in this case it would be on track to deflate the money in circulation very quickly. I understand economics, and that you dont want runaway inflation. Which may be the reason for this change, is that they were seeing entirely too much money in circulation, but I think someone added one too many 0's to their tweek and is a dramatically noticeable issue.


We have plenty of exensive credit sinks in the game already... is this really necessary? Removing mods from gear, adding augments, crafting missions, GTN transaction fees, and repairs are what I can think of off hand.

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Just wanted to add that I agree that this will affect FP pugs. I am usually one of the more patient players. I will put up with many wipes in an instance if I feel like the person is actually trying and willing to work to improve. I have wiped repeatedly for over 2 hours before on something that I have cleared many times before in less than 15 minutes. Why? because I am a good guy like that... I normally call it quits only when either I just get completely bored of wiping repeatedly or the repairs started to get noticeable against my bank account. Guess what this change just did? Lower my threshold for tolerance in the latter category.


Pre 1.7 Getting to yellow usually meant me spending about 50k on repairs. Post 1.7 one death is costing me a little over 9k (this is assuming that you run in, pull, and die... no extra damage from trash mobs or anything). I am full 63s.


Yes, I realize that if I wanted to spend about 4 hours each day running dailies (this is about the time it takes to do ALL of them) you can get around 400k from the quests and selling everything... But I do not WANT to run dailies for 4 hours... I have done this... it is not fun. You get burnt out on Dailies REALLY fast like this, and subsequently burnt out on the game... and burnt out players will be players that are more likely to leave the game (although they may come back later... do you really want to gamble with that?)


The interesting thing here is I actually COULD find the time to run dailies if there were something to gain... This is not one of them... I will not run dailies like this just so I can raid and play the game... just isnt going to happen. I am not threating to quit here, or anything like that, because I do enjoy this game and have given a ton of my time toward it. But you can guarantee I am likely to be a whole lot less active, because my time will be better spent doing other things... in other games... not rerunning the same boring daily for the millionth time.


And to those who say, make money in other ways... all the other ways involve getting money from other people... if NOONE has any money, then NOONE will buy anything on the GTN. Prices will bottom out. Its called deflation, and in this case it would be on track to deflate the money in circulation very quickly. I understand economics, and that you dont want runaway inflation. Which may be the reason for this change, is that they were seeing entirely too much money in circulation, but I think someone added one too many 0's to their tweek and is a dramatically noticeable issue.


We have plenty of exensive credit sinks in the game already... is this really necessary? Removing mods from gear, adding augments, crafting missions, GTN transaction fees, and repairs are what I can think of off hand.


Good post I agree, I was talking to a friend about that same thing tonight, I don't mind paying a repair bill along with all the other money sinks they have in this game, but I do think someone added a couple of extra 0's, takes the wind out my sails to do much beyond what I have been doing, dailies are boring to me not fun at all, I tried doing them I tried allot, they suck pure and simple to me, I have a couple more story lines to work through, and then I have to decide what I am going to do, and sad thing is I am fan of the game and supported it since early beta, but it is slowly taking a direction that seems to make my stay here shorter and shorter... /sigh

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What I think they could is that when getting killed in a PVP world zone is to have less gear durability lost.


Obvious in most cases, when dying in a PVP world zone it's due to the actions of another player which is generally unavoidable. This is why I think at least in PVP world zones the gear durability is reduced extremely less when killed in one of these areas, and that includes Outlaw's Den.

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I agree with everyone else, there was no reason repair cost needed to be increased at all. :mad: This will just make fewer people willing to do HM/raids and make those that do them less tolerant of mistakes. Very few people want to be forced to do dailies just so they can actual do what they want to do in the game. Increase the reward or lower the price back down. Keep the credit sink to fluff and luxury items, over hindering actual game play with them.
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I have to ask... how did your repair bills get so high? Did you die a lot in there? That seems like you died until you were broken - twice. And that's with top end gear. What gear are you running where, it seems to me, you died 20 times?


I've only done that once in my life in a flashpoint. It was a Heroic Dungeon in WoW where I was with 3 other people who were all from the same guild so I thought they knew what they were doing... boy I was wrong. After that I learned to wash my hands lean of a group if they just aren't up to snuff.


In excess of 10K a death is my repair bill

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In excess of 10K a death is my repair bill


Yeah I get 13k :(


It's actually taken a lot more fun out of it than people think, there's no point pulling the Leroy joke for bits and giggles anymore because it'll cost too much.


It discourages people to have a crack at something unless they're super geared to reduce the margin of error.


I don't care if they think it was a bug, it didn't need to be 'fixed'.

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Oh my ...


Seriously. Repair bills are nothing compared what they were 6 months ago. Most of you are clueless. Farm 1 day a week to keep 300k repair bill at bay.

And the repair bills from 6 months ago were too high. There's no good reason that a person should have to do dedicated farming of credits just for repair costs.

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Our guild was doing a few ops last night, bring up some ALT characters. It cost us more credits to get through the ops than we got in doing the ops. I feel for new players who don't have the credit backing and are trying to get their first op in for better gear. They'll go broke trying to complete their first mission and will never want to go back, just too expensive. I think you need to throttle back those charges a bit.
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the cost didn't go up. they fixed a bug. If you were using low customized gear with high level mods in it. It was charging you based on the level of the shell. The system now just accurately charges you based on the content of the gear.


So funny when people believe whatever Bioware feeds them - this was no "bug fix" and here is the proof:


Game Update 1.2 - Legacy


•Modifiable items now have repair costs based on the level of their base modification.


Before 1.2, the repair cost was about the same as it is now, as some of you might remember.

All they did is revert to what it was about 10 months ago and why they did that is anyone's guess.


P.S. the guy I quoted was just one example, there are plenty more in this thread repeating the same BS.

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