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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers healing healers


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I think you are a nub that needs to learn better teamwork and stop thinking you alone or with another bad DPS should be able to kill a healer with a guard or even a good healer by himself. let alone a good healer with a guard and heals from another, guess what you have to do then?

Not attack that guy, stun him and the tank, and move on to the other healer before their superior teamwork trumps you again.


Guess what else wins? 4really good dps that assist, are smart players (watching the debuffs/buffs of your opponent ect), and have heals can destroy any healer comp


the better team is gonna win, and you shouldn't have a iWin button because you don't like the style of play the other team has.



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Might be paranoid, but this looks like an anti-premade thread in disguise.


Aren't they all?


Of course anti premade threads are just disguises for I don't want to get better so make my opponents worse threads.

Edited by Asunasan
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not to mention healers have terrible DPS, so that can play a factor as well. Too many healers = yay we never die, but we can't burst down important targets either.


Be careful what you wish for, in non-rated WZ's.


Just last night I queued into a huttball with 3 snipers, 4 sorcerers, ana a DPS merc. We sure killed our opponents a lot, we owned middle all game. Too bad we couldn't really carry the huttball with any regularity. Got rolled 6 to 2. :)

healer dps is fine. I will easily do 100k on the commando. and I can 1v1 any idiot who separates from the pack cuz I have a mark on my head. I kinda feel bad for the tanks in this game though. they hit like wet noodles. I'm fairly confident I do more dps on my combat medic than a guardian tank does. on the downside, my healing output sucks compared to equally geared/skilled sages and scoundrels. but I love being able to free cast heal the sage while the other team tries to down him and ignores me. (usually only happens in the middle of CW)



Of course anti premade threads of just disguises for I don't want to get better so make my opponents worse threads.

bit of an aside here, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to face other groups of solo queuers in a wz. yes. there are other concerns, but "oh. they suck. and want a free ticket" is simply not true.

Edited by foxmob
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So this is my greatest problem when I am playing PVP in this game...as a DPS beating a healer is hard, u all know...but when a healer is healing a healer that is God Mode.


Now put it that other way...a WZ with 3 healers.....all healing themselves and the team. That's freaking impossible to deal with if you are not playing as a premade.


I think healers should have some kind of healing debuff as "while using this stance you get -50% healing by other players or something". What do you think? Only for PVP.


I call call this the "Healing Circle Jerk", and it is how I got my 1 million damage screenshot. Throw a CC bomb on them and kill a dps instead.

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