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Gangnam Style Dance in Swtor


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cartoons will never be cannon. there cartoons. just like games and EU books, 4,5,6 i wish i could say was the only cannon but there had to be 1.. 2.. and 3...


Well that's your opinion, but the fact is until they officially say it's non-canon, we will have to have to accept it as canon.


Back on topic, I'm alright with seeing Gungan style in the game but not Gangnam style seeing as it's not Star Wars related.

Edited by Vitas
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Since Gungan style is now a part of Star Wars canon, I think that's acceptable enough to include in the game:



Gangnam style on the other hand isn't part of Star Wars, so no.

Yeah, I posted the link to Jar Jar performing Gungan Style from Clone Wars Adventures. And they're technically the same, if we're talking about the dance.

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Yeah, I posted the link to Jar Jar performing Gungan Style from Clone Wars Adventures. And they're technically the same, if we're talking about the dance.


The dance could be slightly altered but still remain kind of the same.

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No. Dear God, no. And not just Gangnam Style idiocy, either. No fad baloney at all. Forget the fact that it was idiotic to begin with, it is out of style. That makes it even worse. That's why they shouldn't do any fad style anything. When things inevitably go out of style, they look stupid and when they look stupid in the first place, they enter the realm of idiocy.
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I guess most of you guys don't want it... I wonder what Bioware is thinking lol XD.


Maybe its a stupid idea and a waste of a time but this was my suggestion. :p

So please don't hate or get mad at me,just wanted to share my idea even though it may look realllllllllllyyy retarded.So far I like the response you all being giving me which is a straight up NO! with no bashing me involved thank you for that.


I respect your replies and opinions :D

Edited by loztchild
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