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It was mid december when 1.6 was launched. Now its nearly the middle of February and 1.7 is still not on the test server. Once on the test server it will still be 2-3 weeks before live right?


What gives? Christmas break, thats just one week off, no?


Too busy making shinies for the Cartel Market? My best guess is this is the reason and I for one find it very frustrating.

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It was mid december when 1.6 was launched. Now its nearly the middle of February and 1.7 is still not on the test server. Once on the test server it will still be 2-3 weeks before live right?


What gives? Christmas break, thats just one week off, no?


Too busy making shinies for the Cartel Market? My best guess is this is the reason and I for one find it very frustrating.

I thought break was the 2 weeks off. I mean really, Devs have families too.


But there was an update for the PTS a couple of days ago so I wouldn't be surprised if 1.7 landed in PTS next week.

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I thought break was the 2 weeks off. I mean really, Devs have families too.


But there was an update for the PTS a couple of days ago so I wouldn't be surprised if 1.7 landed in PTS next week.


What are these things called "families"?

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A while back people were saying how bioware was hiring people in Austin for testing. I am hoping that those new recruits are testing this patch so it can be pushed live without the PTS.


This has been in the back of my mind as well. While I think it would be amazing to see them just drop the update on us, I have very little faith that a few local testers will have the ability to find the things (bugs) that a few hundred can. If this is what's happening, I hope it works!

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A while back people were saying how bioware was hiring people in Austin for testing. I am hoping that those new recruits are testing this patch so it can be pushed live without the PTS.

I think that was for RotHC testing, which is of course not going to be on Public Test Server (or at least I never heard of expansion being to public test server in any game, maybe betas, but that is all).

However, I can imagine they had them test 1.7 as well


Also, since there is "just enough" content, 2-3 weeks on PTS as OP thinks is way too much. If it does not drop next week directly on live, it will be the week after.

Edited by Aries_cz
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which begs the question as to why it was not there last week?


if only we had someone who could tell us what the delay was...


Do you really believe knowing what the delay is will make anything better, make it come faster, really?

Its not like they are going to put a bullet in your head and you want to make preparations for it. :rolleyes:

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Wow some people here live in fantasy land if you think this update is is going to spend less than a minimum of 2 weeks on the PTS and think that jobs give you two weeks off for Christmas? The kiddies and teachers might get two weeks off but other than that adults either save their vacation time to use or work...
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which begs the question as to why it was not there last week?


if only we had someone who could tell us what the delay was...


Why? So we can have 4000 threads claiming the delay hails the end of the world :rolleyes: We get enough doom and gloom threads without the Devs saying anything.


Said it before and will say it again.. The days of devs commenting much on what are now vitriol forums has long gone..

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It was mid december when 1.6 was launched. Now its nearly the middle of February and 1.7 is still not on the test server. Once on the test server it will still be 2-3 weeks before live right?


What gives? Christmas break, thats just one week off, no?


Too busy making shinies for the Cartel Market? My best guess is this is the reason and I for one find it very frustrating.


Thank you so much for starting this thread. It was badly needed.


Personally, I'd like to know where 1.8 is. Clearly we were given 6 week or 9 week time frames, and it's been more than 7 weeks but less than 11 weeks since the last update, which means if we divide by 2 and carry the 1, we learn that 1.8 is actually 2 weeks late, and of course this means BioWare has been spending time internally cleaning the building, mopping floors, scrubbing carpets, and so forth. I wish they'd focus on the game rather than their new focus as a building rehab firm!


Or maybe this is all just garbage and we should just wait for 1.7. Yeah. Better idea.

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They told us in November that there would be a larger gap between 1.6 and 1.7. They haven't lied, misled, or failed us. For crying out loud people...


What reasoning did they give us for the delay? Did they say instead of six weeks it would be 11-12 weeks? There has been several updates released to the Cartel Market since 1.6 yet 1.7 can't make it out to the PTS in a reasonable time frame, i.e. 6-7 weeks to PTS and 8-9 live which would have been an extended gap.

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Or you know, they could simply add it without PTS (which is useless by they way).


After all this patch contains:


An event. Never gets on PTS.


Rep system. Hard to be some bug in there.


Minor pvp balancing. Can't be tested on PTS and was released without testing more than once.

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