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The First 6 Months of WoW were Exactly Like This! So Don't Gripe and Compare!!


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I was in WoW beta many years ago and started playing it on day one of release with several other real life friends. It was exactly like this with it's lack of interface and a lot of bugs. I remember forming a party was easy but a raid group was a nightmare. You couldn't resize your raid frames then and there were no macros to speak of. 3rd Party mods had not really been developed until about 6 months after the game was out so in the beginning it was all bare bones.


People talking about how fluid wow is compared to this game, need to go back and remember what WoW was like in the very beginning. They have had 8 years to fine tune their game and literally thousands of content patches, tweaks, hotfixes, etc have streamlined their interface, pvp, etc.


Give this game 6 months and I'm sure they are working even as I type this to make the UI better in the next few patches. 3 years from now you won't even recognize the game it is today.


I was in the WoW beta aswell, both the european, na and korean one infact. But heres the fun part, aside from the first 2 weeks of the game being completely unplayable we had very few problems on our server. Saying that just because you had a similiar experience with both games would set it in stone is just silly. Besides aside from the low FPS I'm suffering due to my poor gaming rig I've yet to experience any problems with this game.

The Early access plan was a major flop tho, a fine attempt, poorly executed.

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Only difference is, WoW release was 7 years ago, was one of the first BIG mmorpgs, and therefore didnt have many other mmo's to learn from and see what works and doesnt work.


SWTOR has had YEARS of planning, and the ability to learn from WoW and others release woes, so comparing the two at this stage is ludicrous at best.


Years of planning and years of doing are two vastly different things. tor has been the most solid mmo release iv been in in years, perhaps ever.

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********. WoW wasnt nearly as bugged or had queues that long while there were much more people logged into a server and playing.


WHAT are you talking about? In vanilla wow my server had a 2000 person queue!


Seriously, i keep seeing stuff about wow, and it keeps proving how ignorant so many are. Wow was tons worse then this to start off, the server queues, the servers going down....

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Only difference is, WoW release was 7 years ago, was one of the first BIG mmorpgs, and therefore didnt have many other mmo's to learn from and see what works and doesnt work.


SWTOR has had YEARS of planning, and the ability to learn from WoW and others release woes, so comparing the two at this stage is ludicrous at best.


WoW took many years to develop AND had 7 years to polish it.


SWTOR has not had this luxury and is still better than WoW in many respects. It's not entirely polished but that's what developers are working on still, as they should be ongoingly (MMOs will never be 100% polished, not even WoW).

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An MMO of this magnitude is going to focus on content and game mechanics and once those are playable they're going to release the game so they can stop hemorrhaging money. Then after the game is actually generating revenue they can work on fine-tuning the UI and improving all the little things. I cancelled my Wow account numerous times because of the long queues and server crashes only to come back after a few weeks.


So far I have not experienced a disconnect or a server crash. I have not waited more then 20 minutes in any queue. I'm impressed with the release so far.

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what game were you all playing?


WoW was not like this at release, at all.


It would go down on tuesday, every tuesday, like it was supposed to, and tuesdays would always been laggy, etc.



however, after starting on Day 1 with WoW on the server that was suggested for me by Blizz, I never sat in a queue, I never had the crashing issues that I get every 5 minutes with TOR, etc.


not to mention the fact that this game had 7 full days of testing from Early Access...


I don't believe you played WoW at release, sorry, but that is not true. All there servers were laggy and had queues.

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Only difference is, WoW release was 7 years ago, was one of the first BIG mmorpgs, and therefore didnt have many other mmo's to learn from and see what works and doesnt work.


SWTOR has had YEARS of planning, and the ability to learn from WoW and others release woes, so comparing the two at this stage is ludicrous at best.


So then, Bioware used the same code as WoW and designed SWTOR for use on the same hardware as WoW?


Glad to know this finally, I was confused.

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Technically there was only a few servers with large queues. The initial WoW release DIDN'T have launch day queues, primarily because they hadn't released enough boxes to do it, since they didn't expect the load. What they DID have was rampant server crashes, so there was a regular cycle of servers crashing, everyone attempting to log in (possibly crashing the login servers) and hten a small queue for the tail-end of the people.


Having played on some of the higher-pop servers, it was rare to have a queue over an hour. Most it was 15-30 minutes. None of this "3 hours" crap here.


Again, as pointed out, this is primarily due to a change in the demographic and usage, but again we know all about this.


Rift overcame similar issues and had considerably less launch issues, queueing, and quickly had server moves in. Since it's been a year since Rift's release, I view BW as being "behind the times", and as a result, it IS their fault that things are the way they are.

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inb4 blizzard gesta-



silence schwine!


Ze blizzard gestapo vil find you and punish you fer zis! Glorious fuhrer vurld of varcraft vas perfect at ze start, zee man makes lies and false propaganda!



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I don't believe you played WoW at release, sorry, but that is not true. All there servers were laggy and had queues.


yah, you're right.


your anecdotal evidence is definitely far superior to my anecdotal evidence.



other than a few individual servers that had major issues, the majority of Vanilla wow's problems all occured in the form of hyper-long extended Tuesday maintenance and very very laggy days on Tuesdays.


there were not hour+ long queues to enter the game, even on launch day, on the majority of servers. (not even close to the the TOR issue of EVERY SERVER THAT ISNT NEW HAS MASSIVE QUEUES)


and, to be honest, queues aside, the main issue i'm having is the fact that the client is buggy as all getup despite having 7 days of early access in addition to the countless hours of beta testing that happened.


the fact that I haven't been able to stay in game for longer than 12 minutes before crashing to desktop, with no causes apparent and no fixes available... is that my fault too?

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Only difference is, WoW release was 7 years ago, was one of the first BIG mmorpgs, and therefore didnt have many other mmo's to learn from and see what works and doesnt work.


SWTOR has had YEARS of planning, and the ability to learn from WoW and others release woes, so comparing the two at this stage is ludicrous at best.



All that means is that Blizz has had 7 additional years to work on the game. If BW had seven more years, then im sure it would be just as polished. Blizz had YEARS of planning with WoW too before it was launched.


SWTOR has, by far, been the most polished MMO out of the gate. If they wanted to be a complete WoW clone, im sure they could have implemented more of WoW's features. they didnt, so there isnt, end of story.

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********. WoW wasnt nearly as bugged or had queues that long while there were much more people logged into a server and playing.


You are right.



WoW crashed on the day of launch, they brought servers down for a full day *(still "launch" day) and rolled back the servers.


Not to mention the amount of bugs. WOW! It was ridiculous.


Dissapearing boats? Anybody remember that? People freaking out and trying to swim to shore! Haha.. Was actually quite funny.


There was another curse bug if I remember correctly, it affected everyone on the server. Can't remember if it was like permanant rez sickness or what. But I remember not playing until it was fixed.


Needless to say, you guys all have short memories. Bugs are going to be here no matter how much you whine about them. In every MMO.


Can't wait to see the titan forums at launch. It's going to be epic.

Edited by XOrionX
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there were not hour+ long queues to enter the game, even on launch day, on the majority of servers. (not even close to the the TOR issue of EVERY SERVER THAT ISNT NEW HAS MASSIVE QUEUES)


That is complete and utter bullcrap. WoW's launch day server queues were just as bad, if not worse.

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That is complete and utter bullcrap. WoW's launch day server queues were just as bad, if not worse.


again, i reiterate: your anecdotal evidence must be better than mine, right?



again, you ignore: BW/EA had 7 days of early access gamers playing on their release servers. Even if you argue that Beta doesn't prepare them for the influx of logins etc that occurs on a release day, the Early Access did.


Again, please understand: this game isn't WoW, because it gave itself far more opportunity to succeed on launch day than any other MMO. However, having a buggy client that crashes for tons of people without warning or reason? That's something that could have and should have been fixed before today.

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This launch is nowhere near anything like what WoW's launch was. This is easily a thousand times better.


Why is WoW's launch made irrelevant because it was 7 years ago, anyway? You can't start comparing launches (which you're doing, how else do you have a frame of reference?) then turn around and say "Oh, WoW's launch was 7 years ago" when the argument gets turned against you.


You people have weird standards. Unless it's 100% bug and lag free then WoW's launch is somehow comparable.

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again, i reiterate: your anecdotal evidence must be better than mine, right?



again, you ignore: BW/EA had 7 days of early access gamers playing on their release servers. Even if you argue that Beta doesn't prepare them for the influx of logins etc that occurs on a release day, the Early Access did.


Again, please understand: this game isn't WoW, because it gave itself far more opportunity to succeed on launch day than any other MMO. However, having a buggy client that crashes for tons of people without warning or reason? That's something that could have and should have been fixed before today.


tons of people? How many people is a ton?



I will not try to make up numbers, because I don't want discredit my post. :p


I will give my experince, albeit will differ from others. I personally have had no problems with the queues, and have logged 48 hours of playtime with absolutely no crashes. To add to that, I know I am not alone in this as I have seen many threads stating similar experiences. I can't guess as to how many people exactly or even speculate as to how much that group of people weigh in tons, however they are indeed out there.

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I had six hours queues in WoW on Doomhammer server. otherwise know as Laghammer. but that might have been because it was such a flawless launch right?


I was on Doomhammer on Day 1 too, and I remember those issues. I've been playing all week on Early access and have played a few hours so far here on SWTOR and I havn't had many issues. I'm even run an old Intel Core 2 Duo/GeForce9800 rig and havn't had any crashes. Maybe i'm just lucky, but my computer runs SWTOR on Day 1 almost as well as it runs WoW right now (admittedly, i'm sure that won't be true in large end-game Operations).


I'm sure this game has its issues, but for what it's worth, i've had much more fun on Day 1 of this game than I did on Day 1 of WoW.


I'll tell what is the same, not just with WoW, but with every game ever. There will always be a small percentage (a large number of a people, but a small overall percentage), that will find something to complain about. Some of them will be legit gripes, as people will have bugs caused by god-knows-what on their computers, but many will just be unhappy because they're impossible to please.

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what game were you all playing?


WoW was not like this at release, at all.


It would go down on tuesday, every tuesday, like it was supposed to, and tuesdays would always been laggy, etc.



however, after starting on Day 1 with WoW on the server that was suggested for me by Blizz, I never sat in a queue, I never had the crashing issues that I get every 5 minutes with TOR, etc.


not to mention the fact that this game had 7 full days of testing from Early Access...


I should ask you the same? were you on a new server with no one around but your lonely self?

When WoW launched, and every expansion as well: It was a crap fest. Disconnects left and right, ques up to three hours, and lag so horrible you'd want to play your original NES becuase it was smoother than WoW.


They may have had 7 days of testing, but they are not Blizzard. this is the FIRST MMO from Bioware. Just because you watched your mom work for 20 years doesn't mean when you go get a job you'll know how to do it all.


Works in the game industry as well.


Relax and enjoy the ride.


or you can g.t.f.o, i could care less.

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