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10 Good
  1. An MMO of this magnitude is going to focus on content and game mechanics and once those are playable they're going to release the game so they can stop hemorrhaging money. Then after the game is actually generating revenue they can work on fine-tuning the UI and improving all the little things. I cancelled my Wow account numerous times because of the long queues and server crashes only to come back after a few weeks. So far I have not experienced a disconnect or a server crash. I have not waited more then 20 minutes in any queue. I'm impressed with the release so far.
  2. $70,000 credits only $99.99 USD. Plz go website now for super funtime (Insert website to steal your identity) and give social security number and mother's maiden name and we quick send credits to U. (This post is intended for humor only and is in no way associated with the selling of any Swtor items or currency in exchange for any real world currency.)
  3. I guess you know for certain that (A) there are at least 2000 people playing Swtor, and (B) they are all on your server.
  4. It may not be temporary considering there will be a boost of new players on the 20th, then on the 25th (Christmas) then on the week of the 26th with gift card redemptions. We'll have a better idea what EA/Bioware are up against after the actual launch on the 20th. Considering they have spent $100 million so far, what's an extra $2 million to bring on 100 more servers.
  5. I'm scared for the future of society when people that were too lazy to pre-order AND register on the first day feel they are entitled to a completely different set of rules then those clearly laid out in writing.
  6. I used the same card in Beta and was playing between 15-30 fps on lowest settings. I upgraded to a AMD Radeon HD 6770 ($110) and now I'm playing on max settings at 30 fps+.
  7. How do you get everyone to honor their pre-order and put up the other $55 for the game? You give them early access for free so they can level a toon and get hooked, then cut them off cold turkey unless they buy the game. Bioware = Smart, smart like a fox.
  8. Does anyone remember the 45 minute queue times Wow had 6 years ago? Does anyone remember The Burning Crusade expansion and servers crashing left and right because everyone flooded Hellfire Peninsula at the exact same time then had to fight 10,000 players who needed to kill the same 10 boars? Bioware was brilliant with their plan to bring players in waves to allow one group to burn through the starting zones before bringing in the next group.
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