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sexy outfits


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I'd really really like to see skirts for females and shorts for males/females, dunno why they aren't in game yet


I assume you mean short skirts for females? The long variety are all some classes seem to have, absent War Hero or Security Key vendor fashions.


Not sure I'd want to see my Inqui in a Britney Spears fashion statement...

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This game needs more outfits, in general.


Then - every single current outfit needs at LEAST 10 colour options. Save the Cartel, because we "sooo" don't want to spoil their cashcow. Unless recolour kits were bought via said market? Kaching.


So I'll support more sexy outfits, providing that covers both genders and works on companions... and we can choose which varient of model we use as a female toon - the half-tops some of them look better as full tops.

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I guess if I was a loser and incapable of gaining social acceptance in real life, I could, in desperation, turn to a Star Wars game to fulfill the fantasies that I'd never know in real life.

I replaced some words but the message is still the same.


I can't agree with your view of the world.

Edited by Marmerus
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From the point of view of a fictional person living in the Empire in this universe. Slavery is a reality. The Sith rule the world, the sith practise slavery.


Sometimes it is portrayed in a very blunt way, which imo makes it rather harmless. If you want to crusade against gender inequality or slavery, there is more appropriate ways to do so then fight about it in a fictional universe. The thruth is there needs to be some places where people can live out fantasies without the constant fear of puritans and the horde of politically correct victims to come in the way.


If you truly are concerned about ethics, they are far more dangerous representations in this game then a bikini that was considered very sexy in 1980. For exemple murder lol. Count how many living creature you killed from level 1 to 50 but yea the bikini is the worse lol.

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You would.


I'm tired of the sexist agenda that they're already trying to push with the slavegirl outfits, etc. If you want to see flesh, I'm sure there's plenty of it available online.


Times were tough back in the Old Republic era. You had to do what you could.


What sort of moon logic do you operate on
It's only 11am and already I've found my quote of the day. Edited by Jnight
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LOL... whatever.


I guess if I was a loser and incapable of gaining the attention of the opposite sex in real life, I could, in desperation, turn to a Star Wars game to fulfill the fantasies that I'd never know in real life.


Sexually depraved individuals paying cash for crap like this is why EA/BioWare spends all their time on stupid outfits instead of fixing the multitude of broken things in game.


Dont you think everybody wins if a loser incapable of getting attention of the opposite sex does so in a video game instead of acting out in real life? And to be honest, not much of what is going on, sexual or not, would be going in real life anyway.


think about it

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LOL... whatever.


I guess if I was a loser and incapable of gaining the attention of the opposite sex in real life, I could, in desperation, turn to a Star Wars game to fulfill the fantasies that I'd never know in real life.


Sexually depraved individuals paying cash for crap like this is why EA/BioWare spends all their time on stupid outfits instead of fixing the multitude of broken things in game.


Is it really necessary to belittle someone to make your point?


People are free to make suggestions as to what they would like to see in game. If you don't agree, that's fine... but you don't need to attack someone personally.


My opinion on this topic is that these things are fine to sell on the CM or on the social vendor. It's all in good fun. You know, this is a game. If they want to add female-only or male-only or whatever, it's fine as long as the character's "bits and pieces" are covered.

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You would.


I'm tired of the sexist agenda that they're already trying to push with the slavegirl outfits, etc. If you want to see flesh, I'm sure there's plenty of it available online.


Seeing more skin doesn't nessacarily mean sexier or more attractive, provocative outfits can still conceal a great deal if designed correctly.


And personally, i'm all for "sexy" outfits; I dont care if male OR female tbh.


Why is it considered wrong to have sexual innuendo in any media, esp. games - but stabbing and killing countless people is a-ok? soudns like a messed up society standard to me.

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Why is it considered wrong to have sexual innuendo in any media, esp. games - but stabbing and killing countless people is a-ok? soudns like a messed up society standard to me.
Stab and Kill? No, I torture!

But breasts are bad and wrong.



Some people think its bad when violence and sex cross paths, even when it's not violent sex. Our young and impressionable minds can't see through the lines blurred by the violence and sex mix.


Censors must think we're some of the stupidest people around.

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Seeing more skin doesn't nessacarily mean sexier or more attractive, provocative outfits can still conceal a great deal if designed correctly.


And personally, i'm all for "sexy" outfits; I dont care if male OR female tbh.


Why is it considered wrong to have sexual innuendo in any media, esp. games - but stabbing and killing countless people is a-ok? soudns like a messed up society standard to me.


Right. Something like a bodysuit is not more revealing, but could be more provocative. Besides, form-fitting outfits make sense in combat. Loose material gets in the way.


BTW: how have I not chopped off my giant shoulderpads while slinging around my double-bladed saber?

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this is the one mmo that barely has any skimpy gear... and i love it. bare stomach is usually the only skin that gets shown, and low cut tops, but that's it. i'm thankful that there is less of this stupid **** in game. stick to your slave outfits, real armor should never look like that. Edited by ganondorq
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What sort of moon logic do you operate on, making a statement like that? Because it's clearly not basic human logic.


There are five revealing outfits (per faction) that can only be equipped on female characters. None that can only be equipped on male characters. Not to mention all the chest pieces where half the fabric is missing for female characters.


That's sexist, and there's no getting around it.


EDIT: It's seriously frustrating how many times I've found chest pieces that looked really cool on the icon, only for them to look completely ridiculous when previewed on my female characters.

I always marvel in amazement at these sorts of posts. I understand the desire for equality, but what I don't understand is what Game developers are supposed to do to please the female crowd.


If all the armor was made with complete equality in mind and all gear looked Identical on the females as it did on the males, (especially the heavy armor) and there were no sex requirements at all. There would be an uproar from females that their characters had ugly, non sexy outfits and they wanted some. (check almost any Elderscrolls, Fallout, or dragonage forum or mod community to see the shear number of desire for better looking (sexier) female's and gear) Giving non sexy armor in fantasy games for females causes just as much uproar as giving them sexy outfits.


This makes sense to me on a certain level. My wife likes to look pretty and I enjoy that she likes to look pretty this translates to the character she wants to play in a game. The problem is for every woman saying "stop giving us skimpy armor" there is another woman asking for skimpy armor, whether because she wants to make a promiscuous character, thinks it is sexy, or is simply looking for male attention the desire for it is there. What baffles me is that men are then called sexist and pigs for giving both options. There is the option of playing a female character in skimpy armor but there are far more options for just the opposite. There is nothing forcing anyone to play with that clothing option. The fact that so many people do play with that option is just more proof that people both male and female want that option.


That brings me to another point. There is so much talk about the inequality of male not having skimpy options with the tone that it's an inequality towards females! this baffles me. Its not like you are forced to wear a skimpy outfit. in all of the game there are 3 bikini's a total of 6 color variants in the game compared to all the gear that is not revealing at all. In the same light guys didn't even get the option to wear revealing armor and you are acting like it is a slight against females. Furthermore I have to point out that the desire for male skimpy armor is no where near the desire for the same on females. The masses both Males and Females desire "sexy" armor for female characters, whether for companions, for their gender bending characters, or for eye candy as they play with their partners. Take a look at not only this game but any fantasy game. Here find how may threads and posts are dedicated to finding sexy outfits, or getting more sexy outfits for female characters and compare that to males. Log in and count the bikini clad females (player and companion) you see, then count the shirtless males.


the simple fact is that skimpy armor is in the far minority in this game. There are very few choices if that is what you want, and many options if it isn't. However a large percentage of female characters wear it. Which tells me that it is what the people want. If you don't want it, don't wear it but saying that giving female characters additional options while giving males none is sexist against females is simply wrong.

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I always marvel in amazement at these sorts of posts. I understand the desire for equality


Apparently you understand it less than you think. It is not really about the desire for equality. It is about the gender stereotyping and (borderline) objectivication of women.

The original poster, presumably, asked for more ways to dress out female characters in the game in nothing much at all. When questions were asked about why are the only skimpy outfits for women they were dismissed in much the way as you are doing here.

I am not going to try to make a proper link but this article discusses the same issue, though in the light of superhero comics.


I know that is not a genre that is known exactly for its realistic or unstereotyped portrayal. You can read the whole article if you want, but the relevant images are about a third down where somebody drew a picture of a male hero character in an outfit that is supposedly perfectly acceptable for heroines. The fact that we feel it weird to see a men dressed that revealingly should clue us in that there is something not quite right with expecting it for females. More important though are the images about halfway down the page where side by side a male and female hero from the same comic are shown. The men are fully dressed and all practical and heroic. The women on the other hand are parading in their underwear.

The exact same thing is happening, though not so blatantly, in this game. I will make an exception to the jedi light robes, which tend to the ridiculous, but by and large for male characters the only option is the practical and armoured or at least professional look. Only for women are there options that show a lot of skin, all the way down to bits of metal clinging only to the bodyparts (can't name them explicitely as they would get censored) that must be covered to maintain the T rating.


In the end there are two mistakes being made.

One is the gender stereotype that assumes men must be covered while women must reveal themselves (as young and available, because that is what that particular style of dress signifies), but never ever the other way around.

The other is that the only definition of sexy is the one geared towards the male gaze. No attempt is made to create clothes or armour that women would feel is sexy. The thing that comes closest is the midrif baring top. The others are lingerie, which can be fun in the bedroom but not generally something you would wear in public. And no effort has been put into creating -male- clothing that women would find sexy.


The impression that is being given is that in this game the female characters are by men and for men. I know it is not the intention of the developers and that very few players indeed think of it this way, but it nevertheless is the impression.

And that is why you always get a backlash against the 'need moar sexy' posts. Not because we don't want to dress sexily (and on occasion a little provocatively), but because we want a wider range of clothing styles for women AND men. We don't want to feel like we are in this game to dress up for the manly men who do all that heroicy stuff, saving the galaxy and things.

My main character is a trooper and while in the field she is all professional and in full armour. But when she is on R&R she would like to cut loose a little. Except that the only choice is to dress like she is for rent by the hour. The same goes for the male characters, and companions. Except they don't get to do that 'somebody misplaced their slave collar' look.

It really is not all that difficult to get either. Just go to the nearest club and look around at what the men and women are wearing then try to replicate some of that with a bit more star wars feel to it. Those are the kind of clothes men and women feel are sexy without being cheap (or worse).

Also there was in another thread this link to a site or page where somebody had created images of male characters with sexy clothing that should be available in the game. I wish I had remembered to write down the link because some of the images were very good and could have served as examples how to create sexy looking clothing for men that still fit in the theme of the game and did not come across as either clueless or cheap.

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If all the armor was made with complete equality in mind and all gear looked Identical on the females as it did on the males, (especially the heavy armor) and there were no sex requirements at all. There would be an uproar from females that their characters had ugly, non sexy outfits and they wanted some. (check almost any Elderscrolls, Fallout, or dragonage forum or mod community to see the shear number of desire for better looking (sexier) female's and gear) Giving non sexy armor in fantasy games for females causes just as much uproar as giving them sexy outfits.




[Note: I'm not going to even go into portrayal of women in media with traditionally male demographics, because that's a subject I just don't have time to discuss tonight.]


Well, for starters I really like the armor available in Skyrim. The lighter types are sexy without being revealing (yes, it can work that way), and the heavier and more gender-neutral types make Lydia look very powerful.


But the armor doesn't have to look identical, as it should definitely take the character's frame into account. I don't think anyone has been asking for that. There's just no reason for the Indignation Chestguard and the Knight's Crusade Chestguard, both supposedly heavy armor, to be midriff-baring tank tops. They don't look sexy; just silly.


The same goes for a lot of medium armor, as well as the Cartel Market's Investigator Robe. Oh, yes, the Investigator Robe. That set looked extremely cool when I first saw its promotional image. Then I hit the preview button, sighed, and went on a rant about how the female version seems to be missing half its fabric. And as if it didn't look silly enough on its own, it looks completely ridiculous with the lower robe (or long skirt) going all the way down to the character's toes. It just looks bad, regardless of if I want skimpy clothing on my character or not, and it doesn't make sense for a robe to be transformed into a tank top and a long skirt.


You say that there are a whole lot more non-skimpy options, but a lot of the time the options are inferior. If I want the look associated with the Investigator's Robe, it's just not available to me. The Investigator's Robe, the Elder Exemplar's Robe, the Elder Seeker's Robe, the Elder Battlemind's Vestments, the Traditional Brocart Vestments, the Grand Inquisitor's Robe... they're all tank tops. The only option that comes close is the recently introduced Revan's Chest Plate, but it doesn't come in any of the interesting colors the other chest pieces have.


I'm not saying "remove all skimpy outfits", but rather that I don't see why non-skimpy versions of the outfits can't also be available. It could be done with a toggle, which should be added alongside a hood toggle.


That brings me to another point. There is so much talk about the inequality of male not having skimpy options with the tone that it's an inequality towards females! this baffles me. Its not like you are forced to wear a skimpy outfit. in all of the game there are 3 bikini's a total of 6 color variants in the game compared to all the gear that is not revealing at all. In the same light guys didn't even get the option to wear revealing armor and you are acting like it is a slight against females.


Inequality is inequality, regardless of who supposedly gets the short end of the stick.


And it's not just about inequality in how you are allowed to dress "yourself", but also unequal encouragement of sexual objectification.


Furthermore I have to point out that the desire for male skimpy armor is no where near the desire for the same on females. The masses both Males and Females desire "sexy" armor for female characters, whether for companions, for their gender bending characters, or for eye candy as they play with their partners. Take a look at not only this game but any fantasy game. Here find how may threads and posts are dedicated to finding sexy outfits, or getting more sexy outfits for female characters and compare that to males. Log in and count the bikini clad females (player and companion) you see, then count the shirtless males.


the simple fact is that skimpy armor is in the far minority in this game. There are very few choices if that is what you want, and many options if it isn't. However a large percentage of female characters wear it. Which tells me that it is what the people want. If you don't want it, don't wear it but saying that giving female characters additional options while giving males none is sexist against females is simply wrong.


Argumentum ad populum.


And you should neither presume to know what a majority wants, nor what I want. As I mentioned earlier in my post, I want equal options. That includes skimpy outfits for male characters and the option for female characters to wear chest pieces that adhere to the same styles as the original (male-oriented) designs.

Edited by JediMB
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It really is not all that difficult to get either. Just go to the nearest club and look around at what the men and women are wearing then try to replicate some of that with a bit more star wars feel to it. Those are the kind of clothes men and women feel are sexy without being cheap (or worse).


All they really need to do is watch Ep II and Ep III. The casino and the opera both provide plenty of shots of what "casual" or "sexy" attire looks like in the Star Wars universe.

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Apparently you understand it less than you think. It is not really about the desire for equality. It is about the gender stereotyping and (borderline) objectivication of women.



the relevant images are about a third down where somebody drew a picture of a male hero character in an outfit that is supposedly perfectly acceptable for heroines. The fact that we feel it weird to see a men dressed that revealingly should clue us in that there is something not quite right with expecting it for females. More important though are the images about halfway down the page where side by side a male and female hero from the same comic are shown. The men are fully dressed and all practical and heroic. The women on the other hand are parading in their underwear.


Seriously? In a Genre like comic books. where every single male hero is a perfectly chiseled Adonis, with muscles upon muscles that don't even exist in the human body, who's clothing is always somehow just being ripped off of them at every turn in nearly every combat scene you are saying that the objectification is on women only? Also I'm not sure where full bodysuits so skin tight every rippling muscle beneath can be seen with celerity is practical for you. But I have some gay friends that would love to visit that place.


Let me clarify something for you there is nothing wrong with seeing a man wearing revealing clothing. We didn't clear the theater when Christian Bale took his shirt off, or cringe every time a spartan came on screen in 300. There is absolutely nothing wrong with men in revealing outfits no one has a problem with it. You are showing an extreme example of a man in a pink (it shouldn't, but color does matter) outfit where he is wearing a bikini thong like bottom. That is why people find it absurd. Just like they would if he were wearing a pink frilly knee length skirt. But they wouldn't if he were wearing the same exact length skit but it was in the style of a kilt. The amount of skin showing is of no matter there. Its the style of the outfit showing the skin. That would be like me saying that men are objectified because the invisible chest shows their bare chest but underwear on women that it's perfectly practical for a man to show his chesty bits but not a woman... No, it doesn't work that way it's not about skin shown its about how skin is shown. and what we think is normal. and OK as a society.


I am 100% there for all that equality and all that good stuff but I'm sorry sometimes It feels like people want to argue it for the desire to argue it. There is no problem with Superheroes all adhering to the male gender stereotype both physically and mentally. but it's a problem if the hero is a female and there is the same cartoony objectification?


And it's not just about inequality in how you are allowed to dress "yourself", but also unequal encouragement of sexual objectification.

This seems to be the heart of your problem.


I cannot agree with this at all. While I definitely understand the problem of all women always being judged by their looks in addition to their skills while Men do not have to deal with that problem in our society. when it comes to works like this game the bar is not at the same place because everyone is a socially accepted attractive person. I pose that male characters are chosen and dressed just as much for their looks as female characters in this game. Male characters get words like cool, BAMF, awesome and the like when being described, while females get words like cute, sexy, hot, and so on. However both sets of characters are being judges based on looks. What you seem to have a problem with is that some of the clothing for females is based on what society says is sexy on a woman which is less clothing. But you don't seem to have a problem at all with the idea that men looking good is based around chiseled muscles heavy armor and strength of arm.


While I will not pretend to know the complete demographics of the game community I doubt that you can deny that the amount of body type 1/2 females and body type 2/3 males are abundant. These are the "perfect" body type and most pleasing to our eyes thanks to years of societal norms.


I'm not a woman, so I can never ever understand it from your point of view because I haven't lived it. But I do recognize that this isn't strictly a female issue, and neither is it strictly a male enforced stereotype. Like I said in my first post. If females had to be body type 3 and wear bull body armor, there would be a lot less women that would want to play this game just like if males were forced to wear bikini's and be body type 4. but its not a fault of the game. It's a fault of what we as a society find attractive on our males and females. that includes what women expect and like to see on females as well as what males like and expect to see on men.


Seriously as much as I love my no shirt, with an armored skirt outfit in GW2 I definitely know that I'm in a minority that would put a male character in such an outfit. Video game are a business and in a business you don't cater to a minority. If they added 4 more outfits for male only that were skimpy Speedo's or slave outfits like the ones linked in this thread do you think that a majority of players would put their male characters in it? Do you honestly think it would come anywhere near close to the number of people that put their females in the same outfits? Like I said The slave Leia outfit was requested day in and day out before the game was created. The players gobble up every skimpy outfit made for women, and any "BAMF" outfit made for men and ask for more. If you look at these forums and the archives from pre launch you will see many request for males to get pants... not so many for them to have slave outfits and swimwear. That is why there are none.

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Seriously? In a Genre like comic books. where every single male hero is a perfectly chiseled Adonis, with muscles upon muscles that don't even exist in the human body, who's clothing is always somehow just being ripped off of them at every turn in nearly every combat scene you are saying that the objectification is on women only? Also I'm not sure where full bodysuits so skin tight every rippling muscle beneath can be seen with celerity is practical for you. But I have some gay friends that would love to visit that place.


I'm just going to chime in and point out that male heroes are in about 99% of the cases designed as male power fantasies, and not female sexual fantasies. They're designed to look powerful, whereas female characters tend to be designed to look sexy.


Can't honestly recall ripped-off clothing being very common either, and when they were it usually wasn't in a particularly sexy way. I'll admit it's been a while since I regularly read comic books, however, as my interest more or less died after Spider-Girl (May Parker, not Araña) was permanently canceled. I'd love to catch up on Thor, though...


Let me clarify something for you there is nothing wrong with seeing a man wearing revealing clothing. We didn't clear the theater when Christian Bale took his shirt off, or cringe every time a spartan came on screen in 300.


Oh! On the subject of Batman and sexualization?


George Clooney's Batman in Batman & Robin. Although his outfit wasn't sexualized nearly as much as the average female superhero's, male fans generally loathed it. To this day, nearly 16 years later, people will still occasionally whine about the "Bat ******s".




I'll be brief, because I'm going to bed now:


1) The game does not exist in a vacuum. Encouragement of one-sided sexual objectification in the game, along with so many other works of fiction, has an effect on the mindsets of the people playing it.


2) There's something highly amusing, or maybe flattering, about what you've written... but I'm not going to say what. I will, however, point out that my main is a Powertech with body type 3.


3) Please, not the majority/minority thing again. MMOs are all about catering to minorities, or we wouldn't have so much endgame content. Statistics show that a great majority of MMO players never reach endgame, just like (as an example) 50% of Mass Effect 2 players never finished that game. The key to being successful with an MMO is in appealing to as many passionate minorities as possible, so as to generate positive word-of-mouth. (Or find a way to heavily capitalize on your cash shop, I guess.)

Edited by JediMB
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Let's see...


Xena: Warrior Princess. What did she wear? Practically nothing. Did she get flak for it? Not that I remember. It was a leather bikini, mini skirt, or leotard.


It's not just males having female avatars/companions run around in slave bikinis, and it's not just lesbians, it's straight females. Truth is, people want their game experience (generally) to be something they find appealing visually.


Video games and comic books (to go with that comic book link) are visual mediums. That's why the linked article is basically garbage. Go check the sales numbers of comics that try to fill all those complaints. They generally get cancelled for poor sales. You know, with all the "If comics did this, I'd buy it!" talk that they then cater to and then lose fans instead of gaining.


Now all that said, if they want to put in some sort of slave outfit for males, I'm all for it, just not "Oh. Slave Bikini can be used on males"


My suggestion...you have covert top, get some ripped leggings! Nope, I won't use them, but then I don't use the slave bikini either (well, I use the gloves on a few force users).

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the whole idea with female only outfits rubs me the wrong way. Why not make them like the rep and imp armor in that they just look different on male and female. And about the covert chest armor. I hate it. Why not give males some leather straps for chestarmor, or a couple of crossed gunbelts only, or a litle vest thing.
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I dress my characters how they would want to dress. I currently have five female characters; one is scantily clad, and another is semi-scantily clad.


My Jedi Sage is the semi-scantily clad one. She's body type 3, and she wears that Covert Torso Energy Armor (the invisible chestpiece that shows the grey sports bra that all females have on under their clothes). It shows off her big guns and her washboard abs nicely, without being too skimpy (just to clarify, by "big guns" I mean her arms, not her breasts). I found a skirt that's also two-toned grey (albeit with some red trim), so everything goes relatively well together.


My Sith Sorcerer wears a full slave girl bikini, for several reasons that have nothing to do with me leering at her. She has that slavery thing in her backstory, so I figure she grew up admiring that particular look. After all, generally speaking, a dancing girl is just about the upper limit of what a female slave can aspire to be in Star Wars. Grow up admiring such women, and you will develop a taste for that aesthetic.


I also designed her look around that slavery thing (despite her species); she's a Sith Pureblood with no facial jewelry. Her only jewelry is the dull grey earrings that came with her hairstyle.


She's heavy on the Light Side, so she figures that annoying her Sith colleagues gives her a psychological edge over them when she comes into conflict with them. Embracing her humble past, and reminding everyone of it by wearing the slave clothes, serves to intimidate and offend her fellow Sith. After all, this mere slave has somehow risen to be their equal, and even challenge them for their position in Empire society. How dare she! And what kind of power must she have, to accomplish this?


And then there's the fact that the slave girl outfit just looks great on her, in a purely aesthetic sense. It's little bits of gold against large expanses of her fire-engine red skin.


So, not everyone who chooses to show extra skin on a female character is doing so out of some puerile interest. Sometimes, it's just what the character would do, and not for any slatternly reasons, either.


Or, as a wise man once said, "Get Thai'd; you're talking to a tourist whose every move's among the purest. I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine."

Edited by nateslice
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