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Quitting Warzones: Working as Intended or Exploit?


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Yeah, I usually quit Warzones during the 60 seconds previous to starting the match if I see 3 or more people with less than 19k hp and 1200 expertise


This. I don't stress the health though unless its under 17k. I look at expertise and main stat. If you are pure DPS then odds are you are like me and you forsake some endurance for DPS output - or perhaps some expertise. I think I'm at a 'measly' 18600 health after endurance buff, but I keep my full 1390 expertise.


I seldom quit losing zones, but I will quit before hand for sure if I see more then two gimps.


In other news, you'll NEVER see a deserter debuff in this game. It won't work how you think it does.

Get over it, play less poorly and you won't be left to your terrible ways.

Edited by islander
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This. I don't stress the health though unless its under 17k. I look at expertise and main stat. If you are pure DPS then odds are you are like me and you forsake some endurance for DPS output - or perhaps some expertise. I think I'm at a 'measly' 18600 health after endurance buff, but I keep my full 1390 expertise.


I seldom quit losing zones, but I will quit before hand for sure if I see more then two gimps.


In other news, you'll NEVER see a deserter debuff in this game. It won't work how you think it does.

Get over it, play less poorly and you won't be left to your terrible ways.


1390 expertise? Why....

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1390 expertise? Why....


Because it reduces pvp trauma itself, decreases incoming damage, and improves damage. Compared to dropping expertise and gaining a modest amount of damage output at a cost of both inc damage and heals.


I see Maras in zones with 1800 strength and 1100 expertise. I also rip them apart in 4-6 GCDs if they are engaged with someone else. I'm firmly entrenched in the expertise camp.

Edited by islander
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I know, he should have 1396. It really depends on what class you are though, some classes do better with two set pve bonus and two set pvp bonus.


I'm a sniper, I thought 1390 was my max?


My sorc yes, I use the two set PvE bonus for the innervate CD reduction (or is it the 3 second bubble CD reduction - I forget).


My sniper is full field tech though. Where did I leave 6 expertise lying around? I've got the EWH Bracers/Belt.

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I'm a sniper, I thought 1390 was my max?


My sorc yes, I use the two set PvE bonus for the innervate CD reduction (or is it the 3 second bubble CD reduction - I forget).


My sniper is full field tech though. Where did I leave 6 expertise lying around? I've got the EWH Bracers/Belt.


EWH Relics give you +3 more to each.

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You dont need over 1300 expertise, for any class.


You should sacrifice some for pve armorings or power crystals. I run 1250 expertise myself with almost 2k cunning, 79% surge, 940 tech power, 38% crit and 20khp.


Why do people obsess over surge past 76% though, that's what I want to know. Talk about terrible RoI. I have no idea what my tech power is, I'm a marksman. Although I'm going to teach myself engineer coming up soon though, it just looks lame compared to MM.


I need to get my +10 datacron at some point, but have the rest. Also not really at EWH right now, just 2/12, close to picking up the gun.

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it says if they have left or disconnected when a player leaves the WZ.

so i totally agree with quiters getting a debuff.


Yank out the router cable, plug it back in, there you go. Faking a disconnect is the easiest thing in the world.

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Why do people obsess over surge past 76% though, that's what I want to know. Talk about terrible RoI. I have no idea what my tech power is, I'm a marksman. Although I'm going to teach myself engineer coming up soon though, it just looks lame compared to MM.


What else are you going to stack?


Power and surge enhancements from the WH Boots over the accuracy enhancements in other pieces. My crits hit a lot harder.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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What's it mean for an under-50 to gear up? And where else are new players supposed to learn to play?


I've been keeping track on my Imperial toon since I started him. I'm now level 43. In all of the losses I've played:

  • 50% had people who quit, averaging 2.25 players per game
  • One quarter of those losses were games I got pulled into late because someone quit
  • Only 25% of the losses saw the same eight players through the whole game


That's some pretty pathetic numbers.


All the same, I don't see why people see a need to defend quitting so vehemently. We all know what is going to happen. I've asked BioWare to clarify what the company's stance is on this, and NO ONE is going to respond. BioWare is as gutless as the quitters are. So, their silence is tacit approval of quitting warzones, whatever they think within their own closed ranks. BioWare is giving the quitters carte blanche to do as they please. To me, it's rather amusing given the recent notices about how they are in the process of cracking down on exploiters. On Prophecy of the Five, I've had two different people speed hacking in warzones on my side and you know what? It did not stop them from sücking one bit. They were just terrible at a faster speed.


So I guess quitting warzones because you can't own up to how bad you sück as a team player is going to be allowed. If BioWare chooses to say nothing, fine -- I'd advocate that EVERYONE quits as soon as you feel a loss is certain. Why bother letting warzones go the fully allotted time? Besides, you'll be denying the opposite faction commendations and probably some standing in the ranking system by intentionally stopping warzones before they can build some meaningful stats.


If quitting works fine for one of us, why should we bother letting a warzone go past the first minute?


I'm sure people out there have tips on when to quit and, since it will probably be endorsed by BioWare through their silence on the issue, I'll keep a list of people who quit warzones I'm in and publish their names and guild names so people who want to learn from them know who to contact.


Talk out of your rear end some more.


If youre pre-50 then it doesn't make much of a difference

Learn 2 play - Have you heard of youtube? Or the sticky threads on some forums?


To put it in a way you will understand. If you don't even know the basics of how to play, then you should be finding out first. There's NO excuse not to call incoming, check your doors, look at your nodes, use your brain - NONE.


Now trot back to the SIms.

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I don't wish to play WZs I hate. Even when backfilled. I will not stay in any Hutt Ball games and I don'T wish to be forced to play it.


Also, yes, occasionally I quit WZs. I quit when I see major incompetence. That's not to say I can't screw up, of course I can, but there's a limit to screw-ups. E.g., insta door pop in Voidstar after like 15 seconds into the round. Or losing south in the coastal game with 5 friendlies fighting 10 metres from the controls. Or being ninjad twice in a row in other control WZs.

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I don't know why there are 41 response to this thread... didn't read em.


But something that you can right click and clearly says "Leave warzone" can hardly be described as an exploit. With that same logic, queuing in a group could also be called an exploit... but we won't go there. :D

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Your call, feel free to gimp yourself.


I've considered switching out my crystal but only because I like the black/orange and black/purple ones. Then I realize in PvP I virtually never 'see' my shots.

Edited by islander
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I don't know why there are 41 response to this thread... didn't read em.


But something that you can right click and clearly says "Leave warzone" can hardly be described as an exploit. With that same logic, queuing in a group could also be called an exploit... but we won't go there. :D


Just more people claiming less expertise is better, that's all.

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I've considered switching out my crystal but only because I like the black/orange and black/purple ones. Then I realize in PvP I virtually never 'see' my shots.


Do you not get effects wit the sniper? It looks awesome with 2 different crystals on a GS.


You could probably do a lot better if you dropped some expertise and accuracy.

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One thing that would greatly halt this is if pvpers were given the OPTION of what warzone to play in. For the life of me I will never understand why PVE players get their choice of Flashpoints and Ops yet PVPers don't get the same benefit with Warzones. Why should a player be forced to play a Warzone he doesn't like? Tell Bioware to give us more options and you will see this happen a lot less. Fix this and I can guarantee you that I'll never drop out of Huttball again ;) Edited by oslek
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Question: Why would it be an exploit? What other possible reason could there be to use the "Leave Warzone" feature other than to leave the warzone? Once they do leave do you really care why?


In what way would it be an exploit? It doesn't provide the quitter with an unfair advantage in the same way that forming a premade doesn't provide an unfair advantage. You're free to leave too.


I understand you don't like quitters but trying to call it an exploit is quite a stretch.




Putting together a premade is not done at the expense of others, particularly those of your faction who would be joining with you in an under-50 warzone. In fact, if you all know what you are doing, it makes it better for the other four who wind up on your team and more of a challenge for the other side.


There certainly are valid reasons for leaving a warzone, whether something either in-game or IRL demands your attention and you need to bail.


However, leaving a warzone because you think you are too good to lose a warzone is done at the expense of others; particularly the poor sot who was at the top of the queue but got yanked into a loss to clean up your mess. In the mean time, it allows quitters the chance to gain more experience, more medals, more comms, more of everything you get from winning in a warzone if they pull a team that can carry their worthless hides.


Taking advantage of an unintended function in the game code that gives you an unfair advantage over others and that does so at the expense of others is an exploit, plain and simple.


Now, even though BioWare is going to be too gutless to admit it, I'd wager that the point of having a Leave Warzone button is not to prematurely get out of a loss. It's there, rather, for people who have legitimate reasons to quit. Yes, quitting because you don't want to lose is an illegitimate use: if the devs had intended this "feature" for how some people use it, they would have put in "mercy rules" for when one team dominates another.


But again, I'd guess that BioWare will never come out and say this practice is illegitimate, nor will they come out and say it is legitimate. With their silence on the issue, as I have said above, they are providing tacit approval for people to do this. So, again, I think we should all start quitting warzones as soon as it's obvious that your side will lose. What's the point of completing a loss? And maybe we'll all get more matches started in much shorter expanses of time -- you're losing, so everyone on your side bails within the first three minutes or you're winning, so everyone on the other side bails within the first three minutes. Wouldn't that be wonderful ... instead of these warzones that can stretch for up to 15 minutes, we be starting new ones every 3 minutes!


For those of you out there who support and defend quitting because everyone blows but you, tell me why this should not be the way warzones proceed from now on. BioWare: what do you think of players co-opting your game mechanics so that they never have a loss recorded for themselves?

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Putting together a premade is not done at the expense of others, particularly those of your faction who would be joining with you in an under-50 warzone. In fact, if you all know what you are doing, it makes it better for the other four who wind up on your team and more of a challenge for the other side.


There certainly are valid reasons for leaving a warzone, whether something either in-game or IRL demands your attention and you need to bail.


However, leaving a warzone because you think you are too good to lose a warzone is done at the expense of others; particularly the poor sot who was at the top of the queue but got yanked into a loss to clean up your mess. In the mean time, it allows quitters the chance to gain more experience, more medals, more comms, more of everything you get from winning in a warzone if they pull a team that can carry their worthless hides.


Taking advantage of an unintended function in the game code that gives you an unfair advantage over others and that does so at the expense of others is an exploit, plain and simple.


Now, even though BioWare is going to be too gutless to admit it, I'd wager that the point of having a Leave Warzone button is not to prematurely get out of a loss. It's there, rather, for people who have legitimate reasons to quit. Yes, quitting because you don't want to lose is an illegitimate use: if the devs had intended this "feature" for how some people use it, they would have put in "mercy rules" for when one team dominates another.


But again, I'd guess that BioWare will never come out and say this practice is illegitimate, nor will they come out and say it is legitimate. With their silence on the issue, as I have said above, they are providing tacit approval for people to do this. So, again, I think we should all start quitting warzones as soon as it's obvious that your side will lose. What's the point of completing a loss? And maybe we'll all get more matches started in much shorter expanses of time -- you're losing, so everyone on your side bails within the first three minutes or you're winning, so everyone on the other side bails within the first three minutes. Wouldn't that be wonderful ... instead of these warzones that can stretch for up to 15 minutes, we be starting new ones every 3 minutes!


For those of you out there who support and defend quitting because everyone blows but you, tell me why this should not be the way warzones proceed from now on. BioWare: what do you think of players co-opting your game mechanics so that they never have a loss recorded for themselves?

I pay $15 a month and in result I can use 1 months worth of play time how I please. If I choose not to waste time banging my head against a wall (aka pug vs premade) and leave/re-queue why should I be penalized? Matchmaking needs to be better, plain and simple.

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