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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf The Shadow/Assasin


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Seriously another nerf thread?


Every day i see nerf this and nerf that. How about stop being bad and learn how to play. If BW listen to all the QQ on this forum every class would have been nerfed so bad it would take 5 mins to get a kill in a warzone.


Stop being a cry baby because a good assassin who took the time to learn his class and gear up his toon beat you. Instead of crying suck it up and work hard at getting better.

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Seriously another nerf thread?


Every day i see nerf this and nerf that. How about stop being bad and learn how to play. If BW listen to all the QQ on this forum every class would have been nerfed so bad it would take 5 mins to get a kill in a warzone.


Stop being a cry baby because a good assassin who took the time to learn his class and gear up his toon beat you. Instead of crying suck it up and work hard at getting better.


Anyone who can't recognize that Kinetic Combat/Balance Hybrid Shadow is not overpowered clearly does not have an understanding of class balance, no offense. As an individual who has a Guardian and a Vanguard, I can tell you that their tank specs do not stack up in any fashion to a Shadow tank. Period.


Clearly BioWare at least recognized that Shadows/Assassins were overpowered, otherwise they would not have nerfed them consecutively by reducing their armor rating and their self-heal effectiveness. Ironically enough, Shadows are still overall more useful and better than Guardian and Vanguard tanks.


I would personally just be happy if BioWare took away their ability to deal damage and then they'd more or less be on par with the other two tanks (even if they still have stealth as well as a wealth of utility). A few tweaks and revisions is all this class really needs as the major nerfs have already happened.

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Seriously another nerf thread?


Every day i see nerf this and nerf that. How about stop being bad and learn how to play. If BW listen to all the QQ on this forum every class would have been nerfed so bad it would take 5 mins to get a kill in a warzone.


Stop being a cry baby because a good assassin who took the time to learn his class and gear up his toon beat you. Instead of crying suck it up and work hard at getting better.


Apparently learn to play means, play an OP class with top gear with 7 other OP FoTY builds...yep you sir are awesome player that probably puts on his recruit gear and plays those classes that nobody ever calls OP just to show us clueless people how its done...yeah right ...you are dismissed.

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Apparently learn to play means, play an OP class with top gear with 7 other OP FoTY builds...yep you sir are awesome player that probably puts on his recruit gear and plays those classes that nobody ever calls OP just to show us clueless people how its done...yeah right ...you are dismissed.


Oh so assassins/shadows are FOTM now, what happened to marauder/sentinels or jugg/guardians?


All everyone does in this game is whinge. I am not saying the game is balanced but most people think its not their lack of skill thats the reason they are dying but the opponents class being OP. Lets go down the WoW path where the nerf bat gets brought out every few months and classes get slowly dumbed down to a 2-3 button rotation.

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My first toon and fav is a shadow but on my 45 Tank spec Knight I beat them or fight to the wire probabaly because I know the class. Make one and see what you are up against. You will be suprised at how not op they are and how a good player playing a ranged class will destroy you. players when I get trained.
wait wait wait did i actually read this right?:eek: and all this time i thought sins counter ALL ranged DPS classes....dude if a sin losses a fight againts a merc/sorc/sniper its not that the ranged dpser was good it was because u as the sin are BAD

btw somebody pls post another nerf smash thread before more ppl see this thread!

Edited by iDraxter
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Anyone who can't recognize that Kinetic Combat/Balance Hybrid Shadow is not overpowered clearly does not have an understanding of class balance, no offense. As an individual who has a Guardian and a Vanguard, I can tell you that their tank specs do not stack up in any fashion to a Shadow tank. Period.


Clearly BioWare at least recognized that Shadows/Assassins were overpowered, otherwise they would not have nerfed them consecutively by reducing their armor rating and their self-heal effectiveness. Ironically enough, Shadows are still overall more useful and better than Guardian and Vanguard tanks.


I would personally just be happy if BioWare took away their ability to deal damage and then they'd more or less be on par with the other two tanks (even if they still have stealth as well as a wealth of utility). A few tweaks and revisions is all this class really needs as the major nerfs have already happened.


No such thing as Shadow tanks for ranked warzones. Shadows on good ranked teams are relegated to either guarding nodes or trying to take the enemy nodes. People wouldn't even consider using Shadows to main tank in ranked unless they can't get a Guardian to main tank. Even then, they probably just won't queue for ranked. So I believe most would disagree with you that Shadow main tank is better than a Guardian main tank. Funny thing about that too... how many ranked teams bring a Shadow to be main dps over a Guardian smasher? Yeah, Shadow is CLEARLY the class that is overpowered here.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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I am sick of loosing warzones because the shadow/assasins are in the other team. They are invizible tanks with the best and most CC they have huge damage , even with range (one might think they are melee but no), and kill you in 2 seconds...maybe 3 if they are completly retarded. And dont even get me started about that burst of speed they use to run away with the huttball or when they feel they might loose the battle to the 3 guys that didnt go down in 5 seconds. It make me want to vomit when i see them. I know every MMO must have noob classes with press to win button but shadow/assasins must be seriously nerfed before they kill pvp gameplay


Me being a SIns i can not in full warhero kill a person in full warhero 3 sec. I can how ever kill a recruit gear person very fast. Good news to the op the devs are aware of this and will fix all classes nuking recruit geared players witha gear update. It takes a lot longer to kill a geared player trust me i been pvping on a sin since this game was launched.


Let me give you some good tips sin/shadow glowing it's a bad time to cc mean you just wasted your CC. Kit a shadow/sin it makes it harder for you to be killed. don't stand there and take it LOS the sin/shadow if you are not doing this with any class your dead because your a target.


What happening to you is your going against better pvpers and there ****** you with optimized gear for max damage. Any class can do that it just making your stats do optimal damage.

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No such thing as Shadow tanks for ranked warzones. Shadows on good ranked teams are relegated to either guarding nodes or trying to take the enemy nodes. People wouldn't even consider using Shadows to main tank in ranked unless they can't get a Guardian to main tank. Even then, they probably just won't queue for ranked. So I believe most would disagree with you that Shadow main tank is better than a Guardian main tank. Funny thing about that too... how many ranked teams bring a Shadow to be main dps over a Guardian smasher? Yeah, Shadow is CLEARLY the class that is overpowered here.


Clearly us shadows are the over powered class. I have a jugg tank and an assassin tank. All of this quote is correct. I love my assassin but I wouldn't choose myself to main tank over a jugg. That's not a very smart thing to do. How many good warriors/knights do you people see? How many good troopers/hunters? How many good assassins/shadows do you see? Not many because this class is harder to play. If you play and study the numbers well, you get a good result out of fights between other classes. People complain about a class they haven't even played. The person who made this thread is pathetic. You get whooped by an assassin and you hit the forums to complain. I get smoked by a class and I research strengths and weaknesses to make sure I'm ready for the next encounter. You want to complain to devs to change things because you can't beat them. Just unsub, you're attempt at trolling was somewhat successful.

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Assasin is strongest class , they are tough .They require a lot of experience , effort to be played good. I cant say they are op because a bad player wont win just by playing an assasin. Edited by kijthae
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This is just silly. Shadows have already been nerfed considerably. Stop QQ and learn how to PvP

That doesn't mean learn your class that means learn other classes as well so you know how to counter them. Stop wasting your time crying on the forums and go back to PvP and get some actual PvP experience.

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Shadows were highly buffed when Force speed CD was changed from 30 s to 20 s.


Force speed must be adjusted like operatives have: +50% speed over 6 sec, 1 min CD. And yes, must break stealth.


Stop. Seriously just stop.

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I play an assassin, this AC have so much tools to control the target compared to other classes, when I play my marauder what I can do? 6sec mezz which breaks on damage and force choke which is channeled and can be interrupted... As an assassin I can:


Sap - 8sec mezz

Spike from stealth(DPS, tanks can use out of stealth) 1.5sec stun

Whirlwind another 8sec mezz

Electrocute 4sec stun

Low slash 4sec mezz

Pull(tank tree)


Assassin/Shadow it's the AC that have more target control than the others.

I tested with a guildmate, I used Spike as a opener and waited 2sec until he get up(has a delay between the stun finish and your character be able to be controlled), I used Low Slash and his resolve was not FULL, I used electrocute to full his resolve.. So, I can damage him when his on 1.5sec stun, 1GCD breaking low slash PLUS 4sec using electrocute.

It's a lot of time controlled by 1 player until the resolve be full.

I'm full war hero BiS using MH and OH EWH BiS, I can kill a target in 3 GCD plus controlling him. It's pretty unbalanced compared to ther other AC's.


Plus Snipers need a nerf on instant root, Entrench cooldown, Flash Bang down to 6sec(it's an AOE mezz).

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Here's what we don't have:

Marauder/jugg smash

Jugg tank

Op heals

Sniper 30m dps

Bubble stun

Powertech 10m dps


In other words, 6 out of 7 of the other advanced classes are more desirable in the current game

L2p and /thread

Edited by JP_Legatus
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make one. learn to counter, learn to play.

if(op.isTroll()) score = 0;


Good advice! That is what I do, it makes me much more well rounded and a better player. Not to mention experiencing the other class stories as well.


I will agree a well played shadow/sin is hard to take down, but the amount I run into that actually are quite good is very low indeed. Like somebody else said in this thread. No, need to nerf an entire class because someone is better than you.


P.S. My main is a vanguard so don't even try to say how I only critisize because I play a shadow/sin...

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I play an assassin, this AC have so much tools to control the target compared to other classes, when I play my marauder what I can do? 6sec mezz which breaks on damage and force choke which is channeled and can be interrupted... As an assassin I can:


Sap - 8sec mezz

Spike from stealth(DPS, tanks can use out of stealth) 1.5sec stun

Whirlwind another 8sec mezz

Electrocute 4sec stun

Low slash 4sec mezz

Pull(tank tree)


Assassin/Shadow it's the AC that have more target control than the others.

I tested with a guildmate, I used Spike as a opener and waited 2sec until he get up(has a delay between the stun finish and your character be able to be controlled), I used Low Slash and his resolve was not FULL, I used electrocute to full his resolve.. So, I can damage him when his on 1.5sec stun, 1GCD breaking low slash PLUS 4sec using electrocute.

It's a lot of time controlled by 1 player until the resolve be full.

I'm full war hero BiS using MH and OH EWH BiS, I can kill a target in 3 GCD plus controlling him. It's pretty unbalanced compared to ther other AC's.


Plus Snipers need a nerf on instant root, Entrench cooldown, Flash Bang down to 6sec(it's an AOE mezz).


That's nice that we have so much control, and is the reason we are the kings of small scale encounters. Shadows would probably be amazing if this game had arena. Fact is though, 1v1ing someone, we have so many ways to control someone, but can only use so many of those CCs until someone's resolve is full. In Kinetic/Infil you can use 3 CCs until someone's resolve fills in a 1v1. We'd be a lot more powerful if resolve did not exist. Shadow is all about control. However, in large group combat, which is what warzones are mostly about, other classes can do better dps than us(Guardian, Sentinel, Vanguard). Other classes can tank better than us(Guardian/Juggernaut). Our niche is in small scale encounters and controlling the enemy in those small scale encounters.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Why do people always want to nerf ACs?

I play 4 ACs and I feel they are all viable to certain extents.


There are certainly things I feel should be done to buff certain ACs, but definitely not nerf others.


The only thing that is irritating for me is bubble stun, but that's mainly implemented to counter smash.

Overall, the mechanics now are fine.

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