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Sorc self healing in pvp leaves team minus players


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I always make a note of the name of whichever healer spam heals either myself or other team-mates before the wz has even started, they don't get my mvp vote.


I always vote for the player who has contributed most to the actual objectives rather than heals/damage/kills.


1) Those heals don't count toward healing in the scoreboard.

2) Scoundrels / Ops do it to generate Upper Hand / Tactical Advantage procs, which is how they keep you alive when the fight starts. Starting with 3 stacks is much better than showing up with 0.

3) Commandos / Mercs do it to generate charges, which is how they keep you alive.

4) You should note of how classes work instead.

Edited by ebado
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I would just vote kick them if they are standing in a corner and not playing the objective. If it's sorc that's doing it while guarding a node, I usually just start healing them up too lol. They get ticked and start running away or throwing out insults. But if they get to pad their stats and get extra medals, why shouldn't I be able to as well.
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Not much brightens my day as finding a sorc doing this when im playing my dps scoundrel or shadow.


catch them self hurting at node, 2 shot them, take node.


If they are dumb enough to be doing this while solo guarding they deserve it. I just feel bad for the other 7 people who get to take an auto-loss.

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Ended up with 12 medals and a bunch of MVP votes


You're just bad. I bet this "healer" got more medals than you?


I'm calling you out. You're either trolling, an idiot, or simply don't know anything about this game.


Even if you could spam enough heals on yourself, in the end you'll only get around FOUR medals from the healing itself. 2.5k single, 5k single, 75k total, 300k total. Did I miss anything there?


QQing simply to QQ.



Can I haz your credits before the /ragequit? THANK YOU!

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You're just bad. I bet this "healer" got more medals than you?


I'm calling you out. You're either trolling, an idiot, or simply don't know anything about this game.


Even if you could spam enough heals on yourself, in the end you'll only get around FOUR medals from the healing itself. 2.5k single, 5k single, 75k total, 300k total. Did I miss anything there?


QQing simply to QQ.



Can I haz your credits before the /ragequit? THANK YOU!



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Agreed giving up 15% of your health to gain 8% of your resources is WAY OVERPOWERED! Nerf that ability now. Force Sorcerers to have an ability that gives free resources like vent heat or adrenaline probe, without getting to give themselves so much damage.


This is completely not fair. The only other class that can hurt themselves like that is forced to gain such a good reward with 99% damage reduction, that they don't just spam the ability, but save it for when it is useful. Sorcerers get to give up a huge chunk of health and their reward is reduced resource regeneration, so none ever like to use it in combat. The only use for the ability is to farm medals in a already lost match. NERF!

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Pro-tip: Scoundrels and Commandos can do this crap too. Just remove a bunch of your armor and put it back on again really quick. Boom: a big pile of empty health bar to heal up.


By the way, it is absolutely hilarious to watch a sorc try to heal medal farm at the end of a lost match while another healer is healing them!

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that is why you play as a sorc and friendly pull him into the melee so he cant run away




you play a healer and you heal him so he cant heal himself, he will get pissed.


Hmm. Hadn't thought of the first one. The 2nd one is funny.


Not sure why the sage/sorc does it though. I know when I play my healer, I find plenty of things to spam my heals on. If wanted to heal myself; least I could do is get the attention of a couple DPS to chase me around the entire match. That's pretty much what most PUG feel like when I play a healer. I feel like what I imagine the most popular girl in the schoolyard in 1st grade felt like.

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I've never seen a sorc/sage intentionally leave battle just to boost self-heals in some corner so I don't consider it to be a problem. Who cares if the sage/sorc who is left on guard duty, and actually does something, self-heals.The mvp voting system is pointless anyway.


I do, because when I am in the spawn area deciding which direction to go, I look at the guard's health. If it is moving, I assume they need help and go there. Oooops, nope, no enemies here, and now we are short one more person at the node we are actually fighting over. It is as detrimental to the team as someone going for a 3 cap.


Plus, leaving a healer to solo guard is usually a major fail anyway, unless you have an abundance of healers, or the game is already decided. If I get stuck guarding on my sage while the WZ is on the line, I will announce "healer guarding" in ops chat, and give the team about 30s to send a relief. If no relief comes, that node is going to be undefended.

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I always make a note of the name of whichever healer spam heals either myself or other team-mates before the wz has even started, they don't get my mvp vote.


I always vote for the player who has contributed most to the actual objectives rather than heals/damage/kills.


1. you know those heals don't count toward anything, right?

2. you know that troopers/mercs need to spam heal to build stacks for supercharger before the fight, right?

3. you know that healers make sure to heal everyone in the ops so that everyone knows who the healers are, so that tanks will guard them, and so that dps know they won't be standing around guarding nodes when there's a pitched battle elsewhere.


if you can answer yes to any of those questions, then I sure hope that blanket statement doesn't apply to those situations. and if you couldn't, now you know, and knowing is half the battle.


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If i run out of force in long battles (which is obv bad play by me) i do exactly that, i check if we have enough people around to hold the node for a bit, go behind a corner and noble sacrifice myself like 5 times in a row.


If someone calls me bad for running out of force that's a fair assesment, but once i'm there it's really the smart thing to do imo, it's very difficult to get your force back up in the middle of a fight.

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I do, because when I am in the spawn area deciding which direction to go, I look at the guard's health. If it is moving, I assume they need help and go there. Oooops, nope, no enemies here, and now we are short one more person at the node we are actually fighting over. It is as detrimental to the team as someone going for a 3 cap.


Plus, leaving a healer to solo guard is usually a major fail anyway, unless you have an abundance of healers, or the game is already decided. If I get stuck guarding on my sage while the WZ is on the line, I will announce "healer guarding" in ops chat, and give the team about 30s to send a relief. If no relief comes, that node is going to be undefended.




While I won't leave a node undefended, I am not above continually reminding (okay, spamming) the ops channel that I'm a healer, doing guard duty. And nine times out of ten, it's because some goofball (not the word I would use, but the alternative would likely get me banned from the forums) assassin or juggernaut zooms to the node, caps it, and then sprints away to the center. This is yet another reason I never do Civil War anymore.


I throw bubbles out like they're going out of style, and I am used to being the target of gangland-style focus fire. And that's fine - in the enemy's shoes, I do the same. Self-wounding just for a medal or two seems, well, sort of infantile (although if I get damaged by someone else, I see nothing wrong with healing myself). Even when I'm in DPS spec, I'm near the top of heals just for bubbles and the occasional desperate heal to keep someone else alive (when and if a dedicated healer is not near the action).


Yeah, I'd vote to kick some dork just standing off in a corner healing himself, though I don't think you can kick someone out of a warzone who's not AFK (I could be wrong, I am not sure about this).

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As a stealthy I love when sorcs do this, just makes them even squishier. I may not take the node and I may die after by the other enemies guarding, but its fun to jump them and watch them die super fast.


I have even seen team mates let the sorc die because they are annoyed with them doing that and then after I have killed the sorc they start attacking me.

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Plus, leaving a healer to solo guard is usually a major fail anyway, unless you have an abundance of healers, or the game is already decided. If I get stuck guarding on my sage while the WZ is on the line, I will announce "healer guarding" in ops chat, and give the team about 30s to send a relief. If no relief comes, that node is going to be undefended.

I've announced that, as a sage/sorc healer, a million times and no one cares in pugs. They think it's better that the stealthers zerg while the healer guards.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Usually they all care. As long as somebody else is the one doing it. I'll announce a bubble stun healer is solo guarding, and 3-4 different people will tell somebody to go guard because they need heals. Of course none of them volunteer to actually do it themselves.
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Don't you have to be damaged to get a heal? Also, the medals for healing are very spaced out, it's not an efficient way to get medals. I do heal myself as maybe the 2nd or 3rd priority. I run around a lot so as not to be targeted, now, when I get away, do I heal myself or get back into position to heal others, that's a judgement call.
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Don't you have to be damaged to get a heal? Also, the medals for healing are very spaced out, it's not an efficient way to get medals. I do heal myself as maybe the 2nd or 3rd priority. I run around a lot so as not to be targeted, now, when I get away, do I heal myself or get back into position to heal others, that's a judgement call.


as a sage you can use noble sacrifice to damage yourself then heal back up. Its really annoying when a node guard does it because everyone who is paying attention thinks he's under attack.

Edited by sanchito
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as a sage you can use noble sacrifice to damage yourself then heal back up. Its really annoying when a node guard does it because everyone who is paying attention thinks he's under attack.


Once again, any sage, scoundrel or commando can do this crap. Doesn't even need to be heal spec. Just remove some armor and put it back on, then use your big heal that your class gets as baseline. Usually you'll get the 2.5k, 5k and 75k medals.

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Once again, any sage, scoundrel or commando can do this crap. Doesn't even need to be heal spec. Just remove some armor and put it back on, then use your big heal that your class gets as baseline. Usually you'll get the 2.5k, 5k and 75k medals.




On my DPS sorc, I can get all those medals just by applying bubbles to teammates and using a self heal once in awhile. Way less boring than standing around hurt/healing myself.


If you end up backfilling for a team that is moments away from losing the WZ, then I can see doing this to try and score a quick medal or two, to make up for getting dragged out of the queue for an auto-loss. Otherwise, it's pretty lame (resource builders aside, of course) and a good use of the vote-kick system is an easy fix.

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I was under the impression those heals do not amount to the match's total heals.


Those heals (before the match starts) don't count towards the match totals. But you should NOT hold that against them, they are not doing it for "nothing". They are doing it to let everyone know they are a healer, to build stacks of whatever, to let the tanks know who to guard, if it's a sage and he drops an AOE heal you know he won't be spamming bubble stuns etc. There are lot of reasons people spam heals at the beginning of a match, that have nothing to do with medals/totals.

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I use it when I run out of force, and that DOES happen from time to time in long and heavy duty battles. I generally will drop a heal bubble on the ground around me first though, then sac down and get at least half my force back. The heal bubble tops me off, and I continue healing.


When I'm stuck at a node guarding, I will sac down and pop heals till I crit to get the 2.5k and 5k medals. I generally only do that if I'm playing dps spec though. I get those medals pretty easily if I'm playing healer spec.

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Ow how much i hate to see people doing this :mad: Sometimes i heal them myself to piss'em off.


Sorc of this kind guarding is a yummy for any stealther or even non-stealther. I bet they don't call incs as well, since both of these are counter-team play.


Please, stop making everyone think, that sorcs are selfish brainless idiots in majority.


PS: didn't see much of this behaviour recently though, but maybe i'm just lucky.

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I use it when I run out of force, and that DOES happen from time to time in long and heavy duty battles. I generally will drop a heal bubble on the ground around me first though, then sac down and get at least half my force back. The heal bubble tops me off, and I continue healing.


When I'm stuck at a node guarding, I will sac down and pop heals till I crit to get the 2.5k and 5k medals. I generally only do that if I'm playing dps spec though. I get those medals pretty easily if I'm playing healer spec.


sacrificing health for force is mechanic of sorcerer class and it's ok to sac health exactly for force, but not for medals while you guard a node or even worse sit at spawn area (i would kick those *********** asses) :mad:

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and this is when I sneak up on them with my operative and when they are close to zero hp--> hidden strike, thanks for the free cap.


yeah, i always imagine hordes of stealthers willing to kill him and just waiting when his health will be low enough. I wish i could kill him myself. Friend of mine told me how she ninja-capped node in alderaan on her... wait for it... vanguard! :D:D Guard, as you may assume, was the sorcerer of this kind. You know, he was too busy to pay attention to what he was supposed to be guarding :D:D She could have also killed him first, but capping first was much funnier i admit :)

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