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Thanks Bioware for the Hidden God Class


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Well I love seeing the forums every morning filled with Smash complaints, and frankly I'm okay with it, because I know they won't even touch my Gunslinger, So yes people. Keep on with the QQ, cause some people don't even know how scary a min-maxed Gunslinger or Operative can be. 6k in an AoE? No problem, pop Hunker Down > Eat the Smash > Proceed to kill the Guardian/Juggernaut. Have a fantastic day. :)
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I run Carnage, but I've never had an issue against Sniper/'slinger. I don't think it's the counter matchup some people think it is.


They work quite well against focus/rage knights/warriors, but combat/carnage is kind of a "counter" spec against slingers/snipers thanks to that talent, which breaks all moving impairment effects on force camouflage.

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Never said Gunslinger was the counter to everything. I just enjoy it because I can kill most classes :D

We are a solid PVP/PVE Class. Balanced in every way. We can hold our own in most things. Utility, Damage, and with some specs mobility. Bioware did this class right and I'm grateful for it. Plus I do have some trouble with Carnage Marauders :o

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Well I love seeing the forums every morning filled with Smash complaints, and frankly I'm okay with it, because I know they won't even touch my Gunslinger, So yes people. Keep on with the QQ, cause some people don't even know how scary a min-maxed Gunslinger or Operative can be. 6k in an AoE? No problem, pop Hunker Down > Eat the Smash > Proceed to kill the Guardian/Juggernaut. Have a fantastic day. :)


im scared ;( snif*, wher is my hole to crawl to ? :(

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While us Gunslingers are not the god class for sure we sure can turn the tide in a WZ. One thing to remember is that while most of the heavy ranged dps classes have a very visible attack we really don't. It's very easy to trace the source of the lighting for example in the fog of battle we hit hard and it's not very obvious. Against a good team i get jumped by smash monkeys more than one in most cases and go down quick but against pugs i can sit on a door in voidstar and kill 40 or more in a match and no one does anything. i can just imagine them thinking what the hell is killing me LOL. Edited by arvins
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While us Gunslingers are not the god class for sure we sure can turn the tide in a WZ. One thing to remember is that while most of the heavy ranged dps classes have a very visible attack we really don't. It's very easy to trace the source of the lighting for example in the fog of battle we hit hard and it's not very obvious. Against a good team i get jumped by smash monkeys more than one in most cases and go down quick but against pugs i can sit on a door in voidstar and kill 40 or more in a match and no one does anything. i can just imagine them thinking what the hell is killing me LOL.


I don't have to see your attacks, your red cover screen is rather obvious.

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Well I love seeing the forums every morning filled with Smash complaints, and frankly I'm okay with it, because I know they won't even touch my Gunslinger, So yes people. Keep on with the QQ, cause some people don't even know how scary a min-maxed Gunslinger or Operative can be. 6k in an AoE? No problem, pop Hunker Down > Eat the Smash > Proceed to kill the Guardian/Juggernaut. Have a fantastic day. :)


This must be some troll thread - agents are a god class?

Probably a smashmonkey who is upset that he can't jump to cover. :p

Gunslingers/Snipers are as balanced as every class should be, Operatives are weak as dps and strong as healers.

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They are very balanced. I played a GS for a while and got bored and made an assassin. Those GS's are tough. And Saboteur/engineering is nasty. Everyone wants to be MM/SS Go saboteur and know how to use it? wow. Its like a tankslinger with tons of utility and cc. Try capping a node with a saboteur GS alive at the node. Just try. 18 second AOE that has an 18 second cooldown = node safe as long as slinger is alive.
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Lol, 1 on 1's = balance.


Lol have you ever been in a WZ with more than 4 SS Specced Gunslingers? Granted we didn't kill healers cause that's what the Vanguards did for us, but we definitely took down the Rage Juggs. It's good when every range class focus fires on one person. All it takes is coordination, and really pugs do help focus fire with me so we can take down stuff a lot quicker :cool: I don't think however we have the best tools for 1 v 1, but we still have them :D

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Gunslingers are a decent class, but they have their counters to, not hard to kill one with a sage if you play peekabo and dot them. If you meet them in the open field its a different story, you can't beat them in a dps race but you can kill them easily if you LOS and dot them up. Good class though.
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