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Same gender romance discussion


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So, playing through Shadow of Revan for the first time. I'm really enjoying the Lana flirts, but I'm really glad they are updating her model for Fallen Empire. That said, I really hope we get more options in KotFE. I don't want all my toons to do the same romance option.


Same....although I am yet to finish the shadow of Revan expansion.

As for the same romance - it might actually be interesting to see the difference when romanced by force user and non force user....even LS/DS & Jedi/Sith if they choose to make them so different.....probably wishful thinking the latter but....

...is there a pic for her (Lana's) updated model or is it only words so far btw?

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Same....although I am yet to finish the shadow of Revan expansion.

As for the same romance - it might actually be interesting to see the difference when romanced by force user and non force user....even LS/DS & Jedi/Sith if they choose to make them so different.....probably wishful thinking the latter but....

...is there a pic for her (Lana's) updated model or is it only words so far btw?


Massively posted an article with a bunch of in-game screenshots the day of Gamescom. You can also google "SWTOR EA press site" and it'll have stuff there.

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So is there any word as whether or not there will be SGR in KotFE?


The flirts in everything post-RotHC, faction restricted "light" romances on Makeb, and playersexual Lana and Theron make me hopeful, but I'm always worried in the back of my mind that we'll be disappointed.


Even though it is YEARS later, having genuine SGRs would be so great. *fingers crossed*

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There probably will be, considering that Lana's been confirmed to be a companion and Theron seems a shoe-in, but Bioware has still said almost nothing about how companions are going to work in the expansion.


But is it naive to think that KotFE should give us... wait for it... "a new hope?" ;)

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But is it naive to think that KotFE should give us... wait for it... "a new hope?" ;)


Nah KoTFE will be great and it will be everything we expect it to be and more! :D


....but seriously it will be great...new story that is planned to be updated regularly.....oh October is too far away!

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There were some companion specific things that were said, but nothing SGR related.


1) Not all of our old companions will be companions, but they will all come back in one form or another. (They said "Fictionally, we're going to mess with them all." (not exact wording).)


2) Our companions will all be able to fill all three roles (dps, healing, tank) depending on what we need. A bit like Treek, I suppose.


3) Companion stats have been un-tied from their gear, they will now depend on the PC's stats... But we will still be able to customise their look and what they're wearing.


4) They're making sure we don't lose anything. So affection levels will still matter somehow.



T7 is confirmed as a companion. We also caught a glimpse of Kira and Doc on the JK's ship in the final video they showed.


HK-55 made an appearence... "Declaraction: meatbags can't fly."


They've also confirmed Lana as a companion (not that we didn't already know that), and that she is indeed Dark Side.


Edited by Zandilar
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Essentially, all companions (Story related, not Optional ones) will be making various appearances throughout the chapters and you may meet ones from other classes and have the choice to Take, Kill, or tell them to F**k off.
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Their silence on this issue is worrying. If Lana is a DS romance, Senya had better be a SGR option...


Senya sounds pretty DS, too, going by her story blurb on the main website describing her as having nothing left to live for but vengeance after losing everything.

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Nothing says they have to make the female companions light sided :p


No, but I'm in the situation where all my unattached female characters are LS. If the only SGR options are DS characters then I'll take them since, like many people, I've been waiting since launch for companion SGR. This expansion is the main reason I've come back to the game after a very long hiatus, and the chance of finally getting companion SGR sounds great.


My issue will be taking approval hits almost constantly because my characters are actually.... Oh, I don't know, nice? :p


And then, as someone mentioned previously, you have the fact that only having evil/psychotic/depraved/dark characters available for SGR is problematic. It sort of sends a message that you can't be a happy, normal, well-adjusted person while also being attracted to the same gender.


What was the Trope? Depraved Bisexual? I find it overused and annoying.


Anyway, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm not looking for a lengthy forum debate on the issue. I just hope that, when KOTFE launches, people will have options that they are happy with :)

Edited by CharmerLeonhart
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Senya sounds pretty DS, too, going by her story blurb on the main website describing her as having nothing left to live for but vengeance after losing everything.


She sounds more neutral to me, but I see where you're coming from. I only caught on to the part where she "upheld the law". We know next to nothing about her though, so maybe you're right.

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Senya sounds pretty DS, too, going by her story blurb on the main website describing her as having nothing left to live for but vengeance after losing everything.


Do not confuse bitterness for evil.


I'm disappointed Lana is leaning purely DS and less pragmatic than she was. It seems like companions will just peace out if they don't like your modus operandi, so she'll just leave or force the player to kill her rather than be redeemed.

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I don't suppose companion gifts could negate all that?


Or, is influence running alongside or replacing affection now, and thus gifts are worthless?


Well, if gifts still work as they do now - sure. You'll be able to compensate for disapproval that way... But does that really "fix" the problem? No. Not in my opinion anyway.


As I think I've mentioned before in this thread (and probably also elsewhere), my LS ladies are tolerant. To a point.


For example...



On Ziost, Lana suggests taking apart a Jedi's brain to see if they can work out how the Emperor manages to get his tendrils in. My Operative and SW both said absolutely not! And that suggestion may well affect their future relationship with Lana, especially if Lana isn't backwards in making those sorts of suggestions in the future.



There will come a point where I can't justify them ignoring Lana's more DS inclinations, and both of them will go - you know what Lana? Sometimes you're needlessly cruel, and thus I don't think it'll work for us in the long term.


I want my ladies to be happy, and not have to turn a blind eye to acts that would sicken them in order to continue the romance. Thus I would much prefer either a) the ability to influence Lana away from the dark side, or b) another choice than just Lana, one who is either LS or grey (and preferably more than one alternative).

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There will come a point where I can't justify them ignoring Lana's more DS inclinations, and both of them will go - you know what Lana? Sometimes you're needlessly cruel, and thus I don't think it'll work for us in the long term.


I want my ladies to be happy, and not have to turn a blind eye to acts that would sicken them in order to continue the romance. Thus I would much prefer either a) the ability to influence Lana away from the dark side, or b) another choice than just Lana, one who is either LS or grey (and preferably more than one alternative).




I don't even like Lana that much. But because there's been such an outcry of "You can't make existing companions bi! How dare you!" It wouldn't surprise me if they chickened out again and said "Here's your only option, have her. Hope you like her. And if not, too bad!"


And I can see them doing the same thing with Theron if he's made the cut. "Oh what? You're a Darkside male who he can't stand? Too bad. he's your only SGR. deal with it."


I don't mean to sound cynical, but you know... :p heh

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I don't have high hopes of seeing much of Theron in KOFTE what with Lana front and centre in all the promos. It also made me laugh that the first female companion the game threw at my gay JK (Kira) showed up in the livestream yesterday.


I still don't get how these new companions will work exactly and I've been trying to read up on as much as is available. It doesn't sound as if they're changing any LV1-50 stuff though which is kinda disappointing but who knows what might happen? I just wish it was October already so I'd just know everything. The speculation is giving me a headache.

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I don't even like Lana that much. But because there's been such an outcry of "You can't make existing companions bi! How dare you!" It wouldn't surprise me if they chickened out again and said "Here's your only option, have her. Hope you like her. And if not, too bad!"


And I can see them doing the same thing with Theron if he's made the cut. "Oh what? You're a Darkside male who he can't stand? Too bad. he's your only SGR. deal with it."


I don't mean to sound cynical, but you know... :p heh


I wouldn't consider Theron LS. Agreeing with him in some cases is DS.



For example, on Rakata Prime, electrocuting the Infinite Soldiers while they're still unconscious in order to prevent the Empire from gaining the data is a DS action. Also, on Yavin making the perimeter sensors give information on the Empire is a DS choice.



While I was still playing FA/Rishi/Yavin, Lana struck me as Empire LS - basically a patriot who will do whatever is needed to make the Empire safe but would stop short of anything overtly evil, along the lines of LS Imperial PCs... I kind of dismissed her obvious DS corruption as just something Bioware did to make her "look cool"... But it's clear from Ziost, what I've seen of KotFE, and what was said today at the livestream, that I was wrong. Worse than wrong, I think I was in denial.


I like Lana, and aspects of her romance are so very sweet (particularly the end of Ziost)... But if she's going to be properly DS, then I just... ugh.


I guess asking for more options (or even just moral flexibility in our love interests) is too much, right? Bah. I want to stick around for KotFE but this is seriously making me have second thoughts.


(And Bioware, (not that you're reading this thread) is this seriously your message? That bisexuals are evil and/or crazy?)


(Well, Lemda Avesta wasn't either of those, but she was cold, aloof, and distant, and remained so the entire time. Could not even be bothered writing to the PC in person after... Maybe you could surprise us and bring her back, but this time give her a little better characterisation? I mean, I did like her... enough... ugh.)

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I don't have high hopes of seeing much of Theron in KOFTE what with Lana front and centre in all the promos. It also made me laugh that the first female companion the game threw at my gay JK (Kira) showed up in the livestream yesterday.


I really, really hope he is a companion and romance option. It would be great to have been able to sort of "plant the seeds" of that romance in SoR, and would avoid the pitfalls of people complaining about making existing companions bisexual.


That said, I would really like to see some of the existing companions given "Kaidan moments" lol. Some would actually make a lot of sense: e.g. already ambiguously gay Talos Drellik.


I was disappointed that they didn't full on confirm SGR in the steam last night :/ but fingers crossed.

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I'm disappointed Lana is leaning purely DS and less pragmatic than she was. It seems like companions will just peace out if they don't like your modus operandi, so she'll just leave or force the player to kill her rather than be redeemed.


This is what I'm afraid of, that the game will go "Oh, your lesbian PC is a moral and upstanding person? Too bad, she's going to be very lonely."


I don't expect Bioware's returning to the friendship/rivalry system that worked so well in DA2, but it sounds like that might be the most we can hope for at this point.

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I really, really hope he is a companion and romance option. It would be great to have been able to sort of "plant the seeds" of that romance in SoR, and would avoid the pitfalls of people complaining about making existing companions bisexual.


That said, I would really like to see some of the existing companions given "Kaidan moments" lol. Some would actually make a lot of sense: e.g. already ambiguously gay Talos Drellik.


I was disappointed that they didn't full on confirm SGR in the steam last night :/ but fingers crossed.


Why would anyone even complain about companions like Talos, Zenith or Scourge becoming SGR romance options? They weren't opposite-sex romance options and didn't state who they're attracted to. Bioware could do whatever they want with them

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