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Same gender romance discussion


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Personally, I hope not all new NPCs or our old Companions are all bisexual. I prefer a good solid mix really. I want heterosexual, bisexual, completely gay or completely lesbian NPCs or Companions. Don't misunderstand me, I'm glad that both Lana and Theron seem to be bisexual (though as some say, they're probably more playersexual), but I don't want ALL SGRs to be bisexual. I liked that Cytharat was gay only. Sure it sucked they had him only on the imp side, but the point that he was completely into men and not women also was a nice change.


I'll still play the game if all we ever get from now on are bisexual or player sexual NPCs/Companions, but I DO prefer the mixture.


Edited numerous times cause I can't spell worth a toot.


I just want to point out that, regardless of their sexuality, all the LIs are playersexual.


Yes, I suppose that might sound like a contradiction - but sexuality is not as simple as gay, straight, or bi in this game simply because not all of the LIs are human, and not all PCs are human. Which means that a lot of pairings are human/alien or alien/different alien (maybe the majority? I don't know, I guess it would depend on how popular the alien species are in this game)... (And on a smaller note, people aren't attracted to all other people of compatible gender - some people like bigger partners, some like smaller, some older, some younger, some don't care about physical appearance as much, and so on.)


Aaaaaanyway... Taking Vette, for example, she's happy to get involved with any species as long as they're male. So she's as happy with a Chiss as with a Sith Pureblood as with a Cathar as with a Human as she is with a Twi'lekk - so long as they're male. (Too many species to include them all, but insert whatever alien-to-twi'lekk species you feel fit in the proceeding.)


Honestly, if we're going to talk about having NON-playersexual characters, we have to make sure that some/many/most won't just hop into bed with any species indiscriminately. Honestly SPECIES is a FAR BIGGER DIFFERENCE than gender. I'd think that realistically, it would be a much more difficult hurdle to overcome.


I, too, would like to see specific sexualities represented. And they are already. It's just that people INSIST on dismissing bisexual characters playersexual, despite ALL NPC LIs being playersexual to begin with. (Lana, Theron, and Lemda are all bisexual characters, who all happen to like the PC regardless of their species or looks.)


(One point of interest, though... Some of these species are not as different between each other as others - for example, the Chiss literally evolved from Humans. Which I suppose means that for some species the difference is not as big. Though it has been a very long time since Chiss and Humans were the same, and Humans have difficulty speaking the Chiss language due to this divergence in evolution - Chiss vocal chords are significantly different from the progenitor species, it would seem.)

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i think we may get them since lana is confirmed as a companion. think how many will be pissed if they cannt contiune their romance with as a female. i would say im one but i think is dorne was avalible to femtrooper id dump lana
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Aaaaaanyway... Taking Vette, for example, she's happy to get involved with any species as long as they're male. So she's as happy with a Chiss as with a Sith Pureblood as with a Cathar as with a Human as she is with a Twi'lekk - so long as they're male. (Too many species to include them all, but insert whatever alien-to-twi'lekk species you feel fit in the proceeding.)


"Crazy Sith Channel turned to Mute!" though, undoubtedly, a veritable Vettism in terms of wording; it really doesn't have any place in a universe where not every species comes bi-gendered(to avoid confusion, born overtly female or male, though even that doesn't apply to us IRL, i.e. intersex), given that hermaphrodites exist and I'd imagine Vette accepts such a concept as valid (given that assuming said herms stay with members of their own species, any sex had is arguably same-sex to some degree), her gay panic response is either hypocritical, or just bad writing based on arcane mores.


If the devs decide to keep her straight, so be it; but such a remark as the channel one is totally out of character for Vette, and any negative reaction she has for a warrior interested in other women might better be attributed to jealousy than sexual revulsion toward her female counterparts.


And what makes even less sense is that she can say that and feel justified while being perfectly at ease with some poor sap on Balmorra being brutally ended in their cage (DS points awarded and affection from Vette).


Honestly, if we're going to talk about having NON-playersexual characters, we have to make sure that some/many/most won't just hop into bed with any species indiscriminately. Honestly SPECIES is a FAR BIGGER DIFFERENCE than gender. I'd think that realistically, it would be a much more difficult hurdle to overcome.


I, too, would like to see specific sexualities represented. And they are already. It's just that people INSIST on dismissing bisexual characters playersexual, despite ALL NPC LIs being playersexual to begin with. (Lana, Theron, and Lemda are all bisexual characters, who all happen to like the PC regardless of their species or looks.)


I have to say, for the sake of realism, not having everyone as player-sexual has its appeal; but I still feel ambivalent about that, especially as having all opportunities open would cater to the widest possible range.


It would definitely make zero sense to keep Akaavi straighter than straight, I mean to say, just look at her, and listen to her.


I agree that it should be harder for alien companions with sith/human/cyborg characters, especially on the Imperial side; especially as race is such a big issue for 1-50 storylines for the Empire...


"Crazy Sith Channel turned to Mute!" might make a lot more sense if the warrior, even if female, is not a Twi'lek, or specifically, is definitely a human/cyborg/red sith, and as such, the very face of the oppressor most aliens in the Empire are used to dealing with and coming off worst. Her attitude might soften somewhat when she learns of the existence of, say, Captain Hanthor (Cathar in Imperial service).

Edited by sentientomega
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"Crazy Sith Channel turned to Mute!" though, undoubtedly, a veritable Vettism in terms of wording; it really doesn't have any place in a universe where not every species comes bi-gendered(to avoid confusion, born overtly female or male, though even that doesn't apply to us IRL, i.e. intersex), given that hermaphrodites exist and I'd imagine Vette accepts such a concept as valid (given that assuming said herms stay with members of their own species, any sex had is arguably same-sex to some degree), her gay panic response is either hypocritical, or just bad writing based on arcane mores.


If the devs decide to keep her straight, so be it; but such a remark as the channel one is totally out of character for Vette, and any negative reaction she has for a warrior interested in other women might better be attributed to jealousy than sexual revulsion toward her female counterparts.


I think the whole "Crazy Sith Channel turned to Mute!" exclamation has more to do with the fact that it's her sister the Sith Warrior is talking about/to and less to do with the genders involved (ie: I don't think it's a gay panic response). It's like "OMG Sithy! We came here to FREE my sister, not for you to proposition her! Ewww, that's my SISTER!" (I'd seriously be tempted to punch someone who treated one of my sisters in that manner! Because the Sith's response is akin to arguing the point with someone who has just said no.)


So, I personally still think it could be possible to have Vette reveal herself as bisexual. Is it likely to happen? Probably not. (I take the stand of never assuming a person's sexuality until they've told me explicitly. None of the LIs in SWTOR explicitly state their sexuality (as far as I know), they're never given a chance - PCs of the "wrong" gender are simply never presented with flirt options with those NPCs. So you never get turned down at all, it just never comes up - which gives wriggle room for all the LIs to be something other than straight, if the writers want to explore those possibilities at some point in the future.)


I have to say, for the sake of realism, not having everyone as player-sexual has its appeal; but I still feel ambivalent about that, especially as having all opportunities open would cater to the widest possible range.


It would definitely make zero sense to keep Akaavi straighter than straight, I mean to say, just look at her, and listen to her.


It does have it's appeal...But that would take things to a whole other level of technical complexity - because it you'd have to come up with a table of preferences for every LI - including everything from looks (does he or she like BT 3 females/BT 4 males? Does he or she like cyborg bits?) to species (will this Imperial Human sleep with a non-human?) to "alignment" (can Kira stomach a DS JK?). And then you'd have to deal with those of us players who would cry because our favourite isn't into our character on the basis of a seemingly arbitrary trait. :p


As for Akaavi, I don't know much about her (I got her on my smuggie, then promptly left her on the ship all the time. Guss proved far more useful to my scoundrel in the end.) - but I'd be leery of assuming anything about her sexuality on the basis of her looks or sound. Seriously, if she were a real person that would be rude. (See my point above about never assuming a person's sexuality - that also goes for gender too, by the way.)


I agree that it should be harder for alien companions with sith/human/cyborg characters, especially on the Imperial side; especially as race is such a big issue for 1-50 storylines for the Empire...


"Crazy Sith Channel turned to Mute!" might make a lot more sense if the warrior, even if female, is not a Twi'lek, or specifically, is definitely a human/cyborg/red sith, and as such, the very face of the oppressor most aliens in the Empire are used to dealing with and coming off worst. Her attitude might soften somewhat when she learns of the existence of, say, Captain Hanthor (Cathar in Imperial service).


I'd think she'd have problems because the Sith Warrior is... well Sith. But that would be cross gender problems too - males, females, and anything else. But, the writers in their infinite wisdom decided that that didn't matter to Vette.

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I have to say, for the sake of realism, not having everyone as player-sexual has its appeal; but I still feel ambivalent about that, especially as having all opportunities open would cater to the widest possible range.

I feel the same way. In an ideal non-playersexual world, every character would have his/her own fully-developed personality and orientation, and there would be sufficient choice of LI for each PC gender/orientation combination.


Given real-world limitations on development resources, this scenario seems extremely unlikely. And if the alternative is certain segments of the playerbase being shortchanged in the romance department, I'd rather the devs go the playersexual route.

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Wait, isn't that itself a discriminatory comment?


Also she'd be at minimum bisexual. She's a romance option for a male character, and talks about a past boyfriend.


Play a lady bounty hunter at some point. A big, strong, ***-kicking woman with more balls than most men in the galaxy is the Mandalorian ideal of feminine beauty and charm.

Edited by Cythereal
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Wait, isn't that itself a discriminatory comment?


Now I think about it, it would seem so; sorry if I upset anyone, I was seriously mesmerised as I was typing that.


Swear I'mma never live that down...


If I may clarify, it might just be considered incongruous to make all the femmes bisexual (mixture of body types 1 and 2) and yet keep Akaavi (Bt3) straight.


I don't know how many here find Akaavi appealing but as I implied above, she'd be the last person I'd bid hail and farewell.


I feel the same way. In an ideal non-playersexual world, every character would have his/her own fully-developed personality and orientation, and there would be sufficient choice of LI for each PC gender/orientation combination.


Given real-world limitations on development resources, this scenario seems extremely unlikely. And if the alternative is certain segments of the playerbase being shortchanged in the romance department, I'd rather the devs go the playersexual route.


I could live with playersexuality and if it doesn't happen, it's not that big a deal; though doing a half-arsed job in re romance options in the first place was probably not the best approach, whatever the reason.


Also she'd be at minimum bisexual. She's a romance option for a male character, and talks about a past boyfriend.


Play a lady bounty hunter at some point. A big, strong, ***-kicking woman with more balls than most men in the galaxy is the Mandalorian ideal of feminine beauty and charm.


I have several BHs matching such a description... *swoons*


Indeed, attracting and being attracted to all possible genders, one can imagine.




I see a disturbing number of would-kick-Akaavi-out-an-airlock votes, and I'd just like to remind people that whatever you were told about gender by whomever; there are ultimately no REAL men or REAL women, only people.

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As an aside, I always did wonder if besides sexuality, if the NPCs actually SAW in some way what we looked like. Were they attracted to BS 4s? Did they prefer BS 1s? Do they like the fact I'm a human/Chiss/Cyborg/etc. Or do they prefer I'm taller, shorter, less hair, more hair, etc?


I know it'd be way too many variables and ultimately SOMEONE wouldn't be able to romance Quinn/Vette/Kira/etc, but that'd be more realistic then just 'okay this player, even though they made the ugliest toon possible has an NPC hot for their bod.'



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The only character I can think of who comments much on that is Aric, who directly tells you that he had never considered the idea of finding a non-cathar attractive, much less falling in love with one, and it bothers him a little that they won't be able to start a family the old-fashioned way because your species and cathar can't have children.


Unfortunately, Bioware did not change that conversation after they added the possibility to be cathar yourself.

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I see a disturbing number of would-kick-Akaavi-out-an-airlock votes, and I'd just like to remind people that whatever you were told about gender by whomever; there are ultimately no REAL men or REAL women, only people.

Isn't she the Smuggler's token evil teammate, more or less? I think that might have more to do with the votes. I mean, I find her unappealing by virtue of her personality.

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Isn't she the Smuggler's token evil teammate, more or less? I think that might have more to do with the votes. I mean, I find her unappealing by virtue of her personality.


Honestly, I've never gotten her affection level high enough to know her(having 65 other characters to level up can put a dampener on that, albeit temporarily); and I may regret saying this upon knowing her better, but for now there's no-one I'd rather have protecting me.


And, assuming she's made bi; marriage isn't necessarily everything, so they kind of relationship she and smugglers might have may be just dandy.


On top of which, she may get the chance to atone for all those Jedi she killed.

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Anyway, to date, Akaavi Spar is the only muscular female comp in the game and it'd be a shame not to be able to cultivate a relationship with her.


Also, so as not to tread on any nervous straight toes, NPCs/companions shouldn't drool all over our chars the way Doc does; that is, any flirt options going, the player should be the one to make the first of any kind of move there.


And speaking of Doctor Don Juan, why do I have this recurring dream about using a particularly rusty pair of loppers to castrate the bastard?


Walking hormone is too complimentary a term to describe him, he is to the galactic sisterhood what the female sex maniac of a SW is to Quinn.

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So I'm on Ziost right now and my time with Theron is coming to an end soon (I guess?) After I'm done with my Jedi Knight, I want to make an Imperial Agent but the thought of levelling up to 55 again just to get some SGR is a bummer. I romanced Kira a bit on my way up but felt weird about it. Now I just leave her on the ship and take Doc everywhere.


Any ideas on whether there'll be new sub 50 companions with KotFE? I know you can start at 60 but they're only raising the level cap by 5 (If I read right) so there can't be that much more story. Also, I read Lana's coming back but no Theron? After seeing his skills on Yavin, I could really use him as a companion he seems to function a lot like Doc.

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I don't think this game should make same gender romances a priority. With so many other issues I'd hate to see them waste their time on something that will only make a handful of people happy.

When they can spend time on just voicing the characters and providing story content

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Just no, no please no, no, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Star Wars doesn't need stupid things like this in it.


You're way out of line, your raging homophobia isn't welcome; plus Disney disagrees with you, so there.


I don't think this game should make same gender romances a priority. With so many other issues I'd hate to see them waste their time on something that will only make a handful of people happy.

When they can spend time on just voicing the characters and providing story content


SGR should never not have been an option, and more than a mere handful of players would make full use of SGR content, so it's high time to atone.


This thread, and those from which it has continued, have been about supporting SGR content; and yet, this thread and others of its kind have been infested with the kind of people who, one would hope, haven't actually assaulted or murdered an LGBT person yet, and hijacked by posts voicing prejudiced sentiment and wishful thinking.

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This idea that love interests should be fine with any gender because they are fine with any (playable) species makes no sense. All of the playable species exhibit similar human sexual dimorphism. They are not really significantly different.


After all, how many straight or gay people here find these near-human aliens of the gender they are attracted to attractive, but not the ones of the other (binary) gender? There you go. If you were to apply "species is a bigger hurdle than gender" to them, you would basically be calling them liars and assuming that they are bisexual.


Honestly, I do want there to be at least 2 (1 male, 1 female) companions open to same gender romance for each class (whether they do so with preexisting companions or new ones), but the species argument is honestly not a good argument. It might work with the playable non-human species were wildly different than humans in body type and gender, but they are not.

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I don't think this game should make same gender romances a priority. With so many other issues I'd hate to see them waste their time on something that will only make a handful of people happy.

When they can spend time on just voicing the characters and providing story content


Well, you're contradicting yourself here. Putting SGRAs in is nothing BUT voicing the characters and providing story content. So you should be happy, no?


Unless of course there's some OTHER reason you're against them putting SGRAS in? :rolleyes:

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Well, you're contradicting yourself here. Putting SGRAs in is nothing BUT voicing the characters and providing story content. So you should be happy, no?


Unless of course there's some OTHER reason you're against them putting SGRAS in? :rolleyes:


A few cheeky dialogues with your companion is not story content at all. Call me a homophobe, but I'm playing this game to escape the gay sh*tstorm going on in real life right now, so I think I can do without SGRA on here. I'd rather if a new chapter to the story was implemented.

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A few cheeky dialogues with your companion is not story content at all. Call me a homophobe, but I'm playing this game to escape the gay sh*tstorm going on in real life right now, so I think I can do without SGRA on here. I'd rather if a new chapter to the story was implemented.

Heavens! What country do YOU live in? :eek:

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