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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'll pre-order when You provide some useful info


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Not childish, just honest. That's a part of being in adult world, being able to deal with other people being honest despite it being something that may offend you. So you have a problem controlling your feelings and that means the person being honest is childish...must be something with the entitlement generation, I have no idea.


If you really are living in the adult world, maybe you should consider dropping the "fan-boy" remarks? There's nothing honest about saying people aren't capable to think objectively, just because they don't agree with you.

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If you really are living in the adult world, maybe you should consider dropping the "fan-boy" remarks? There's nothing honest about saying people aren't capable to think objectively, just because they don't agree with you.


Not what I said, originally, not even close. Go back and read my post, I wasn't even talking about people that disagree with me, was talking about people that do not seem to think objectively (A very vocal small group). TOR is not perfect, but there are some who refuse to see any flaws, regardless of objectivity, which is what I was pointing out. Nothing about calling people illogical just cause they disagree with me. If you're going attempt to twist my words, actually use my words, or just leave it alone.


Let's keep it classy and stay on topic instead of trying to win cyber-arguments by accusing others of saying things not actually stated.

Edited by Rezakh
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not much expansions = not much to tell its that simple


and this is the problem, because this is not much of an expansion we need to know what they are going to do to the core game:-


FP - will there be no more with the expansion - means buyers will be waiting for the next content drop which will have to be FP's/OP's, will they reset the NPC stats to 55 (removes content from those that do not purchase it) or will there actually be new FP's?


Professions - will professions be increased in level to make 51 - 55 stuff of the trainer or will professions cease at 50?


These are the two that I am interested in the most, although others may wish to know more about talent balance i.e. are they changing the trees (which will impact those that don't buy) for balance, or are they leaving the trees as is and just giving extra points, which would impact balance further.

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These are the two that I am interested in the most, although others may wish to know more about talent balance i.e. are they changing the trees (which will impact those that don't buy) for balance, or are they leaving the trees as is and just giving extra points, which would impact balance further.


I thought they had mentioned in a blog post or Q&A that they were adding the skill points in a patch prior to the release of Makeb, so regardless of having the expansion, you would have access to the new skill points.


I cannot remember where I saw that and I am not saying this is confirmed (I would rather see the original words from the devs before taking it as fact). Does anyone have a link?

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I wont buy if my 2 million credit level 50 white color crystal becomes useless. Simple as that.


I have played several MMOs and the one thing that has held true is once the level cap goes up the gear level goes up with it. This means that there will probably be something in game better than our current level 50 gear.


Maybe we will be able to upgrade our current gear, but I have a feeling mods enchancments color crystals etc will need to be replaced.


Just the nature of an MMO IMHO

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I sure love hearing people whine about the expansion and call everyone who pre-ordered it names while still wanting us to take them seriously.


Drop the attitude- you're not special or intelligent for not preordering, you're not sticking it to the man- you're making a decision for yourself. End of story.


If your priority is 'showing BW your displeasure' by not pre-ordering, fine, whatever, you do that, everyone else here is looking for a game to play for fun, but if your goal is to show them up, more power to you.


Information before the game is even out is not an entitlement- if you are concerned about how good the xpac will be, don't pre-order. Once it's out, or heck, even 5 days before then when the early access starts- you'll get plenty of reviews and gameplay, and still have a few days to preorder for the items.


As for movies and books... personally- all I want to know before I see a movie or read a book is whether it's good and what genre it is- why would I really want spoilers and to know all about it?


We already know pretty much everything about this xpac- we know the gameplay already, we know the general scope of what's being added, we have a trailer now and we know the story. If that is not 10 dollars worth to you- then it's not, so wait, the xpac isn't going to stop being available once it comes out.

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Jesus Christ why are people complaining about a TEN DOLLAR expansion that gives a new planet and 5 levels? Do you seriously need to know every little detail about an expansion that is only ten bucks, which is 1/15th what some people payed for this game? What do you need to know about it that is so vitally important that might prevent you from paying what amounts to 3 gallons worth of gas? You know what I would agree with you if this was a 39.99 full blown expansion, but this is a really good deal to pay $10 for more levels gear skills and a new planet
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I have played several MMOs and the one thing that has held true is once the level cap goes up the gear level goes up with it. This means that there will probably be something in game better than our current level 50 gear.


Maybe we will be able to upgrade our current gear, but I have a feeling mods enchancments color crystals etc will need to be replaced.


Just the nature of an MMO IMHO


They said a long time ago, that the current +41 crystals wouldn't be replaced anytime soon. Yes its an expansion but even then its only 1 planet and 5 more levels, I don't see them tossing out all the current rare colors for that. It would piss off a lot of people I think more then help, Unless they add them to the cartel store for $15 a pop. In that case say good bye to all your current rare colors being top level end game.


Also myself I'm holding off on buying the expansion, yes part of it is I want to know what my $10 is buying me. Yes $10 means something to me, I don't throw my money around. Yes maybe others can or just don't care, shocking I know people value things differently.


But not only that, I have no clue if I will have any desire to play this game in 4-5 months when it even comes out.

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I have played several MMOs and the one thing that has held true is once the level cap goes up the gear level goes up with it. This means that there will probably be something in game better than our current level 50 gear.


Maybe we will be able to upgrade our current gear, but I have a feeling mods enchancments color crystals etc will need to be replaced.


Just the nature of an MMO IMHO


Yeah, they did confirm back in December (I think) that there would be no gear reset for Makeb. Honestly, that sort of concerns me cause that's a departure from the current formula in MMO's and a new formula is not a bad thing, so to speak, but a lot of the more competent devs left TOR a while ago, minus a few leads. I do not know that I trust these guys to pull off well a departure from the current industry standards/trends.


At any rate, they did say that gear progression would be more lateral now, rather than vertical. At least for Makeb. What that really means? Who knows except those inside the offices at Austin, but this along with so many other things up in the air with the "expansion" just make me want to wait before I spend any of my money on it. Sure, its only $10 for me, but I do not throw away money on anything blind.


Worst case, I dont buy it and save $10 or I buy it a few days after release to read reviews, assuming they give us little to no information prior to release.


But not only that, I have no clue if I will have any desire to play this game in 4-5 months when it even comes out.


Do you have a link for this timeline or is this just speculation? Cause if this is true (I have not seen it so I honestly do not know) that's a pretty long wait to have an early access pre-order deal that only lasted 3 weeks after announcing it last month. That's a little perplexing.

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Eh, whatever - that's not really the point. The point is that just as there is information out there about new movies and books there will be info out about RotHC. There's very often a staggered release of information when a product is heading towards release. You can either pre-order early (like now) with a rather small amount of info to lean on, or you can wait 'til later and pre-order with more information at hand. Or you can wait until after release and have all the information in the world avaliable to help you decide if you wanna purchase or not. This is not something new or unique to Bioware.


They are never going to publish the entire plot of a book or film before it is released, that would pretty much destory the whole point OF reading the book or watching the film.


I don't think anyone expects them to publish the entire story of Makeb either.


But there's a MASSIVE difference between a book or a film and an adventure pack, in an adventure pack you should know what you are getting.




As I said though I think we DO know what is in Makeb, it is just not a lot.

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I'm not proud to say I pre-ordered yesterday. But hey, 10 bucks saved... ^^


I'm living in here anyho so nothing to loose, using way to much free time in TOR :cool:


The price remains the same whether you pre-order or not, just got 5 extra days or now some fluff if you pre-order as well.

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They are never going to publish the entire plot of a book or film before it is released, that would pretty much destory the whole point OF reading the book or watching the film.


I don't think anyone expects them to publish the entire story of Makeb either.


But there's a MASSIVE difference between a book or a film and an adventure pack, in an adventure pack you should know what you are getting.




As I said though I think we DO know what is in Makeb, it is just not a lot.


Yet, we will know exactly what we're getting when it's actually out- if it was out right now and we still had no clue what was in it, that might be a problem- but the ONLY thing you'll lose by preordering before early access is early access itself- and frankly if you don't care for the game enough to spend 10 bucks, you're probably not going to die waiting 5 whole extra days to play it.

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Instead of offering pre-order bonus items why don't you tell us what exactly we're getting? All I know is we're getting another planet, 5 levels and...?


Will there be any new warzones? New flashpoints? New raids? Another hub for each faction? New Legacy perks? Any gameplay/convenience improvements?


I was initially excited to see the new video but it had nothing in it that would convince me to buy the xpac.


isnt pre-order bonus over?


it was 7th of january...i think


also.. dont preorder then? .. its their business... they decide to leak infos or not... either you preorder or you wait....the whole preorder thing is made for players... not for the company.. i mean.. they wil release the expansion.. nomatter if YOU preorder or not...its not they they neeed especially "your" money so hard.. actually.. they make more money out off their new speeder XD

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but this is a really good deal to pay $10 for more levels gear skills and a new planet


All new levels and skills do is reset the treadmill, there is no inherent afvantage in adding more levels and skill in real terms.


So the idea of paying to get more levels is a bit of a strange one. :confused:


Yet, we will know exactly what we're getting when it's actually out- if it was out right now and we still had no clue what was in it, that might be a problem- but the ONLY thing you'll lose by preordering before early access is early access itself- and frankly if you don't care for the game enough to spend 10 bucks, you're probably not going to die waiting 5 whole extra days to play it.


Indeed, but you'll never offically know that in a book or a film because that would spoil the whole point of the film.


As indeed would Bioware EA publishing Makeb's planet story.


But that is a very different thing to listing and explaining what is IN Makeb, although as I have said I think they probably have, it's just not very much to begin with.



(although you do lose a pet and a few other things by not pre-ordering now, not just a few days early access)

Edited by Goretzu
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They are never going to publish the entire plot of a book or film before it is released, that would pretty much destory the whole point OF reading the book or watching the film.


I don't think anyone expects them to publish the entire story of Makeb either.


But there's a MASSIVE difference between a book or a film and an adventure pack, in an adventure pack you should know what you are getting.


And you will, Goretzu! But maybe a pre-order is not for you? Just wait until the product ships and you'll have access to all the information you need, plus user reviews. The point is that you rarely have much information on a product in its early pre-order phase. Books, records, games... I pre-order based on previous work. If you're hesitating, just wait for more information to become avaliable.

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And you will, Goretzu! But maybe a pre-order is not for you? Just wait until the product ships and you'll have access to all the information you need, plus user reviews. The point is that you rarely have much information on a product in its early pre-order phase. Books, records, games... I pre-order based on previous work. If you're hesitating, just wait for more information to become avaliable.


As I said though I think we DO have most of the Makeb information (if not all), it's just it isn't a lot (as it is an adventure pack).


People expecting "expansion" level content are just hoping for far too much. :csw_yoda:

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As I said though I think we DO have most of the Makeb information (if not all), it's just it isn't a lot (as it is an adventure pack).


People expecting "expansion" level content are just hoping for far too much. :csw_yoda:


Yeah, well if that's the case then Bioware did what you wanted all along and handed out a full feature list pretty much at the same time RotHC was made avaliable for pre-order. No problems then, decide if it's worth your $10 and roll with it.


Personally I think there's more to come and that they still have things lined up that hasn't been revealed yet. Only guesswork though and not very relevant to the point I've been trying to make.

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Yeah, well if that's the case then Bioware did what you wanted all along and handed out a full feature list pretty much at the same time RotHC was made avaliable for pre-order. No problems then, decide if it's worth your $10 and roll with it.


Personally I think there's more to come and that they still have things lined up that hasn't been revealed yet. Only guesswork though and not very relevant to the point I've been trying to make.


I do think they could go into more detail though, for example; about skill trees and such. Is it a reworking that will effect everyone? is it just something tacked on the end? Is it just an extra ability and the skill trees will remain exactly the same.


This is stuff they should have cast in iron by now.

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I do think they could go into more detail though, for example; about skill trees and such. Is it a reworking that will effect everyone? is it just something tacked on the end? Is it just an extra ability and the skill trees will remain exactly the same.


This is stuff they should have cast in iron by now.


They said, they'd change the skill trees for everyone.

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They said, they'd change the skill trees for everyone.


Have they? I've seen it said that every class would get one active ability, but that's about the depth of the detail I've seen (so far), could you link where they've said more please?

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Have they? I've seen it said that every class would get one active ability, but that's about the depth of the detail I've seen (so far), could you link where they've said more please?


Exact information concerning skills and skill trees:

- 1 new active ability per Advanced Class

- 5 new skill points in the skill tree.


The last could be read as just having 5 more points to spend on existing trees, or having a new tier of 5 more points in the skill tree (meaning a skill tree redesign).


Personally.. I think it can go either way.


Also, I agree with you that anyone expecting full expansion level content to be added for $10 are fooling themselves. Stick to what we know.. not to what we hope.


The only real uncertainty is if Flashpoints are part of 5 more levels of levelling content and what the 'new systems that would be added entail entirely. As well as the new repeatable quests (just a new daily area, or a new system to give more reward for repeating certain lower level quests?).


But yeah.. expecting too much leads to disappointment. I expect 1 new planet worth 5 new levels as well as 1 new ability per Advanced Class and some undefined system (be it low gear curve, boosting hardmodes, or any other solution) to ensure 'older content stays relevant' as they have stated in multiple interviews as their goal.

That is all, really. Expecting anything more is setting yourself up for disappointment.

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