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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pre-made vs. PUG


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This needs to never happen. It ruins the entire pvp aspect of this game. If there aren't enough premades to insure they play each other, then make them sit... if you do so, you have annoyed 8 people. Sticking them into the PUG queue pisses off the rest of the server. It's simple math, you will keep more subs if you disallow premades to fight pug's.
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Strangely, I don't mind premades vs me and the pug group I am on. Sure it's a challenge but there are times it's a heck of a game that the premade wasn't really ready for. It is also how I meet most of my friends in this game, by facing off against them and them taking notice, hopefully, of my gameplay....even when I lose the performance is noted by most.


I pug all the time and I'm guildless. It could just be me and maybe I don't mind getting beat down but win or lose, I enjoy a good fight. I'm not oppose to guilds or anything like that, It's just that PvP oriented guilds seem to form then disband in a blink of an eye and I haven't found one that truly enjoys each other as oppose to simply trash talking their competitors.


All in all, it doesn't piss ME off but I can see where it would be a problem if you need a premade to ensure that you win and get your daily/weekly done. I ALWAYS get mine done and it's not because I premade....it's because I enjoy PvP.

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im so sick of those premades that just beat the crap out of those bad players in the PUGS! bioware needs to give me my own queue so i dont have to play with them anymore or else i will flip the monopoly board and start crying!!!!





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I hate cats, I'm allergic to them. When they fix the problem, the threads will stop.


So what catergory are you in?


A. The undergeared player who thinks you should be given free gear, and not have to face anyone "better" (regardless of what "better" means)than you.

B. The geared PuG who thinks you are being treated "unfairly" cause of the OP'd talent known as "Invite to Group"



Just curious...




Ever thought of self-improvement or lowering your expectations as a PuG? I hear they work wonders..


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So what catergory are you in?


A. The undergeared player who thinks you should be given free gear, and not have to face anyone "better" (regardless of what "better" means)than you.

B. The geared PuG who thinks you are being treated "unfairly" cause of the OP'd talent known as "Invite to Group"



Just curious...




Ever thought of self-improvement or lowering your expectations as a PuG? I hear they work wonders..


I'm actually quite well geared. When you put a well organized pre-made team against a team that doesn't know each other, half are well geared, half have 500ish expertise, and have no vent server which to organize.. it's unfair. Not everyone is in a PVP guild. Hell, I love my guild.. but they don't PVP. I'm stuck queueing solo, which is fine. I don't mind losing, but I do mind going against a pre-made and getting blown out. It's not fun. It's not fun blowing out another team either. PVP should be challenging and either team should have an equal chance at winning. Pre-mades don't belong in the same queue as PUG's. It just isn't fair to the pug team.


All you folks that do pre-mades, sorry you don't have the sack to queue solo if there aren't any pre-mades out there queing. I apologize if your to sissy lala to pvp without the security of your team. If your so ******, you won't mind queing solo when there aren't any pre-mades for you to go against.

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When I use group finder I have lower expectations, the same thing applies when I solo queue for war zones.

Most times I group its not even with my own guild (stealth premades MUHAHAHA), and if you were actually any good you wouldn't have a problem finding a group because people would seek you out or join after a simple tell.


Instead of crying on the forums take note of the good players you see in war-zones and ask them to group up, 2/3 of my friends list was populated this way.


If you can't find groups or can't finish your weekly solo queuing the problem is you.

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I don't mind losing, but I do mind going against a pre-made and getting blown out. It's not fun. It's not fun blowing out another team either.
You should always mind losing.... Premade or not. Winning is winning is winning. Losing is losing is losing.




PVP should be challenging and either team should have an equal chance at winning. Pre-mades don't belong in the same queue as PUG's. It just isn't fair to the pug team.

Score always start @ 0-0 and if you were actually correct, a PuG will never beat a premade, which is not true either... So... in short you both have an oppotunity to win, the odds are just stacked against you. You have to accept that fact if you PuG.


Also how is facing a Premade not "challenging" as a PuG? I know how. And while I try not to be as blunt, the fact is you are asking to have the player pool dumbed down in order to compete. It's like that "unwritten rule" where coaches don't run up the score... Um... "feel free to stop me"..


The problem that these complaints have is that you claim to want a challenge, but really want a "paper challenge". As soon as the game gets rough, you quit and/or come here to complain about something that is not exclusive to anyone.



All you folks that do pre-mades, sorry you don't have the sack to queue solo if there aren't any pre-mades out there queing. I apologize if your to sissy lala to pvp without the security of your team. If your so ******, you won't mind queing solo when there aren't any pre-mades for you to go against.


Nope, I PuG just about every night and premade *some on the weekend. As I PuG, I fully understand that I am exposing myself to other players, who may or may not, have gear/class/experience greater than my own. If I see half my team is below 17K, it's going to be a long WZ, unless the opposition is as well. When I see these players, I automatically set the bar pretty low, and I take small things, like not getting 3-capped, as a victory.


Learn to have fun in the subtlety that is PvP and the outcome while PuGGin' won't even matter.


I lost a CW this weekend 300-0, and the moment when I Force Push a guy over the wall (while he was on the ramp at mid) was enough for me the ENTIRE DAY... we got our azzez handed to us, but one thing made all the losses that day, worth it..


Edited by L-RANDLE
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I'm actually quite well geared. When you put a well organized pre-made team against a team that doesn't know each other, half are well geared, half have 500ish expertise, and have no vent server which to organize.. it's unfair. Not everyone is in a PVP guild. Hell, I love my guild.. but they don't PVP. I'm stuck queueing solo, which is fine. I don't mind losing, but I do mind going against a pre-made and getting blown out. It's not fun. It's not fun blowing out another team either. PVP should be challenging and either team should have an equal chance at winning. Pre-mades don't belong in the same queue as PUG's. It just isn't fair to the pug team.


All you folks that do pre-mades, sorry you don't have the sack to queue solo if there aren't any pre-mades out there queing. I apologize if your to sissy lala to pvp without the security of your team. If your so ******, you won't mind queing solo when there aren't any pre-mades for you to go against.


There it is, the "Premades are scared to queue solo" angle. Usually closely followed by the "premaders are actually terrible players, who would fail hard if they didn't have the magic of Vent propping them up" angle.


Premaders queue solo all the time. And we lose a lot more often. And it is just as frustrating for us. The DIFFERENCE is that we think "My God, I wish a couple of my guildies were on" NOT "My God, I wish Bioware would make it so the people who beat me, werent allowed in the same queue as me..."

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Everyone's odds for a good group is not equal in solo queue, that's the complaint. If you premade you'll have a better group, unless you get extremely unlucky because the odds of you getting a group that knows that to do and has similar quality gear in even half a pug group is poor. So really, its not a solo queue where everyone's odds are the same, it leans in favor to those who have guilds or people who are more social and can call on friends. The fix is to change your view of it, because its not likely to change. This is linked directly to the wz quitters because once they see the majority of the other team is in the same guild they quit because their odds are poor. People aren't going to waste their time waiting for their wz to end in a loss, when they can likely requeue and get better odds at a win especially when they're working on their weekly. So until something changes you'll have premades roflstomping and you'll have wz quitting.
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It not facing a premade that is the really annoying part, it always facing a premade some time double premade... twice in row.


I pug most of the time, i dont expect miracle but at least some basic concept of PvP. But when you look at your team and see no healer and the guardian are all in the broom spec to sweep the place and will never change stance to guard, they have no clue about taunt AE taunt and the like.... there is a problem. Yep bad player rushing to the FOTM spec... and no clue how to play.


So yesterday i solo Q to PvP a bit, 1st game bad republic and imp premade. result a slaughter. Fun factor zero.

2nd game, kinda a miror of the 1st game but versus another imp premade. Fun factor zero.

Took a break watch the TV got some food.

3rd game (hours later) facing imperial double premade. o.O. Okay definitly not a good day to do PvP. Fun factor back to zero

4th game same double imp premade. Resigned and glad that my daily is finally completed.


Did you really think i as gonna Q again later that day? LOL nope i want to keep my sanity. But the fact that i face only imperial premade that day at different time of the day as well kinda make me wonder why i PvP. I used to PvP a lot in SWTOR, Warhammer Online damn even Eve when it came out some years ago, But the Queing system seems to favor premade versus pug what ever the side you are on.


It all come don to a simple thing : FUN. If it not fun people wont play. Less people playing will resuslt in longer Q which in turn will start to pissed off some of the premade member and will start having no fun. Cause even tho some premade want to face other premade to test their mettle. A lot of the premade just want to roll pug cause they have no chance versus other premade,

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Everyone's odds for a good group is not equal in solo queue, that's the complaint. If you premade you'll have a better group, unless you get extremely unlucky because the odds of you getting a group that knows that to do and has similar quality gear in even half a pug group is poor. So really, its not a solo queue where everyone's odds are the same, it leans in favor to those who have guilds or people who are more social and can call on friends. The fix is to change your view of it, because its not likely to change. This is linked directly to the wz quitters because once they see the majority of the other team is in the same guild they quit because their odds are poor. People aren't going to waste their time waiting for their wz to end in a loss, when they can likely requeue and get better odds at a win especially when they're working on their weekly. So until something changes you'll have premades roflstomping and you'll have wz quitting.


and people who quit in the face of said premade, tend to be the same ones asking for a challenge in these boards.


This is the reason I blast them...


They flee or surrender and try to disguise it as justified because they are being treated "unfairly", when in fact they are just being cowards or arrogant *****s........



I play with you Ybini, I know when I see you I got someone who knows what the hell they are doing... Have we ever premade? Maybe once or twice since the first merger, but we see each other alot. So the odds are already stacked against the Imps without the need of a premade. There are others too... So I know when I see them, the Imps are going to get wrecked or it will be a close match..


It's RNG, and we have beaten premades as PuGs before when the RNG was kind to us and if more people would concentrate on becoming a better player (whether its, gear, spec, class, playstyle, strats, communication), or actually join groups for PvP all of this nonsense would go away..

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This needs to never happen. It ruins the entire pvp aspect of this game. If there aren't enough premades to insure they play each other, then make them sit... if you do so, you have annoyed 8 people. Sticking them into the PUG queue pisses off the rest of the server. It's simple math, you will keep more subs if you disallow premades to fight pug's.


Hate to burst your its all about me bubble but ques are working as intended make some friends or dont que

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and people who quit in the face of said premade, tend to be the same ones asking for a challenge in these boards.


This is the reason I blast them...


They flee or surrender and try to disguise it as justified because they are being treated "unfairly", when in fact they are just being cowards or arrogant *****s........



I play with you Ybini, I know when I see you I got someone who knows what the hell they are doing... Have we ever premade? Maybe once or twice since the first merger, but we see each other alot. So the odds are already stacked against the Imps without the need of a premade. There are others too... So I know when I see them, the Imps are going to get wrecked or it will be a close match..


It's RNG, and we have beaten premades as PuGs before when the RNG was kind to us and if more people would concentrate on becoming a better player (whether its, gear, spec, class, playstyle, strats, communication), or actually join groups for PvP all of this nonsense would go away..


It is all RNG, but premades have 4 slots to fill with possible newbies, where solo you have 7 slots to fill with possible newbies, if you don't get a premade group queued in. That's not even considering if you knew people's tricks they like to pull or had voice etc. The odds are just better with a premade. Yeah I've pugged and won against premades too, and lost with them in my group they're not a guarantee.


I think the quitting is mostly people trying to time manage, they don't want to wait to wrap up a game they think they'll lose and it not count against their weekly. I think most will stay through if they're on their daily even if its a roflstomp. It just causes frustration for those who are left actually trying to make it happen.

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They are working on a better match making system, but until then keep crying the tears are tasty :p


and yes new post is not necessary, you should get a days ban for the lack of understanding this.


After a better match making system is put into place I'm going to start threads complaining about how it takes me 12 games to finish my weekly instead of 11.

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It is all RNG, but premades have 4 slots to fill with possible newbies, where solo you have 7 slots to fill with possible newbies, if you don't get a premade group queued in. That's not even considering if you knew people's tricks they like to pull or had voice etc. The odds are just better with a premade. Yeah I've pugged and won against premades too, and lost with them in my group they're not a guarantee.


I think the quitting is mostly people trying to time manage, they don't want to wait to wrap up a game they think they'll lose and it not count against their weekly. I think most will stay through if they're on their daily even if its a roflstomp. It just causes frustration for those who are left actually trying to make it happen.


But... if they are concerned about a weekly or time then they shouldn't be Solo Queing and/or Que dodging..


(Not directed at you Ybi) Sorry, I just can't excuse it. If you want to be on team, be on the team and quit screwing it up for everyone else...

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