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Rate the in-game community on your server


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In an effort to help new players identify a server to play on or maybe help veteran players find a new home to level a new character on, let's give our honest opinions on our server's in-game community. Not the general forum community, which is a lot different. Please do not bash the game or the communities or vent your frustration about transfers. With the heavy handed mods we have here, this will only get you banned or get you a warning.


On a scale of 1-10, with one being the worst, five being average, and 10 being the best, how would you rate your server?


For me, in comparison to other MMOs I've played and still play from time to time, I would rate Po5's in-game community a six. Which is above average and not too bad considering the population is growing.


Imps outnumber pubs, and warzones are painful on Republic side, but I often find people to be helpful and chatty in groups. The general chat on many planets for both factions is filled with a lot of irreverent discussion that helps the monotony of questing a bit. And my particular server tries hard to foster an environment of healthy world PvP. It's hit or miss (no pun intended), but we at least try. Tatooine often sees some good scraps and both sides often take over the other faction's questing hub to draw out more 50s. We also try to organize in-game server meetups and such to continue building our in-game community. But like I said, if you roll on Prophecy of the Five, you are essentially in imperial territory.


Like with any MMO, there are the bad apples. Kill stealing and node/objective ninjaing are pretty bad, and there's always the occasional "SPACE BAR!!!" guy in flashpoints, but overall I think the community on my server isn't too shabby.


How about yours?

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The Red Eclipse:




  • The majority of the time I see people talking is idiotic chat in general or sales spam. The rest of the time I see people advertising for groups but I often see 2 people wanting to same thing and neither of them thinks about teaming together.
  • I keep having to change to low pop instances because people steal objectives, especially annoying because I wait in the queue only for someone to steal in front of the person I am waiting for!
  • I have not had a single "Want to join the team" before getting blind invites.
  • Only once have I had more than a "hi" after joining a team. Yes that means people just drop the team without talking.

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The Harbinger:




General chat is a mixed bag. You get some idiotic, some humorous and some instructive chatter. However, overall, it isn't too bad. I've been playing for more than a year and I can only remember one time where the chat was so outrageously inane that it took me out of my game play.


Ninja steals do happen especially in highly populated spawn areas. But I also have seen peeps wait their turn. In several instances, I've seen peeps help fight off mobs and then patiently wait their turn for spawn. There seems to be no rules for dailies. I do my part by never stealing waiting and showing others it can be done.


I get invites all the time to do stuff. Some are blind, some are not. I don't mind them at all. Good to have a little teamwork especially when running dailies. Most of the time, everything goes very well, followed by gg and thks. I've made many friends grouping.


Grouping for Ops and HM FPs has been generally good. It can be a bit of a mixed bag, but adjusting to situations is simple. I haven't had any arguments over loot myself. I have only seen one extremely egregious incident where the Master looter took the loot. I don't view this as a reflection on the community but rather just one individual being a douche-bag. There is an asswad in every barrel.


Occasionally... or maybe rarely, you will see a guild do something for the sake of the community. Not too long ago a guild setup open runs for the the +10 datacron on the fleet. They simply put their guildies in position, and pulled all who wanted through to get the datacron at no charge. It was great! And I think it did much to not only give peeps the warm and fuzzy but also to interact with each other. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.


So... Kudos Harbinger!

Edited by Rafaman
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The Shadowlands about PVP 4/10


PVP - Republic always, I mean ALWAYS has premades. So much bad players on imp side.

I play a premade now because it's impossible to win with pugs against republic.

Ranked warzone is 5 smashers, 1 powertech and 1 scoundreal healer or 2 bubbler stun.

Huttball is always 6x0 or 6x1 because imp side has just 2 or 3 people trying to score.

Civil War the guy guarding the node dies and no calls.

Novare Coast imps never try power cap.

Ancient imps always go to the other side to be a free kill.

Voidstar ...


About PVE 9/10


Always someone helping each other on planets.

People calling for DPS, tank or healer to do weeklys.

Crafters for everything.

Group Finders has noobs but they asks how to play, they want to learn how to play.

People not been trolled in general chat because asked how to augment the piece.

No ninja looters, I just saw once a guy pressed need to his companion...

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The Progenitor: 9/10, but I'm talking only Republic side.


I have never had any bad experience while grouping, people are generally nice and helpful, we don't have much FP rushers who yell on everyone when some fail happens, I have not met much ninja looters. Lots of groups are just quiet runs, but everytime there is a thank you and a good bye at the end of FP.


General chat on fleet is often fun, I have seen only a few arguments happening, when someone asks a question they generally do get their answer quickly, people even respond to questions like "sentinel or guardian?" without bullying the newbie. (usually) On planets, chat is often quiet, but people are still very helpful and tend to answer questions calmly when they have answers. There is a lot of "LFG" spam, though never that much to ruin the discussion in chat.


There is very small number of node stealers, it's been a few weeks since I have seen one. Helping others with killing difficult enemies is a sure thing.


Progenitor is RP server though, so the community there is different from pure PvP/PvE servers. I think we have less freebies who might or might not change the community feel.


Point down goes for people with obviously un-RP-ish names, who should not appear on RP servers and who were a reason why I am playing on RP server. All the variants of Obi-Wan are silly, same as "Trollguyxd" or similar guys running around. Sadly, lots of them are high levelled, so it seems that not much people care about that kind of immersion and the same goes to administrators. Also with F2P lots of gold sellers appeared, but I guess that's everywhere.


Generally I am really glad that I chose to play on Progenitor, because I feel that 90% of people I meet will be friendly guys.

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Shadowlands (Republic) -


*PVE - not bad, people work together, usually pretty good cooperation overall. Come time for school to let out, general chat degrades quickly. I mostly do game content with my guild, so pugs aren't something I deal with. :)


*PVP - Varies; I PVP with my guild in pre-50 and post-50. I don't do pug groups... but those we do get grouped with usually listen for the most part.


Shadowlands (Empire) -


*PVE - usually not too bad... Flashpoint healers tend to have a God complex. I don't like dealing with them. If you don't have dailies, they'll usually quit out of the group.


*PVP - Well... I hate to say this, but it's usually very unorganized. As a sniper, who defends every objective, I never get PVP votes, no matter how many medals I have (I average at the very least, 9-12 medals a match, usually in the top three players in the match (not only team) consecutively. Very frustrating overall. If you start giving advice or incomings, people usually alienate/ignore you. Very sarcastic, belligerent, ignorant players. Haven't experienced Post-50 yet, but I'm sure it's just as bad, if not worse.

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Republic side Harbinger has some really helpful people/guilds.


Order65 runs +10 datacron weekends once a month or so - open to anyone (kudos to them!)


I see people form queues to click the panel in the Black hole to spawn the elite, people actually wait in line instead of pushing to the panel and clicking like mad...wow, awesome.


Imperial side is a bit less helpful, never seen a +10 run or community building events on that faction, but still decent people.


Overall im pretty happy with the community no matter which faction i play.

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The Progenitor - 1/10


I also play on the Progenitor and should state it is the only server I have played on, having only been here 2 months. In that respect, it is hard to relate to how good or bad it is compared to other servers, but certainly when I read about node-stealing or 'ninja-looting' I do agree with the previous poster, we have very, very little of that here.


However, what scores negatively is the intolerance an unfortunately large number of gamers show towards foreign speakers. The server is primarily english-speaking but very occasionally you will see someone (for example) seeking a national guild and doing so in their mother-tongue, as you would expect. Cue the complaints that foreign language isn't allowed and if this foreign language continues to appear then the non-english speaking player will be reported. Even if the complainants weren't factually incorrect (they are; any language is welcome), I find the level of intolerance to be abhorrant and for me that makes The Progenitor the worse server of any MMO I have played. I can only liken it to finding yourself on the inside of the BNP* headquarters.


*A British fascist party, for those not familiar with the acronym.

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The Red Eclipse : 5/10


Truly, any argument ever given by people against cross-server instancing? It is just daily behavior on The Red Eclipse.


- Barren chat in general.

- Ninja'ing items, "stealing" quest objectives even if people would be in line, etc.

- At best getting a simple hi in instances, most of the time not a single word spoken at all.

- Too many players with a superiority complex in PvP.

- Etc.


The only reason I'm not scoring it lower is because under that mountain of dung there hides a very good quality of people, which make up for all of it.


But it's the kind of people you need to find, look for a decent guild.


If you want to play solo, not joining a guild? Try and join another server, as this community will in general not be the friendliest towards you.

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PVE : 10/10 love the pve in the game, I really wish they made armor design changes. for the love of god change jedi sage armor.


PvP: 6/10 we lose a lot, but some days we get lucky.


General Chat: trolls - crafters - recruiters, same ol same ol 5/10

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The Progenitor: 9/10, but I'm talking only Republic side.

Generally I am really glad that I chose to play on Progenitor, because I feel that 90% of people I meet will be friendly guys.



I also give 9 to The Progenitor, both sides.

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The Harbinger:




General chat is a mixed bag. You get some idiotic, some humorous and some instructive chatter. However, overall, it isn't too bad. I've been playing for more than a year and I can only remember one time where the chat was so outrageously inane that it took me out of my game play.


Ninja steals do happen especially in highly populated spawn areas. But I also have seen peeps wait their turn. In several instances, I've seen peeps help fight off mobs and then patiently wait their turn for spawn. There seems to be no rules for dailies. I do my part by never stealing waiting and showing others it can be done.


I get invites all the time to do stuff. Some are blind, some are not. I don't mind them at all. Good to have a little teamwork especially when running dailies. Most of the time, everything goes very well, followed by gg and thks. I've made many friends grouping.


Grouping for Ops and HM FPs has been generally good. It can be a bit of a mixed bag, but adjusting to situations is simple. I haven't had any arguments over loot myself. I have only seen one extremely egregious incident where the Master looter took the loot. I don't view this as a reflection on the community but rather just one individual being a douche-bag. There is an asswad in every barrel.


Occasionally... or maybe rarely, you will see a guild do something for the sake of the community. Not too long ago a guild setup open runs for the the +10 datacron on the fleet. They simply put their guildies in position, and pulled all who wanted through to get the datacron at no charge. It was great! And I think it did much to not only give peeps the warm and fuzzy but also to interact with each other. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.


So... Kudos Harbinger!


On Harbinger as well both republic and empire sides. I would agree with what the guy said from the quoted above. Overall the server community is good with bouts of ******ery here and there. Most people are helpful and informative but you do run into the jerks who always want to display their superiority by dissing others.


I do think that the Republic side has the lion's share of the immaturity. I see a lot less buffoonery on the empire side.

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9/10 for POT5, although I only speak for the pvp side of the house.


We have a very active community and organize several world pvp events, tournaments, etc.


We also have meetings between various guild leaders to keep the community strong.


See my youtube channel in signature for some of the events I've put together

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The Shadowlands about PVP 4/10


PVP - Republic always, I mean ALWAYS has premades. So much bad players on imp side.

I play a premade now because it's impossible to win with pugs against republic.

Ranked warzone is 5 smashers, 1 powertech and 1 scoundreal healer or 2 bubbler stun.

Huttball is always 6x0 or 6x1 because imp side has just 2 or 3 people trying to score.

Civil War the guy guarding the node dies and no calls.

Novare Coast imps never try power cap.

Ancient imps always go to the other side to be a free kill.

Voidstar ...


About PVE 9/10


Always someone helping each other on planets.

People calling for DPS, tank or healer to do weeklys.

Crafters for everything.

Group Finders has noobs but they asks how to play, they want to learn how to play.

People not been trolled in general chat because asked how to augment the piece.

No ninja looters, I just saw once a guy pressed need to his companion...




Shadowlands (Republic) -


*PVE - not bad, people work together, usually pretty good cooperation overall. Come time for school to let out, general chat degrades quickly. I mostly do game content with my guild, so pugs aren't something I deal with. :)


*PVP - Varies; I PVP with my guild in pre-50 and post-50. I don't do pug groups... but those we do get grouped with usually listen for the most part.


Shadowlands (Empire) -


*PVE - usually not too bad... Flashpoint healers tend to have a God complex. I don't like dealing with them. If you don't have dailies, they'll usually quit out of the group.


*PVP - Well... I hate to say this, but it's usually very unorganized. As a sniper, who defends every objective, I never get PVP votes, no matter how many medals I have (I average at the very least, 9-12 medals a match, usually in the top three players in the match (not only team) consecutively. Very frustrating overall. If you start giving advice or incomings, people usually alienate/ignore you. Very sarcastic, belligerent, ignorant players. Haven't experienced Post-50 yet, but I'm sure it's just as bad, if not worse.


Do we play on the same server?


TBH ... general chat below tatooine is about as bad as that found in Elwyn Forrest on Moonguard.


And there are two guilds (one each side of the factions) ... you know who you are ... run flagged and take every oportunity to use the AOE "bug" to flag people so they can wtfpwn you.


If you are new to MMORPGs and SWTOR stay away from shadowlands until you know what you are doing and are comfortable with coming up with tactics to deal with the griefers of Shadowlands. :cool:

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Red Eclipse: 8.5/10


This is NOWHERE near as bad as other people are saying, at least on Republic side. Everyone I've met has been friendly, everyone in the political/religious debates we've had on the server has always sided against the bigots, and I always get invited to great groups with friendly people.


As soon as I say "hi" when I enter an ops group, other people do too, and ALL the questions I've ever asked on the fleet have been met by polite, prompt and helpful replies.


Overall, an absolutely OUTSTANDING server that I am proud to be part of. Of course there are some bad apples, there always are, but compared to GW2, Red Eclipse is fantastic.

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I'd give it a 7/10.


Overall, decent people with the rare jerk. General chat can get a little rough sometimes, but most days it's pretty drama-free. Very few server-wide events. I always have to laugh at the Community Round-Up cause JC only rarely has anything going on.

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Do we play on the same server?


TBH ... general chat below tatooine is about as bad as that found in Elwyn Forrest on Moonguard.


And there are two guilds (one each side of the factions) ... you know who you are ... run flagged and take every oportunity to use the AOE "bug" to flag people so they can wtfpwn you.


If you are new to MMORPGs and SWTOR stay away from shadowlands until you know what you are doing and are comfortable with coming up with tactics to deal with the griefers of Shadowlands. :cool:


Oh, I can assure you we have comfortable tactics. My guild and some others on Ilum ROFLSTOMPED the imperials back to their base and killed them as they spawned. Did so for two hours. Haven't had grieving problems since.

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I've played on 3 different servers. All of them have had surprisingly silent, isolated and non entertaining communities. It has kinda lead me into thinking TOR is a bit hostile soil for vibrant communities to form. In good and bad both, social aspect of the game is entirely unlike WoW. I could also compare it to communities of Ultima&Eve Online but I don't want to be that unfair. :p


I'm sure all of these servers have had perfectly fine sub communities within best of the guilds they have, I speak in very general terms here about serv community and " spirit" as a whole.


Comparing amount of actual debate and discussion, dumb trolling, brilliant humor, fights,drama and sheer LIFE of a typical WoW RP server to only (EU) RP server of TOR makes a ..sad tale. Great many people in TOR are content with minding their own business most of the time. I find it difficult to comprehend how the SINGLE RP server of entire continent can be as silent as that. Traditionally RP server of MMOs are the places where most outreaching and eager-for-discussion/debate/drama people pile up.



I mostly blame Bioware. They seemed to make actual effort to keep communities from forming.

- No realm forums(until most people had already left the game and ones ones eager to build a community had already made their effort elsewhere)

- Truly impressive exercise of short sightedness by opening one million servers to two million players. ...And then merging it all to half a dozen servs was a good way of keeping everyone strangers back when the game still had significant amounts of active players.

- No GENERAL Chat and off topic sections on official forums. - > If you have anything at all to say that doesn't have to do with TOR or some terrible EU StaWa book, go say it somewhere else buddy. Yeah **** you too BW. It's not like it takes people actually getting to know people to form a community anyway. Lack of general chat and pretty severe lack of moderation on the sections we do have kinda ensures general topics, vitriol and all kinds of bad blood just leaks to TOR general chat instead.

Edited by Stradlin
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On Harbinger as well both republic and empire sides. I would agree with what the guy said from the quoted above. Overall the server community is good with bouts of ******ery here and there. Most people are helpful and informative but you do run into the jerks who always want to display their superiority by dissing others.


I do think that the Republic side has the lion's share of the immaturity. I see a lot less buffoonery on the empire side.


Weirdly enough, I think we must play both factions at completely different times of the day. The Empire side when I play it has the worst combination of PvP ragers, immature trolls and elitists. The Republic general chat tends to be a little better than the imperial side but on Harbinger the Republic has issues with Elitism in FP's and some high-end snobbery. But reading the forums these tend to be issues on every server.


The guild life in Harbinger is filled with very nice people. I'm very happy with my guild selections for each faction. If I had to numerically rate it, it would probably vary from a 6.5-8.0 for the general quality of life features and the guild life would be an 8.5.

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Tomb of Freedon Nadd 4/10 but it can go below that.

Terrible...just terrible.

It is only because I have some real-life and in-game friends I play with, but when you look in general, at the bigger picture, it is awful.


It is not only General chat. It is also PvP and PvE groups, even guilds that are complete disaster full of rude and, if not, evil, arrogant people.


P.s. my opinion and experience.

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