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Kaggath Tournament - Grievous vs Revan vs G0-T0


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It seems that everyone is thinking of ways for Reven to kill G0-T0, (which there AREN'T) but I think we should also be thinking of how Greivous could kill G0-T0. I want G0-T0 to win, as seen in other posts- and he will, but we need every angle covered.
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It seems that everyone is thinking of ways for Reven to kill G0-T0, (which there AREN'T) but I think we should also be thinking of how Greivous could kill G0-T0. I want G0-T0 to win, as seen in other posts- and he will, but we need every angle covered.


As you and every other G0-T0 fan keeps on saying..


"He can't be located! He has a stealthed ship and can go into hyperspace escaping when the enemy comes."


"Even if Nar Shadda is gone(which eliminates almost the entire Exchange powerbase getting rid of 3 Exchange leaders thus no resources from them, because that is where the most activity takes place, this would leave G0-T0 realistically with only 2 weaker locations for resources/credits) he can just set up somewhere else and continue!"


"Grievous and Revan won't be looking for a droid, they will be looking for a human!"


"If Griveous or Revan attack Nar Shadda, they'll have the entire underworld attacking them...(which really...I don't see them being much of a threat if there can be no involvement from outside sources this being the Hutts...)

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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As you and every other G0-T0 fan keeps on saying..


"He can't be located! He has a stealthed ship and can go into hyperspace escaping when the enemy comes."


"Even if Nar Shadda is gone(which eliminates almost the entire Exchange powerbase getting rid of 3 Exchange leaders thus no resources from them, because that is where the most activity takes place, this would leave G0-T0 realistically with only 2 weaker locations for resources/credits) he can just set up somewhere else and continue!"


"Grievous and Revan won't be looking for a droid, they will be looking for a human!"


See, with or without the ship, I would like to see them kill him. He himself has stealth, and I beilive that the Hk's aren't made on Nar Shaddaa, but I could be wrong. Bounty hunters aren't just on Nar Shadda either. Taking Nar Shadda would be better for G0-T0 since smugglers would rally by him to regain their planet, thus giving him more allies/forces.


Even without the Hutts, bounty hunters and smuggler would want their planet back. G0-T0 would be set back, but he wouldn't be destroyed. And there are a lot of smugglers.

Edited by Canino
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"He can't be located! He has a stealthed ship and can go into hyperspace escaping when the enemy comes."


"Even if Nar Shadda is gone(which eliminates almost the entire Exchange powerbase getting rid of 3 Exchange leaders thus no resources from them, because that is where the most activity takes place, this would leave G0-T0 realistically with only 2 weaker locations for resources/credits) he can just set up somewhere else and continue!"


The ship arguement really isn't exaggerated. If G0-T0 had a fleet, it might be a problem. But he has one ship. And The Visionary isn't helpless, it's highly advanced with sheilds and blasters. (For proof look up "The Visionary" on Wookieepedia). The Visionary is like the Blockade Runner.... except with a cloaking device and only droids, which prevents sensing it with the Force. It would be simple for him to slip away.


Nar Shaddaa is not the majority of the Exchange's powerbase. It's not. The Exchange was one of the most powerful crime syndicates of its time.... and it existed at the same time as the Hut Cartel (which it rivaled and operated right at the Cartel's doorstep). Also, if by "two weaker locations" you mean Taris and Telos, you're severly underestimating the Exchange's influence. It's not three planets. It's galaxy wide. The Exchange doesn't own planets, it operates out of sight on them, in the underworld. Which is near impossible for larger powers to control. The Excahnge has operations on more than just three planets. If G0-T0 lost Nar Shaddaa, he could easily relocate to one of those locations, seeing as the crime boss that should be heading that branch no longer exists.

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See, with or without the ship, I would like to see them kill him. He himself has stealth, and I beilive that the Hk's aren't made on Nar Shaddaa, but I could be wrong. Bounty hunters aren't just on Nar Shadda either. Taking Nar Shadda would be better for G0-T0 since smugglers would rally by him to regain their planet, thus giving him more allies/forces.


Even without the Hutts, bounty hunters and smuggler would want their planet back. G0-T0 would be set back, but he wouldn't be destroyed. And there are a lot of smugglers.


See...again, you do that so whats the point of even debating this further? But realistically, how many smugglers and bounty hunters would actually last against a military fleet the size of Revan's or Grievous's? How many bounty hunters and smugglers would actually have good ships? Not every bounty hunter or smuggler is Boba/Han, or any of the big bounty hunter's/smuggles in the galaxy. Honestly the regular bounty hunter/smuggler, would probably have snub fighters or lightly armored freighters.


More to that how would the smugglers or bounty hunters how fast would they get to their ships before either fleet decides to slag the planet? Or blow their ships outta the sky, as they take off?


I really doubt every bounty hunter or smuggler is a master pilot, hell I doubt some of them are even comptent in dogfighting.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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See...again, you do that so whats the point of even debating this further? But realistically, how many smugglers and bounty hunters would actually last against a military fleet the size of Revan's or Grievous's? How many bounty hunters and smugglers would actually have good ships? Not every bounty hunter or smuggler is Boba/Han, or any of the big bounty hunter's in the galaxy. Honestly the regular bounty hunter/smuggler, would probably have snub fighters or lightly armored freighters.


More to that how would the smugglers or bounty hunters how fast would they get to their ships before either fleet decides to slag the planet? Or blow their ships outta the sky, as they take off?


I really doubt every bounty hunter or smuggler is a master pilot, hell I doubt some of them are even comptent in dogfighting.


Very true, very true. But the fact remains there are no ways that have been stated of how GG or Reven can realistically defeat G0-T0. You keep bringing up the ship, and that they have to find him, but that is G0-T0's strength. It is in G0-T0's character. He doesn't have a huge army or fleet, but his has the ship and his assassins. You have to fight what your opponent has, and G0-T0 has what he has. It seems like (if this is offensive, please, no offense) you would prefer if G0-T0 would fight outright, but that isn't G0-T0. If you want that, you need to look elsewhere, becasue your asking to not fight G0-T0. Again no offense if you find this offensive.

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Very true, very true. But the fact remains there are no ways that have been stated of how GG or Reven can realistically defeat G0-T0. You keep bringing up the ship, and that they have to find him, but that is G0-T0's strength. It is in G0-T0's character. He doesn't have a huge army or fleet, but his has the ship and his assassins. You have to fight what your opponent has, and G0-T0 has what he has. It seems like (if this is offensive, please, no offense) you would prefer if G0-T0 would fight outright, but that isn't G0-T0. If you want that, you need to look elsewhere, becasue your asking to not fight G0-T0. Again no offense if you find this offensive.


I'm not saying that G0-T0 should do an outright fight against GG or Revan, am just merely bringing up the fact that if:


1. His ship is stealthed


2. None of the combatants can find him.


3. He can just escape whenever a fleet comes(I still don't see why an Interdictor won't work, they could still find the ship within the surrounding area..)


Then I don't see any point in arguing this. Or rather I don't see any point in arguing if all G0-T0 is gonna do is run and hide and is still able to send out assassins and the like to eliminate his enemies. Or at least that is what you, Warren and Star keep stating.


Edit: Warren no I am not underestimating the Exchange at all or exaggerating G0-T0's ship I know what it is, I know they had big influence also yes Nar Shadda is the place where the Exchange mostly operate out of. Remember what Atton said?


"The Exchange is a big crime outfit, mostly operating out of Nar Shaddaa: spice running, gun trafficking, slave trading."


I am not saying they don't have elsewhere, but compared to Nar Shadda their resources/credits wouldn't be that big elsewhere cause 4(this including G0-T0 without him, its just 3) of the 6 bosses operated out of Nar Shadda. They made have had places elsewhere, but G0-T0 is gonna take a big hit if he loses Nar Shadda.


Also actually the Hutts only tolerate the Exchange, Keria looked into the future and found the Hutts stopped tolerating the Exchange and the Exchange began to feed on itself. So the Exchange wasn't really rivaling the Hutts at all if the Hutts only tolerated them and then when stopped caused it to feed upon itself.



But again, what does this matter if G0-T0 can just run and hide and send out assassins to deal with his enemies? GG and Revan can't just wait out G0-T0 until his credits run out, if this were a 1 on 1 things might be different but its not.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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See...again, you do that so whats the point of even debating this further? But realistically, how many smugglers and bounty hunters would actually last against a military fleet the size of Revan's or Grievous's? How many bounty hunters and smugglers would actually have good ships? Not every bounty hunter or smuggler is Boba/Han, or any of the big bounty hunter's/smuggles in the galaxy. Honestly the regular bounty hunter/smuggler, would probably have snub fighters or lightly armored freighters.


A bounty hunter or smuggler with substandard ship is soon one that ends up dead or captured by law enforcement... While they tried to make it look like their ships were crud, a lot of them did have very good ships underneath the battered exteriors.


More to that how would the smugglers or bounty hunters how fast would they get to their ships before either fleet decides to slag the planet? Or blow their ships outta the sky, as they take off?


Since when do all smugglers and bounty hunters park their ships on Nar Shaddaa? While it is one of their favorite hangouts, the odds of them all being there is fairly low...


I really doubt every bounty hunter or smuggler is a master pilot, hell I doubt some of them are even comptent in dogfighting.


Pilots on the order of Han Solo, no... However to claim that they weren't decent pilots in their own rights is seriously underestimating them. In order to survive many smugglers and bounty hunters had to be good pilots... Plus when you add into this the fact that their ships aren't exactly stock freighters but are instead extensively modified, they probably could be a force to be reckoned with if we got to that point.


Also since many legit merchants pass through Nar Shaddaa on a routine basis, Grievous or Revan would be shooting themselves in the foot by attacking the Smuggler's Moon...

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But again, what does this matter if G0-T0 can just run and hide and send out assassins to deal with his enemies? GG and Revan can't just wait out G0-T0 until his credits run out, if this were a 1 on 1 things might be different but its not.


Well let's compromise here. What if G0-T0 stays? What if he's confined to Nar Shaddaa?


First, Revan will not have forces to spare to attack Nar Shaddaa while Grievous is in the picture. Grievous will be able to, considering his numbers. But he might not really care about a crime lord when there's a Revan to be crushed. I estimate the winner of the Grievous/Revan war will go after G0-T0 on Nar Shaddaa, after they've dealth wioth the other. (However, if this is the case, scenarios have been presented in which G0-T0 eliminates them both and that would be the end of it.)


So let's say one of those two comes to Nar Shaddaa, if the G0-T0's plan fails (somehow...). G0-T0 was so well hidden that all of his enemies had no idea how to find him. And those were people in the underworld who knew of his operations. He was hiding in plain sight, but cloaked. Even the heros of KOTOR II had to be invited onto G0-T0's yacht, they couldn't find it.


So G0-T0 is trapped. Nar Shaddaa has been bombarded. The smuggler and bounty hunter allies have failed. His assassins are dead. How do they find G0-T0?


It will be exceedingly hard to find a single, small-sized ship in the vast reaches of Nar Shaddaa's atmoshpere (I'm pretty sure it's even larger than Earth's) regardless of stealth. And neither really have the resources to find it when stealthed.


But G0-T0 can't just sit there and make it a stale mate. So he'll be forced on the offensive. G0-T0's yacht has been shown to have the ability to force a docking with another ship. So he either glides into a hangar, or docks with a ship, pooring his hundreds on personal droids onto the flagship of whoever it is he's facing.


G0-T0 goes into stealth while his droids wreck the ship. He might hack into the opponent's droids. Or the mainframe, shuting down the ship's main function (life support). Then he makes his wayto the bridge or the opponent. Unable to be sensed (by either) he could very well vent gas into the room. Or electrocute them. Or countless other ways he could kill either Revan or Grievous with the elementof surprise.


So even if G0-T0 has only his yacht left, he can still win. Obviously this is just one scenario, but it is a possible one. If you strip away all of our arguments and leave G0-T0 with nothing but his HQ, there is still a possiblity he could win.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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I wasn't saying that many BH's and Smugglers weren't great pilots, I was merely speaking of dogfighting however. How many would have actually had to engage in a dogfight? Perhaps contempt wasn't the right word, your right not every single BH and Smuggler would be on Nar Shadda however the works in the favor for GG and Revan less opposition.


Anyway ya am done with this.


Edit: Warren, G0-T0's ship doesn't have hundreds of droids. If just leaving his Yatch it has


28 Sentry droids Mk 1's


3 S6-series security/maintenance droids


3 Utility droids.


Though yes he could just board the other ships, however they would both know something is a miss when a guard is dead or a droid got hacked and is now disabling the ship systems. Its not like the ships don't have an override function or a backup system, if they don't then thats pretty stupid of the designers who build the ships.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Edit: Warren, G0-T0's ship doesn't have hundreds of droids. If just leaving his Yatch it has


28 Sentry droids Mk 1's


3 S6-series security/maintenance droids


3 Utility droids.


Though yes he could just board the other ships, however they would both know something is a miss when a guard is dead or a droid got hacked and is now disabling the ship systems. Its not like the ships don't have an override function or a backup system, if they don't then thats pretty stupid of the designers who build the ships.


I'm not sure about those numbers, but if that is true:


G0-T0 used his yacht mainly as a base, and for hijacking, on board was also a droid control center that would coordinate thousands of droids, on Nar Shaddaa and elsewhere.


It would be simple for his to transfer his droids from Nar Shaddaa's surface to his yacht for added security and in possible preparation for this tactic. But those MK 1s are deadly, even against Jedi such as Meetra Surik (they have flamethrowers!). They would be able to do some damage.


I'm sure everyone would know as soon as G0-T0 landed. However, if he stealths and someone opens a turbo-lift to send reenforments... he'soff and running. And G0-T0 hacked thousands of droids across Nar Shaddaa, I'm sure he could access the ship's mainframe.


I'm not saying this plan will work. But even if you disregaurd all other arguments, G0-T0 still has a way to kill the others. Where as they have no real way to kill him.

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After read a lot of this thread I'm more convinced than ever that the Kaggath isn't about "If he can just do that I think he can win" but more about the likelihood of said outcome. Let me pose two examples.


Example 1, how saying "if" can aid/win a debate.


Sadow vs. Skere Kaan, Kaan brought an army of force users that could easily equal Sadow's own forces. BUT an argument was made that Kaan's will was too weak to break Sadow's illusions and thus Sadow would more likely, under the conditions of the Kaggath, win.


Example 2, how saying "if" doesn't help.


In MtU vs. Grievous, I posed a situation in which MtU 'could' win but that would require everything to go his way and Grievous to act in a way that would go against his nature as established by cannon. Unfortunately it was agreed later that Grievous's numbers and strategy just wouldn't let it happen.


In both situations (and every Kaggath thanks to Beni's mostly fair matchmaking) either side could have won under the appropriate conditions, BUT, these aren't always 'appropriate' conditions. Sometimes your side (or the other side) will have a fatal character flaw or saving grace that can change the outcome and let the little guy win (or crush his last hope).


The trick is finding an "if" solution that fits with what a character would do as them, with their personalities and traits, and not one that could win them the Kaggath but would require an unnatural response, error, or action by them or their opponent.


As that all relates the this Kaggath, I stand by the argument that Grievous is smart enough to avoid Revan in a 1v1 and put huge numbers between them while using Ventress* to kill Malak and overall just weaken Revan. He'll hammer away till there is nothing left and G0-T0 will be there to execute the victor. G0-T0 is smart and if he where to hang around anywhere it'd be Telos IV** with his HK's (not Nar Shadda) until he needs to strike then it's lights out and G0-T0 victory.


*Ventress ~ Prequel Jedi > OR Jedi ~ OR Sith. Malak was fairly average though Revan could put up a fight and win against Ventress


**Here's a question, G0-T0 is using Revan's HK's and this is pre-mind wipe Revan so does Revan know or will we assume that these HK's and Telos are lost as they where when G0-T0 operated them?)

Edited by StarSquirrel
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I'm not sure about those numbers, but if that is true:




It would be simple for his to transfer his droids from Nar Shaddaa's surface to his yacht for added security and in possible preparation for this tactic. But those MK 1s are deadly, even against Jedi such as Meetra Surik (they have flamethrowers!). They would be able to do some damage.


I'm sure everyone would know as soon as G0-T0 landed. However, if he stealths and someone opens a turbo-lift to send reenforments... he'soff and running. And G0-T0 hacked thousands of droids across Nar Shaddaa, I'm sure he could access the ship's mainframe.


I'm not saying this plan will work. But even if you disregaurd all other arguments, G0-T0 still has a way to kill the others. Where as they have no real way to kill him.


Yes but in your thing up top, you said your just leaving the Yacht, what you quoted is just a controller which controls the droids on Nar Shadda and elsewhere. Which those numbers are right, as they are listed on the page of the Yacht. Your right though he could access the ship mainframe, however if the ship designers weren't stupid and something did go wrong on a ship they could just manually override whatever had happened and lock it down preventing further access.


Though if I misunderstood and he is able to get droids from Nar Shadda(whatever is left, after its been bombarded) then ya he could have a sizeable force.


But anyway this is done, and were not really arguing the battle here so lets just wait for the results so we can move on.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Just combing through the posts and found something that I had overlooked before that quite simply baffled me:

(Before I begin my analysis, which will be as unbias as possible...


...Allies: Ventress can defeat Malak in a duel (someone's gonna disagree, but they will be wrong), but I think Hanharr would beat her. Dueling-wise of course. Ventress could simply choke the poor wookiee into submission.

Ventress beating a master swordsmen of his age I can just about tolerate, Malak being an OR Jedi/Sith and Ventress being a former PQ Jedi (although I don't completely agree with that argument) and trained by Count Dooku. But Hanharr?! Some sociopathic Wookiee it seems possesses more dueling ability than a dark Jedi trained personally by Count Dooku - a PQ master swordsman, and Darth Malak, a master swordsman of the the OR era. Despite not even being able to kill Mira. I think Aurbere's Revan-hate may have finally got the better of him... or he's just crazy :p


I mean, what next? Ashoka beats Revan hands down? (Don't even answer that one, I know fear your response will be 'yes'. :rolleyes:)

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Just combing through the posts and found something that I had overlooked before that quite simply baffled me:

Ventress beating a master swordsmen of his age I can just about tolerate, Malak being an OR Jedi/Sith and Ventress being a former PQ Jedi (although I don't completely agree with that argument) and trained by Count Dooku. But Hanharr?! Some sociopathic Wookiee it seems possesses more dueling ability than a dark Jedi trained personally by Count Dooku - a PQ master swordsman, and Darth Malak, a master swordsman of the the OR era. Despite not even being able to kill Mira. I think Aurbere's Revan-hate may have finally got the better of him... or he's just crazy :p


I mean, what next? Ashoka beats Revan hands down? (Don't even answer that one, I know fear your response will be 'yes'. :rolleyes:)


I posted that!? Slip of the tongue I guess.


You know, you don't have to attribute everything I say as being 'Revan hate.' Is it really necessary?

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When Revan is the topic of discussion. It always has to be considered. I am of the opinion that you are not insane. :p


Well I'm not insane. The Revan vs. Kaan thread is proof of that. If I was truly bias, would I not have said Kaan would win?


And to answer your previous question: No, Revan would beat Ahsoka.

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Well I'm not insane. The Revan vs. Kaan thread is proof of that. If I was truly bias, would I not have said Kaan would win?


And to answer your previous question: No, Revan would beat Ahsoka.

Yeah but nobody likes Kaan now do they? :p Oh and, thank the lord.


NOTE: I'm probably not going to have time to call the results just yet, so I may as well give you all some food for thought until I can. I feel in the whirlwind that is the tri-battle Kaggath a few important points have been overlooked. Namely:


1. Grievous has access to a fast amount of factories and technology spouting groups. So we can assume he could acquire a crystal gravfield trap and a gravity well generator (as well as other tracking technologies). Combined these could track down and trap G0-T0 and destroy him if Grievous defeated Revan, or even before that.


2. Ventress could very well defect to Revan's side. Kaggath rules state that Dooku is not in this Kaggath and technically doesn't exist, it also states that events after the Kaggath are over are irrelevant. So Ventress has no reason to support Grievous, Revan could offer her power that Grievous can't and defect. And he has vast knowledge of the dark side that could lure Ventress e.g. Thought bomb.


3. Both Revan and Grievous aren't going to ignore G0-T0 completely and will suspect underhanded attacks. To ensure he does not pose a threat combined they could probably vaporize the surface of Nar Shaddaa and destroy the HK factory on Telos. Effectively eliminating G0-T0's entire power base, save his yacht.


I do feel this debate could benefit from a little more discussion, but whatever, just at least consider the above points. Goodnight (from England. :cool:)

Edited by Beniboybling
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Yeah but nobody likes Kaan now do they? :p Oh and, thank the lord.


NOTE: I'm probably not going to have time to call the results just yet, so I may as well give you all some food for thought until I can. I feel in the whirlwind that is the tri-battle Kaggath a few important points have been overlooked. Namely:


1. Grievous has access to a fast amount of factories and technology spouting groups. So we can assume he could acquire a crystal gravfield trap and a gravity well generator (as well as other tracking technologies). Combined these could track down and trap G0-T0 and destroy him if Grievous defeated Revan, or even before that.


2. Ventress could very well defect to Revan's side. Kaggath rules state that Dooku is not in this Kaggath and technically doesn't exist, it also states that events after the Kaggath are over are irrelevant. So Ventress has no reason to support Grievous, Revan could offer her power that Grievous can't and defect. And he has vast knowledge of the dark side that could lure Ventress e.g. Thought bomb.


3. Both Revan and Grievous aren't going to ignore G0-T0 completely and will suspect underhanded attacks. To ensure he does not pose a threat combined they could probably vaporize the surface of Nar Shaddaa and destroy the HK factory on Telos. Effectively eliminating G0-T0's entire power base, save his yacht.


I do feel this debate could benefit from a little more discussion, but whatever, just at least consider the above points. Goodnight (from England. :cool:)


1. Another thing I would like to add to Grievous' weapons is Bioweapons. He has used Bioweapons in the past and can use them here.


2. Do the 'main characters' know that there are no future events after the battle? Because Ventress wouldn't need Dark Side secrets if she knows that there is no future. But if she doesn't know, then we go from there.


3. I'm not entirely sure on the specifics of G0-T0's capabilities, so I'll leave this one for others to deal with.

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Yeah but nobody likes Kaan now do they? :p Oh and, thank the lord.


NOTE: I'm probably not going to have time to call the results just yet, so I may as well give you all some food for thought until I can. I feel in the whirlwind that is the tri-battle Kaggath a few important points have been overlooked. Namely:


1. Grievous has access to a fast amount of factories and technology spouting groups. So we can assume he could acquire a crystal gravfield trap and a gravity well generator (as well as other tracking technologies). Combined these could track down and trap G0-T0 and destroy him if Grievous defeated Revan, or even before that.


2. Ventress could very well defect to Revan's side. Kaggath rules state that Dooku is not in this Kaggath and technically doesn't exist, it also states that events after the Kaggath are over are irrelevant. So Ventress has no reason to support Grievous, Revan could offer her power that Grievous can't and defect. And he has vast knowledge of the dark side that could lure Ventress e.g. Thought bomb.


3. Both Revan and Grievous aren't going to ignore G0-T0 completely and will suspect underhanded attacks. To ensure he does not pose a threat combined they could probably vaporize the surface of Nar Shaddaa and destroy the HK factory on Telos. Effectively eliminating G0-T0's entire power base, save his yacht.


I do feel this debate could benefit from a little more discussion, but whatever, just at least consider the above points. Goodnight (from England. :cool:)


First-Nighty night. Don't let the HK's kill you in your sleep:D!


Next, would 3 count as an alliance? If both GG and Reven just suddenly decided to attack Nar Shadda, then no, but if they were both there at the same time, they would attack each other. And if they both decided to together, or combined as you put it, is that an alliance? If that makes since.


Next- how would GG get a crystal gravifield trap? Just because he has production factories doesn't give him everything. These things would cost money. And since he doesn't have the CIS, only his army, how would he afford that? If he fights for one, G0-T0 is sure to know. Same with the gravity well projector. And still no plans to kill G0-T0 on either parties that would actually work....

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1. Grievous has access to a fast amount of factories and technology spouting groups. So we can assume he could acquire a crystal gravfield trap and a gravity well generator (as well as other tracking technologies). Combined these could track down and trap G0-T0 and destroy him if Grievous defeated Revan, or even before that.


3. Both Revan and Grievous aren't going to ignore G0-T0 completely and will suspect underhanded attacks. To ensure he does not pose a threat combined they could probably vaporize the surface of Nar Shaddaa and destroy the HK factory on Telos. Effectively eliminating G0-T0's entire power base, save his yacht.


1. We can't really assume that. In what time period was that device made, anyways (Crystal gravfield)? Because in TCW, the Republic made a stealthed ship. And Grievous didn't go "AH HA!" and pull out a special device to stop it. I don't think Grievous has anything able to detect stealthed ships. And if G0-T0 is now the only major power in the underworld, it's unlikely he'll ever get it.


3. I'm not so sure about that. G0-T0 existed during Revan's time. Revan wasn't like "Let's all go kill that one droid floating above Nar Shaddaa". I seriously doubt Revan, and for sure Grievous, will deal with G0-T0 until the bigger fish is fried. Revan won't have the forces to spare as he battles Grievous's trillions, and Grievous (from what I've seen) prefers to take more direct tactics, something he can't do with G0-T0. If he's the sole leader of the CIS, I see no reason why he would even bother with a droid. Actually, Grievous was said to view droids as weak and pathetic. No reason to go after G0-T0 now, when you can do it later.


But, as I've said, if G0-T0 does lose Nar Shaddaa and Telos (How is he gonna lose Telos again...?) he still has a chance of winning. Also, don't forget that the Exchange is larger than Nar Shaddaa. He does have reenforments to call on from across the galaxy.


And the there's the defense arguments for Nar Shaddaa and Telos. Smugglers and bounty hunters and the whole underworld, yadda yadda yadda. And good luck bombing the HK factory. It's literally a bunker. Telos was bombarded before, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that bunker survived.


And I doubt they'll take steps to "ensure" G0-T0 isn't a a threat if they don't view him as a threat anyways. They have armies to clash.


And as for the "combined", if you're suggesting that they both aid in destroying Nar Shaddaa, that only works for G0-T0, as a space battle between the two would surely ensue, creating an oppertunity for G0-T0 to enact his gravity well and/or send his strike teams to assassinate the leaders.

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