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why are people freaking out about Ilum in 1.7?


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What the PVPrs don't seem to get is this.


There is a reason there are PVP servers and PVE servers.


Most NOT ALL but most PVErs despise the pvp scene.

There should be NO requirement in ANY quest on a PVE server to PVP at all what so ever.

When you play on a PVP server you accept the fact that PVP is the sole purpose of the server and expect PVP.


Bioware should recognize this and provide ways for those who desire PVP to move to a PVP server.

Bioware should only let the part time pvpers to attain pvp goals through warzones and such on a PVE server.

There should ALSO be PVP gear you can only get on a PVP server. After of course they provide a way for people to transfer to a PVP server.


Conversely there should be PVE gear you can ONLY get on a PVE server.

I am not saying STAT WISE these sets are BIS just a way to have some exclusivity between the 2 communities.

If there are Really kewl PVP gear sets only on the PVP servers then people will move or have toons on both.


I don't think there should be a mix of the two. PVP on a PVE server should be WARZONES only. or by CHOICE if you CHOOSE to flag yourself.

Edited by ZORG
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forcing people to do pvp in order to do pve content on a pve server is what the problem is. DUH!!!


This. 1000x this. Why have pve servers if you're going to force people to pvp. What part of that do these game devs not get? It's not rigth to torture a pve player with a group of nasty gankers who stand between you and an objective to the point you're so frustrated you're ready to cancel your sub. It's annoying. :mad:

Edited by Lunafox
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This. 1000x this. Why have pve servers if you're going to force people to pvp. What part of that do these game devs not get? It's not rigth to torture a pve player with a group of nasty gankers who stand between you and an objective to the point you're so frustrated you're ready to cancel your sub. It's annoying. :mad:

You may as well say why introduce the western half of Ilum on a PVE server then, let me guess you would then complain that PvP servers have more content, yes? What you are actually saying is no PvP in SWTOR outside of warzones which appears a tad radical to me.


How can you not get it Ops/FPs are for PVE players whilst WZ and west Ilum are for PvP players. If an event is in either of those areas then it is provided in the main for that part of the community. Will the event be partly in the East, partly in the West of Ilum? Who knows, certainly not me.


By the way I hardly ever PvP, and haven't in this game although I have 5 50's (although I have done in other games)

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Somehow this mutated from "please stop with the put one objective in an autoflagged PvP area and one objective in a HM FP because it is unfair to PvP and PvE peoples" to "PvE master race is subjugating us poor PvP folks, rise up and revolt".


Let me go ahead and put down my bet for "event ends up having nothing to do at all with actual PvP and is merely another excuse to try to 'introduce' people to other play styles, which will end up with a lot of PvP people being forced into a HM and screamed at for being in PvP gear and a lot of PvE'rs in greens and zero situational awareness wandering blithely into the Western Shelf and being massacred by a handful of ganking trolls."


I think it's very indicative that the PvP community feels so kicked around that they're hypersensitive about this, hoping against hope BW will actually give them something this time.

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What the PVPrs don't seem to get is this.


There is a reason there are PVP servers and PVE servers.


Most NOT ALL but most PVErs despise the pvp scene.

There should be NO requirement in ANY quest on a PVE server to PVP at all what so ever.

When you play on a PVP server you accept the fact that PVP is the sole purpose of the server and expect PVP.


Bioware should recognize this and provide ways for those who desire PVP to move to a PVP server.

Bioware should only let the part time pvpers to attain pvp goals through warzones and such on a PVE server.

There should ALSO be PVP gear you can only get on a PVP server. After of course they provide a way for people to transfer to a PVP server.


Conversely there should be PVE gear you can ONLY get on a PVE server.

I am not saying STAT WISE these sets are BIS just a way to have some exclusivity between the 2 communities.

If there are Really kewl PVP gear sets only on the PVP servers then people will move or have toons on both.


I don't think there should be a mix of the two. PVP on a PVE server should be WARZONES only. or by CHOICE if you CHOOSE to flag yourself.


so, then don't do the event in stead of crying bout it?

do u hear pvp ppl crying when they made pve events?

pve ppl are not the sole ppl playing this game, now a pvp event is made in illum ... if u dont wanna do it, then don't do it ... just cut the whining about it

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[quote name='ZORG']What the PVPrs don't seem to get is this. There is a reason there are PVP servers and PVE servers. Most NOT ALL but most PVErs despise the pvp scene. There should be NO requirement in ANY quest on a PVE server to PVP at all what so ever. When you play on a PVP server you accept the fact that PVP is the sole purpose of the server and expect PVP. Bioware should recognize this and provide ways for those who desire PVP to move to a PVP server. Bioware should only let the part time pvpers to attain pvp goals through warzones and such on a PVE server. There should ALSO be PVP gear you can only get on a PVP server. After of course they provide a way for people to transfer to a PVP server. Conversely there should be PVE gear you can ONLY get on a PVE server. I am not saying STAT WISE these sets are BIS just a way to have some exclusivity between the 2 communities. If there are Really kewl PVP gear sets only on the PVP servers then people will move or have toons on both. I don't think there should be a mix of the two. PVP on a PVE server should be WARZONES only. or by CHOICE if you CHOOSE to flag yourself.[/QUOTE] Or by CHOICE if you CHOOSE to fly to the PVP planet. Sorry that the PVP scene bothers you, but segregating PVE and PVP players is stupid and bioware is doing this the right way. The only reason you have PVP servers is because that's for people that enjoy PVP any time any place anywhere. Not everyone that PVPs enjoys it to that extent. They like having certain parts of the game to go to get their PVP fix.This content is not neccessary to enjoy the game and it's a fix that many of us have been asking for since Ilum shut down a year ago. If you don't like PVP, then avoid the western part of Ilum. Simple.
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I like how you're all complaining as if bioware were to change the mechanics and location of this event within a week.

Suck it up, there's nothing you can do at this point so either participate in the new event or don't.

Edited by micnevv
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What I think the problem is the Marketing Departments wording in the article talking about the up-coming change.


For instance they used the words "In-Game Event" instead of just saying ilum's PvP Revamp is coming. Considering it did say located in the Western Ice Shelf of Ilum, Which is where the Open PvP is located. People just read In-Game event and start freaking because they don't want to miss an in-game event and they have to PvP so they start to complain.


It also said that it will be a Re-Curring event. I'm actually looking forward to the new Ilum PvP revamp.

Edited by Raideag
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This content is not neccessary to enjoy the game and it's a fix that many of us have been asking for since Ilum shut down a year ago. If you don't like PVP, then avoid the western part of Ilum. Simple.


Agreed. Like I said before, the only issue with the PvP on Ilum last time was the engine could not support the large scale battles, and there was only a .5 framerate.


I dont think they will do something that will run a person's PvE gameplay, or vice versa.... I mean, how bad could it be, its not like every player will be infected by some horrible pague, turn different colors, and eventually blow up if they dont carry around an antidote... that would just be ridiculous!!! :p

Edited by skiibyrd
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What I think the problem is the Marketing Departments wording in the article talking about the up-coming change.


For instance they used the words "In-Game Event" instead of just saying ilum's PvP Revamp is coming. Considering it did say located in the Western Ice Shelf of Ilum, Which is where the Open PvP is located. People just read In-Game event and start freaking because they don't want to miss an in-game event and they have to PvP so they start to complain.


It also said that it will be a Re-Curring event. I'm actually looking forward to the new Ilum PvP revamp.


I really don't get how players can PVE all the time and not get bored. After running the same dailies over and over again against the same AI that fights exactly the same every single time how can you not get bored? Sure Bioware can create another OP or Flashpoint, but it's still the same thing in a different place.


PVP in this game is nowhere near as fatal as it used to be in past games. If you lose your gear won't be stolen from you by the other player, your gear won't degrade any different than if a NPC killed you,. Heck, you don't even have to worry about trash talk as cross faction chat is disabled in this game. I think some players just can't stand losing. They prefer to play the predictable NPC so that in their minds they'll always be the hero of the universe that can't die.

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My 2 cents on the subject:


I don't really mind a world boss in a PvP area, especially considering that we already had an infected bantha boss in Outlaw's Den in the Rakghoul Outbreak event. THAT is not the issue.


The issue is:


1. What have they done to balance factions? On my server (The Progenitor) the Imperials always brought more people (often twice or three times as many), so Republic inevitably got steamrolled in any organized event. Saw this from both perspectives. I can get friends and guild members to get an ops group going but I can't do anything if more people join on the opposing side.


Or maybe everyone will switch to Imperial alts but then where will be the PvP?


2. What have they done to improve the performance of the hero engine? Are we going to battle again at 5 fps? No one likes a slideshow...


3. Are we going to have large mob battles again? If so how will the melee be useful? In the 1.1 mob battles ranged DPS and healers were casting AoE on each other while the tanks and melee stood idly doing nothing. If they charged, they died before they could kill anyone.


These questions imho are a LOT more important than being PvP flagged while you fight a world boss.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Heck, you don't even have to worry about trash talk as cross faction chat is disabled in this game. I think some players just can't stand losing.


Say chat is not disabled. You can trash talk all you want as you're killing someone.

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My 2 cents on the subject:


I don't really mind a world boss in a PvP area, especially considering that we already had an infected bantha boss in Outlaw's Den in Rakghoul Outbreak event. THAT is not the issue.


The issue is:


1. What have they done to balance factions? On my server (The Progenitor) the Imperials always brought more people (often twice or three times as many), so Republic inevitably got steamrolled in any organized event. Saw this from both perspectives. I can get friends and guild members to get an ops group going but I can't do anything if more people join on the opposing side.


Or maybe everyone will switch to Imperial alts but then where will be the PvP?


2. What have they done to improve the performance of the hero engine? Are we going to battle again at 5 fps? No one likes a slideshow...


3. Are we going to have large mob battles again? If so how will the melee be useful? In the 1.1 mob battles ranged DPS and healers were casting AoE on each other while the tanks and melee stood idly doing nothing. If they charged, they died before they could kill anyone.


These questions imho are a LOT more important than being PvP flagged while you fight a world boss.

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Serioiusly, do people not visit and quest on Ilum already... a planet where there already is PvP area's, and a place you can be steamrolled if your not careful? I would also like to point out, to those with concern, that Ilum had a specific and DEDICATED place for PvP area last time, it was not the whole planet, and it seems like a lot of people with concern are just freaking out for no reason.


*Get some recruit gear


*Prepare yourself for PvP (and if your playing on a PvP server, then please DO NOT complain about open world PvP, its what you chose to do)


*Practice, and play some PvP matches... it isnt brain science


People have gotten too comforable with this game, and are used to sitting on the fleet for most of their play time, a place where they are safe. If I had it my way, the fleet would be destroyed, and you would have the chance of being attacked anywhere, at anytime. If they do this right, it could really add a very important element to this game that its been lacking for almost a whole year.


Those of us who have been here since the beginning, and experienced Ilum and its open would PvP would probably agree that the issue of it being released is NOT you being attacked, its going to be if the engine can support the large scale battles, and not play at only .5 framerate, then crash your game.


So what you are saying is people should HAVE to participate in a open world pvp zone, even if they intentionally signed onto a pve server.


It has nothing to do with being "comfortable" with the game, it has to do with not wanting to participate in a specific playstyle.


If I were to force you to always roleplay and be in character, even if you hated roleplaying would you be happy?


I have no issues with pvp, I haven't done it in a few months but I do have some adequate pvp gear. But that doesn't mean I wish to go into the open world pvp zones.


Now if the event in 1.7 is pure pvp only, then I suppose that will be moot. But if it is a pve event shoved in the middle of a pvp zone, I don't think that was proper at all.


YES, people do go to Ilum to do dailies. But that again is pve. They aren't going to the open pvp area.

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I really don't get how players can PVE all the time and not get bored. After running the same dailies over and over again against the same AI that fights exactly the same every single time how can you not get bored? Sure Bioware can create another OP or Flashpoint, but it's still the same thing in a different place.


PVP in this game is nowhere near as fatal as it used to be in past games. If you lose your gear won't be stolen from you by the other player, your gear won't degrade any different than if a NPC killed you,. Heck, you don't even have to worry about trash talk as cross faction chat is disabled in this game. I think some players just can't stand losing. They prefer to play the predictable NPC so that in their minds they'll always be the hero of the universe that can't die.


No, it only means that a lot of people don't wish to do pvp, or ONLY wish to do pvp in a warzone and don't want a live event that presumably is a pve event shoved into a pvp zone. It is okay to not like a specific playstyle. As I used in an example in another post, if you disliked RP, you'd I assume would resent it if you were forced to always be in character. Again I have no issues with people liking pvp, and again although I haven't done it in a few months I did use to do warzones. BUT I do like to choose WHEN I do pvp, and not have to go into an open pvp area and get flagged just to do a pve event.


So no, it's not that they always have to be "the hero". It's that many people don't wish to do a specific playstyle. :p Being on a pvp server doesn't mean you're somehow the more "uber then thou" player as an aside. Not saying you have this attitude (although to be blunt based on your post I wouldn't be shocked if you do..) but I suspect many do. Far from all of course, and other playstyles have their "more uber then thou" members. But I seem to see this attitude IMO.

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This upcoming event is rather good news and we generally need more events in game, so the pathetic cries of the ever whining bunch on these boards shouldn't really concern anyone too much.


Hmmm..I wonder if a playstyle you dislike was part of this event, if you'd call your own complaints "pathetic cries" or suddenly now "justified"?


Note how I mentioned "more uber then thou" attitude in another post...I suspect you qualify for such an attitude.

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Hmmm..I wonder if a playstyle you dislike was part of this event, if you'd call your own complaints "pathetic cries" or suddenly now "justified"?


There isn't any play style that i dislike and unlike you i don't complain too much about nonsense.

I am on a PvP server even though i prefer PvE side of the game because i find that it's much more exciting and realistic when you can actually attack or be attacked by a player of the opposing faction once you encounter him.

I don't see why some people are scared of potential PvP encounters in this event, especially since the chances are they will not be alone.

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LOL wow, so that's another thing broken since launch eh? I feel for the non pvpers who choose to play pve pure. I allways roll on pvp server myself so i didnt know this has been broken since launch as i just read another thread about it lols. Good work by bioware :D
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There isn't any play style that i dislike and unlike you i don't complain too much about nonsense.

I am on a PvP server even though i prefer PvE side of the game because i find that it's much more exciting and realistic when you can actually attack or be attacked by a player of the opposing faction once you encounter him.

I don't see why some people are scared of potential PvP encounters in this event, especially since the chances are they will not be alone.


I could give you what is probably going to be a number 1 reason why, depending on how they structured this event. The one thing many people hate doing, even in a video game, is feeling like they just wasted their time. Especially if said people have a more limited time frame to play due to work, school, wife, kids, or just life in general. And the fact is if someone has just spent 45 minutes, an hour, 2 hours, or whatever trying to get something completed and have someone come out of nowhere and gank them forcing them to start back over having just wasted (or at least feeling like they just wasted) that time they have spent with their more limited play schedule.


Now to be quite frank, given the nature of your posts I don't expect you to grasp that and even if you do I foresee you caring so little that you will come back with some rote Halo kiddie response of "I feast on the their tears" or some other ridiculous nonsense. So odds are I am wasting my breath and would've been better served talking to the wall next to me, but I figure it was worth a shot to try.

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I could give you what is probably going to be a number 1 reason why, depending on how they structured this event. The one thing many people hate doing, even in a video game, is feeling like they just wasted their time. Especially if said people have a more limited time frame to play due to work, school, wife, kids, or just life in general. And the fact is if someone has just spent 45 minutes, an hour, 2 hours, or whatever trying to get something completed and have someone come out of nowhere and gank them forcing them to start back over having just wasted (or at least feeling like they just wasted) that time they have spent with their more limited play schedule.


Now to be quite frank, given the nature of your posts I don't expect you to grasp that and even if you do I foresee you caring so little that you will come back with some rote Halo kiddie response of "I feast on the their tears" or some other ridiculous nonsense. So odds are I am wasting my breath and would've been better served talking to the wall next to me, but I figure it was worth a shot to try.

I get where you are coming from but maybe you are missing something and that is, 'maybe this event isn't made for you, in the same way that the last event had no PvP in it'.


Perhaps if the people who dislike PvP can see this instead of giving the impression that they are entitled to do all events in their own play style then there may be less unjustified complaining.

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I get where you are coming from but maybe you are missing something and that is, 'maybe this event isn't made for you, in the same way that the last event had no PvP in it'.


Perhaps if the people who dislike PvP can see this instead of giving the impression that they are entitled to do all events in their own play style then there may be less unjustified complaining.


You are assuming I was talking about me, I am not big on the open world PvP thing, and yes my time table is not as open as some but odds are I will be in there right along with other more seasoned PvP players probably in a mix of recruit gear and a few WH pieces. I do WZ's from time to time when the spirit moves me and I also enjoy doing events like these so I will most likely be partaking in the event even if it is set up as a pure PvP event. The framing of my post was done simply trying to put myself into the shoes of the people who would be most ardently opposed to the event being done strictly in PvP.

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People have turned PVP into some terrible ordeal, its not a "PVE Event", its a "Event", if you don't want to participate then don't, go collect your datacrons or explore some planet, otherwise stop being such crybabies, I have to do your stupid PVE flashpoints in order to get HK parts do I not? There's no difference, yes people can be jerks and gank, but that's why you get a group of people to go with, recruit gear is free and like I said it IS optional.
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