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Best player on shadow lands? In pvp!


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depends on what you consider best i guess... some classes are better than others at certaion tasks.


Sintank: Ambien

Sorc heals: Somnax

Sorc Dps: sage

Sniper: um, idk Gravity is pretty good i guess.

OpHeals: not sure on this either

PT: Id say T-elos, maybe jack

Merc dps: Smurf and Deebs

Merc heals: skillexx

JugTank:Charlie or Merkava, both good.

Jug DPS: Caedo maybe? havent seen him in a while tho.

Mara smash: tossup between Alluvian/Sage/maybe myself.

Mara carnage: Frequency by a ways, i never run into many good carnage mara but I watch out for him when he is around.


good at bad specs...

DPS OP: Rare lol.

Anni Mara: no one, they need to -->reset skillpoints -->rage/carnage tree

seriously annihilation is almost useless in wz these days, unless you have 0 healers.

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These are truthfully who I consider best in each class, on the Empire side:


Assassin tank: Darkyoda

Assassin dps: Viperin

Jugg: Merkavalt

Mara carnage: Frequencyz

Mara smash: hard to say, too many names I'm thinking of but unsure to who is "best"

Merc healer: Skillex

Merc dps: None

Op dps: Phatal or Vandit

Op heals: Ravinder

Pyro: Rejinleaf

Sniper: Viperis or Cap-ium

Sorc dps: Jackrip

Sorc heals: Lagrangian or Tastey

Edited by ParagonAX
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These are truthfully who I consider best in each class, on the Empire side:


Assassin tank: Darkyoda

Assassin dps: Viperin

Jugg: Merkavalt

Mara carnage: Frequencyz

Mara smash: hard to say, too many names I'm thinking of but unsure to who is "best"

Merc healer: Skillex

Merc dps: None

Op dps: Phatal or Vandit

Op heals: Ravinder

Pyro: Rejinleaf

Sniper: Viperis or Cap-ium

Sorc dps: Jackrip

Sorc heals: Lagrangian or Tastey


so many physics people on that list, you'd think they'd do ranked

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so many physics people on that list, you'd think they'd do ranked


Been having 6-7 ppl logging on every night for the past week or so =/


But anyways, that list is just IMHO, I'm sure people would have different views :)

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(Apologies if I’ve misspelled any of your names)


Assassin - Ambien

Sniper - Jacklee

Powertech - Cheladex/Dirtsquirrel

Jugg - Thesteve

Operative - Kelandi

Commando - Zachariah

Guardian - Talionis

Shadow -

Scoundrel – Lynx

Gunslinger - Calem

Vanguard -

Sentinel -

Sage – Churb (as much as it pains me to say it)

Mara -

Sorc – Lagrangian




I wish I could offer up a more diverse list including more players from other guilds imp side plus more pubs, but sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s truly good unless you play with them a lot.

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if everyone else is going to start being srs i guess i will have to as well


Assasin/Shadow: Ambien, some honorable mentions would be Avenn/Abdicate/Darkyoda/Terethyn/Legend. I've never seen Ambien lose a 1v1 in a game though so he gets the nod.


Marauder/Sent: Merkave/Aluvian/Freq (very close)


PT/Vanguard: T-elos, Rejinlief is good too but T-elos is the best player on the server imo


Operative/Scoundrel: Me/Ethi/Kelandi all around the same in terms of healing ability, Samson/Varreck is by far the best dps operative ive ever played with.


Juggernaut/Guardian: Merkavalt, best tank ive ever played with in terms of protecting healers and scoring goals in huttball. As good at smash as anyone else.


Sorc/Sage: Somnax is the best sorc healer with Taesty and Lagrangian not far behind, DPS wise I don't see very many but probably Churb or Jackrip


Merc/Commando: Openwide and Donna are great commando healers, the best merc dps who still plays is probably Skillex.


Sniper/Slinger: This is close but I would probably have to go with Cap because he is effective with all 3 specs and a great teammate to have in ranked, Calem is easily the best gunslinger on the server when he plays and Rejinlief is really good on his sniper as well.


IMO the two best players on the server are T-elos and Somnax.


Somnax has tons of 50's and is extremely effective as all of them, T-elos really only plays 1 class at 50 atm but plays it basically perfectly.

Edited by thesadplanet
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if everyone else is going to start being srs i guess i will have to as well


Assasin/Shadow: Ambien, some honorable mentions would be Avenn/Abdicate/Darkyoda/Terethyn/Legend. I've never seen Ambien lose a 1v1 in a game though so he gets the nod.


Marauder/Sent: Merkave/Aluvian/Freq (very close)


PT/Vanguard: T-elos, Rejinlief is good too but T-elos is the best player on the server imo


Operative/Scoundrel: Me/Ethi/Kelandi all around the same in terms of healing ability, Samson/Varreck is by far the best dps operative ive ever played with.


Juggernaut/Guardian: Merkavalt, best tank ive ever played with in terms of protecting healers and scoring goals in huttball. As good at smash as anyone else.


Sorc/Sage: Somnax is the best sorc healer with Taesty and Lagrangian not far behind, DPS wise I don't see very many but probably Churb or Jackrip


Merc/Commando: Openwide and Donna are great commando healers, the best merc dps who still plays is probably Skillex.


Sniper/Slinger: This is close but I would probably have to go with Cap because he is effective with all 3 specs and a great teammate to have in ranked, Calem is easily the best gunslinger on the server when he plays and Rejinlief is really good on his sniper as well.


IMO the two best players on the server are T-elos and Somnax.


Somnax has tons of 50's and is extremely effective as all of them, T-elos really only plays 1 class at 50 atm but plays it basically perfectly.


This is almost exactly the list I would've made except I'd add Zachariah for Dps commando and Stand for Dps Operative

T-elos = best player on one class

Somnax = best player on multiple classes (although if Kiraikuei was still around I think he could also be #1)


and ethi is bad /spit on him when you see him

Edited by Domatron
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Assasin/Shadow: Ambien, some honorable mentions would be Avenn/Abdicate/Darkyoda/Terethyn/Legend. I've never seen Ambien lose a 1v1 in a game though so he gets the nod.



Actually, I beat Ambien with my sent once. But I only see two possible explanations for this...1- Sents are op, although my sent is undergeared 2- He was probably without any cooldowns lol It was in a Novare Coast match. But then he came back and killed me like a boss like he usually does lol


And I have to agree with you, he's just brilliant with everything he plays, so I think he might be THE best pvp player of the server.

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Na i doubt it :p. But he is prolly pretty close. Zimbra is prolly the worse shadow though.


My sin's terrible at being a shadow, I'll give you that.


As for Ambien vs. Darkyoda, there are a couple classes that it's really challenging to pick a clear number one, assassins being one of them and powertechs being the other.


I chose Ambien because he's the only sin I've never been able to 1v1. I've never gone up against Darkyoda though, and there are a whole bunch of other sins that I would still put in the same tier as Ambien and Darkyoda (Avenn, Jehannum, Cottonheaded, Legend, Lostsith, Zenod).


Maybe we just need to do an advance class tournament. I'd love to see duels between all those guys.

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Sins/Consulars are hard to tell skill differences because certain specs can be OP for certain tasks, its up to the player to spec correctly and use it that way, and because I know not all of them can be flexible like that, i pick Ambien, cause he knows his "stuff".

Bad news is that i think others are starting to catch up with this flexibility the class has and starting to really be OP in some situations. Freakin class has it all... If they spec correctly for the situation/fight then you have almost no weaknesses to exploit in them.

Edited by Lafay
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