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Top Problem with SWTOR


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The biggest problem with this game is clearing content to get a resource, quest item or a chest and have some jerk sneak in and steal it from you. I am fed up with this behavior and I blame Bioware for it. It is not that difficult to program and attach resources, quest items and chests to the mobs that have to be cleared for it. Guild Wars 2 has gotten around this by giving each person their own loot table. Resources don't disappear until you harvest them even if someone else has already done that. There is no kill stealing or need to take huge risks to jump in and grab something first and deal with the mobs after that because some jerk is waiting for you do do all the work while he claims the reward. Bioware, instead of spending your efforts on the SGR publicity stunt, why don't you do something truly meaningful and protect players against antisocial behavior?
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It's really not that bad in SWTOR, and they have made an effort to minimalize it to some degree by increasing spawn timers. I don't see many other MMOs copying GW2's system. Blizzard came out and directly stated that they disagree with that method and think that fighting over spawns and resources makes the game feel "epic". At least Bioware didn't say that. :D
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Yes objectives thieves are kinda annoying, not "i will never log in again" annoying but still.

Maybe generally spawn rate of things which are important quest objective could be increased, no matter if they are box to smash, or panels to blow or some liutenants to kill.


Sometimes it feels that some random mob which just take my time to clear spawn more often than important objective.


I think there is a place for some auto group tool. So if two willing players are in the same area with same quest list they are auto grouped in one operation group or something. Similar to Guild Wars 2.

There is nothing bad in copying good solutions.

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It is annoying, and I rather like GW2's system. But then again, they took about all conflict out of their game because they don't have fighting factions either.


I would like to see the objective stuff stay intact. But, it seems to me that they upped the respawn rate, which makes it not so bad.

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I think the problem with people being jerks and stealing objectives may be more a symptom of the real problem...that being overcrowding. Areas may have seemed dead before, but the new format makes missions to much of a competition for resources. Planets instance too high, players do not get spread out effectively even when instancing happens, and changing instances manually causes glitches. Hence the biggest instances just fill, bigger and bigger, making things problematic when missions involve clearing enemies in a very small area, or objectives that can take a few minutes to respawn.
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The biggest problem with this game is clearing content to get a resource, quest item or a chest and have some jerk sneak in and steal it from you. I am fed up with this behavior and I blame Bioware for it. It is not that difficult to program and attach resources, quest items and chests to the mobs that have to be cleared for it. Guild Wars 2 has gotten around this by giving each person their own loot table. Resources don't disappear until you harvest them even if someone else has already done that. There is no kill stealing or need to take huge risks to jump in and grab something first and deal with the mobs after that because some jerk is waiting for you do do all the work while he claims the reward. Bioware, instead of spending your efforts on the SGR publicity stunt, why don't you do something truly meaningful and protect players against antisocial behavior?


I agree with you but as the first respondant said it's just not much of a factor in this game. I've occasionally had some one take a quest item or chest etc. that I was fighting to get but just hasn't happened that often to get uptight over. The quest item/resource/chest respawn fairly quickly in this game so I just wait for that.


I know this isn't the answer you're looking for and yes, other games have elegant solutions but I'm guessing that Bioware isn't going to focus precious resources on an issue that is very minor compared to other problems in the game.

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Ninjas live in every MMO I've ever played, though they don't seem to thrive as well here becasue CS does take this fairly seriously. At least seriously enough to whisper me back within minutes of submitting a griefing ticket. Just be sure to include the toon's name and guild name if they are sporting one.


Protecting a chest or farming node while soloing can be a challenge. I'll continually click on a chest or node during the fight (between CDs) just to be sure, though it detracts from dealing with the mobs. With a playing partner though it's easy. Have the partner zip through the protecting mobs to aggro them away while you do the deed. If they get dismounted, it's just more XP and you'll still get the loot.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I don't see this as a problem. Quest related things usually respawn within seconds so there is hardly any time spent there. I don't think I've ever seen a quest related item respawn take longer than 30 seconds (granted I don't actually time these things).


Resource nodes and chests take longer to respawn, but all you have to do is just send your companion to fight the mobs, loot the item, then start fighting them yourself. Unless your companion is severely under geared you won't have any problems. This USED to be a problem because you weren't allowed to loot anything while in combat, but that has been changed.

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Put them on ignore and move on with life. Far from the biggest issue though. As most objectives are very close to the mob your fighting it would be an easy fix for Bioware to make that locks the close objective to you (like the first to attack something gets the credit even if someone else finishes the kill). I'd prefer them working on bug fixes and spending some money on better gear appearance/design.
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If the objective is an object, remember, you can click them during combat now.


Target a mob guarding the object. Send your companion in first to get aggro. Run in and click it real fast. Then turn around and fight the mobs.


And if all the objects have been taken in that area, try having a little patience. I think the average respawn time on an object is around 2 minutes now (of course, this is longer for rare items, but not for mission objectives). Many are much shorter than that. Really, if you can't wait a few minutes for a respawn then maybe you shouldn't be playing a MMO.



Edited by Blackavaar
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