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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A case for a more robust preferred status


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I'm going to attempt how many features that are currently lacking for preferred status members would greatly help our game experience. These suggestions, imo, would benefit bioware in the end with greater revenues.


1-Support for cartel purchases


This is quite simply a no-brainer. If I buy something with money from the cartel market, and it bugs/doesn't work, I was customer support in order to fix it, period. It has happened to me, and I had to go to great trouble in order to fix it. I won't post all my steps here, but after 2-3 weeks, I finally got someone from bioware to respond to my complaints and fix the issues.

It's simple really, if someone buys something from a company and it doesn't work, and they don't fix it, they will stop purchasing things. It's really that simple.

Also important to note is that support should also go to people who buy cartel items for credits. If my brother buys something with money, and sells it to me for credits, and it doesn't work, I will no longer buy things for credits, and my brother won't be able to sell his items that he bought for real money. In either case, the company is making money because someone is spending money


(In passing, I think it's also good business sense to provide support for any game issue for preferred members. Making your customers happy will keep them spending. But support for cartel purchases is a minimum.)


2-Death tax (medical probes)


Preferred players should be able to buy a permanent unlock for medical probes. Right now, at the current cost it's $1 per death. Most games with death taxes usually suffer because of it. Mind you, this game does have a free way to respawn, but it can be quite bothersome. I play a healer. If I die with a group in the middle of mobs, not only do I have to run all the way back, but my group also has to wait for me (this is if they can't res me).


I'm quite sure this would be a great revenue generator for Bioware, as I'm sure that they can't be selling a lot of the 5 packs of medical probes (I could be wrong of course). Suffice it to say that the permanent unlock for probes would be a best seller as everyone would buy one for their accounts.


3-Credit cap (as well as commendation cap)


There should be a way to unlock the credit cap permanently. There are many ways to get around the credit cap so that it being there is just a hassle. Once again, selling a permanent unlock is a great revenue generator for the company as everyone will buy it.


The commendation cap is also a hassle. The more expensive vendor items we can't even buy, and while leveling on a planet, we have to stop questing to empty our commendations. A needless hassle imo, especially when BW can turn this into a money maker by selling an unlock.


These are three things that I think would bring the preferred option to the next level for this game. I think they should be seriously considered.


"But why don't you just subscribe?"

Ah, a good question. People have their reason for not subscribing. Mine, well I just bought every unlock available in the store. Why would I spend that much money to unlock everything, just to pay a subscription in the end. I'm just not going to do that. I'm posting here because I bought the expansion, and I got the sub for a month (instead of paying $20, it's $15 sub and $10 expansion). I will not renew, but I will buy everything in the store that's for sale. I'm sure there are many others who are like me and making our gaming experience better can only be profitable for BW in the long run.

Edited by leojreimroc
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Since I pay a sub I don't always know how f2p/preferred stuff works.


What is this death tax you talk about? Is it that you can't self ress on the spot? Aside from heroics, there are no group activities where you are allowed this anyways, In fp's and ops you need to be ressed or go back to start anyways.


I can sort of understand your point but on the other hand I've played quite a bit (7 level 50s) and I never needed self ress as you describe. I guess I just don't see why you would need this option so often.


Support takes weeks for subs as well, so don't feel like you are getting shafted there much. I get replies from their CS at the earliest a week after sending it through.


The credit cap is annoying but I think it is in part also a measure to disallow gold sellers to use free accounts to move large amounts of credits, so I get it on one hand but I also see the point why they have it.


However, for that point I do have an idea. Perhaps you could get a credit cap raise as you buy upgrades via the cash shop. It show you are a paying customer and if you buy lots of upgrades via real money (not the GTN) then a credit cap raise could be in order up to maybe 1 million or so if you buy a lot. Just an idea.

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This thread just tells me that subscribers aren't getting enough goodies to make staying subscribed seem worthwhile.


I pay a sub and I am fine with that.


Aside from a lot of things that cost a fair bit of money in the cash shop to unlock, I also get sprint and speeders sooner, free respecs and a lot cheaper cost in removing mods etc.


I am happy to stay subbed.

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I am happy to stay subbed.


Yeah but people like the OP seem to think it's better and cheaper for them to unsub and buy things outright then has the audacity to ask for yet more stuff to sweeten their deal even more.


This indicates that staying subbed needs to offer more incentives (or unsubbing needs to offer less, that would likely be less preferable to the end of keeping the unsubbers around however).

Edited by lollie
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I'm going to attempt how many features that are currently lacking for preferred status members would greatly help our game experience. These suggestions, imo, would benefit bioware in the end with greater revenues.


1-Support for cartel purchases


This is quite simply a no-brainer. If I buy something with money from the cartel market, and it bugs/doesn't work, I was customer support in order to fix it, period. It has happened to me, and I had to go to great trouble in order to fix it. I won't post all my steps here, but after 2-3 weeks, I finally got someone from bioware to respond to my complaints and fix the issues.

It's simple really, if someone buys something from a company and it doesn't work, and they don't fix it, they will stop purchasing things. It's really that simple.

Also important to note is that support should also go to people who buy cartel items for credits. If my brother buys something with money, and sells it to me for credits, and it doesn't work, I will no longer buy things for credits, and my brother won't be able to sell his items that he bought for real money. In either case, the company is making money because someone is spending money


(In passing, I think it's also good business sense to provide support for any game issue for preferred members. Making your customers happy will keep them spending. But support for cartel purchases is a minimum.)


2-Death tax


Preferred players should be able to buy a permanent unlock for medical probes. Right now, at the current cost it's $1 per death. Most games with death taxes usually suffer because of it. Mind you, this game does have a free way to respawn, but it can be quite bothersome. I play a healer. If I die with a group in the middle of mobs, not only do I have to run all the way back, but my group also has to wait for me (this is if they can't res me).


I'm quite sure this would be a great revenue generator for Bioware, as I'm sure that they can't be selling a lot of the 5 packs of medical probes (I could be wrong of course). Suffice it to say that the permanent unlock for probes would be a best seller as everyone would buy one for their accounts.


3-Credit cap


There should be a way to unlock the credit cap permanently. There are many ways to get around the credit cap so that it being there is just a hassle. Once again, selling a permanent unlock is a great revenue generator for the company as everyone will buy it.


These are three things that I think would bring the preferred option to the next level for this game. I think they should be seriously considered.


"But why don't you just subscribe?"

Ah, a good question. People have their reason for not subscribing. Mine, well I just bought every unlock available in the store. Why would I spend that much money to unlock everything, just to pay a subscription in the end. I'm just not going to do that. I'm posting here because I bought the expansion, and I got the sub for a month (instead of paying $20, it's $15 sub and $10 expansion). I will not renew, but I will buy everything in the store that's for sale. I'm sure there are many others who are like me and making our gaming experience better can only be profitable for BW in the long run.


So, you bought every unlock in the store and now you want EA to give you three of the biggest benefits that subscribers have over preferred status players? Why should you have all of the biggest benefits of a subscriber without subscribing? If you want those benefits, you can have them, It's called subscribing.


You can say that you are willing to pay for the unlocks you want, but that's a smokescreen. You are offering a one time payment to get what others are paying $15 month to get.

Edited by Ratajack
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The thing that you guys aren't seeing is that people who don't want to sub simply will not sub to MMOs. Medical probes and credit cap is not enough to sub, especially after spending a lot of money on the game for unlocks. Bioware will make more money if they offer these unlocks.


I know that this can make subscribers angry, but in the end, it's in bioware's best interest to offer these unlocks, for a price. After buying all of the other unlocks, subbing is not worth it. If they don't sell these, they won't get money for them.


Answer me this: After bioware has earned more than $100 for the unlocks that I have bought, why can't I buy the last few? So after spending more than $100, I need to sub? That would basically mean that I just lost $100, and it will just never happen. As people buy more and more unlocks, you will see more and more people buying a la carte. The unlocks posted in my OP are very standard for freemium games (which is what swtor is).



I'm going to add something else. I don't see why there is hostility between preferred and subscription. Both are a way to pay for the game. Ideally, both payment methods should be around the same amount of cash -or- subscription payers should be given bonuses.

IMO, the model should aim to provide better benefits to subscribers instead of penalizing preferred players. Both types of players spend money, and both want a barrier free gaming experience. The subscriber has the bonus that they are never bothered with small purchases every week/month. They simply get everything and they don't mind paying extra for that. Ideally, they should also get loyalty bonuses. The preferred player gets the advantage of only buying what they want, and not renting content. Both type pay money. Ideally, both should have access to the full game, if enough money is provided.

Edited by leojreimroc
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So, you bought every unlock in the store and now you want EA to give you three of the biggest benefits that subscribers have over preferred status players? Why should you have all of the biggest benefits of a subscriber without subscribing? If you want those benefits, you can have them, It's called subscribing.


You can say that you are willing to pay for the unlocks you want, but that's a smokescreen. You are offering a one time payment to get what others are paying $15 month to get.


subs should be getting real benefits to keep subbing, preferred status should feel like a viable way to play without being treated like dirt. Currently neither is really true.

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Therefore they need to give subscribers something that will truly make non-subscribers want to subscribe or stay subscribed.


I edited my post above, but I will respond to this. They should do this by giving extra bonuses to subs, not by penalizing preferred. Giving extra toys, bonuses, titles etc etc to subscribers is one way. One example of course is the 500 cartel points. There are other example of rewards for subscribers. But penalizing preferred by not letting buy what they want to buy hurts the players, and in the end bioware. Rewarding certain players is always better than penalizing others. I guarantee you that they would see lots of sales from the above unlocks. On the flip side, these unlocks alone are not enough for a person to sub.


In the end, if there are 2 payment methods to play a game, it would be great if both payment methods could experience the full game. Preferred players WILL pay to unlock these features.

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So, you bought every unlock in the store and now you want EA to give you three of the biggest benefits that subscribers have over preferred status players? Why should you have all of the biggest benefits of a subscriber without subscribing? If you want those benefits, you can have them, It's called subscribing.


You can say that you are willing to pay for the unlocks you want, but that's a smokescreen. You are offering a one time payment to get what others are paying $15 month to get.


There's 1 problem with what you posted. I'm assuming that bioware will release more features that you will receive free with your sub. That in the end is the benefit of subbing, not having to worry about paying for every small feature that they release. I will have to pay for each of these as they are released. I have no problem with that, that is what preferred players deal with in exchange with not having to pay a sub. It would just be nice if we could also pay for every feature of the game.

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So, we're going F2P, any suggestions?


1- How about we buff the subscriber experience while giving the former subscriber experience to F2Ps minus the endgame?




2- How about we downgrade to ridiculous extents F2Pers and make subs the same thing?







T'is EA folks, what did you expect?

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Are you aware that even as a subscriber, each time you use a medical probe, the time you have to wait to use it goes up until after using 2 or so it's not even worth it to use them anymore?


Yes, I am aware of that. The medical probe is probably the weakest of my 3 desires, but then again, it's certainly not game breaking to have it for purchases. My point is that this would be a great money maker for bioware, and it's certainly not a reason to sub.

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Therefore they need to give subscribers something that will truly make non-subscribers want to subscribe or stay subscribed.


No, the idea of the freemium model is that a person should be able to buy what they want to improve my experience.


If a preferred player were to pay $150 in unlocks and the occasional unlock for content upgrades then that is how it should work. Who gets the better deal someone paying $150 plus say $40 per year in content unlocks or someone subbed who pays up to $15 a month for unlimited access? Sure over an extended period (very extended) the subscriber pays more but they can play FP/OP/WZ/Space without any limitations, and receive a minimum of 500 cartel coins a month.


The current options are not really a freemium model but a limited experience option trying to make you subscribe.

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No, the idea of the freemium model is that a person should be able to buy what they want to improve my experience.


If a preferred player were to pay $150 in unlocks and the occasional unlock for content upgrades then that is how it should work. Who gets the better deal someone paying $150 plus say $40 per year in content unlocks or someone subbed who pays up to $15 a month for unlimited access? Sure over an extended period (very extended) the subscriber pays more but they can play FP/OP/WZ/Space without any limitations, and receive a minimum of 500 cartel coins a month.


The current options are not really a freemium model but a limited experience option trying to make you subscribe.


I guess what you said is really my point. SWTOR is close to a good freemium model. Really close. Providing us with these few more unlocks will make the game much better. There might be more than I'm forgetting too.

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I completely agree on 1 and 3 as well as, imo, some form of commendation cap unlock to go along with 3.


However, in regards to 2, I see that as a legitimately fine subscriber perk with one exception, group content. I don't know how hard this would be to implement, but if another player is in your group, alive, and within UI range of you, probes should be unlimited.


And I only see that as a need, because without it, the restriction needlessly inconveniences subscription players. Player integration is key to keeping people happy and playing. Creating barriers to subs and F2p playing together doesn't help anyone.


Edit: and since I feel the need ot say it in all of these thread, the major misconception people need to get over is that F2P is an inferior revenue model. It is not. It is an alternative revenue model, and the sooner people come to terms with that the better. Subs are no longer the primary revenue source, the store is, and therefore getting more people access to the store, with varying pay models, is the best approach.

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The current options are not really a freemium model but a limited experience option trying to make you subscribe.


Well obviously the incentive to subscribe isn't great enough, if people who want to play and fully experience the game believe they can get a better deal by buying things piecemeal while staying unsubbed.


Therefore, subscribers need the deal sweetened, so that all players desire to be a subscriber most of all.


Most players would unsub in an instant if they gave f2p people more while not increasing the benefits to remaining subscribed.


TL;DR: The OP and others cannot get more stuff unless subscribers also get more stuff.

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Well obviously the incentive to subscribe isn't great enough, if people who want to play and fully experience the game believe they can get a better deal by buying things piecemeal while staying unsubbed.


Therefore, subscribers need the deal sweetened, so that all players desire to be a subscriber most of all.


Most players would unsub in an instant if they gave f2p people more stuff while not increasing the benefits to remaining subscribed.


TL;DR: The OP and others cannot get more stuff unless subscribers also get more stuff.


You do get more stuff - free content unlocks, free cartel coins every month and unlimited access to WZ/FP/OP/Space.


Why should most players 'desire' to be subscribers, you are looking at this with a 10 years ago mentality. Subscription is no longer the gold standard in this day and age of the choosy consumer.

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Do you also want a permanant unlock for warzones, Flashpoints etc?


The system is perfectly fine the way it is, albeit there could be some improvements with Customer service.

They will not implement a med probes unlock, Simply because thats less money they can milk from players. (and as we have established, This game IS nothing more than a cash grab now)


I Prefer being a subbed member, mostly because i'd probably end up paying the same ammount of money for warzone, flashpoint and ops weekly unlocks alone (think about it 275 cartel coins each for a week). IMHO if you want the story of the game, Free to play is best for you, if you want to get the story, pvp and PvE you are better of subbing.

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Well obviously the incentive to subscribe isn't great enough, if people who want to play and fully experience the game believe they can get a better deal by buying things piecemeal while staying unsubbed.


Therefore, subscribers need the deal sweetened, so that all players desire to be a subscriber most of all.


Most players would unsub in an instant if they gave f2p people more while not increasing the benefits to remaining subscribed.


TL;DR: The OP and others cannot get more stuff unless subscribers also get more stuff.


A fundamentally flawed view of the two models. A subscriber pays less up front, but gets access to all content whenever it is released. The preferred member has to buy each new piece of content and pay a large upfront cost to get all the sub perks but isn't constrained by the monthly fee.


So long as the cost of fully unlocking a preferred account is more than the average length of a sub account (less than 6 months in this game) then you generally come out ahead.


And, again, most of the revenue of this model is coming from the store ayway, not the sub fees.

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Why should most players 'desire' to be subscribers


Because if people don't prefer to be subscribed and think the deal is better for them if they spend a few dollars in one go in the store, then revenue dies.


Your issue is you are thinking entirely selfishly and thinking short term, the reason revenue needs to filter in constantly is for continued development of the game.


If you get your one time deal then sit on your money, then the game will die.


If f2p people get a better deal and subscribers remain with the same benefits, then all subscribers will cancel their subs and become f2p people.

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A subscriber pays less up front, but gets access to all content whenever it is released.


This is incorrect. A subscriber needs to buy the same content updates the f2p people have to buy. Therefore renting the game features as opposed to buying them outright becomes less and less attractive as the player continues to play, unless the deal is sweetened.


All this thread has done is highlight this.

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This is incorrect. A subscriber needs to buy the same content updates the f2p people have to buy. Therefore renting the game features as opposed to buying them outright becomes less and less attractive as the player continues to play, unless the deal is sweetened.


Black Hole and Section X would like a word with you

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