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arsenal merc is op!!


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Oh yeah, at least we're not FOTM rerollers with vanguards and guardians... You're just after commandoes because we're not the vanguards retarded little brother anymore :rolleyes:


QQ a little more.


False. I am after you and not just you because there are specs of guardians who cannot hope to touch you if you have half a brain.


My vanguard was rolled about same time as commando and they were leveled in parallel. In the end I didn't like gunnery because I thought it was boring. Picked him up yesterday, played a little dress up and took him into wzs at 50 to finally hit v60 for the battlemaster. Gunnery is still boring crap. And I ripped things apart, no jug could touch me.

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Well, you apparently can't beat a commando as a guardian. That's pure l2p, as guardian is way more powerful than commando. I wish there was an option to turn off retard posts, would make the forums a lot nicer... :rolleyes:


Are you at all self-conscious? I mean seriously, eye roller. Or is this a teenage preoccupation thing?


Incidentally, if you are having problems with guardians as a merc perhaps you are the one with l2p issues.

Edited by Aelaias
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Are you at all self-conscious? I mean seriously, eye roller. Or is this a teenage preoccupation thing?


Incidentally, if you are having problems with guardians as a merc perhaps you are the one with l2p issues.


Come on my server (ToFN) and face off a few of our Elite Warlord juggernots or guardians. They'll give you a run for your money. And it's not that EN is up for every fight, I only use it on healers or Ball carriers in HB. So guardians are a problem. And you can use your leap from focus while EN'ed. Just sayin' :rolleyes:


Cry me a river, please

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Mercs have always been really strong in pvp, people just tend to play them wrong. When someone gets up in your face they just stand there and try to cast vs kitting and throwing insta moves. With that said they are very strong and can burn most down very fast.
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I was wondering why some people are actualy defending the ''Mercs are overpowered'' idea until the signature with the server in it pop in my face.


When you think WUT DA PUK is this?!? Just look at the signature, there is often a lot of informations in it.

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I was wondering why some people are actualy defending the ''Mercs are overpowered'' idea until the signature with the server in it pop in my face.


When you think WUT DA PUK is this?!? Just look at the signature, there is often a lot of informations in it.


Having looked at your signature I concluded that you are smash monkey catnip. Do stay close to your healer. A little closer, yes, right there. Enjoy.

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Its mostly resource management. Spamming grav/tracer lets you do good damage for a long time. But doing anything fancy will suck your resource pool dry in no time. Level 20 does not have the passive regen yet, and it hurts.


Tracer spam is the quickest way to overheat, the fanciest abilities like unload are better for management as unload>tracer provides the longest time interval between heat gain and thus better heat venting than just tracer>tracer

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Mercs have always been really strong in pvp, people just tend to play them wrong. When someone gets up in your face they just stand there and try to cast vs kitting and throwing insta moves. With that said they are very strong and can burn most down very fast.




not sure if serious




merc is definitely better now than it was pre 2.0, but you still need to play at a very high level to succeed.

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The only and I mean ONLY jug spec I can see managing to melee a merc down is defense/immortal in dps gear and a shield. Why? Because they have 2 stuns and and a leap reset conveniently tied to so *********** resu. Vigilance is **** out of luck where both snipers and mercs are concerned. Now I am terribly sorry that mercs sucked for over a year, totally my fault. Having said that, between 10/30 sec speed buff AND snare/root/push immunity, knockback, electronet, instant attacks and what do you know, hydraulic overrides are back up. if you don't think the AC has enough, hell, too much, you are an obnoxious moron. Good thing I have an assault vanguard, he can keep up with a merc. Want to throw me a bone? Get a clue, mercs not getting any more buffs.


Ok, I was trying to edge around the issue here, as I play on your server, and I've seen you in warzones. But if you want to take that tone with me...


I''ll spell it out for you.


You. Are. Not. Very. Good.


There, I said it. There are a whole HEAP of Guardians and Juggs on the server that perform head and shoulders better than you do, both generally and against Mercs/Commandos. You're certainly not the worst, but you have MASSIVE blind spots when it comes to certain classes. A few nights ago I fought you as Chasso, and seriously couldn't understand how much worse you were than other Guardians who frankly don't do half your damage in WZs. I don't expect you to beat me - I know this isn't the most advantageous matchup for Guardians, but I do expect you to do more than 1/3rd of my health before you fold. You followed me around like a little puppy dog, making it very easy.


So it is not that you don't know your basic rotation, you obviously do - but you have not figured out how to fight a merc (or at least maximise your advantages), and by your tone here, you absolutely REFUSE to work at it. If you can't kill one, the class MUST be broken. YOU are being obnoxious.


Learn to play better. I'll even duel you if you want to try things out, and there are some juggs/guards I know on your server who will I'm sure would be willing to give advice.


Seriously, no wonder most of the decent PvPers are leaving SL for POT5 shortly. A frickin Guardian crying about Mercs and Operatives. :rolleyes: And when I even mention snipers, you say they're OP too.

Edited by Jherad
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Blah Blah Blah


Mercs are broken because vigilance has few/no tools for controlling a class such as this. Or you could say vigilance is broken. Snipers are idiotic because the vast majority of vigilance bonuses is derived from leaping including the set bonus. Spec puts out good burst against targets which can be leaped to and snared, none of which applies here. Healers, especially ops are overpowered in general, I think there is a consensus on that.


I would also like to note how suddenly you admit that vigilance can't take you where before you were waffling and claiming well, there is that one jug. What spec is he playing? I can totally see a spec in which I wouldn't have to run away and hide. Heck, even pure defense in dps gear could probably take a merc. It's not the spec I am playing or the spec I am equipped for. I am reconsidering this situation, vigilance is not viable without team support and even then its burst and utility are not so spectacular to warrant a spot.


Yes, on that particular occasion I wasn't at the top of my game. Here's the thing which you refuse to be honest about. The difference between the top of my game and what you witnessed is maybe another third of your life? So what the **** is there to work on? I can see how pissed off assassins and marauders get when I pick them apart on my commando. Just hit 51, too. Talk about a braindead class.

Edited by Aelaias
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Mercs are broken because vigilance has few/no tools for controlling a class such as this. Or you could say vigilance is broken. Snipers are idiotic because the vast majority of vigilance bonuses is derived from leaping including the set bonus. Spec puts out good burst against targets which can be leaped to and snared, none of which applies here. Healers, especially ops are overpowered in general, I think there is a consensus on that.


I would also like to note how suddenly you admit that vigilance can't take you where before you were waffling and claiming well, there is that one jug. What spec is he playing? I can totally see a spec in which I wouldn't have to run away and hide. Heck, even pure defense in dps gear could probably take a merc. It's not the spec I am playing or the spec I am equipped for. I am reconsidering this situation, vigilance is not viable without team support and even then its burst and utility are not so spectacular to warrant a spot.


Yes, on that particular occasion I wasn't at the top of my game. Here's the thing which you refuse to be honest about. The difference between the top of my game and what you witnessed is maybe another third of your life? So what the **** is there to work on? I can see how pissed off assassins and marauders get when I pick them apart on my commando. Just hit 51, too. Talk about a braindead class.


you sound like a butthurt bad tbh. if you are playing vigilance and complaining about mercs, youre doing something wrong.... those guys are a pain in my butt. good ones make me sad

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merc is definitely better now than it was pre 2.0, but you still need to play at a very high level to succeed.

meh. it's not fundamentally different from sniper: destroy targets that are occupied with your melee teammates (of which there are always a large number). positioning is more important and cds are longer. it definitely calls for more awareness. between the rooting punt and electro net, I don't think there's any one melee you can't at least escape from. iunno. I don't think gunnery is difficult. you have to move a lot more than your souped up cover cousins and are easier to shutdown. no denying that. I'd say it requires more cooperation with teammates than skill. but I suppose cooperation is a skill in itself. lol

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Mercs are broken because vigilance has few/no tools for controlling a class such as this. Or you could say vigilance is broken. Snipers are idiotic because the vast majority of vigilance bonuses is derived from leaping including the set bonus. Spec puts out good burst against targets which can be leaped to and snared, none of which applies here. Healers, especially ops are overpowered in general, I think there is a consensus on that.


I would also like to note how suddenly you admit that vigilance can't take you where before you were waffling and claiming well, there is that one jug. What spec is he playing? I can totally see a spec in which I wouldn't have to run away and hide. Heck, even pure defense in dps gear could probably take a merc. It's not the spec I am playing or the spec I am equipped for. I am reconsidering this situation, vigilance is not viable without team support and even then its burst and utility are not so spectacular to warrant a spot.


Yes, on that particular occasion I wasn't at the top of my game. Here's the thing which you refuse to be honest about. The difference between the top of my game and what you witnessed is maybe another third of your life? So what the **** is there to work on? I can see how pissed off assassins and marauders get when I pick them apart on my commando. Just hit 51, too. Talk about a braindead class.


You're the one mentioning Vigilance. I said I didn't expect YOU to kill me.


If you think Vigilance is broken, go ahead and post about that in some other thread. I won't stop you, it's not my class.


The difference between YOU at the top of your game and what I witnessed may be another third, but for some Juggs on the server, at the top of THEIR game, they can win. What is there to work on? You seriously think you're the absolute best Guardian on the server?


You want to talk a braindead class, you need look no further than derpsmash pre2.0. You obviously miss that a LOT. I look forward to rolling your commando in 55s.

Edited by Jherad
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Blah blah blah and so on and so forth


You are saying that vigilance is bad for pvp, if it is, it is normal. Why? Ever heard of a pyrotech merc? Probably not, as nobody plays that spec. Adapt. Respec to derpsmash, that'll fit you :eek:

Edited by ToMyMa
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You're the one mentioning Vigilance. I said I didn't expect YOU to kill me.


If you think Vigilance is broken, go ahead and post about that in some other thread. I won't stop you, it's not my class.


The difference between YOU at the top of your game and what I witnessed may be another third, but for some Juggs on the server, at the top of THEIR game, they can win. What is there to work on? You seriously think you're the absolute best Guardian on the server?


You want to talk a braindead class, you need look no further than derpsmash pre2.0. You obviously miss that a LOT. I look forward to rolling your commando in 55s.


Oh no, I don't actually think I am the best guardian player on the server. And I do have my days of derp. Perhaps my play style is a bit rigid. But I am better than probably 95% of them in pvp if not more. Doesn't undo the fact that mercs are now relatively op with instant high damage and mobility. Funny that they would nerf assault vanguards for the same reasons.

Edited by Aelaias
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Oh no, I don't actually think I am the best guardian player on the server. And I do have my days of derp. Perhaps my play style is a bit rigid. But I am better than probably 95% of them in pvp if not more. Doesn't undo the fact that mercs are now relatively op with instant damage and mobility.


I can tell you now, we are not op. We just have the ability to survive against and counter melee. It's like I had always said, once mercs aren't free kills for melee anymore, players will be in an uproar. It's sad, really.

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I can tell you now, we are not op. We just have the ability to survive against and counter melee. It's like I had always said, once mercs aren't free kills for melee anymore, players will be in an uproar. It's sad, really.


Well, now the new nerf will forever be mercs, not operatives...


On a more serious note, nerf operatives.

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Seriously! the damage he does is ridiculous, he can anihilate a class in seconds if he crits!


and he just stands there spamming tracer and that instant 3 rocket skill and blue lazer beam and just kills me


and my interrupt skill button key is broken so i cant use it so there i no way i can win!!


plz ea nerf them, they are ridiculous







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Having looked at your signature I concluded that you are smash monkey catnip. Do stay close to your healer. A little closer, yes, right there. Enjoy.


You might be completely retarded or very terrible at pvp and/or be clueless about pvp and any classes in this game, I'm an assassin, mostly tank since 2.0


Talking about guarding a healer in my sign and you think I'm a smash monkey? *** is wrong with your broken logic???


OOOOh! I got it, the truth of my post hurt you.


Get real, you have issue with mercs, you have a l2p issue period.

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