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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

arsenal merc is op!!


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Lmfao. A troll thread about the least powerful class in the game being OP turns into a thread where people are actually arguing that it's OP.


People were crying about mercs even before 2.0 (every now and then someone would complain on one of my youtube vids about OP grav spammers). All that happens when a class gets improved is the number increases. Nerf operatives (j/k!),


If we were actually OP, people would be constantly stacking 2-3 in ranked matches, as they did old PTs and smashers. Say what you want about the top RWZ teams - they're not stupid, and will gravitate towards the strongest classes.


I'm actually fairly happy about this thread. We can put down the silly arguments about us being OP easily, whilst still reinforcing that we CAN be strong now, and deserve a spot in RWZs.

Edited by Jherad
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You might be completely retarded or very terrible at pvp and/or be clueless about pvp and any classes in this game, I'm an assassin, mostly tank since 2.0


Talking about guarding a healer in my sign and you think I'm a smash monkey? *** is wrong with your broken logic???


OOOOh! I got it, the truth of my post hurt you.


Get real, you have issue with mercs, you have a l2p issue period.


I will use simpler language such that you may understand.... Strike that, if you were too stupid to understand what was said I wouldn't bother.

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  • 3 months later...

lol mercs overpowered, lol


as a sniper they are seriously easy to kill, there better than they used to be, i also have a merc i use as a healer which i dont so much nowadays.


Merc = death in seconds.


if they nerfed merc dps might as well remove the class lol

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Arsenal merc does not compete with pyro merc and the only people I have seen come close are Johner and Typhis with their average 600-800k games.


Until I see arsenal constantly post 800k damage my opinion will not change. Feel free to post some screenshots of people that can do this because i have seen 2 on the Harbringer: Johner and Typhis


I interrupt an arsenal with my dart and then shield with a hydrolic override get in an arsenals face and stun and wait for your tracer missile and then interrupt again and then wait for tracer and then jet boost. This will effectively eliminate most tracer missiles.


I have a system to put 4 instant dots on anyone and kite like a pro. Arsenal is still a turret that can be interrupted. Yes they fixed it and we all like arsenal more but a 1 on 1 against an Arsenal is still an easy fight to win.


Oh and for the crit - merc pyro gets an 8% crit bonus if you spec 6 into the middle tree for upgraded arsenal and 2 into the healer tree for body guard.


Interrupt-able Turret or 4 dots the choice is yours.


I do double the damage on my assault vanguard, 700k to 1mil in random wz with no problem. I do double the kills on my merc, with hiting 500l, maybe 600k damage.


Esp if I have all my cds, then guardian of node, if isnt stealth, is dead in matter of seconds after I pop everything on him.

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