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Ban people telling people not to report?


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They are obviously hacking, people who say innocent friends were banned are trying to guilt trip people into not reporting suspicious behavior to evade being banned for hacking themselves. This is at minimum very suspicious. Can a moderator please confirm that bans are not issued without gathering of evidence confirming hacks/exploits/cheats have indeed been user and end the discussion once and for all? Also kudos to BW for finally dropping the Banhammer hard on the cheaters!
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They are obviously hacking, people who say innocent friends were banned are trying to guilt trip people into not reporting suspicious behavior to evade being banned for hacking themselves. This is at minimum very suspicious. Can a moderator please confirm that bans are not issued without gathering of evidence confirming hacks/exploits/cheats have indeed been user and end the discussion once and for all? Also kudos to BW for finally dropping the Banhammer hard on the cheaters!


The OP of the thread you are referencing is just worried that ANY of the good players could get banned when they aren't hacking, because people don't understand the mechanics and mass report. If the banned guy really didn't hack the OP (as well as all top tier players) has good reason to be worried. If he did hack, did hack and the bad was justified would it really hurt for everyone to make sure to get a better understanding of the mechanics before crying hacks? It would had the added benefit of making them better at pvp.

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You're either in on it or I'm being overly paranoid.


Watch where you point that finger there. :eek: I don't cheat/hack, but I have been on the receiving end of false accusations so forgive me if I'm a bit hesitant to believe someone who claims that theres hacking. I do know that it exists, i've seen some stuff I've reported myself, but some people see legitimate things happening and figure its a hack, simply because they don't know class/spec mechanics. For example people reported me for "heal hacking" on my sentinel that was a watchman.

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Watch where you point that finger there. :eek: I don't cheat/hack, but I have been on the receiving end of false accusations so forgive me if I'm a bit hesitant to believe someone who claims that theres hacking. I do know that it exists, i've seen some stuff I've reported myself, but some people see legitimate things happening and figure its a hack, simply because they don't know class/spec mechanics. For example people reported me for "heal hacking" on my sentinel that was a watchman.


When you were reported did you get banned? My point is non-hackers need not worry because game logs are checked before bans are issued, I'd like a developer to confirm. I'm almost sure that innocent players being banned dont exist because the amount of players reporting you has nothing to do with game logs that show the relevant information, speed hacks show your location registering in the game... The only false positive I've heard of that even sounds remotely possible is some guy who was banned because he lagged so hard the system showed him as moving too quickly, however the fact the system is in place kind of confirms what I was thinking in that they do check logs to confirm unnatural speed. Also perhaps the guy who claims it was "lag" indeed was cheating, sounds like a good cover story to me.

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No I wasn't banned. But there are stories of people who were falsely banned only to have that action reversed later. I know I don't cheat, but getting reports that general chat on the opposing factions fleet was calling for mass reports against me wasnt comforting after hearing the stories of the false positives.
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i dont report anything because i find the report function pretty stupid, especially when losers start whining and wanting to believe the enemy cheats in order to feel they didnt deserve to lose.


plus the very fact that gamers get mad and rage on legit cheats makes me wwant to NOT report some cheater because gamers are that dumb to get mad over a silly game, i guess they havent succeded in anything else in life and games are the only thing making them feel better


cheaters are useful since they make them realise how weak and pathetic are instead of beliving they are great players because games make them to believe they are great and awesome

Edited by Labradoraki
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No I wasn't banned. But there are stories of people who were falsely banned only to have that action reversed later. I know I don't cheat, but getting reports that general chat on the opposing factions fleet was calling for mass reports against me wasnt comforting after hearing the stories of the false positives.


So in other words, people claimed in chat they were going to report you, but you were never contacted by bioware in any way directly.


The OP of the thread you are referencing is just worried that ANY of the good players could get banned when they aren't hacking, because people don't understand the mechanics and mass report. If the banned guy really didn't hack the OP (as well as all top tier players) has good reason to be worried. If he did hack, did hack and the bad was justified would it really hurt for everyone to make sure to get a better understanding of the mechanics before crying hacks? It would had the added benefit of making them better at pvp.


Fears of being falsely accused of hacking and then banned are wholly unfounded. Let's say there's 4-6 top pvp guilds on The Harbinger and let's say 100 top pvpers. Of those 100, so far 1 has been banned, just 1, and to be honest, he'll probably be the only 1 banned. If, however, things change, and suddenly 100 out of 100 of the top pvpers are banned, some of whom I'm buddies with in the game, then I will cry foul and be the first person to come onto the forums and post double-u tee ef along side you in defense of the wrongly accused, which simply by posting that would likely get me banned as well at that point. That is incredibly unlikely, however.


The reality here is that this guy who got busted for hacking likely was a hacker. There are countless possibilities as to what could have happened, of course. It could be that he Never hacked once the past year, then just on a whim decided to try out some prog a bud suggested to him that was "funny," so he tried it once, just once, on an alt, and boom, got reported, got caught, and got banned. That's the more sympathetic scenario and I feel for the guy for exercising poor judgment just once and suffering such a harsh punishment as a result, but the fact is, it's still hacking. The policy may be harsh, but it is the policy and if you violate that policy, expect to be punished harshly by bioware. A less sympathetic scenario would be that he very subtly hacked this entire past year, blatantly lied to you and all of his friends/guildmates/etc., then when he was caught and banned, he lied even more to make you guys afraid of being banned yourselves. In that second scenario, he would not only be a hacker, but a dishonest person (and a douchebag for trying to scare you guys/ruin your enjoyment of the game). Of course, if somebody is using hacks to gain an unfair advantage over others in competitive play, they're clearly not honest.


If you don't trust the judgment of the developers of the game to determine what is a hack and what is not, then you cannot trust Anyone to determine what is a hack and what is not. And encouraging people Not to report suspicious behavior and to Not report suspicious behavior yourself, simply will result in an influx of new free to play players hacking their way through warzones, winning huttball matches in 30 seconds, facerolling your guild and every other top guild on the server, and basically make pvp utterly crappy for everyone.




TL;DR, it sucks that your buddy was banned for being a hacker, but you just didn't know him that well, through no fault of your own, he was simply dishonest. With that said, you're an honest player and have nothing to be worried about, so please don't be worried about being falsely accused/banned, it's not going to happen. Don't give into his macho head games.

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Are you prepared to get banned yourself, if it turns out you accused/reported an innocent player?


+1 Troll.


I see your troll and raise you fact.


You do not and will not get banned for that. Because the dev's can not know if what you saw was a glitch in a warzone or not. They do not ban some one reporting a person ever. It would pretty much make it so know one would ever report any thing.

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No I wasn't banned. But there are stories of people who were falsely banned only to have that action reversed later. I know I don't cheat, but getting reports that general chat on the opposing factions fleet was calling for mass reports against me wasnt comforting after hearing the stories of the false positives.


The stories you hear are just that, stories, innocent people need not worry of false positives.

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The stories you hear are just that, stories, innocent people need not worry of false positives.


^That pretty much covers it, so few people have been banned the only time I heard of many was back during the Ilum exploit, and those people were warned more than ounce to stop it. I had two buddies fall to that, they thought BW would never do it, because they only issued warnings. I have had many people say they are going to report me on my DPS Sorc in PVP Don't know why I assume the bubble. Also taking into account how long one speed hacker on POT5 was running, I would assume BW does not bane based just on reports but on review of game data.

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On Harbinger tonight doing a normal WZ daily (Huttball) on my JK there was a level 50 Inquisitor in there. Took practically no damage and my toon's a 44. There were also level 24 and 28 Inquisitors from the same Imp guild whose Force Speed almost seemed to not have a cd. They took minimal damage and were unaffected by CCs as well. The 3 of 'em were camping our spawn ledge so we rarely made it back onto the field. The guild was reported in-game. Edited by GalacticKegger
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i dont report anything because i find the report function pretty stupid, especially when losers start whining and wanting to believe the enemy cheats in order to feel they didnt deserve to lose.


plus the very fact that gamers get mad and rage on legit cheats makes me wwant to NOT report some cheater because gamers are that dumb to get mad over a silly game, i guess they havent succeded in anything else in life and games are the only thing making them feel better


cheaters are useful since they make them realise how weak and pathetic are instead of beliving they are great players because games make them to believe they are great and awesome


Sometimes people do lose because of cheaters.


Once I was on my Sin, Imp vs Rep, ACW. We had Mid & West, and the Reps where hammering West. We were holding out though. I died, so I took the direct speeder to West. Once I arrived I checked the Node for Cappers: there was none, so I redirected my focus on the fight. About 2-3 seconds after checking it we lost West. There is no way the Reps could've capped West within the 2-3 seconds after me checking it. And when I say I checked it I mean I thoroughly checked it: no blue light, nobody capping, nothing (trust me, I defend all the time, I know how to check a turret).


There is a hack called the 'Ninja Cap Hack', where a Stealther can remain stealthed whilst capping an objective.


I can remember seeing a Shadow repeatedly coming back to West. I know because I saw him in Stealth form multiple times, so my guess is it was him.

Edited by Chlomamf
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Sometimes people do lose because of cheaters.


Once I was on my Sin, Imp vs Rep, ACW. We had Mid & West, and the Reps where hammering West. We were holding out though. I died, so I took the direct speeder to West. Once I arrived I checked the Node for Cappers: there was none, so I redirected my focus on the fight. About 2-3 seconds after checking it we lost West. There is no way the Reps could've capped West within the 2-3 seconds after me checking it. And when I say I checked it I mean I thoroughly checked it: no blue light, nobody capping, nothing (trust me, I defend all the time, I know how to check a turret).


There is a hack called the 'Ninja Cap Hack', where a Stealther can remain stealthed whilst capping an objective.


I can remember seeing a Shadow repeatedly coming back to West. I know because I saw him in Stealth form multiple times, so my guess is it was him.



There is most likely people cheating...even though I have yet to witness one. But tbh glitching after a leap or pull and a GCD bug i have been noticing lately seems to be far more of a factor in WZ's that needs to be adressed. I mean i get to see a glitch at least every 1/3 WZ's since the last patch but yet all this cheating has remained elusive. I guess im just lucky and dont EVER get in a WZ with these herds of cheaters you people are finding.

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