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Encourage World PvP - make Expertise ONLY work in WarZones


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Aaah! But there was a time, 1 year ago, when players were rewarded by killing other lvl50 players. They get Mercenary medals and they could use them to buy the first PVP set of the game. The GLADIATOR set (does not exist now). It was a lower item lvl set than Champion.


Nowadays when you kill another lvl50 player you earn Valor points...so you have a reward too. :rak_03:


Where do you receive Valor in the open world except the designated zone on Ilum?


While I would fight others for Valor, if that was an optional reward outside of Ilum's Western Shelf, the Valor system isn't meaningful at this point. If you can buy a Valor Boost pack off the GTN then lulz about Valor at this point. I'm sorry but it used to mean more than it does now. Perhaps thats the games age or just my opinion but it means very little. I'd like a stat tracker if anything else...


BARE minimum stats are tracked in WZ and even those are pretty sad. You get player kills, wins, medals, mvp votes...but I want to know more about my performance. How many killing blows, solo kills, highest hit, highest heal, nodes stolen, etc. I don't even know how many games I've lost compared to how many I've won. How many 1 v 1s have I lost and/or won.


This game lacks that stat tracking and I think it would be interesting to see those kinds of stats displayed for PvP'rs to compete for amongst friends, guildmates or whomever. Heck, I'd like to know how much cumulative damage I've done while in combat in a PvP scenario. Stat's aren't a real big go getter either, I know, but it's something to track whereas Valor caps at 100 and many people have been there for a long time. Valor is almost as meaningful as Legacy levels, sad to say. (/sarcasm)



Also while checking out some of the posts in this thread, I came across this one :

So fine, as I've said, let expertise function a DIFFERENT WAY in Open World, as long as it no longer gives WarZone players an advantage. That advantage should be reserved for WarZones ONLY.


If what you say is true then PvE gear should be dumbed down to lvl 49 equivalent with the bolster system in an open world setting as I suggested earlier. Your gear would be perceived, by PvP'rs, as raid gear ONLY...not standard pve gear. You can argue that notion all you want but it's true. You don't need that gear to do anything out in the world...

Edited by Master_Nate
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  • 2 years later...

I think that to many people are affected by WoW (including devs)

Warzones have nothing to do with an mmorp at all. Im sorry, but when i started to play this game and picked the PvP server i assumed that when you run around questing you will bump into other players that you can kill or be killed by. Well of course there will be high lvl characters around that can gank you and i have no problem with that.


But to put "Warzones" into an open world game that have specific gear for killing other players is just lame. At least let the gear stay in the Warzones where it belongs.


I enjoy open world PvP and an mmorpg is the best place for that. If you want to queue for battles that last for 15 min, there are alot of games that is suited for just that.


I understand that once added its hard to remove game content so please just disable the expertise stat outside warzones so we can enjoy real PvP and not some gearbased ganking that requires 0 skill.


and to the people that says, i can't do OPS with my gear so you can't kill me with your gear. Well then maybe the open world players should have an option to send in random NPC bosses to gank you when you are doing warzones.

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and to the people that says, i can't do OPS with my gear so you can't kill me with your gear. Well then maybe the open world players should have an option to send in random NPC bosses to gank you when you are doing warzones.


100% agree with this, even if you did necro this thread. PvP'ers want an advantage in WZ's, fine by me. I come to your house, I play by your rules. The problem is, the open world is PvE territory, you know it and I know it, so in all fairness you should play by my house's rules, not be able to walk all over me in my own home.

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uh ... merging PVE with PVP??? NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!!!


I DO NOT WANT more PVP. PVP'ers need to stay to their OWN SIDE of the game!

Sorry i am a mostly PVE-only person. I ONLY do warzones for the last gap of XP to get to an odd level to re-gear. Or GSF because i find that to actually be "fun" .... but ordinarily i do NOT AT ALL "enjoy" most if not all warzones.

Warzones are @#$Y&@#$!@#%^@!#$@!^@&@#$%!#~!@^@#$%

AND I HATE them!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by lightningseven
messed up
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on a second note.... GREE event with PVP elements SUCKS!



I HATE having to deal with ******ES in Gree PVP areas.


I should be allowed to complete the event quests WITHOUT involving myself in the TOTALLY UNFAIR PVP areas!!!!

People are HORRIBLY EVIL ... in the Ilum PVP areas on Gree event!!!!!!!!

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