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Light or Dark?


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I think capturing people is a true sign of BH skill. The entire point of a bounty hunter is usually to bring in the bounty. If we just killed people then we'd be assassins.


keep that in mind when going all dark ... and to the people letting targets run away [for money].... not cool for a million reasons. It destroys the entire integrity of the job.


The logic boba fett used in his books usually was like this, "do business with a hutt, then you deserve your fate. Even worse if you try to steal from a hutt." when you think about it, why would a hutt pay so much money unless the person really pissed them off?


bounty hunters are basically police that make a lot more money and skip the whole "laws" thing =P


SW's is the wild west in space.


smugglers / bh's = wild west

jedi = religion / spirituality




and personally my BH loves to frustrate jedi's (sith or not) ... i get joy out of taking them down a notch.

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"Sure baby, I totally care about avenging that dude I knew for all of 5 minutes..."


I lol'ed. So hard.


Why do I have a feeling there are a LOT of people approaching their relationship with Mako like this? Hahah.


I haven't decided how I'm going to approach the Mako dynamic, specifically. In fact, I'm not sure how I'm going to approach relationships, even. Barring any explicit benefits gained from a successful relationship in the game, I'll probably take the most selfish approach. Maybe manipulate her feelings for me, but in the end, she's only a means to an ends, eminently expendable, and only kept around because shes useful to me, rather than emotionally attached.

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I lol'ed. So hard.


Why do I have a feeling there are a LOT of people approaching their relationship with Mako like this? Hahah.


I haven't decided how I'm going to approach the Mako dynamic, specifically. In fact, I'm not sure how I'm going to approach relationships, even. Barring any explicit benefits gained from a successful relationship in the game, I'll probably take the most selfish approach. Maybe manipulate her feelings for me, but in the end, she's only a means to an ends, eminently expendable, and only kept around because shes useful to me, rather than emotionally attached.


Well, I think your relationship with your companion has a positive impact on how well (and how quickly) they complete crew skill missions

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Well, I think your relationship with your companion has a positive impact on how well (and how quickly) they complete crew skill missions


Well, in that case, I may pay lip service to what she wants, but my actions will ultimately be my own, and if she doesn't like that, I'll have to find someone else to run my errands for me.

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Boba Fett, "It doesn't matter to me, though. Since I'm not making a deal with you, anyway."


Posondum, "But why not? It's a fortune - it's more than the Hutts have offered you-"


"It very well might be. You might be as good a thief as you are a number cruncher. And if you're going to steal even on credit from a Hutt, you might as well steal a billion. The consequences are the same. But even if you do have that kind of credits hidden away, I'm not interested in them. Or not interested enough. I have my reputation to think of."


"Your.... Your what?"



"The Hutts and all my other clients--they pay me the kind of bounties they do because of one thing. I deliver. Once I've caught my prey, nothing stops me from bringing it in. Nothing. If I take on a job, I complete it. And everyone in the galaxy knows that."


"But... but I've heard of other bounty hunters... who'll cut a deal..."


"Other bounty hunters may conduct their business as they please." Fett barely managed to keep from his voice the contempt with which he held the so-called Bounty Hunters Guild's members. That kind of shortsighted greed was one of the reasons he had no desire to associate himself with the Guild. "They have their standards...and I have mine. And I've got the merchandise, and they don't. There's a connection."

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Personally I play my character very materialistically orientated --> pay up, or else...


At times I am torn between the honorable mandalorian way and greed, but the mandalorian aspect that appeals to me is "I'm going to find the biggest, baddest thing out there just so I can fight it... and come out as the victor.


Hence... people have a way of dying when dealing with my BH.

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"Sure baby, I totally care about avenging that dude I knew for all of 5 minutes..."


I laughed at that and had everyone in the room with me give me a very awkward look. Thank you!


Btw, I am doing whatever I want, regardless of what Mako thinks....Okay, maybe I send her away before a dark side choice but thats just how it goes..

Edited by BBriggs
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I've been forcing mine dark (dark III), not sure why, just for kicks I guess.


I'd say, play as you like, you can always change your light/dark points during or after the fact via crew skills.


What crew skills change your light/dark points?


I want to play neutral but I'm afraid of having gear be locked out at end game for not picking a side.

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My bounty hunter is a professional, but is a nice guy. By that I mean, he will kill someone, but will let his employer know if he disagrees. What his emplayer wants his employer will get. Other than that though, he usually takes the light side options, though, if someone hurt someone he cares about, they die.
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Boba Fett, "It doesn't matter to me, though. Since I'm not making a deal with you, anyway."


Posondum, "But why not? It's a fortune - it's more than the Hutts have offered you-"


"It very well might be. You might be as good a thief as you are a number cruncher. And if you're going to steal even on credit from a Hutt, you might as well steal a billion. The consequences are the same. But even if you do have that kind of credits hidden away, I'm not interested in them. Or not interested enough. I have my reputation to think of."


"Your.... Your what?"



"The Hutts and all my other clients--they pay me the kind of bounties they do because of one thing. I deliver. Once I've caught my prey, nothing stops me from bringing it in. Nothing. If I take on a job, I complete it. And everyone in the galaxy knows that."


"But... but I've heard of other bounty hunters... who'll cut a deal..."


"Other bounty hunters may conduct their business as they please." Fett barely managed to keep from his voice the contempt with which he held the so-called Bounty Hunters Guild's members. That kind of shortsighted greed was one of the reasons he had no desire to associate himself with the Guild. "They have their standards...and I have mine. And I've got the merchandise, and they don't. There's a connection."


So much truth and exactly how I play :D tried to add that to my sig but wouldn't fit. Went with shorter awesome boba fett quotes

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I follow specific rules on my BH. Whether they turn out LS or DS depends on the situation I'm in, but as of not I'm Light I


1. Always be pleasant to your employer

2. Never kill unless it's in the contract or in self defense

3. Always fill the contract as specified unless the moral weight of an alternate option justifies a last-minute change


This is exactly my characters philosophy as well, with a few exceptions. Nem'ro seriously strained my BH/client relationship and I sincerely hope I get an opportunity to pay him back.

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  • 1 year later...

hi guys:

i have a sorcerer level 25 lightning. I was undecided on which side to choose from light or dark.. I just made my decision to go dark see what happen.. So far im doing ok, my face is changing, skin color.. i guess that is part of being dark..the more dark and deep...the more reflects on the skin and face. I cant find any website that talks about the pro and con's or being dark or light. What armor or weapons for being dark or light.

If anybody has some info dont hesitate to send me some email.

thanks guys


jose (overseas)

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Well, I started out going all-out dark on my Bounty Hunter, but then I got Mako as a companion. I don't know why, but I started picking the choices that Mako would like (light-side choices). Maybe I did this because whenever I would walk up to Mako she would be all like, "Hey girl! Let's make some easy credits!" I would just think: "Hm....money sure can bring cyborgs together. I like this kid".


I know, it's weird. But honestly, I had no more fun being Mrs. I'm-gonna-chop-your-head-off Bounty Hunter than Mrs. I'll-just-leave-you-alive-but-stll-turn-you-in-for-credits Bounty Hunter.


All in all, I'd say do what you feel is right, but don't rack up negative affection with your companion. That's what works for me, anyway. :D

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I seem to fall in line with a lot of other people on here. I will kill if needed, but my BH has more of a "warrior code" thing going on. I don't flip on my employers and don't make secondary deals. No killing just for bloodlust either. I think it makes the character more believable in that he isn't some sociopath.
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I really don't see LIGHT or DARK being what fits well with the BH (well, with others too, but some dark options are just massively douchebag moves for no freaking reason).


I think BH and Agent should be more like Mass Effect ... Are you a paragon or are you a renegade? Did you follow the rules, get the job done and save the day or did you break all the rules, still get the job done (mostly) and save the day (at least for the people you liked)? I know BW was sort of stuck with the LS/DS options and the KOTOR example of a code for jedi/sith, but for the average folks, I feel there should have somehow been another scale for those directly supporting "the system" and those who relish in "breaking it". Probably easier said than done but...

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I've been playing as a true bounty hunter - in my opinion - : dark, evil, mean, killing a lot of people for bribes and obviously - which is the most important - rich.


Enjoy ;)


Sorry, bru, but:


That's not a professional bounty-hunter, that's a common thug with a few extra creds to spend on upgrading his guns and gear.


A proper BH has...what's the word...a certain restrained professional élan, ya know :)

Edited by midianlord
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