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  1. Also, there is a similar type request over on the Powertech forums. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=129437
  2. Easy. Play a class that allows you to do that.
  3. How about researching your class before choosing. If you want to charge choose a tanking BH or SW. I know that I choose Shieldtech because I wanted jet charge and grapple. It's awesome by the way, especially in Huttball. So I recommend the spec to anyone. However, you can't just assume that your class deserves all the abilities that other classes have. It's like saying powertechs should be able to heal because we have the same equipment mercenaries have. Come on now... Also the cutscenes are awesome, doesn't mean that they should change them to fit gameplay combat. In one cutscene a padawan has a lightsaber in my face and I reverse her possition throw her over my shoulder and one shot to the dome kills her. That doesn't mean I should be able to do that in combat. Let's get real.
  4. Some situations it's frustrating when BioWare doesn't give you good answers. But sometimes I think it's cool when they do this. Because in real life sometimes it doesn't matter what you say. The other person is still going to say what they want. I also love how Bioware makes you think about good/evil and grey areas. Funny you should list 7 reasons and they are all bad reasons to kill. Saving a life is the only moral justification for killing. Ever. Problem is knowing if you're saving another by taking a life (think of Dexter series). Regardless the Bounty Hunter clearly doesn't have enough information to justify his actions. In that regard, I guess we agree that apathy is at the core of his moral decay. He's evil, which doesn't mean he'll never do a good thing in his life. But for me he's certainly crossed the line of what's a reasonable level of moral apathy.
  5. Becase killing someone for the money is morally justified? I would argue that killing for money is definently worse than almost every other reason. In fact the only worse reason I can think of is: I killed him... just to watch him die. Either way, you're not simply misunderstood with an emo haircut. You're evil.
  6. The Bounty Hunter is not neutral, and definently not a good guy. He's a stone cold evil bad ***. I don't think the story gives you much wiggle room, honestly. When I started the story I tried to go in without a predetermined mind set (although part of me wanted to go light for variation in flashpoints because I figured most imperials would go dark). I figured I'd take the story as it came ty to make the most natural reactions and see where I ended up. Now at lvl 23 I'm Dark II, with about 2800 DS and about 600 LS points. Problem with the story is that you volunteer to join a killing contest. So early on I asked myself what type of personality would do this and I realized this guy is an evil bastard. I'm not saying that the LS options are fake, I think many of them are legitimate. In the end though they only serve to justify the BH conscience. The bounty hunter is not a soldier or a lawman. He's a killer and a gangster. I don't think there's much room to debate it. If anyone of us claimed to know someone in a "Great Hunt" in real life, we would call that person a sociopath. "Just trying to make a living" in a wartorn state doesn't cut it as justification for the way this guy lives, it just doesn't. You can let most of your mark's go or try to take them alive and try to look out for the innocents in the galaxy. But at the end of the day you're still a thief and a murderer. I think the only realistic way that someone takes the job of a bounty hunter is to be a very caloused and emotionally guarded person. Also, the BH is extremely selfish. THe full LS bounty hunter is probably even more sociopathic that the DS one. Regardless I've tried to give my charactor a "code" to make him more dynamic. So he spares the innocent as best he can, but I still end up making mostly evil choices, because going full LS just seems WAY to twisted for me to comprehend.
  7. I avoided the BH story during beta to save it for launch also. I anticipate having the same problem. Because I want to weigh every sitution on it's own merrits instead of always choosing light or dark. My plan is to pick up diplomacy and use that to build up LS or DS points. But I have no idea how long it takes to get LS/DS points via Diplomacy (or how much it costs for that matter), hopefully I'm not commiting myself to too much of a crafting grindfest. Anyways I"m just going to enjoy the ride, if I end up missing a lot of gear I can always reroll as I plan to be playing this for a long time.
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