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  1. Let's be honest, though.. In the realm of people who get satisfaction from belittling someone on the internet, someone who spells "maybe" with an 'i' and can't use a period to end a sentence is definitely a viable target. Regardless of what point the person was making or what game they support or don't, THAT kind of egregious grammar will always be worth belittling. If someone doesn't make them feel bad for their stupidity now, how will they improve themselves in the future?
  2. The servers themselves are heavily instanced. I'm on a medium/light server, and there are times the number of instances of the Imperial Fleet that are running are upwards of 30 or 40. What that means is that for every player you see while walking around the fleet, there are 30 or 40 more in other instances that you don't see. This can make the game look less congested or filled than it actually is.
  3. Eventually being the operative term, there. Yes, I'd like to see clipping dealt with at some point, too. However, there are far, far more pressing matters at hand than clipping, and I'd not appreciate it if Bioware devoted precious man-hours to fixing cosmetic clipping issues when major, potentially game-breaking bugs still exist in the product. Regarding the Lekku physics, it's not just that companion. My main is a Twi'Lek Sith Sorcerer, and his Lekku do the same thing. It's particularly funny on when descending on an elevator, because they basically fold in half and whip in the wind, haha.
  4. If that was Blizzard's outlook in Vanilla, they've come a LONG, LONG way from it. I can think of several instances of just obvious, horrible clipping in WoW. Specifically, my characters legs coming out of my mount's stomach, my cape clipping through it's body... In fact, the mounts in WoW are pretty horrible overall with their clipping. So it seems that even IF that were Blizzard's outlook in Vanilla, it sure isn't their approach now. And that's probably a good thing, because clipping issues aren't game breaking or high priority bugs. Put simply, I'm glad that both Bioware and Blizzard are more focused on the bigger issues their games face, rather than fixing some ugly, but not game breaking clipping.
  5. Not the fleet in general, but the cantina in the middle of the fleet works.
  6. Well, in that case, I may pay lip service to what she wants, but my actions will ultimately be my own, and if she doesn't like that, I'll have to find someone else to run my errands for me.
  7. I lol'ed. So hard. Why do I have a feeling there are a LOT of people approaching their relationship with Mako like this? Hahah. I haven't decided how I'm going to approach the Mako dynamic, specifically. In fact, I'm not sure how I'm going to approach relationships, even. Barring any explicit benefits gained from a successful relationship in the game, I'll probably take the most selfish approach. Maybe manipulate her feelings for me, but in the end, she's only a means to an ends, eminently expendable, and only kept around because shes useful to me, rather than emotionally attached.
  8. My style is whatever brings in the most money. I'll take bribes if the money's right, but if I'm presented a moral choice, I always go with the one that's more profitable or, barring that, the least amount of work. As a Bounty Hunter, I don't provide my services for free, so if someone asks me to to save their daughter from the slave traders, they better make it worth my while, or I'm not going to lift a finger to help. (I will admit, if I really don't like someone, I'll blast them even if it means I don't get extra money. Sometimes, the cozy feeling you get from killing someone you don't like is worth more than the extra credits, haha.)
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