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It's been 7 months


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In 1.3 we got ranked warzones. With their implementation, the pre-season 1 started.

And now, 7 months after, we know the same about future plans for rwz as we did when they launched.

Still no info on cross-server, and ranked seem to be even more of a ghost town with each week.

The time required to form a group with a good composition is way too high, but that's not even the main issue.

The main issue is, that even if you have the team ready, you often have to wait for over an hour to get a pop, sometimes even more than that.

On our server for e.g. we have 4 teams playing ranked, and without arragements with other guilds, you will pretty much never get a ranked game.

Is it Working™ as Intended™:rak_02:

Are there any plans to change the current state of ranked?


Things not to expect:

A dev post about this



Edited by Eszi
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Why would anytbody play in ranked WZ, when they can play against PUGs?


Because it's more fun to play a close, competetive game than faceroll pugs all the time.

Also, ranked comms for faster gearing up

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premades should be barred from regular wz

then reg wz will be more consistently organic.


the best reg wz are pug vs pug


that would ensure that your ranked would be popping if that was the only place allowing premades

so allow 4 mans to Que for ranked


alas EA has dropped the ball on this.

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Because it's more fun to play a close, competetive game than faceroll pugs all the time.

There are some who may like the thrill of competition but I assure you most don't. They just want to faceroll "quaranteed" wins and that's less likely against other premades than it's against pugs. The only way to motivate these type of players to play ranked is to make ranked gear that is better than regular gear. But that's only a temporary bandaid, once they have their gear they'll go back to facerolling pugs.

Edited by byteresistor
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There are some who may like the thrill of competition but I assure you most don't. They just want to faceroll "quaranteed" wins and that's less likely against other premades than it's against pugs. The only way to motivate these type of players to play ranked is to make ranked gear that is better than regular gear. But that's only a temporary bandaid, once they have their gear they'll go back to facerolling pugs.


Yes. there are way too many losers in MMOs.


OP, best thing you can do is hope for more people joining 50 PvP going forward, with the gear gap made basically even, and more players that are competitive like you.

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Because it's more fun to play a close, competetive game than faceroll pugs all the time.

Also, ranked comms for faster gearing up


Obviously not, or they would queue up. MMO players really do not like competition. They are used to losing so they've internalized excuses to get cheap wins.


The only way to get ranked going is to cut off grouping in the regular wzs. This obviously will not happen. The only reason it doesn't happen is to allow the low achievers to succeed in this game, and that's what $15 a month will buy you. Bioware's thought process is that the only people that will pay them that money consistently are these types of people, everyone else will get bored and stop paying it. They've ridden about 2.4M+ down to about 400k at best with this though process, why would they change it now?


They even admitted the majority of players back when we were north of 1M subs were PVPing most of the time. They admitted they didn't want that and this was a PVE "story" game. So their solution? Ruin PVP as much as possible to bring PVE up. Their solution wasn't to retain the PVP players or even increase it, or improve PVE to add even more people. They have been on record emphatically stating they don't want people to PVP, and all their decision decisions evince you of this mentality. The mission has been accomplished, they have gotten rid of so many PVP players that now PVE makes up the majority, and too few people will care about PVP for it to be a justifiable focus of dev resources.


It is actually possible that Blizzard paid these devs off to ruin this game. That is how bad the decisions have been. It looks like intentional sabotage.

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In 1.3 we got ranked warzones. With their implementation, the pre-season 1 started.

And now, 7 months after, we know the same about future plans for rwz as we did when they launched.

Still no info on cross-server, and ranked seem to be even more of a ghost town with each week.

The time required to form a group with a good composition is way too high, but that's not even the main issue.

The main issue is, that even if you have the team ready, you often have to wait for over an hour to get a pop, sometimes even more than that.

On our server for e.g. we have 4 teams playing ranked, and without arragements with other guilds, you will pretty much never get a ranked game.

Is it Working™ as Intended™:rak_02:

Are there any plans to change the current state of ranked?


Sounds like my server...

-Long time to get team together

-Long time to get a que pop, if at all

-Lack of good even competition; fun even games are rare, theres 1 team that absolutely destroys everyone and then there are a whole bunch of weak teams that present no challenge whatsoever


I tried, I really did. But rateds are just not looking good and became more frustrating than fun. Spend more time setting things up than playing.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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Only way I can see rated wzs becoming popular is by making rated comms exclusive to rateds...I'm not in favor of this or anything since it would take you forever to grind ewh gear in regular anyways. Just saying that if you made it so that you needed to play ranked to get the gear then you would see a lot more matches. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Rated warzones are a dumb idea and should be dropped, they will never work and too few truly want them, just install a proper matchmaker so that if you are in a 4 man premade you will be matched up against a 4 man premade, same with 2, 3, 5, 6 7 and 8 mans. If you get a large enough pvp base (x server) then enhance the matchmaker to include expertise lvl or even valor, either way rated are a dead end and a good matchmaker is the future and should be implemented asap.
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premades should be barred from regular wz

then reg wz will be more consistently organic.


the best reg wz are pug vs pug


that would ensure that your ranked would be popping if that was the only place allowing premades

so allow 4 mans to Que for ranked


alas EA has dropped the ball on this.


Because punishing good players for banding together to win consistently with friends while having fun should be punished, amiright?


Never in all my time doing PvP on WoW did I see such a huge group of whiners as in this game when it comes to solo queuing.

Edited by Aluvi
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Honestly, give us a daily/weekly for rated, and allow people to queue up for rated in 4-man premades. Would solve so many problems. Would go a long way in solving rated issue imo.


Not a bad idea, actually.


Actually, it's a great idea.

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The majority of players don't do rated. I don't see a reason to create something for a selected few.


I'm sure many would like a solo queue (no premades that ruin their pvp experience) and a proper player matching system.

Edited by Givemedanger
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If they allowed solo queues for Rateds, with matchmaking to go against other solo queuers, I'm willing to bet you'd see an increase in rated WZ activity. They could even reduce the amount of Rated Comms for participating in solo rateds. One of the biggest deterrents of rateds right now, is that one good team can kill off the competitive PvP of a server(it shouldn't, but it does) because the actual pool of rated players is so small, given that you can only queue against your own server. What ultimately ends up happening, is that you get 1-2 elite teams on each server that roflstomp any entry level team and discourage them from participating again. This pretty much hold true to the statement of "people don't want competitive PvP, they just want to beat up on lesser opponents."


I know that when I played Warhammer Online, once the population and competitive edge swung to one dominant side, you often had good players reroll to the other side to increase competitive play. I'm not saying this should be the only option, but with legacy perks, rerolling has now become extremely easy to do. It just seems that players in this game tend to do the opposite, and reroll from the weaker faction so that they can get easy wins on the dominant side.


Cross server Rated queuing needs to be implemented if that metagame is to ever be taken seriously.

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Because punishing good players for banding together to win consistently with friends while having fun should be punished, amiright?


Never in all my time doing PvP on WoW did I see such a huge group of whiners as in this game when it comes to solo queuing.


LOL again with the "if I have to play against premades you're punishing me!, but it's perfectly okay to make the PUGs play against my premade!"


I wish I could say never in my time on the internet have I seen such absence of logic and intellectual ability. But I can't, because I see that kind of idiocy on these boards constantly (and also on the internet in general).


That tells you everything you need to know about premades. It's a bunch of people that aren't competitive in anything and need all the advantages they could possibly have in order to feel better about themselves. You take that away and it is "punishing" them.


lol I don't understand why people ever accept these fallacious arguments. No, people don't premade for competition. No, you don't need the perfect composition for rated if you wanted a "challenge." Yes, you insist on rolling PUGs and you fear competition.


Competitive people want level playing fields so they can test themselves. Competitive people don't hide on teams and try to pick on PUGs. It's two different types of play, PUG games require more adjustment on the fly and you simply don't prepare for them, they test how quickly you can adjust and how you deal with unknowns. Organized team play tests execution and preset strategies, with very little variation. I have competed in sports, video games and actively in my career pretty much all my life, at a high level. I have trained and played with pros. Never have I ever met high achievers that have desperately wanted to roll as a team against unorganized groups.


Bioware devs are, of course, also non-competitive losers. They've never competed at anything. Not sports, not video games. They avoid competition even in their careers, preferring to play politics as much as possible rather than trying to perform their jobs as best as possible. That is why you have the current state of things.


And it makes sense. High achievers do not develop games at a garbage company like EA. They generally become doctors, lawyers, finance professionals or professional software developers for companies like Oracle or Microsoft. Or they go to a private company to ply their trade as artists, like Bethesda and many others. There are many other careers people can set out on and companies I'm not listing, but nobody with talent ever goes to work for EA. Not with how they are treated and their corporate culture, they've been a laughingstock on Wall St. since roughly 2008 when their board and policies changed to what they are now.


At EA you've got the absolute bottom of the barrel, bottom of the barrel business people and bottom of the barrel programmers, and it carries over to design decisions that pander to the low achievers that truly believe they are skilled in this garbage unbalanced uncompetitive PVP.


My post will probably get erased, maybe I'll even get an infraction for stating this. But to whoever is taking PVP seriously and is really annoyed with these dumb design decisions, please take a step back and realize how inept the people that make these decisions are and who they are pandering to. Do not take it personally. Post on here to voice your complaints to get them on record, it won't change anything but at least you'll be able to vent or otherwise feel invested in the process. That's what these boards are for.


And then you should probably just not PVP at all, and if that's all you wanted to do, you can just unsub just as 90% of the subscriber base has done. Oh, that also negates that other dumb argument about shrinking the queues, after destroying the player base and merging down to less than a tenth of the servers this game had, there are LESS people queuing now that there would have been if these steps were taken 2 million subscribers ago.

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Only way I can see rated wzs becoming popular is by making rated comms exclusive to rateds...I'm not in favor of this or anything since it would take you forever to grind ewh gear in regular anyways. Just saying that if you made it so that you needed to play ranked to get the gear then you would see a lot more matches.


Finished getting my last EWH armor (Chest) piece this week since 1.6 went live. Took me 2 weeks to grind both EWH weapons prior to 1.6 dropping. All through regular WZs on PofF.


I'm sorry but the sad story of grinding forever to get EWH gear just doesn't fly.

Edited by Ramtar
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LOL again with the "if I have to play against premades you're punishing me!, but it's perfectly okay to make the PUGs play against my premade!"


I wish I could say never in my time on the internet have I seen such absence of logic and intellectual ability. But I can't, because I see that kind of idiocy on these boards constantly (and also on the internet in general).


That tells you everything you need to know about premades. It's a bunch of people that aren't competitive in anything and need all the advantages they could possibly have in order to feel better about themselves. You take that away and it is "punishing" them....


/agree 100%



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Rated warzones are a dumb idea and should be dropped, they will never work and too few truly want them, just install a proper matchmaker so that if you are in a 4 man premade you will be matched up against a 4 man premade, same with 2, 3, 5, 6 7 and 8 mans. If you get a large enough pvp base (x server) then enhance the matchmaker to include expertise lvl or even valor, either way rated are a dead end and a good matchmaker is the future and should be implemented asap.


go back to the pve forum....asap

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that makes 7 months as well that marauders could tie their hands behind their back and smash their face on the keyboard and roll kids



as a dps sorc i could giv a hoot about ranked i need balance (or at least relative balance) before any ranked


powertechs are still 2 shotting 2/3 of my hp with plethora instant cast iwin buttons

juggs used to smash for 7k and bw nerfed pvp dmg... and juggs still smash for 7k go figure

marauders went from worst class to having a buffet of abilities for any and every situation, u can outskill them 5 times over and still lose to one

snipers somehow get overlooked but are the pedestal of ranged class burst and defense, id kill to throw out the burst they can care free behind their little neon window



resolve still is not functioning properly, and if it is working as u intend bioware then jokes on us, its great as a light armor wearer to eat 3 stuns in a row then get rooted indefinitely


god help us if ranked are released before any balancing

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In 1.3 we got ranked warzones. With their implementation, the pre-season 1 started.

And now, 7 months after, we know the same about future plans for rwz as we did when they launched.

Still no info on cross-server, and ranked seem to be even more of a ghost town with each week.

The time required to form a group with a good composition is way too high, but that's not even the main issue.

The main issue is, that even if you have the team ready, you often have to wait for over an hour to get a pop, sometimes even more than that.

On our server for e.g. we have 4 teams playing ranked, and without arragements with other guilds, you will pretty much never get a ranked game.

Is it Working™ as Intended™:rak_02:

Are there any plans to change the current state of ranked?


Things not to expect:

A dev post about this




If more classes/specs were viable then there might be an increase to the ranked area. Honestly there isn't much motivation to play ranked and if you don't play on optimal spec then you won't even get into a rated group. How can you expect there to be much rated competition if many players basically can't even play?

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