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EA still too proud/greedy to put this game on steam


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I don't think not having it on Steam will make this game burn, however I do believe that adding it to steam will most certainly greatly benefit this game from an increased surge in incoming players.


Understandably EA wants to push Origin, however they're simply not doing enough with it, they're in no way picking it up in a similar fashion as Valve has done with Steam and as such, it will never grow out to become a serious competitor.


However, slowly EA has been adding titles (back) on Steam. Such as recently Crysis 2 which was at first pulled off. Beyond that, don't forget The Sims titles which are heading to Steam with every new expansion pack.


Now just to see their other newer titles head back to Steam though.

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It was silly for EA to take all their games off Steam in the first place. Origin can never compete with Steam because EA and Valve are two very different companies. Origin will never be able to match the sales that Steam has.


That said, Origin isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be... I actually like it. And they have offered some nice sales. It gets a bad rap because of EA. If EA truly wants Origin to be on the same level as Steam, then they need to make sweeping company policy changes.

Edited by Sane
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EA has some crazy beef with Steam I think it was they were selling to many copies of there games on Steam so they figured they needed to stop that as soon as possible. They did not know what to do with all the money they were making off of Steam sales so they started Orgin to put a stop to all that money.
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Origin may not be a dot on Steam's radar yet, but you still don't undermine your own service by giving your competitor's the benefit of your exclusives. Think about how the Playstation wrested control away from Nintendo back in the day. Nintendo owned the market, like over 90% of console owners, but a few key exclusives and all of a sudden Sony was a real contender in the market.


And really, apart from a small amount of added exposure, Steam would do nothing for this title. You don't need Origin to download the game, and the launcher is a decent downloader, comparitively speaking.

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Steam isn't a competitor to EA. EA just want a bigger slice of the pie. So instead of offering SWTOR or any of their games on Steam(because Valve will take a % of money) EA believe they can do better. Well they cant. Origin will NEVER match or beat Steam.


Steam has been the saving grace for the PC gamer since retail stores(I can only speak for the UK) decided to reduce shelf space for PC games. EA banked on SWTOR pushing origin but didn't bank on both failing. EA need to think outside the box and stop being greedy.

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I assume Steam dont want TOR they can already sell KOTOR and KOTOR2 so why not TOR. The thing thtat worried me is that KOTOR 2 showed up on Steam and I almost bought it till I remembered that I have TOR and dont play that and the only reason I wanted KOTOR2 was because of the player mods which mean I can play a Trandosan or a Quaran.
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While I agree it should be on Steam. I dont agree that it could help all that much. F2P ga,es get a boost from Steam, then drop off rather quickly. Take Blacklight: Retribution for example, it recieved a rather large boost upon its release, peak player count was around 24k. And about a month later, I was seeing it anywhere between 500-1200 players, now it hardly ever gets above 500. Or Age of Empires online, they got a decent few thousand extra players upon Steam release, but the company is still throwing in the towel now saying they will be making no new content.


It is incredibly stupid of EA to not have it on Steam, but Steam wouldnt save it. Also, the game doesnt need saving, its been prospering since it went half arsed F2P, which is funny since its a terrible model theyve adapted.


*Edit* Im also pro-competition mind you. The less games that appear on Steam means more people have to go elsewhere for more games. Steam didnt have a monopoly by any means, but they were getting damn close to it before other companies got into the DD game.

Edited by fluttersniper
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Steam would also mean that they'd have to do updates through Steam for the games sold there. Which in turn means another delay whenever something needs patching. Not to mention some additional costs Bioware/EA would have to pay for every patch. There are a couple of very good reasons why EA pulled a lot of games from Steam. Blame Valve, not EA.
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Steam would also mean that they'd have to do updates through Steam for the games sold there. Which in turn means another delay whenever something needs patching. Not to mention some additional costs Bioware/EA would have to pay for every patch. There are a couple of very good reasons why EA pulled a lot of games from Steam. Blame Valve, not EA.


MMOs dont use steams update tool. All it would do is download the primary game files. Then patches and everything else would still work through the games launcher.


I would say the main reason it wont go on Steam would be that Bioware would have to share the cartel market profits. EA left Steam because Valve wanted a cut of exp packs and DLC whuch I dont blame them for, and EA tried to bypass this by allowing people to buy DLC in game, like the cerberus networl for example from Mass Effect.

Edited by fluttersniper
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I don't know why everyone is talking about Origin competing with Steam. EA is selling their own products through their own online service. They are in effect cutting out the middle man by providing their own download service. I doubt they had any intentions of some how replacing Steam. It's probably more like they didn't want to give Steam a piece of the action. Edited by EcrirTwyLar
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Origin is competing with steam the same way a little league football team is competing with the Patriots.


Time to just throw in the towel EA. Unless you really want to see your 300 million dollar game go down in flames instead.


Not putting the game on Steam or not (which I dislike anyway) has nothing to do with the game failing or succeeding.

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First you must prove to EA that they would make a profit by actually losing $$$ through Steam.


Steam is in it for the $$$$ and is not bringing games to people from an altruistic company policy.


The problems that have faced this game from the start are from people that came from "other" games and trash talked it. The media ate it up, EA believed them, BW died (R.I.P. April 2012) and the downward spiral took form.


Quite a few of those same trash talking gamers have come back to "what a great game" after having gone back to their prior ho-hum/boring/where did my rose colored glasses go! game they played.


As always, with any game, there is a niche group of players that will remain true and those that will just be "visitors".


Yes I play other games as well, but I am and will always be a dedicated Founder.

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It was silly for EA to take all their games off Steam in the first place. Origin can never compete with Steam because EA and Valve are two very different companies. Origin will never be able to match the sales that Steam has.


That said, Origin isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be... I actually like it. And they have offered some nice sales. It gets a bad rap because of EA. If EA truly wants Origin to be on the same level as Steam, then they need to make sweeping company policy changes.


Not all the games removed were removed by EA. Some where removed by Steam itself.


It basically all revolves around the terms that Steam started to adopt which added certain restrictions that limited developers and how they service there games. Since then some games have come back, like Crysis. It all depends on if EA can come to some agreement on the terms of services for the titles that they offer.



In my opinion.

Personally I do not blame EA or any company from pulling a game from any service if they do not like the terms that service wants to use. It is in there right to do so.


Another thing is I could care less if games were on Steam or Origin. I use both and they both work well for what they are intended to do.

The only major issue I have had with steam was one way back when Steam took my money for a game and I never got it or my money back. It was not much but made me stop buying from them for a little while, which I have since forgave them and started using them again a while ago.

The only major issue I had Origin was that there was one game that I could not Tie to my main account during the purchase process. I say Tie because I was using a promo code for a free game. They could not figure out what was causing the issue and I had to make a new account just to get that one game for free. Not as bad of an issue like I had with Steam but enough to frustrate me at the time.


In all reality I still prefer my games on Disk over Digital. There is something about having a Hard Copy over just a digital that just makes me feel better. :rolleyes:

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Urm... I dont get how putting the game on STEAM will help at all.. I mean all anyone needs to do is go to swtor.com, make an account and download the game for free, then play F2P or sub. unless EA told STEAM to put a download price on the game so they could make a lil profit (if it were to go onto STEAM) otherwise people can just go to the game site like normal
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Urm... I dont get how putting the game on STEAM will help at all.. I mean all anyone needs to do is go to swtor.com, make an account and download the game for free, then play F2P or sub. unless EA told STEAM to put a download price on the game so they could make a lil profit (if it were to go onto STEAM) otherwise people can just go to the game site like normal


The idea is that its basically an advertising campaign. There are a number of gamers who only do their game shopping on steam and don't really read gaming news. This is why games like Planetside 2 (another F2P MMO) went on Steam at launch.


It might also take advantage of the fact that KotOR and KotOR2 have been selling pretty well on Steam recently.


Mind you, I'm not a huge fan of Steam but if it would help... why not?

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Origin is competing with steam the same way a little league football team is competing with the Patriots.

I like your way of thinking. First step to failure is trying!


Btw you should call all the school in your country and tell them the dire news that they will never be the best and they should just throw in the towel and shut down their sports teams.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The idea is that its basically an advertising campaign. There are a number of gamers who only do their game shopping on steam and don't really read gaming news. This is why games like Planetside 2 (another F2P MMO) went on Steam at launch.


It might also take advantage of the fact that KotOR and KotOR2 have been selling pretty well on Steam recently.


Mind you, I'm not a huge fan of Steam but if it would help... why not?


They spent $100 million+ on advertising, why Steam? Anyone who uses the internet that even grazes anything game related are hit with SWTOR advertisements. So why do you need Steam?

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While I agree it should be on Steam. I dont agree that it could help all that much. F2P ga,es get a boost from Steam, then drop off rather quickly. Take Blacklight: Retribution for example, it recieved a rather large boost upon its release, peak player count was around 24k. And about a month later, I was seeing it anywhere between 500-1200 players, now it hardly ever gets above 500.


Actually Blacklight: Retribution did not get more permanent players due to poor service. Company was completely overwhelmed by people who wanted to test the game so servers went all kinds of awful and many people thought the game was bad. It`s running very well now (new maps and much more have been added) and is one of my recent favorites. I can only imagine how many people would have stuck with it had servers been up to par when swarms of Steamies rampaged into the scene... :rak_04:

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Even GW2 does not want to be put on Steam because according to ArenaNet President Mike O’Brien:


Will Guild Wars 2 be on Steam?

No, it almost certainly won’t be on Steam. Valve has some new business terms will keep almost all new MMOs off Steam.

Keep in mind the GW2 client is free to download from our web site and has no copy protection. (And if it’s really important, you can add non-Steam games to your Steam library.)

~ MO




Almost certainly won't be on Steam.

New business terms will keep almost all new MMOs off it.

Strong words.


What the "new business terms" are is anyone's guess, but they definitely don't sound profitable for new MMOs.


So hopefully one day, people will realize that EA is not always wrong, and Steam is not always right.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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