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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Apparently things are so bad they won't even let us unsubscribe...


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On Dec 15 when I got my EGA invite and BW really started to push people into the servers I canceled my pre-order when I saw the forums that night and from my previous MMO launch experiences I been in. You could see the mayhem that was coming from a mile away.


We all come to play the game not wait insane times in queues and the whole argument that he has 30 days of free play is not really "free" its packaged in with the original game purchase. Personally I'll wait a few months to see what BW does and has released their first content update before I'm ready to spend my "30 free days of play".


Unfortunately canceling now wastes your 30 free days no matter what so it’s kind of a letdown, may want to wait a week or two and see how BW handles the new influx of players and if the servers start to stabilize any.


I had tried to remain hopeful, but you are right it could be seen coming. I knew it would be chaos but that doesn't excuse lack of communication to us. They have multiple ways of talking to us via here, facebook and twitter. You would think that by now they'd have said they have a game plan or even would've detailed that game plan to us in some fashion. The statement that is up regarding queues really holds no water now as things are much worse than they were last week for a great many people. I don't think I'm being obtuse or over-reaching in expecting communication, that after all is what all things are built upon in any relationship.

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Frankly pathetic reply, this is NOT what happens when an MMO launches, the capacity numbers on the servers mean that even when they are flagged as 'full' with a 500 queue they are virtually deserted. I've played many mmo's and yes queues are part of the package but I have never seen 24hr a day queues to enter virtually deserted servers.


The hardware obviously does not meet the software requirements, the only other time I can recall something like this was in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard realised they could not live up to their promise of world pvp so desperately released BG's to stop people fighting in Tarren Mill/SouthShore.


At least they were talking 10's of thousands per server unlike these wastelands.


First time I have ever seen someone else make that comment about WOW and killing Open World with BG's because of their servers.


Been trying to tell people this for years.

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I understand how launch day works, this isn't my first rodeo, nor is it for many other people nearest I can tell. I'm not canceling over queues. I'm canceling over lack of up to date communication with the community over the game plan on how they plan to fix things going forward. A simple, "we are aware that things have gone beyond what we expected" would have sufficed.


To keep redirecting us to a several days old post that is no longer relevant given the circumstances is unacceptable. Add that to the out of control queue situation and now web-site bugs that won't even let you protect your personal funds, I find no reason to stay at this time.


I'm all for patience, but patience without communication in this situation is unacceptable to me. For those of you throwing around the "first mmo lulz" b.s., this is far from it. At this point I'm a vet, I knew what to expect out of servers. The community relations for the last few weeks has been piss poor. If you can't publicly address us in any meaningful manner than I can't see paying you to remain silent. It's that simple.


*waves hand* There is nothing to see here, move along.


Seriously, just calm down a bit. The queues will get better. Today is launch day, these things are to be expected. :rolleyes:

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Frankly pathetic reply, this is NOT what happens when an MMO launches, the capacity numbers on the servers mean that even when they are flagged as 'full' with a 500 queue they are virtually deserted. I've played many mmo's and yes queues are part of the package but I have never seen 24hr a day queues to enter virtually deserted servers.


The hardware obviously does not meet the software requirements, the only other time I can recall something like this was in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard realised they could not live up to their promise of world pvp so desperately released BG's to stop people fighting in Tarren Mill/SouthShore.


At least they were talking 10's of thousands per server unlike these wastelands.


You seem to have the data but your analysis is wrong.


Servers are flagged as full because a lot of players have rolled characters on them, whether or not they're playing right now. This is how you balance server pops.


If they used only current population, every server would show up as light, people would roll on full servers, and we'd have queues like mad a month from now.


If they mark servers as full because of created but not necessarily logged in accounts, this helps balance things out. Players go to light servers and in the long run, server pops are balanced.


The server hardware is absolutely up to the load the servers are designed for. Only during stress test did I ever see server lag. It certainly hasn't happened since EGA started.


BW is attempting to manage the players so that we all have servers with the "right" population on them on an ongoing basis. That means queues for us right now. It also means that new players who have no particular attachment to a specific server really should roll on LIGHT pop servers.

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Here https://twitter.com/#!/Rockjaw


Stephen Reid has actually given more communication on a launch then I have seen in an mmo.


They are working the Qs I don't know what else you are expecting.


I wasn't aware that Stephen's twitter was the source for communication on this subject. If it is then perhaps I stand corrected. Thank you. It's a pitty so many are more interested in trolling than in spreading good information. If this forum had rep, you'd get +10 from me.

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I wasn't aware that Stephen's twitter was the source for communication on this subject. If it is then perhaps I stand corrected. Thank you. It's a pitty so many are more interested in trolling than in spreading good information. If this forum had rep, you'd get +10 from me.


It is honestly the best source of info and he is actually pretty good at responding to direct questions(helped me with some DDE item issues). I know the Qs can be frustrating but if you truly do enjoy the game just take a step back for maybe the first week.

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As for not giving them another dime, I've paid for and been billed for two deluxe editions. That's $170+ after tax. I think I've paid my fair share at this time for me and my spouse. If they can't talk to us as a whole in a meaningful manner, I don't see why I should continue to pay any more money.


You can't unsubscribe from the free 30 days of game time if that's what you're trying to do. Once that 30 days begins it keeps going no matter what you do. You can either use it or waste it.


The only way to hold on to those free 30 days is to hold off on entering your game key until you're ready to use that time. But once that key is entered that's it.

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1. You aren't really quitting so stop trying to feel special.


2. If you can't cancel by the time you are billed on January 19th 2012 then please send me a bill for your months subscription and I'll take care of it. The only catch is if you do cancel you can never come back, promise me that.


3. They aren't responding to people because 99.9% of the people complaining are just saying stuff like you are. Total and complete nonsense.


4. It's launch day, I didn't get to play at all the first day the great and powerful WoW launched.


5. Coming on the forums to lie, rant and try to be a special snowflake is the exact type of person that Bioware will avoid at ALL costs, so if you really have an issue go to the support forum and post there. We don't care.


This 100 times over

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It is honestly the best source of info and he is actually pretty good at responding to direct questions(helped me with some DDE item issues). I know the Qs can be frustrating but if you truly do enjoy the game just take a step back for maybe the first week.


It appears he is communicating as best he can from there which is all I really wanted to see. At some point I hope they make a concerted effort to do the same here as I think it would help with some of this. I never thought to look to the dev's personal twitters for answers, that seems almost stalker-like but it appears he doesn't mind. Thanks again.

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This is one of the few legit concerns i've seen. If he doesn't like the game, its his right to unsubscribe whenever he pleases. If the website won't LET HIM quit. Its their fault, not his. He doesn't enjoy the game, thats fine. Like a mature person he decided it wasn't for him and tried to quit. But if he can't, whats he supposed to do? Edited by Meluna
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Frankly pathetic reply, this is NOT what happens when an MMO launches, the capacity numbers on the servers mean that even when they are flagged as 'full' with a 500 queue they are virtually deserted. I've played many mmo's and yes queues are part of the package but I have never seen 24hr a day queues to enter virtually deserted servers.


The hardware obviously does not meet the software requirements, the only other time I can recall something like this was in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard realised they could not live up to their promise of world pvp so desperately released BG's to stop people fighting in Tarren Mill/SouthShore.


At least they were talking 10's of thousands per server unlike these wastelands.


Deseted servers? What are you talking about? My server is far from deserted. If you are so unhappy why dont you just uninstall the client and go play runescape or something. Crybaby.

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The fanboys really need to take a reality check!


I have been in ALOT of releases, and this is about the worst. I accept staying in queue on launch day, but the queues have been like this since early in EGA. My server have a 3 to 4 hour queue, and its been like that since the 16th. Roll another server you say? Im part of a gaming community since 2001, and we are located on that server due to pre placement there. We have way to much time invested to reroll.


The ticker might say 1 hour, 45 mins in queue, but in reality its 3 to 4 hours. They dont even have the balls to give us a proper estimate. The word is spreading through larger gaming forums over the net, and its not good PR for BIO/EA.


So for the fanboys blaming "release day", you are wrong, its been like this for days.


Apparently this one comes from another planet ^^! Most releases have been way worse than this. I have to admit that it is better to wait in queue than have server crashes every 10 minutes, wait hours to log back on, like "most" other launches have been (admittedly not all). I also think it is funny that 7 days invested into a character is such a big deal that it warrants bashing. If it was 3 or 4 months, I could sympathise.

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Why don't you wait until just before your 30 free days are up.


If you have to wait 30 days for something to become usable, then you didn't get 30 free days did you? Not that it's free game time anyway. It's bundled into the cost of the software your are licensing. The first 30 days (and all the days after that for your subscription) are actually pre-paid days which is why when you cancel, your account/subscription doesn't actually end until the end of that billing cycle so that the company doesn't have to issue you a refund.

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care to explain why? This is one of the few legit concerns i've seen. If he doesn't like the game, its his right to unsubscribe whenever he pleases. If the website won't LET HIM quit. Its their fault, not his. He doesn't enjoy the game, thats fine. Like a mature person he decided it wasn't for him and tried to quit. But if he can't, whats he supposed to do?


I suggest calling customer service, this forum is full of fanbois, trolls, and just plain idiots.


Quite simply it is an idiotic knee jerk reaction to server queues.


I am currently in a 90 minute queue which is annoying, but it is to be expected during a MMO launch. I think the problem that we are seeing here are many people coming to the genre for the first time and over reacting. Christ there is even some idiot asking to make the game a single player experience.

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care to explain why? This is one of the few legit concerns i've seen. If he doesn't like the game, its his right to unsubscribe whenever he pleases. If the website won't LET HIM quit. Its their fault, not his. He doesn't enjoy the game, thats fine. Like a mature person he decided it wasn't for him and tried to quit. But if he can't, whats he supposed to do?


I suggest calling customer service, this forum is full of fanbois, trolls, and just plain idiots.


Not everyone here is a fanboy or an idiot. I actually received valuable insight in this thread from people who actually know how to communicate in a meaningful manner. The ad hominem attacks are to be expected, this is the internet after all.


Now that I know there is an avenue for communication my outlook on it isn't as bleak as it was now that I can see communication in near real time. That still doesn't fix the issue that there is virtually none going on here and this is "official."

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Quite simply it is an idiotic knee jerk reaction to server queues.


I am currently in a 90 minute queue which is annoying, but it is to be expected during a MMO launch. I think the problem that we are seeing here are many people coming to the genre for the first time and over reacting. Christ there is even some idiot asking to make the game a single player experience.


It wasn't a knee jerk reaction to anything. Communication has been a problem since the last two beta weekends and its steadily gone down hill. As has been stated multiple times, any communication would be better than none as long as its up to date and relevant. I've now been directed to a source for this and hopefully someone that took issue with this will find this and get the same.

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Quite simply it is an idiotic knee jerk reaction to server queues.


I am currently in a 90 minute queue which is annoying, but it is to be expected during a MMO launch. I think the problem that we are seeing here are many people coming to the genre for the first time and over reacting. Christ there is even some idiot asking to make the game a single player experience.


what one person finds acceptable is not what others will. The difference is HOW YOU HANDLE IT. A reasonable person who finds something in a game truly unacceptable, as the OP was trying to do. An idiot complains on the forum that queues are too long.

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