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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Apparently things are so bad they won't even let us unsubscribe...


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Why don't you wait until just before your 30 free days are up. The game might improve to your liking. Calm down, breathe. Things will get better. Look at WoW's launch. Lag, queues, 15 minute loot lag, people fighting over mobs and resources. That was a nightmare. Give it a good chance before you throw in the towel.


I'm not bent out of shape, I'm just perplexed how a company as highly respected as Bioware would let something as simple as a web-site function get over looked, especially when it's dealing with money. You have to submit to an audit in some cases to qualify for taking money over the internet. I'm confused how it was missed.


I have no doubt they'll straighten things out, however, they aren't doing any more on my dime. I haven't been billed for a subscription yet and I don't intend to be.

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I've tried to cancel in firefox, chrome and IE8 on this machine. I get redirected each time. Do you have a better idea how to troubleshoot this or did you just come to make incorrect assumptions about my motives? At this point you are more troll than help.


As for not giving them another dime, I've paid for and been billed for two deluxe editions. That's $170+ after tax. I think I've paid my fair share at this time for me and my spouse. If they can't talk to us as a whole in a meaningful manner, I don't see why I should continue to pay any more money.


Chastise all you please, it doesn't fix the fact that even the option to leave isn't available and for many people the option to stay isn't looking much better.


It is plain for all to see that this thread is a simple cry by someone who can't occupy themselves for 20-50 minutes while trying to log into an insanely popular game.


IF it troubled you that much, be proactive and roll on another server.


I guess when the mail is late you call the post office? When the cable goes down you send an emotional charged complaint to your provider?


Realities of gaming. Hint. Its D-Day+1.

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Sever queues are going to be the LEAST of your worries with this game. They all eventually go away.


What I find funny is the people that come on this forum and talk as if the game is now going to fail because they can conjure up enough patience to deal with while millions of people try accessing their game. If you get THAT worked up over it, you will be back, because you are proving that this game means THAT much to you that you need to throw a fit.


EDIT: What I'm hearing you say is you expected this launch to go without a hiccup. Right.


I'm a business manager at a glass shop, about as boring and straight forward as it gets - we make mistakes Every. Single. Day.

Edited by mjblowers
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Not being able to play because of broken queues isn't a small thing.

HTEY ARE NOT BROKEN Qs. JEEZ go back to console gamen please. i mean i understood if it was a technical issue or even you plain did not like the game.


but seriously maken i quit cause of Qs.


Qs are a good thing for an MMO it means you need a group it dont take long to get 1 formed.

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The fanboys really need to take a reality check!


I have been in ALOT of releases, and this is about the worst. I accept staying in queue on launch day, but the queues have been like this since early in EGA. My server have a 3 to 4 hour queue, and its been like that since the 16th. Roll another server you say? Im part of a gaming community since 2001, and we are located on that server due to pre placement there. We have way to much time invested to reroll.


The ticker might say 1 hour, 45 mins in queue, but in reality its 3 to 4 hours. They dont even have the balls to give us a proper estimate. The word is spreading through larger gaming forums over the net, and its not good PR for BIO/EA.


So for the fanboys blaming "release day", you are wrong, its been like this for days.


blahblahbla bollox blahblah


that's what I see in your post

Been in EGA since the 13th, been in a queue for about 10 minutes ONCE

If tonight I can't get onto my server, I'll probably roll an alt on one of the many LIGHT servers. 'time invested' ROFL


ah thanks god the world is full of people like you

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The whole "It's launch day" thing is a bad argument and would never fly in another industry. If a new airline started up and the first day 2 of their planes crashed, I doubt the FAA would give them much of a "first day" pass on that.


The better analogy would be that the airline launched and the most popular flights they offer sold out first and now have a waiting list.


True Story: You're going to sit on that waiting list and pay them, gladly, for the tickets when they become available.


If a restaurant had a bad first night, odds are none of the patrons will come back.


True Story: There are more patrons waiting in line to get a table, the restaurant will do fine without guests that are unwilling to give them a 2nd chance.


If this was an event at my job, I would currently be pulling in every single employee I could, I'd have them mingling with the customers, assuring them that we are working on it, serving refreshments, comping all kinds of things and so on just to keep everyone happy. In the gaming industry however, good customer service consists of some clearly annoyed guy on the phone telling you that they are looking into it.


If this was an event at your job, how would you deal with the person that is unsatisfied with everything you are doing to make things right? They don't want comps, they don't want to be told that you are "working on it". They want the event to be exactly how they pictured it in their heads, whether or not what you delivered could have ever met that expectations.


True Story: You let that one guy go and work on keeping everyone else happy.


To you and the OP: Good luck on your future MMO endeavors, I'm sure someone here will miss you.

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I'm not bent out of shape, I'm just perplexed how a company as highly respected as Bioware would let something as simple as a web-site function get over looked, especially when it's dealing with money. You have to submit to an audit in some cases to qualify for taking money over the internet. I'm confused how it was missed.


I have no doubt they'll straighten things out, however, they aren't doing any more on my dime. I haven't been billed for a subscription yet and I don't intend to be.


Its not over looked...the Account system because it is DAY 1 Full Street Launch Day is most likely OVER worked crap happens on Day 1 have you NEVER been in an MMO on Day one?


THings Break when thousands and thousands of people are logging in.


The fact you want to "quit" before you even finish our your 30 free days over some Server Queues is just funny and I'm glad your trying to leave.

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I'm not bent out of shape, I'm just perplexed how a company as highly respected as Bioware would let something as simple as a web-site function get over looked, especially when it's dealing with money. You have to submit to an audit in some cases to qualify for taking money over the internet. I'm confused how it was missed.


I have no doubt they'll straighten things out, however, they aren't doing any more on my dime. I haven't been billed for a subscription yet and I don't intend to be.


MAYBE because aside from the cost of the game, they aren't taking money from you till 19th of January?

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The fanboys really need to take a reality check!


I have been in ALOT of releases, and this is about the worst. I accept staying in queue on launch day, but the queues have been like this since early in EGA. My server have a 3 to 4 hour queue, and its been like that since the 16th. Roll another server you say? Im part of a gaming community since 2001, and we are located on that server due to pre placement there. We have way to much time invested to reroll.


The ticker might say 1 hour, 45 mins in queue, but in reality its 3 to 4 hours. They dont even have the balls to give us a proper estimate. The word is spreading through larger gaming forums over the net, and its not good PR for BIO/EA.


So for the fanboys blaming "release day", you are wrong, its been like this for days.


fujuny thing my q says 40 minutes and bam round 40 minute mark i get in.


been told euro servers where bad though so dunno what to say.


re roll to a lower cap server then dont take long to get to 20 in this game.


game just came out and took 4 years to develope 2001 is 10 years .


if your takliken bout playen mmos since 2001 well guess what no game has had this many preorders in the mmo genre.


word can spread people will just say wow game must be good let me go try it and roll on a lower pop server and wonder *** ur talking bout.


after the 1st month things will setle down hell every month loses at least 1/2 theuir subs then

Edited by jinxsters
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The fanboys really need to take a reality check!


I have been in ALOT of releases, and this is about the worst. I accept staying in queue on launch day, but the queues have been like this since early in EGA. My server have a 3 to 4 hour queue, and its been like that since the 16th. Roll another server you say? Im part of a gaming community since 2001, and we are located on that server due to pre placement there. We have way to much time invested to reroll.


The ticker might say 1 hour, 45 mins in queue, but in reality its 3 to 4 hours. They dont even have the balls to give us a proper estimate. The word is spreading through larger gaming forums over the net, and its not good PR for BIO/EA.


So for the fanboys blaming "release day", you are wrong, its been like this for days.


I don't believe you at all. Worst launch ever? Christ.


Apart from wait times which I have seen at only 50-60 minutes, there aren't any other glaring errors or problems that keep me from playing.

Not saying people haven't waited longer, but 3-4 hours? I'll believe that when I see it.


Since you are such a veteran of MMO launches, you'd think that you'd come to terms that this wasn't going to be a launch like any other MMO and expect this for a while.


People have posted why this is happening. Whether you agree with it or not, I think it makes sense. Attempt to spread out community to other servers and caps will be raised in a little bit.


Breathe...slow...and steady.

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes. I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose. Don't like it, move along. This is more to let you know that there's more issues than just server queues...


I go to the cancel options, type my feedback and hit cancel account. I'm immediately redirected to the log-in page after I had just logged in to do this and when I get logged back in I'm back at the cancel subscription page with nothing I've entered in place.


So as it stands, I can't play or unsubscribe. :mad:


Thats because you havent even been charged yet dude. Your first month is free!

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blahblahbla bollox blahblah


that's what I see in your post

Been in EGA since the 13th, been in a queue for about 10 minutes ONCE

If tonight I can't get onto my server, I'll probably roll an alt on one of the many LIGHT servers. 'time invested' ROFL


ah thanks god the world is full of people like you


Hurt by the "fanboy" remark maybe? U MaD?


Even if you dont like it, it might still be true. And if you only have been 1 day in queue, and it was 10 mins, you probably are the exeption on this forum.

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how novel, trolls who can't read.


And here i thought i had seen it all....:rolleyes:


I'm aware that you think this is acceptable, i do not. You apparently missed the point of this thread which is, you can't even unsubscribe at this point in time....


stop the press, its nonservium, we know the world revolves around him!

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I don't believe you at all. Worst launch ever? Christ.


Apart from wait times which I have seen at only 50-60 minutes, there aren't any other glaring errors or problems that keep me from playing.

Not saying people haven't waited longer, but 3-4 hours? I'll believe that when I see it.


Since you are such a veteran of MMO launches, you'd think that you'd come to terms that this wasn't going to be a launch like any other MMO and expect this for a while.


People have posted why this is happening. Whether you agree with it or not, I think it makes sense. Attempt to spread out community to other servers and caps will be raised in a little bit.


Breathe...slow...and steady.


Try to log into Bloodworthy, and see for yourself

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OP - Pick a server that doesn't have FULL listed next to it. Geeze... there's like, what... 900 servers?


LOL. noob.


I've been here since last week, my server said "Light" on it when I rolled. Thanks for playing.


Again, queues I can deal with. Lack of communication to your customer I cannot.

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Hurt by the "fanboy" remark maybe? U MaD?


Even if you dont like it, it might still be true. And if you only have been 1 day in queue, and it was 10 mins, you probably are the exeption on this forum.


nono I am honestly glad the world is full of people like you and no, I am not the exception (this is the proper spelling), loads of people played happily, with or without queue.


maybe because they weren't hysterical drama queens


but that's just an hypothesis

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OP - Pick a server that doesn't have FULL listed next to it. Geeze... there's like, what... 900 servers?


LOL. noob.


Don't you know? OP has 'time invested' on that server. Since the 16th


man, gonna print out this thread and re-read it days that I am depresses LOL what a bunch of whiny losers

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