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Are we seriously supposed to preorder with this little info?


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well.. I'm fairly sure I'll be buying it anyways. I want more story time with my favorites, even if its just planetary story. I'm also sure i'll be buying it long before it may or may not go on sale, ala digital pack (which btw cost as much at launch, but offered far less content.. if you can even call it content). might as well preorder and play early.
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I just spent $18.75 for two sandwiches at a local restaurant. Money wasn't an issue as I knew what I was paying for before I paid for it.


salmonella and three days old salad?



apart from this...


I really don't get why this topic was needed considering we have like 10 already.

that being said, I personally also don't understand why people can't just accept that the 5 days early access is just a little gem for exactly that: buying blindly. it is the POINT of the early access. the early access is more or less a gift for those of us who (still) have enough trust in bioware to present content that is worth the 10 dollar/8 euro/4 pound....

maybe comparably to 'early birds' tickets for festivals when not a single artist has been announced, yet. (only that in that case the tickets are cheaper, but there's always the lingering risk that you'll end up hating 99% of the bands and then it doesn't make much of a difference if you paid 100€ instead of 120€ because it's still money completely wasted)



I figured the content will be 'good enough' and even if I get bored by every single quest added, don't end up liking possibly added flashpoints (I'm personally still hoping against hope that we'll finally get a hardmode version of cademimu)... I'll just level doing the stuff that is already in-game because i'm still having massive fun in warzones and with the pve progession spiral.

Edited by amnie
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No one is required to do anything they don't want to do. That's it. Nothing more. Personally, I am going to wait until it can be bought on the CM. Yes, I am aware that they said they wouldn't offer it on the CM, but I don't believe them. They have given countless reasons for this lack of faith. I give it less than a month before it hits the CM.
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Preordered it and not up in arms over the fact it's now monetized but it is a bit weaksauce nothing we haven't known about makeb for the last 6 months got revealed with the announcement or by the time preorder window is up.


I don't know who they're having handle their PR but they seriously need to have a word with him.

Edited by aeterno
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No one is required to do anything they don't want to do. That's it. Nothing more. Personally, I am going to wait until it can be bought on the CM. Yes, I am aware that they said they wouldn't offer it on the CM, but I don't believe them. They have given countless reasons for this lack of faith. I give it less than a month before it hits the CM.


I don't think it ever will be, as that is less cash.

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Normally I am very supportive of Bioware, but trying to rush us into preordering this expansion with basically zero info out on it seems like we're being taken advantage of.


Its 5 levels and a new planet. If you don't think that 5 days early access to this is worthwhile then don't pre-order. I am satisfied that $10 is worth it just for 5 levels and a new planet so I have pre-ordered.

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I just spent $18.75 for two sandwiches at a local restaurant. Money wasn't an issue as I knew what I was paying for before I paid for it.


And that in itself is the difference. It's not about the money but the uncertainty of what you are getting for that money. I'd like to know exactly, EXACTLY what I am paying for. I don't care about stupid SGR with make believe computer generated characters. Nor do I care about OGR in a game. A new planet that is about the size of Tattooine or Hoth. Five more levels. And what else? If thats all there is? then its not worth $10 just for that. How about 3,000 Cartel Coins as a Thank you? Then, it might be worth it.

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I would rather burn this money then pay for content that should be free to subscribers. Instead im gonna spend it on some books. At least it will go to someone who deserves it.


This, been thinking lately and i decided to finally abandon this game. In the last year they got from each of us 180$ in subs. Thats enough cash to buy 3 games, each of those games would take years of development. What they provided for it is laughable at best. My sub runs out in few days and it will be the end for me.

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Normally I am very supportive of Bioware, but trying to rush us into preordering this expansion with basically zero info out on it seems like we're being taken advantage of.


We have three days left to meet the deadline and the only things we know about what we are purchasing is that it has 5 more levels and a new planet. I believe there will be more to it than that, hopefully new Ops, FPs, and WZs, but for all we know there won't be.


How can you expect us to fork out money on such an unknown quantity?


I was very supportive until receiving fabricated "infractions" from their moderators who seem to be seeking revenge against certain posters, have experienced game breaking bugs and had tickets closed without response, seen them failing to address game issues that have been around for over a year while directing their efforts to the current money grab.....and now pushing a product once promised as free, and doing so while not revealing any information about said product.


They've managed to bring underhanded business practices to a whole new level. Unfortunately I do enjoy the game that was put out by the original development team and plan to stick around a month or two as I want to enjoy all the story lines to fifty....but I'll not be buying the expansion or anything else moving forward and will be moving back to Wow after that.


The best thing that could happen to this game is to fold up and close the doors as its fallen into the hands of less then honorable management only interested in moving a product, hitting quotas, and not producing a quality product over the long term.


Most unfortunate.

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Lol its 10 bucks. I spend that on lunch!


Me too, and I will be again, but not if they are going to sell me a lunch while not telling me what's in it. Further, if its so little, I would ask all of those that believe it to be "nothing", to send me ten bucks. I'll promise you anything you like. ;p

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I don't think it ever will be, as that is less cash.


Depends on how many coins they charge for it. They could even charge 20 bucks worth of coins for it and I'll bet people will still buy it. Lucky for me I will have that many CC for free bey the time they do release it on the CM.

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This, been thinking lately and i decided to finally abandon this game. In the last year they got from each of us 180$ in subs. Thats enough cash to buy 3 games, each of those games would take years of development. What they provided for it is laughable at best. My sub runs out in few days and it will be the end for me.


Might be. But think about it. 8€/10$ for something that "should" be free. Not that much. For example all the new FPS games. BF3 50€ for something that should be free. Same goes for cod mw2, BO,MW3 and BO2.


Few years and bug fixes fill cost money.

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The way I look at it is, it's only $10... I've blown more than that on energy drinks for a game night, so why not for a DLC... all though I hope it has more than we've heard considering I just recently started playing and all my toons are in the 10's and 20's... so a increased cap would affect me for a while.


Would you buy that energy drink if you had no idea what was in it, and from a guy known for peddling drinks that tend to put people in the bathroom for hours upon end?


That is the issue, not the 10 bucks. I'm rather well off, but I did not get that way being suckered by snake oil salesmen that offer you something, not sure what it is, but something. LOL

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Just stop with the "we don't know anything about Makeb" stuff. First of all, Bioware is not telling you that you HAVE to pre-order the expansion. They're saying that if you pre-order by the 7th, you'll get 5 days of early access. If you don't pre-order by the 7th, you pay $10 if you're a subber, and $20 if you're not a subber. As far as information:


We know right now the level cap is increasing to 55.

We know right now that we will be getting one new active ability, 5 talent points, and and changes to the talent trees of each class.

We know there will be new dailies.

We know there will be new heroics.

We know the individual class stories will not continue, but instead Makeb will center around 2 faction specific stories.

We know the story surrounding Makeb.

We know the gear we'll be getting will not make our current gear obsolete.

We know Makeb is at least the same size as Belsavis.


Now if you want MORE information than we have that's fine, but to post that we don't know ANYTHING about the expansion can't be more false.

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Yes, you have to pre-order now. It's not optional. EVERYONE, or they'll send pipe-hitting EA thugs to your house in the middle of the night.


Yes, you have to seriously wonder about people that whine about things that are 100% optional. And there seems to be a neverending supply of these types of people.

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Yes, you have to pre-order now. It's not optional. EVERYONE, or they'll send pipe-hitting EA thugs to your house in the middle of the night.


Yes, you have to seriously wonder about people that whine about things that are 100% optional. And there seems to be a neverending supply of these types of people.


As opposed to people that feel the need to complain about others posting information regarding a game concern and do so with little understanding of more then a self perpetuated facade?


Think deeper and try to understand the issue at hand. ;p

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All pre-orders are like this. I have little to no information about GTA V, but it's up for Pre-Ordering.

All I know is will buy Makeb 100% because I love the game and it gives me 5 more levels and some new story. So I don't care when I'm gonna pay, because I know I will pay eventually. Plus I get a 5 day head start.

I Pre-Ordered AC3 knowing nothing except for it's setting...






Let's look at your example! For GTA V we have two full blown trailers highlighting numerous key features, over a hundred screen shots showing us the art, detail, and cool new stuff, and about a dozen articles and interviews with people saying what they've changed and added between iterations.


Everything we know about Makeb can be summed up in two sentences. So it's not even remotely the same, but I like how people keep saying it.

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I was very supportive until receiving fabricated "infractions" from their moderators who seem to be seeking revenge against certain posters, have experienced game breaking bugs and had tickets closed without response, seen them failing to address game issues that have been around for over a year while directing their efforts to the current money grab.....and now pushing a product once promised as free, and doing so while not revealing any information about said product.


They've managed to bring underhanded business practices to a whole new level. Unfortunately I do enjoy the game that was put out by the original development team and plan to stick around a month or two as I want to enjoy all the story lines to fifty....but I'll not be buying the expansion or anything else moving forward and will be moving back to Wow after that.


The best thing that could happen to this game is to fold up and close the doors as its fallen into the hands of less then honorable management only interested in moving a product, hitting quotas, and not producing a quality product over the long term.


Most unfortunate.


This. Some guy literally drops half the known curse words on Earth on me in a single post, Re, Fa, F.U, Cu, etc, all of them. I respond saying something along the lines of. "Can't tell if you're angry or trolling, if you're just angry chill and try and try to rephrase that without being so obscene and I'll respond, if trolling, have a great day."


Get an email saying "calling out another poster for trolling is against our forum's rules of conduct as it distracts from the conversation taking place. Remember, if you believe someone is trolling, please add them to ignore and do not respond."


Came with 3 infraction points...

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So, who wants to bet these people whining about 10 dollars for potentially hundreds of hours worth of enjoyment at level 55 are the same people who spend 15 bucks every single time Call of Duty releases a map pack- and then throws their sixty bucks to Actiblizzard every time they rerelease CoD-MW1- I mean, every time they put out the same game they put out last year- I mean, releases a completely new and innovative new game that is new and newer than last year's new game?


Though- you do at least get a new 2 hour campaign for that sixty bucks- that's 30 bucks an hour before you get to start complaining about how MW still has the best pvp out of all of them! Well worth it.

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Well.. I spent $300 on 2 CE for my wife and myself.. I can hardly complain about spending $20 for the expansion for my wife and myself..


My only complaint is there isn't a CE of the expansion.. Somewhat disappointed it is Digital only.. But oh well.. Both the wife and I are pre-ordered.. So.. We are good to go..

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