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So Lv 55 cap is being held ransom with this Makeb even if I am a sub?


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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


Not a ransom, Its a DLC/Expansion, Look up other DLC's Much like wow, you just won't be able to hit level 55.

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Not a ransom, Its a DLC/Expansion, Look up other DLC's Much like wow, you just won't be able to hit level 55.


We cannot know that, they have already stated that gear isnt going up that much so to make the 5 lvls relevent you/we must have to increase in power tobe able to fight lvl 55 mobs and champions and without gear the only way todo that is with increased abilities.


If that is indeed the case which is quite frankly the only way to justify 5 lvls of grinding with a challange then the pvp bracket will either have to go from 10-54 thus throwing current 50's out of ranked or having a 50-55 bracket where people stuck at 50 are overpowered simply by talent difference which a bolster cannot really overcome at top flight pvp and thats ignoring the new datacrons that will be added thus further boosting stats.


But that said lvl 55 gear has to have a upgrade from lvl 50 gear or quite frankly what is the point of doing anything above lvl 50.

Edited by Shingara
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I don't think $10 has ever been considered ransom-level!


I understand your point, but if you like the game, support it with the $10. Personally, the "expansion" (it's a patch and we all know it) should be offered for Cartel Coins. It would solve the problem.


But the game apparently needs money that badly, or this is the model being pursued, to get as much out of the loyal subscription base as possible with minimal maintenance and new content.


EA knows there are a lot of people who will pay plenty of cash simply because it's Star Wars. And they are correct.

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i completely agree OP. I recently bought a car. Gas should be free forever ! i mean...i bought the car! now i gotta pay for gas too ?!?!?!


THEN i went to burger king. because mcdonalds sucks. but anyways i bought this meal deal for $4.99...and they offer an EXPANSION to large size ! and GET THIS ! they want to charge extra for it ?!?!! zomg !!!


seriously, how many of these people crying about paying for an expansion threads do we have to tolerate?

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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.

Sorry, but I'm laughing. MMO's typically have level increases come with expansions. Shame on EA? How about shame on you for being upset because EA is just following standards set by pre-existing MMO's.

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I don't think $10 has ever been considered ransom-level!


I understand your point, but if you like the game, support it with the $10. Personally, the "expansion" (it's a patch and we all know it) should be offered for Cartel Coins. It would solve the problem.


But the game apparently needs money that badly, or this is the model being pursued, to get as much out of the loyal subscription base as possible with minimal maintenance and new content.


EA knows there are a lot of people who will pay plenty of cash simply because it's Star Wars. And they are correct.

But why should I support a game that still has bugs from beta, and introduces new ones with each and ever update and downtime??

Not to mention the vast list of broken promises???And I am not talking just about Makeb but the Apac players that were repeatedly promise solutions that have yet to materialize?

And that is just one in a long line of failed deliveries on their part.Oh and you can say that this was promised before f2p hit, but tell me and the rest of us oh mighty white knight..What led up to this "AAA Game" going free to play?

Edited by grombrinda
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I don't think $10 has ever been considered ransom-level!


I understand your point, but if you like the game, support it with the $10. Personally, the "expansion" (it's a patch and we all know it) should be offered for Cartel Coins. It would solve the problem.


But the game apparently needs money that badly, or this is the model being pursued, to get as much out of the loyal subscription base as possible with minimal maintenance and new content.


EA knows there are a lot of people who will pay plenty of cash simply because it's Star Wars. And they are correct.


When Bioware proves to me that they're taking this game in a positive direction, I'll give them my $10. As it stands, supporting this cash-grab will only encourage them to do similar things in the future.

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But why should I support a game that still...
Then don't. If you're subbing you're already supporting. And if you don't want to support it anymore then quit subbing and don't buy the expansion. I understand if you have complaints, but don't sit there and ask why you should support this game. You shouldn't feel compelled to unless you're satisfied enough to want to.
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Then don't. If you're subbing you're already supporting. And if you don't want to support it anymore then quit subbing and don't buy the expansion. I understand if you have complaints, but don't sit there and ask why you should support this game. You shouldn't feel compelled to unless you're satisfied enough to want to.


And ******* answers like this is why we lost over a 1 mil subs....keep up the good work.

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I don't think $10 has ever been considered ransom-level!


I understand your point, but if you like the game, support it with the $10. Personally, the "expansion" (it's a patch and we all know it) should be offered for Cartel Coins. It would solve the problem.


But the game apparently needs money that badly, or this is the model being pursued, to get as much out of the loyal subscription base as possible with minimal maintenance and new content.


EA knows there are a lot of people who will pay plenty of cash simply because it's Star Wars. And they are correct.


I'm now imagining kidnappers and blackmailers using $10 as their ransom amount lol.


But yeah, I actually agree with you that $10 is hardly a lot of money to be complaining about when compared to the prices of how much other MMO's Expansions end up costing. As far as being able to buy it using Cartel Coins instead of RL Money, well to me that would all depend on what all will end up being in the final release of the Expansion. And really, the only thing that we know of that had been changed from Update to "Expansion" is the inclusion of Makeb. For all anyone knows, what they are going to be doing on Makeb for this Expansion wasn't what they were originally going to do. Plus, at the moment, what is in this Expansion is sort of what is in other Expansions for other MMO's.


Another thing people need to realize is that they are asking a lot when they complain about no Addition Class Chapter, especially when people actually take the time to consider what all goes into making 1 Chapter for 1 Class let alone 8 Chapters (1 for each Class).

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When Bioware proves to me that they're taking this game in a positive direction, I'll give them my $10. As it stands, supporting this cash-grab will only encourage them to do similar things in the future.


I agree with you. I did not buy the expansion, and canceled my subscription last week due to the level of bugs since 1.4 that go unfixed. I might come back sometime next year if the game has improved, because I actually like the basic concept and questing. As a huge KOTOR fan, it's hard not to enjoy. Somehow, EA has made that possible.


If I came across in my earlier post as supporting the $10-move, I wasn't. I was just saying it's not really a ransom, either. If there weren't so many bugs that were being ignored, I'd be okay paying the $10, because I'd still be enjoying the game.

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MMORPGs charging money for an expansion pack (which is typically new content, level cap and game mechanical features) is such a rare event and all. I cannot believe the audacity of Bioware doing this. It's unheard of, that's what it is. Way to break the mold on how the industry operates!
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MMORPGs charging money for an expansion pack (which is typically new content, level cap and game mechanical features) is such a rare event and all. I cannot believe the audacity of Bioware doing this. It's unheard of, that's what it is. Way to break the mold on how the industry operates!


Now list all the companies that charged money for an expansion pack:


a) after saying it would be a free content update.


b) That brought nothing new to the table (as of the information that we have at this point).


c) generated as much vitriol amongst the community as this one.

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b) That brought nothing new to the table (as of the information that we have at this point).


Well, just what in the heck were expecting would be "new"? Every MMO's Expansion pretty much offer the same exact things just slightly tweaked differently.

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Okay I bit the bullet and yes i know I'm going against my word. I shouldn't be replying to such threads. So the game from 1-50 is now free for a few weeks now and guess what they can't get to 55 for free , this was always the model they where talking about changing to and thus yes you have to pay for those extra 5 levels worth as it isn't free unfortunately. End of these threads and the story please people lets stop this madness.





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Well, just what in the heck were expecting would be "new"? Every MMO's Expansion pretty much offer the same exact things just slightly tweaked differently.


Mists of Pandera brought out pet battles, RIFT's expansion is bringing (or has already brought?) about player housing.


Hell, Runescape features fairly large content updates on a regular basis (or did, back when I played) and they only ever charged a subscription fee. Except for holiday events, which were 100% free for everyone.


If SW:TOR's 'expansion' brings out fully-realised space combat, or customisable player housing, or hell, even pazaak/swoop racing, it'll be worth supporting.

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Mists of Pandera brought out pet battles, RIFT's expansion is bringing (or has already brought?) about player housing.


Hell, Runescape features fairly large content updates on a regular basis (or did, back when I played) and they only ever charged a subscription fee. Except for holiday events, which were 100% free for everyone.


If SW:TOR's 'expansion' brings out fully-realised space combat, or customisable player housing, or hell, even pazaak/swoop racing, it'll be worth supporting.



5 level and a new planet of content is good, but i want something new. Just a little bit.

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i completely agree OP. I recently bought a car. Gas should be free forever ! i mean...i bought the car! now i gotta pay for gas too ?!?!?!


THEN i went to burger king. because mcdonalds sucks. but anyways i bought this meal deal for $4.99...and they offer an EXPANSION to large size ! and GET THIS ! they want to charge extra for it ?!?!! zomg !!!


seriously, how many of these people crying about paying for an expansion threads do we have to tolerate?


Oh dear Lorde,


Should i even bother replying? Fine. Look:


I pay McBioware a set amount every month for a hamburger. I do not want fries or a blasted soda. Just a flipping burger.


They tell me, " We have fantastic news! We are super-sizing your regular meal! we're gonna give you a larger beef patty and throw in some fries and a soda. I tell them," kiss off, i just want the burger."


Finally They say, "We do appologize, and whle we understand your concern, you will now receive a smaller beef patty every month until you decide to super-size".


To simplify even more, Beef patty=PVP(as it relates to lvlcap), ok?


As an aside, I buy gas every month as a sub, and i also paid for the car which everyone now gets for free!


I swear, some folks wouldnt know they were being mounted if Ron Jeremy was lying with them in bed smoking a cigarette.

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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I can hardly believe that if i pay a sub fee to pvp, that my cap increase is held hostage by EA until i pay them more money. This is outrageous.


I have zero interest in class quests or other random theme park missions, yet the only thing i pay for, pvp, will no longer be competetive for me unless i pay the ransom. If this turns out to be so...Shame on you EA.


I don't know if that's actually the case. They might create a 3rd PvP category (lvl 51-55) and the only damage you'd suffer would be less people in your que. So while less PvPers to compete with is bad, it's not the end of SWTOR.

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