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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What one Change would you like?


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Im sure this post is going to be nuts but seriously if you could pick one thing to change in the game what would it be? Honestly this might sound stupid but i would really love to be able to change the colors of outfits/ armor. I know thats nothing major but i believe its highly important, walking around in cool armor isnt so cool when you walk right past 10 other people wearing the same thing and same color. I must say that SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) atleast had that right amongst other things, making clothes and armor different colors was sick. Im just now returning to the game after sitting out the past 6 months. I saw the writing on the wall of how things were going and still seem to be but nonetheless i love Star Wars and will always try to play the games till its truly done. Anyways glad to be back and hope to see you guys in game! Chad StarViper is the name btw.
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Hmm one change thats hard when many things need to be change and or fixed.


Lightsabers being more than glowing beating sticks


All bugs in game fixed!


Jedi run animations being less fruity


More story and companion story


Less cartel market stuff and more actual worthwhile content

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Stylised graphics make the story always seem too cartoony and make any real emotion that should be generated by the events just laughable. If the person I was about to cut down with my saber looked more like a person I might feel something when their body hits the floor.


Given the engine can't cope with lots of people anyway to have bad graphics seems like one of the big mistakes.

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I would remove the more game-breaking bugs like getting stuck in objects or not receiving your black hole comms for completing a group finder group.


If that "1 thing" could not be fixing all bugs, I'd settle for the ability to sit in all the chairs.

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I would like the forums to auto-delete any threads started that complain about paying $10 for an expansion the OP knows darn good and well they're going to buy anyway, if they haven't already.


Implementing Hutt as a playable species, so I can have my Body Type 4 Hutt Marauder force leaping here, there and everywhere.


This is a very close second^^^

Edited by bahdasz
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I would like the forums to auto-delete any threads started that complain about paying $10 for an expansion the OP knows darn good and well they're going to buy anyway, if they haven't already.


And how will you tell the difference from people who buy this socalled expansion anyways from those who doesn´t :p


I might end up buying it, if my rl friends do and there´s new FP only available for people with the "expansion"

For now i canselled my sub. Not beeing able to buy content for CC does diminish the value of sub quite alot imo. Especially when you dont pvp or do OP´s.


As for the one change. Fixing bugs and stabilising the game and removing lag, maybe even reduce loading times, things like that are more important than any change. I would however love ex. stun imunity a few sec after charge even for those guardian tanks that spec 31points in tank tree.

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How about a better business model?


Probably this one, since it it likely to be the reason I leave the game.


Sadly, before the Makeb fiasco, I had no problem with the decisions they were making since they didn't affect how I wanted to enjoy the game.

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I only want the game to play properly.

- GCD reset / animation bug seems to affect everyone since 1.2. Detrimental to Instant Based classes in PvP.

- Memory leak since 1.4.

- Elite War Hero Hilts weren't buffed with Barrels & Armoring in 1.5 despite the Patch Notes stating otherwise.

- APAC servers are still suffering. Needs to be addressed before Paid Transfers.

Edited by MrRuck
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