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PvP in TOR is awful. Just... awful.


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So those of you whining about it can just stop while you're ahead. I have the solution you are looking for. A solution you can start working on RIGHT NOW. Read on.


Whenever a game injects a PvP stat associated with varying levels or "tiers" of gear with greater amounts of said PvP stat you will never, I repeat, n-e-v-e-r... attain equilibrium. The only people this system appeals to are pretenders. Those people who don't want a balanced experience but instead a consistent advantage over anyone else they can get a leg up on. Think about it. That's all it really is.


You're not going after that gear for it's looks. Please, have you SEEN the equipment designs? It's like Harry Potter meets Mortal Kombat. When a new set is released the only thought going through the minds of those gunning for it at the get go is, "I *HAVE* to have this so I can pwn some noobs." or, to a lesser degree, "I *HAVE* to have this so I dont' get pwned like a noob".


It has nothing to do with the spirit of competition and everything to do with ease of play and a desire to have an advantage that hopefully others will not. There is, quite literally, no other excuse for such a system. BioWare and other MMO developers understand this desire and exploit it to perfection; keeping the hampster wheel ever turning.


So, to those of you feeling said frustration I offer you a very simple solution which will net you the results you desire when you desire them in a fraction of the time and infinitely less frustration.


Step 1: Roll Republic stealth class (this is key).

Step 2: Get to 50.

Step 3: Buy your recruit gear.

Step 4: Head to Tattooine, Hoth or Voss. I find these are the best zones to have fun in. Belsavis is so so.

Step 5: Proceed to gank, terrorize and annoy every sub 50 you see.

Step 6: Buy GW2 or similar PvP oriented MMO and play that when you want an actual competitive PvP experience.


Since neither game requires a subscription you can satisfy both urges at a whim without any further monetary cost to yourself. You save yourself the headache of the never ending hampster wheel and sate your desire to "pwn noobs" as often as you want with the exact same ease as you would running a geared premade while pug-stomping. No hassle. No mess. Exact same outcome. Time saved? Immeasurable.


The key here really is rolling Republic. Because the opportunity to gank Imperials is endless thanks to population disparity. Depending on time zone there is no end of targets. Also, thanks to being a level capped stealth class, you have the luxury of avoiding those pesky reprisal attacks from PvP geared 50's. Pick your fights as often as you want when you want with the same gear advantage weight, you would be on the receiving end of, if you were to begin the hampster wheel that is TOR queued PvP.


TOR "PvP'ers" (note the quotation marks) retain their beloved wheel of pain, you get the same satisfaction they do with 1/10th the effort and the ability to queue for *real* PvP in a mechanically crisp responsive environment, unlike TOR, whenever you like and the forums stay clean for "important" posts (again, note the quotation marks).


With this system there really is only one downside. Having to level a new 50 through the god awful abomination that is the Republic story line. If you can stomach that atrocious level of human stupidity that BioWare calls "writing" then you're golden. I find dripping hot wax into your eyes while spamming spacebar and 1 consecutively and blasting dubstep in the background helps a little. In the end it will be worth it.


To the pretenders who rage about this post: I won't be reading any responses so have at it. I'll be too busy ganking me some noobs to care.


To the real PvP'ers disappointed with TOR: You're welcome. Hope to see you queued up elsewhere.



Edited by Gankstah
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So you are against pvp gear and expertise? So a pve dude in raiding gear should win pvp? Ok..

You are suggesting me to play republic scum and gank lowbie ppl? Ok

You are suggesting me to play GW2? No thanks.


You are crying at the wrong tomb pally. Swor has problems, but its problems with pvp are not those you mentioned.

How about a lacking of matchmaking system? Why game diet try to balance warzone teams? I mean sending a 6 healer team against a 7 dps team? I dont care if queues will yake longer, that faster queue didnt bring me a game i would enjoy.

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GW2 is a terrible zergfest disquised as PvP.


With all the flaws in SWTOR PvP, it is still quite entertaining. the gear grind isnt so bad, and like.... why on earth are people seemingly upset that its easier for them to get WH stuff now lol.


This game has a wonderful mix of warzone types that i fully enoy, i like the graphics and its Star Wars.

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once you realize what the flaws in the game are, and figure out a way to get past them, the pvp is kinda fun. there is no point in fixating on things like this when bioware seemingly has no real intention of making changes to improve the pvp experience
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once you realize what the flaws in the game are, and figure out a way to get past them, the pvp is kinda fun. there is no point in fixating on things like this when bioware seemingly has no real intention of making changes to improve the pvp experience


Exactly how I feel, and I mostly enjoy PvP.


OP, lol just scrolled right through all that, saw the mention of go try GW2, lol'd some more.

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Step 5: Proceed to gank, terrorize and annoy every sub 50 you see.


Childish thug behavior. :(


The only time I ever killed lowbies was during the last World Event on Nar Shadda. I was flagged and ended up in the Pub area searching for boxes when 4 lowbie pubs attacked me (they probably didn't check my level).


SWTOR pvp is far from perfect and we all know that. But OP's post is just garbage.

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I was kind of with you until the GW2 part. TOR pvp is by no means amazing but it's better than GW2's.


I don't know a single person who went to GW2 for pvp that is still there. Few came back to TOR, some went back to WoW and most just like play LoL all day because there's no decent MMO's for them.

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I was kind of with you until the GW2 part. TOR pvp is by no means amazing but it's better than GW2's.


I don't know a single person who went to GW2 for pvp that is still there. Few came back to TOR, some went back to WoW and most just like play LoL all day because there's no decent MMO's for them.


my guild started playing GW2,i joined them because i heard that the pvp there i great and i love pvp,after a few matches and some gameplay i left the guild and came back to swtor,it was only for 3-4 days,but i never felt so bored in a MMO (bored of gw2),i'll never leave swtor again,NEVER,this game is just too good.

Edited by _biddan_
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Umm..pvp in Guildwars always has been top notch in both class balance and gear balance..GW2 Is the same way.Now Im talking structured pvp not world zergfest...of which there is NO mmo out there that has good world pvp that isint just a zergfest.


As for SWTOR`s pvp it has alot to be desired,I would say its one of the worst of all the mmos...pretty much on par with lolpvp in EQ2.The lack of class balance,premades queing with pugs,LOLfaction class balance and of course the great game engine they have for this game make for quite the craptastic pvp experience.


I do like the story lines and PVE in this game though,,actually I would say it ranks amongst the top mmos for pve experience..well for the theme park mmos at least.

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