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EVERYTHING we can get now will be obsolete in Spring?


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It will probably be like it was with WoW xpacks: top level gear will not be obsolete compared to the green/blue gear you get during the leveling process. Once you hit the new max level however it will be obsolete.



I think that's more along the lines of what bioware said. My dread guard gear full augments won't be replace by blues n greens until lvl 55 when I start raiding n gain better gear. Aka an mmo xpac. I love my dread guard gear but in 5-6 months yeah I'll be glad to upgrade.


Also, they still have NIM tfb to launch so there might be another tier I can ge and we might even get a raid where we fight a dread master. I will also roll face all the way to 55 because I have great gear. I really hope that ops will give xp toward 55. If they don't have ops at 55 that's when I have issue with New level cap but I mean comeon biowares not that dumb!




Oh god were all screwed game over man game over.

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It will probably be like it was with WoW xpacks: top level gear will not be obsolete compared to the green/blue gear you get during the leveling process. Once you hit the new max level however it will be obsolete.

Eh, my Cataclysm raid gear was quickly swapped by MoP quest rewards :D

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It would be great to see one MMO have people attract to new places because they _want_ to explore the new content, rather than because they _have_ to in order to find better gear.

I imagine the single-player quest content will give something of equal power to current Columi gear. New best gear will likely come from ops. And since the current best gear is supposed to be a good bootstrap to the new endgame content, you won't have to explore Makeb for gear. Leveling to 55 is likely required to participate in any new ops, but that can be done without setting foot on Makeb either.

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They said the current gear will be good 'bootstraps' in the xpac. We will be replacing all of our gear (mods) at 55.


So I wonder if they consider now free Tionese set to be the "current" gear to bootstrap into Makeb. It would seem so, or else players will need to further gear up before hitting Makeb and not just go straight there after reaching 50. Might be why they decided to make it free. Just wondering.

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An expansion is basically a big patch, SWTOR 2.1, if you will. Did Rakata become obsolete when BH gear came out? Not necessarily, nor did BH/campaign gear become obsolete when Dread Guard gear came out. Relax, you'll be fine for a while.


To be fair, when WoW released expansions, the quest crap was pretty much equal or better than raid stuff.


BW however said they weren't going to do that. I assume that means rating 150 gear will still be useful for raiding stuff at level 55.

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You can all believe Allison's rambled half-reply if you want, but look at this seriously. Do you really think they'd raise the player level cap 5 points and make better armor? What would be the point of raising the cap then anyway? Seriously, even if, and that's a big IF, they don't have new level 55 gear in the game at launch in less than 2 updates they will.... if not, people are going to start crying again.


Your best gear today is going to be like green gear tomorrow, or at latest the next day. Get used to it.


BW again went the cheap lazy way out with raising the level cap, which is going to screw up end-game gameplay for months (if not years) just like it does in every single game that does it. They could have developed a real update, 2 or 3 planets, 2 or 3 warzones, 2 or 3 flashpoints, 2 or 3 playable species, and dozens and dozens of quests to keep people interested without causing all the drama over raising the level cap. That's the expansion we all wanted... not a 2 or 3 day grind to get to awsome level 55 and then complain about how there's nothing to do there an dall the level 50 content is now too easy.


Weak move for BW....but typical.

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The gear you grind now will be useful until the next expansion hits or until you unsub, whichever comes first. That is how it has been in every successful mmo that I'm aware of so far. The next expansion is several months off, possibly half a year. Stop whining.
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What I can't seem to fathom is why all the commotion? First, a Dev did reply indicating that the Rakata+ level armor will not be obsolete that it will play a role in leveling AND at max level (I can't find it [of course right?] but he/she replied to a very similar thread a week ago). Furthermore, when WoW increased the level cap, I don't recall this much of an uproar? When LOTRO increases their level cap(s) by 5 levels every 6 months, I don't recall an uproar at all....


Why SWTOR? I can understand new players being upset, my guild relishes with joy. Me, personally, I was a little frustrated as I hit 50 only 2 months ago and just got my 2nd 50 fully geared Rakata, BUT I realize that most of my guild members have been playing since launch (I was present at launch as well but left in January) and finally are content that the end-game content is moving forward. Sure many of them would want more Operations instead of a level cap increase, but a level cap increases brings new operations and new challenges, so overall they are very happy.


In fact, I've asked people not of my guild how they felt and how long they played, most people who played for over 6 months were completely satisfied. Anything under 6 months, well those numbers vary.


So why such an uproar? What makes this different than a LOTRO level increase or a WoW level increase? The only answer I can give to that question is that SWTOR went F2P just recently and brought new players and thus not giving them to the time to explore the current end-game, whelp in reality Spring is still a distant away (don't confuse Spring the season with college spring semester).

Edited by Reppical
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What will bother me is if durning that 5 levels we pull another World of Warcraft expansion where people went from 35-50k health to 160-200k health. That bothered me alot, and sorry but it really killed my pvp experience because as a warrior, my max hits where around 12k while some classes where hitting me for 25k hits. What I would like to see is sets like the Elite War Hero having modable waist and wrists included in the main set.
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Should be a way to obsolete-proof things by grinding enough. Knowing the thing you put 10+ hours to get will be best as vendor loot in a month dampers grinding.


One thing LOTRO has done that I liked, you continued gaining XP at lvl cap, and when a level cap increase was put into place that XP was applied. It made the continued Grind at Cap feel like it was useful for something.

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Read somewhere that the gear you get/have atm will NOT be useless when Rise of the Huttcartel comes.


Most likely it will be at 55 in case they add a new OPS or anything but that wouldnt matter as thats the way MMOs always go :)


So I wouldnt be to worried if I were you !

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my guess is that all items from quests on makeb will be useless if you have rakata+ gear. maybe even columi+ since columi is "level 56" gear. The main reason for raising the level cap is not to introduce new content,, it´s to reduce the diminishing returns everyone seems to be hitting on pretty much all stats. (that´s the way i see it anyways)

If the introduce a big stat boost with the level increase that problem wont be fixed, so i dont expect much gearscaling, exept for some base stats. Maybe more hp on enhancements at the cost of some secondary stat.

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Bottom line, it's easier/faster/cheaper/weaker to just add one planet with one story line and raise the level caps to make it look like people are gaining something... than it is to actually design an expansion.


It's like cheating, because in the end all it does is make you grind all over again for new gear... and that is not content.

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Eh, my Cataclysm raid gear was quickly swapped by MoP quest rewards :D


I didn't replace my 410s/416s til Townlonge at least. Everything before Townlonge is 414 or lower ilvl, no enchants, and no gem slots.


I was still using lvl 85 trinkets when I hit 90 because all the quest ones were so god awful.

Edited by ckoneful
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I don't understand this. If our gear does not become obsolete, that means we have no new gear in the expansion! That kind of takes a lot of the fun out of it.


I'd imagine the best gear on the servers now is the sort you'll wear into the new hard-mode flashpoints and entry-level raids. It's in those that you'll slowly replace your current gear/mods.


Thus, it's not immediately obsolete so much as it is useful toward future progression. A model that makes your gear obsolete would be picking up green upgrades in the first quests on Makeb.

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With the Hutt Cartel raising level to 55, is there any point in grinding right now till then?


Hi everyone! While we can't address every concern raised in this thread right now, we can reassure you that the gear you've obtained in our current endgame will continue to be relevant after the expansion is released, and it will provide a great bootstrap into the higher-level content offered by Rise of the Hutt Cartel. You won't be replacing your Dread Guard gear with gear you pick up as you level, and thanks to improvements in the way item power is calculated, we won't be handing out any entry-level gear at the new level cap. You'll hear more about RotHC as we approach its launch, and we'll continue to answer questions and provide more details!
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Notice how the Columi gear, while rated for level 50, is actually Item Level 56? And how Rakata is Item Level 58? And Black Hole/Campaign is Item Level 61? Do you think they might try raising the level requirements on the endgame gear to match the level cap?


So, what exactly will that mean for us? That we will not be able to wear the endgame gear if we are not at the matching level? I have toons fully equipped in BH and Campaign gear and that would suck if that was the case.

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