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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"You're gonna see new stuff in the Legacy system for many, many months to come"


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- "You're gonna see new stuff in the Legacy system for many, many months to come."

- "The Legacy system was a big success and we're gonna continue to expand it with every update that comes out this year..."


When was the last time we received a Legacy update? What were those things Ohlen couldn't talk about? Don't mind hood-down chest pieces in the trailer. This is about Legacy which was supposed to be expanded with every update. What's with the teasing? Why are you guys so easily throwing words around? You said those things. Clearly. Where are the updates? It's been several months since the previous Legacy patch.

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Oh expect them not to come any time soon. Why would they spend time developing dangling carrots for players when they can spend time developing PURCHASEABLE dangling carrots. (Buy this speeder unlock!)


Who wants dangling carrots?


Besides many people I know actually end up purchasing legacy stuff with cartel coins! So why not keep it the way it is? Either you spend lots of in-game time and ingame credits or you pay real cash.


Imagine how helpful a Legacy wide Valor/Social unlock would be for many players. It took me a year to reach Valor 90 on my main and now I had to change sides due to... "social issues" i had on my server and I got invited into a rather prestigeous guild. And this year I won't have so much time to grind with the MIRROR CLASS (so doing exactly the same thing as I did last year - just on a different side). :'(


I went flying with my wishes again...

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Who wants dangling carrots?


Besides many people I know actually end up purchasing legacy stuff with cartel coins! So why not keep it the way it is? Either you spend lots of in-game time and ingame credits or you pay real cash.


Imagine how helpful a Legacy wide Valor/Social unlock would be for many players. It took me a year to reach Valor 90 on my main and now I had to change sides due to... "social issues" i had on my server and I got invited into a rather prestigeous guild. And this year I won't have so much time to grind with the MIRROR CLASS (so doing exactly the same thing as I did last year - just on a different side). :'(


I went flying with my wishes again...

The whole purpose of the legacy system is to provide perks which reward players' investment of time into the game. If you make said perks purchasable with cash you make the whole system redundant, and it may as well be done away with entirely.


Honestly, I think it's already been made redundant, and I predict four more patches before the developers themselves concede to the veracity of this fact.

Edited by Machine-Elf
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The whole purpose of the legacy system is to provide perks which reward players' investment of time into the game. If you make said perks purchasable with cash you make the whole system redundant, and it may as well be done away with entirely.


Honestly, I think it's already been made redundant, and I predict four more patches before the developers themselves concede to the veracity of this fact.


I think not. By not removing it, those that dont want to spend real coin, can get the same through game play.


Therefore its not redundant.


Just the lesse traveled path.

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- "You're gonna see new stuff in the Legacy system for many, many months to come."

- "The Legacy system was a big success and we're gonna continue to expand it with every update that comes out this year..."


When was the last time we received a Legacy update? What were those things Ohlen couldn't talk about? Don't mind hood-down chest pieces in the trailer. This is about Legacy which was supposed to be expanded with every update. What's with the teasing? Why are you guys so easily throwing words around? You said those things. Clearly. Where are the updates? It's been several months since the previous Legacy patch.


You posted this on Christmas Eve. You know you don't really expect an answer. You just want to stir up some crap.



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After the cartel market's introduction, the legacy system doesn't make sense. It's designed to reward those who play lots with their main or alts and is a classic time sink MMO device in order to help drive subscriptions.


To be honest, it would make more sense at this point for the legacy perks to be cartel market only. If you're a sub you can use your monthly cc allowance towards it.

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To be honest, it would make more sense at this point for the legacy perks to be cartel market only. If you're a sub you can use your monthly cc allowance towards it.

Just... no. Though I'm willing to bet that the CM is exactly the reason why there haven't been any new legacy updates (not counting the HK unlock).

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With all what happened this year at BioWare Austin and the game, we as the fans should stop searching for quotes that were said before the transition and the layoffs. Nothing said is set in stone, threads like this are the reason we don't get so much information from the Devs. Currently they say only things that are already in development or finished. They are almost scared to say what they have planed for the future, because if they can't for some reason deliver the wrath of the forums and the internet is let loose on them. The team and the game has changed, it's time to stop dwell in the past and look into the future.
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After the cartel market's introduction, the legacy system doesn't make sense. It's designed to reward those who play lots with their main or alts and is a classic time sink MMO device in order to help drive subscriptions.


To be honest, it would make more sense at this point for the legacy perks to be cartel market only. If you're a sub you can use your monthly cc allowance towards it.


Excuse me while I flee screaming........


Right ok better now. Legacy perks should be unlocked by playing the game and achieving certain things in it (end Chapter 2, chapter 3, LS V etc...). TBH I'm not overjoyed that they offer CC unlocks as it is for legacy but if they start offering beneficial legacy unlocks only through the CM we are heading down an awfully slippery slope.

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I never said you had to pay. Read my other posts.


You said it was "pay to win" how can you claim it's pay to win if you don't, and indeed can't, pay :confused:


Anyway amusing as this digression is it's hardly relevant to the original comment that there has been no legacy update except HK51 since ?1.3?

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- "You're gonna see new stuff in the Legacy system for many, many months to come."

- "The Legacy system was a big success and we're gonna continue to expand it with every update that comes out this year..."


When was the last time we received a Legacy update? What were those things Ohlen couldn't talk about? Don't mind hood-down chest pieces in the trailer. This is about Legacy which was supposed to be expanded with every update. What's with the teasing? Why are you guys so easily throwing words around? You said those things. Clearly. Where are the updates? It's been several months since the previous Legacy patch.


patch 1.3 and they said they will work on the legacy again. they said tht 1 or 2 month ago

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