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Watchmen sentinel are/have died out :(


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Dude for anyone that says sentinels/marauders need improvement, I have one thing to say


****. Sentinels/marauders are top dps no matter if your watchmen or combat. And on top of that, they have better survivability than dps jugs (maybe not than vengeance spec) despite their heavy armor, and their defensive cooldowns are worthless.


Like honestly just stop it


Sentinels in my eyes so far are the standard in which all other classes are compared to in terms of dps specs


You're talking about PvE. Most agree that watchman and combat are both great for PvE- most also agree that watchman is no longer good in PvP, especially ranked.

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Also I can out-dps on Combat most Watchmen on my server with equal gear. It's all about how good you are with your class and how much you enjoy playing it. I tried Watchman and HATED it. Even if on Combat I'll never beat the best Sents, who are almost exclusively on Watchman, I really don't care because I'm dang good with my class and I love playing it. It's a game so roll whatever spec you enjoy the most.


^^ This, 100%. Someone who gets it.


I'm not going to get into the whole epeen stroking thing that some people on here have, but it's so funny to see how many watchmen are in denial both in game and on here. They refuse to believe that any other spec for pve is even remotely viable. Combat's good people. Period. And guess what? So is Watchman. Play what you're good at and enjoy it.


Combat is less rocket science but requires extremely precise timing and is fairly unforgiving for mistakes, whereas Watchman is tricker to execute but light years more forgiving. Both are viable pve dps. Some people like burns, more power to them. I enjoy seeing 8k+ last ticks of master strike on non-gimmickie op bosses more so I'll stick to that. (And before people start calling bs, that is with inspiration, Exotech Adrenal and DG BA relic popped.)

Edited by Twolightsabers
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^^ This, 100%. Someone who gets it.


I'm not going to get into the whole epeen stroking thing that some people on here have, but it's so funny to see how many watchmen are in denial both in game and on here. They refuse to believe that any other spec for pve is even remotely viable. Combat's good people. Period. And guess what? So is Watchman. Play what you're good at and enjoy it.


Combat is less rocket science but requires extremely precise timing and is fairly unforgiving for mistakes, whereas Watchman is tricker to execute but light years more forgiving. Both are viable pve dps. Some people like burns, more power to them. I enjoy seeing 8k+ last ticks of master strike on non-gimmickie op bosses more so I'll stick to that. (And before people start calling bs, that is with inspiration, Exotech Adrenal and DG BA relic popped.)


Combat is plenty viable in pve. I run it some times for a change of pace. The problem is that some bosses knock you away and the burns make up for that lost time running back to the boss. It might be only a little bit, but that little bit can make a difference.

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^^ This, 100%. Someone who gets it.


I'm not going to get into the whole epeen stroking thing that some people on here have, but it's so funny to see how many watchmen are in denial both in game and on here. They refuse to believe that any other spec for pve is even remotely viable. Combat's good people. Period. And guess what? So is Watchman. Play what you're good at and enjoy it.


Combat is less rocket science but requires extremely precise timing and is fairly unforgiving for mistakes, whereas Watchman is tricker to execute but light years more forgiving. Both are viable pve dps. Some people like burns, more power to them. I enjoy seeing 8k+ last ticks of master strike on non-gimmickie op bosses more so I'll stick to that. (And before people start calling bs, that is with inspiration, Exotech Adrenal and DG BA relic popped.)


While I can agree with 90% of what you've said, your statement about watchman being "more forgiving" is completely false. Both are not very forgiving, but in different respects. Watchaman may not take precise timing, but the complexity of your skill rotations is just as important as a combat spec waiting for that right moment to mash the "money maker" button. If you suck at hitting multiple buttons in a rotation of 7-9 different abilities, altering your rotation if you screwed up, then Watchman can be the worst spec for you to play. The requirement of multiple abilities that feed off each other to maximize its effectiveness can severely limit your overall dps if you can't keep up. I can't tell you how many people tried Watchman, only to respec and say that it sucks simply because they couldn't figure out an effective skill rotation.


Just to clarify, what I'm trying to say is that neither is more forgiving than the other or harder than the other to play effectively. Both specs have different circumstances and requirements that can make them or brake them.

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You know...honestly...watchman came to me naturally...


I tried combat and I didn't care for it...I felt like it was basically mashing attacks waiting for that big masterstrike to come back. Not saying it's bad...just boring. Same with focus, spam a bunch of trash attacks waiting for lolsweep to come back. Watchman requires you to think more, pay more attention and then you have more interrupts plus heals that benefit the team. I think it's really the best spec for skilled long term mmo vets. Combat and focus are good...but they're not watchman.

Edited by planet_J
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