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We know nothing about RotHC


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We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever.

Thing is, we had a year to watch and learn how Bioware and EA manage this game, what directions they choose for it, how much effort they are willing to put in certain game elements, and, finally, how much truth they are willing to tell us. With all that in mind, we can predict with more or less high probability what to expect and what to not expect from this "expansion".


I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.

Not all information, of course, but they usually give out the core features of the coming expansion in order to hook up their playerbase, give them a reason to wait and generate some hype. Bioware and EA, on the contrary, didn't do anything even close to that. All info given to us by their announcement was already known long before. The only new thing you can learn from it is, they now treat this piece of content as a 10$ expansion with pre-order and 5-day early access.

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No the pre-order is only for early access. If at a later date I buy it it will still cost me 9.99 as a sub. If I wait however until it has gone live and ends up on the CM, I know they have said they won't do this - I don't believe them - , it will cost us 19.99. via cartel coins.


Cant "pay" for it with cartel coins. Ever.


To answer the question posed here about purchasing Rise of the Hutt Cartel:


We'd like to clarify that Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be available for purchase through SWTOR.com/buy only, and there won't be an option to purchase it using Cartel Coins.


Gimme money! I'll give you something later! Yeah, I know you've been paying me all this time, but this time it'll be special!

Edited by Polebreaker
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I think a lot of the uproar is also over them baiting people with early access and saying they have to preorder the game without knowing what they are buying. Who buys anything without knowing what they are buying. If I just say buy this car, without telling you the make, model, year, miles, just say car, would you buy it?

They know how much gamers love early access and they are just trying to prey on fanboys and people with income they can just toss around. they don't seem to care about the majority of their playerbase who would want a lot more information before making a decission like this.

But no, they tell us the car is red, and tell us that we should buy it now.

They call it an Xpac, but it is not a xpac like most MMO players know of. Yes other F2P games have small xpac like this all the time, but the average gamer hears xpac and thinks what WoW or Rift just released, and this is not even a speck of the amount of content they had in their xpacs.

I think if they didn't add on this BUY NOW OR ELSE pressure on people to buy it before next week while knowing almost nothing about what they are buying, you wouldn't have so much negetive things being pumped into the forums.

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Cant "pay" for it with cartel coins. Ever.




Gimme money! I'll give you something later! Yeah, I know you've been paying me all this time, but this time it'll be special!




After the (underwhelming) expansion, people will be left with a feeling of regret and disappointment. And they will probably hit level cap in a week or less, and probably 2 weeks for casuals. And then they will ask, what else is there to do? And instead, they will get more cartel shop gear that clips, until the next content update that EAWare decides to charge for.


I look forward to the rage on forums that day. Sadly I wont be able to mock them as I will probably be unsubbed still. :(

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Because they are asking you to pay for it now, site unseen!


Normally when a company (any company in any genre) asks you to pre pay for something,




It horrendous bussiness practice what EA is doing on this content update (and yes, right now, what we know coming, it IS a content update. And subscribers are suppose to get those as part of their subscriptions) and shame on you for trying to justify it.


All they need to do is tell us whats coming


Ive heard the world is full sized planet with caverns.....(from a EA sorce no less) yet NO WORD from the devs or marketing dept verifying this


Ive heard 2 new flash points and 2 new ops and the flashpoints currently not available as hard modes will be....but none of that is official as EAware with holding the information for god knows what reason.


Ive heard rumors and prediction galour from the fanbois of this site... yet EAware refuses to tell us anything.


Name me one other gaming company that has asked for pre payments with out at least giving a full index of what you can expect.


According to EAware marketting the so called expansion (its not really) will simply be a new planet of unannounced size (yes yes I know what Allison said, however its not on the offical page where most people look rather then digging through threads on forums) and a level raise to 55. Plus world story line (but no class storylines).


NOTHING ELSE as they refuse to tell us


Is ANY of this getting through to you?


Tell you what, send me $10.00 and I send you something.

Do we have a deal?

Didnt think so.




It might just be


-new planet

- 5 new levels

- new ops

-new flashpoints

-new skills

-new customization



generic things that dont lock them down incase of changes but do give the consumer a ACCURATE CONCEPT AND IDEA of what they are being asked to pay for.


EVERY GAME IVE EVER SEEN IN 20+ years of MMORPG playing has done so.

So no clue where you get this false idea they dont.


So if people can get over the fact this right now looks to be a content update and not a expansion and look to purchase it.


They still have to go in blind because for some god forsaken reason,

EAware is once again making a meaningless display of ego driven power by refusing to just tell everyone whats comeing.


Again, it doesnt have to be in great detail,

but everything should be generically listed so the customer has some idea what to expect.


Im not buying till they act like a proffessional developer and give us a list of whats all coming


ONLY THEN can you make a educated decision on if the product is worth it or not to you.


To be honest, this constant display of control and ego by EAware has gotten really old already.

Just treat us like wanted customers already and show us all some respect in how you deal with us.

Is that REALLY so hard a thing to do?


So, isn't this the same thing as lets say, pre-ordering a game that was just announced? You're still putting money on it, even though you "know nothing about it". And, they are not "forcing" you to pre-order it, it's just an option. Yes, they give you the 5 days before release, but once again, that's not forcing you any more then a game offering pre-order bonuses.


And on track with the OP. I agree with you, these whiners are really getting to me. First off, it's ten freakin dollars, you pay more to play a month then this new expansion. And secondly, it's been said over and over, that more details are to come. This isn't everything that the expansion will bring to the table. I personally am really looking foreword to this.

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I think they speak, well write, English english rather than American English. Unfortunately the forum spell check only reads American english which means it hates things like honour and colour.


Oh you EU English speakers with your extra U's in words. And your "grey" instead of "gray". Or maybe we're the silly ones when everyone spells it "grey", and uses metric, while we use inches and feet. :p

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We know that there's going to be at least one new set of dailies. We know there are going to be new heroic missions. We know that there are 2 distinct faction storylines for the planet. We know there will be one new active ability added for every class and 5 new skill points total for each class (1 skill point for each new level). We know the level cap is being increased to 55. We know that Makeb will be the largest planet in the game once it comes out. To post that we know NOTHING about Makeb is just you being uninformed, or lying. Either way you're wrong.
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Yup, I pretty much agree with the OP on this one.


The amount of speculation on the forums just recently about this has been insane. And worse of all, most of it has been from the 'Glass half empty' brigade, as I like to call them. The simple thing is that no-one here knows exactly what is going to be coming in the expansion. And I'm happy with that. I don't mind that EA/BioWare is keeping that information to themselves. It's up to them to decide when to release that information. The same as any other company who wants to announce a new product/service etc. Look at film trailers. A good trailer should give you a rough idea what's coming up in the film without giving too much away. It serves to peak your interest, not give you the whole story there and then.


For myself, I'm going to wait until we have more information on the whole thing before making up my mind. If I think it's worth my money, I'll buy it. If not, then I won't. Simple as that.


actually ive seen more glass half full people spouting off things the new expansion will have even though there is no proof of it, and they are the ones that are super rude and jerky on the forums.


also film trailers dont just give you the name of the movie and the names of the actors and say pay us now to go see this awesome movie!!! we promise it will be good. and then not tell you what the movie is about at all nor how long the movie is!!! now that dont mean all film trailers tell the truth.. just look at clover field! it was advertised as a big monster movie instead it was a stupid love story that just happened to have a big monster in parts of it. still hate that dam movie!!! B^P yea films dont want to give to much away but they do want to give you enough to peak your interests unfortunately BW did not do that for a lot of us, to a lot of us its like only seeing the name of the movie and the actors names, nothing else

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We know that there's going to be at least one new set of dailies. We know there are going to be new heroic missions. We know that there are 2 distinct faction storylines for the planet. We know there will be one new active ability added for every class and 5 new skill points total for each class (1 skill point for each new level). We know the level cap is being increased to 55. We know that Makeb will be the largest planet in the game once it comes out. To post that we know NOTHING about Makeb is just you being uninformed, or lying. Either way you're wrong.


how do we know all this?? where was this posted??? i never saw anything on the front page nor in the forums other that people like you saying so, and as far as i know you dont work for BW

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I think we do have some information that will allow us to try and look into the future about what the new content will be. I think what the thing that upsets people is that people want to see, or hear, that the class stories will be continued. As it stands, it's hard to accept the fact that they are not, at the present time, going to be extended. I know for me it's something that I always look for first when it comes to new content being released. I think it's the part of the game that makes everything worth it. I do enjoy the warzones, operations, flashpoints, and some planetary quests. But, the main reason I have to play the game rests solely in the "single" player story lines offered.


Oh a separate note, I can also understand the issue the community has with the level of communication. I know the game is now a free to play game, and that my subscription simply means I have full access to the game. I don't really expect anything more in relation to having a subscription....or for how long I've been subscribed. The overall direction of the game is something I don't feel completely confident in speculating about since I don't think I know enough about it. I'm not sure if this is a valid argument to make, but I feel like ever since Mass Effect 3, (and everything that happened concerning the ending) made Bioware extremely hesitant to let any detail come to light. If that's remotely correct, I obviously don't agree with it. I tend to believe I'm the type of person who would rather know something than be kept in the dark and guessing. And, I believe a lot of "nerd rage" comes from this sentiment that they just don't know when there isn't too much of a downside in knowing.


Ultimately, I still have fun playing the game therefore I still subscribe. Although, I do find myself concerned about how tight lipped Bioware seems to feel they need to be. Maybe they have good reason to. I'm not new to gaming, but I am new to the world of MMOs. I chose this one since it allowed me to still play an RPG game, with the option of multiplayer if I felt like I wanted to test those waters. I just wish, and it's probably something that shouldn't be expected to change, that the level of communication was more "open" instead of feeling so closed off. I'm sure the community as well as the company share the blame in that. I think that it'll end up either never changing which simply adds an un-needed weakness to Bioware, or one side can take charge and change whether it's the community first or the company. Who knows. But, I'll keep enjoying the game as long as I can, and if it ends up being something that isn't my cup of tea anymore I'll end up changing the way I think about the game.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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So, isn't this the same thing as lets say, pre-ordering a game that was just announced?


No it is not. The game was a known full blown MMO with the standard content. This so far is just a new zone with quests. Yes you level while playing them, but in the end, so far they are more or less saying it is $10 for more quests.

An xpac usually has new zones.. notice the s, new levels, new 4 mans, new ops, maybe new warzones.

All we know we get is quests to level with. Yeah we got quests recently with a new daily hub.

So if all it is in a new quest chain, so people might not wanna buy it, or not preorder it since maybe they won't be playing in 4 months.

But when they slap the word EXPANSION on it, people stop and think, well is it gonna be big, like the xpacs we know of in other MMOs? Cause if it is remotely big, they sure haven't lead on that it is.

This is the main reason we're all up in arms over things. Especially when they add some small window of perks and give us little to no info before the perk window closes.

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No it is not. The game was a known full blown MMO with the standard content. This so far is just a new zone with quests. Yes you level while playing them, but in the end, so far they are more or less saying it is $10 for more quests.

An xpac usually has new zones.. notice the s, new levels, new 4 mans, new ops, maybe new warzones.

All we know we get is quests to level with. Yeah we got quests recently with a new daily hub.

So if all it is in a new quest chain, so people might not wanna buy it, or not preorder it since maybe they won't be playing in 4 months.

But when they slap the word EXPANSION on it, people stop and think, well is it gonna be big, like the xpacs we know of in other MMOs? Cause if it is remotely big, they sure haven't lead on that it is.

This is the main reason we're all up in arms over things. Especially when they add some small window of perks and give us little to no info before the perk window closes.


What other MMOs are you referring to?

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The forum equivalent of the check is in the mail.


Ah okay. So 1st it's "we know nothing about the new expansion" and now it's "well I don't believe the information the developers have given us." You can't have it both ways. You either believe we don't know anything about the expansion, which is not true, or you're skeptical of the validity of the information they've released thus far which would be your FEELING on the issue and NOT FACT.

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Ah okay. So 1st it's "we know nothing about the new expansion" and now it's "well I don't believe the information the developers have given us." You can't have it both ways. You either believe we don't know anything about the expansion, which is not true, or you're skeptical of the validity of the information they've released thus far which would be your FEELING on the issue and NOT FACT.


Umm, the information given by the devs was less than substantial, we still know very little about it. I'm not sure what point you're trying to get across

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EA/BW knows precisely what`s in it, since they can value it so clearly - I mean, it`s 9.99$ . Fixed value for fixed content.


Thing is.. they are kinda forgetting to list the FULL content - or we are all jumping the Wishful Thinking wagon and think there will be more than what it is listed.


SO, I am sorry.. but if we know the price.. we should know the precise content too.


And 3 lousy headlines, from which one is a level cap, after they still failed to balance properly the old one, don`t quite make stellar PR, so they would add more, if there would be any.

Edited by Styxx
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Umm, the information given by the devs was less than substantial, we still know very little about it. I'm not sure what point you're trying to get across


The point I'm getting at is the OP said we know NOTHING about the expansion's content which is absolutely not true. If you think the information isn't substantial that's one thing, but to say they've told us nothing about it is false.

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EA/BW knows precisely what`s in it, since they can value it so clearly - I mean, it`s 9.99$ . Fixed value for fixed content.


Thing is.. they are kinda forgetting to list the FULL content - or we are all jumping the Wishful Thinking wagon and think there will be more than what it is listed.


SO, I am sorry.. but if we know the price.. we should know the precise content too.


And 3 lousy headlines, from which one is a level cap, after they still failed to balance properly the old one, don`t quite make stellar PR, so they would add more, if there would be any.


They have to right to release the information however they see fit. If you choose not to purchase it until you know everything that's in it that's fine.

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