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We know nothing about RotHC


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We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever. I'm quite happy to wait and find out more content info that they will release in due time. I will not jump on the horrible band wagon of 'OMG THIS EXPANSION GOT ANNOUNCED A DAY AGO, AND ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WAS GIVING MEANS NOTHING ELSE IS COMING!!'


Just wait, people. More info will come. I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.


Calm down.


(Sorry for bad English I'm Australian)

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Yup, I pretty much agree with the OP on this one.


The amount of speculation on the forums just recently about this has been insane. And worse of all, most of it has been from the 'Glass half empty' brigade, as I like to call them. The simple thing is that no-one here knows exactly what is going to be coming in the expansion. And I'm happy with that. I don't mind that EA/BioWare is keeping that information to themselves. It's up to them to decide when to release that information. The same as any other company who wants to announce a new product/service etc. Look at film trailers. A good trailer should give you a rough idea what's coming up in the film without giving too much away. It serves to peak your interest, not give you the whole story there and then.


For myself, I'm going to wait until we have more information on the whole thing before making up my mind. If I think it's worth my money, I'll buy it. If not, then I won't. Simple as that.

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One thing that I hope it does is offer enough storyline to level up to 55. I would hate to think that there is just enough story to get someone to 53 or just break 54 and then have to grind out that last level. From what I can see of SWTOR, power leveling or grinding just are not in the vision of the designers.
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The new planet Mike B have been delayed yes but i have no problem with that as long as the content is worth it.

And i prey they will make social areas on the new planet so players will get of fleet, fleet is killing this game.

After standing around on fleet to long players leave(no joke) And that they also move all the vendors on fleet there.

If Mike B have a social area and open world pvp worth fighting for tthe planet will do really good for the game, a rewamp of ilum will not work lionger then a few days, to much bad blood.


Mike B is their chance to rewamp endgame in a good way,really hope they do it the right way.:wea_12:

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Hey, I've got a really cool idea... I havent actually followed through on anything else I promised.


This time I will! But I need $20... ok for you, since you helped me before, $10...


But it'll be worth it! Really! No I cant tell you anything now... but... yeah it'll be cool!




Havent I come through for you before?

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The new planet Mike B have been delayed yes but i have no problem with that as long as the content is worth it.

And i prey they will make social areas on the new planet so players will get of fleet, fleet is killing this game.

After standing around on fleet to long players leave(no joke) And that they also move all the vendors on fleet there.

If Mike B have a social area and open world pvp worth fighting for tthe planet will do really good for the game, a rewamp of ilum will not work lionger then a few days, to much bad blood.


Mike B is their chance to rewamp endgame in a good way,really hope they do it the right way.:wea_12:


Did your device spell correct Makeb to Mike B for you? Thats too funny if it did. At the start of it I was thinking you were taking about a developer with the Mike B thing. Dang auto correct.

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I know Section X costs non-subs $14.

I know Makeb costs non-subs $20.


I know BioWare's internal marketing and testing showed that Makeb's content value is ~+50% higher than Section X.


I know Section X costs subs nothing.

I know Makeb costs subs $10.

Edited by ruminate
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Hey, I've got a really cool idea... I havent actually followed through on anything else I promised.


This time I will! But I need $20... ok for you, since you helped me before, $10...


But it'll be worth it! Really! No I cant tell you anything now... but... yeah it'll be cool!




Havent I come through for you before?


i see where you are coming from, but this is a game. different rules apply!

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I know Section X costs non-subs $14.

I know Makeb costs non-subs $20.


I know BioWare's internal marketing and testing showed that Makeb's content value is ~+50% higher than Section X.


I know Section X costs subs nothing.

I know Makeb costs subs $10.


Life Day Speeder... Need I say more?


Makeb cost subscribers $10.

Makeb cost F2P $20.

Makeb cost + Subscription: $25.


The amount of rage on the day Makeb is released? :eek: Priceless!


Hey, I've got a really cool idea... I havent actually followed through on anything else I promised.


This time I will! But I need $20... ok for you, since you helped me before, $10...


But it'll be worth it! Really! No I cant tell you anything now... but... yeah it'll be cool!




Havent I come through for you before?


"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."


Many people are skeptical towards BioWare. I am as well. We've been told a lot of times we're gonna love it. Everytime, it's been underwhelming or disappointing. But this time, this time we should have faith in them, right? No...

Edited by Katsuragisama
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That's not technically true anyway. We know from official statements:



  • It is one planet no bigger than Belsavis
  • It has no class storyline
  • There will be one active ability per advanced class
  • They will add "a couple" of options to each skill tree
  • It increases the level cap to 55
  • The gear dropped will be worse or at best equal to than current raiding gear



That's the helpful part of the post however we also know based on previous performance that:



  • It will be buggy as sin
  • Its release will break existing functions in the game


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We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever. I'm quite happy to wait and find out more content info that they will release in due time. I will not jump on the horrible band wagon of 'OMG THIS EXPANSION GOT ANNOUNCED A DAY AGO, AND ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WAS GIVING MEANS NOTHING ELSE IS COMING!!'


Just wait, people. More info will come. I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.


Calm down.


(Sorry for bad English I'm Australian)


I really would like to believe this "expansion" would be something more than just rebranded content patch, something awesome and so much more than they say so far... But then i ask myself, in the last year how many times did bioware suprise me in a positive way? And my hope is instantly gone replaced by belief it will be propably even worse than i expect.

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever. I'm quite happy to wait and find out more content info that they will release in due time. I will not jump on the horrible band wagon of 'OMG THIS EXPANSION GOT ANNOUNCED A DAY AGO, AND ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WAS GIVING MEANS NOTHING ELSE IS COMING!!'


Just wait, people. More info will come. I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.


Calm down.


(Sorry for bad English I'm Australian)


Because they are asking you to pay for it now, site unseen!


Normally when a company (any company in any genre) asks you to pre pay for something,




It horrendous bussiness practice what EA is doing on this content update (and yes, right now, what we know coming, it IS a content update. And subscribers are suppose to get those as part of their subscriptions) and shame on you for trying to justify it.


All they need to do is tell us whats coming


Ive heard the world is full sized planet with caverns.....(from a EA sorce no less) yet NO WORD from the devs or marketing dept verifying this


Ive heard 2 new flash points and 2 new ops and the flashpoints currently not available as hard modes will be....but none of that is official as EAware with holding the information for god knows what reason.


Ive heard rumors and prediction galour from the fanbois of this site... yet EAware refuses to tell us anything.


Name me one other gaming company that has asked for pre payments with out at least giving a full index of what you can expect.


According to EAware marketting the so called expansion (its not really) will simply be a new planet of unannounced size (yes yes I know what Allison said, however its not on the offical page where most people look rather then digging through threads on forums) and a level raise to 55. Plus world story line (but no class storylines).


NOTHING ELSE as they refuse to tell us


Is ANY of this getting through to you?


Tell you what, send me $10.00 and I send you something.

Do we have a deal?

Didnt think so.




It might just be


-new planet

- 5 new levels

- new ops

-new flashpoints

-new skills

-new customization



generic things that dont lock them down incase of changes but do give the consumer a ACCURATE CONCEPT AND IDEA of what they are being asked to pay for.


EVERY GAME IVE EVER SEEN IN 20+ years of MMORPG playing has done so.

So no clue where you get this false idea they dont.


So if people can get over the fact this right now looks to be a content update and not a expansion and look to purchase it.


They still have to go in blind because for some god forsaken reason,

EAware is once again making a meaningless display of ego driven power by refusing to just tell everyone whats comeing.


Again, it doesnt have to be in great detail,

but everything should be generically listed so the customer has some idea what to expect.


Im not buying till they act like a proffessional developer and give us a list of whats all coming


ONLY THEN can you make a educated decision on if the product is worth it or not to you.


To be honest, this constant display of control and ego by EAware has gotten really old already.

Just treat us like wanted customers already and show us all some respect in how you deal with us.

Is that REALLY so hard a thing to do?

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We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever. I'm quite happy to wait and find out more content info that they will release in due time. I will not jump on the horrible band wagon of 'OMG THIS EXPANSION GOT ANNOUNCED A DAY AGO, AND ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WAS GIVING MEANS NOTHING ELSE IS COMING!!'


Just wait, people. More info will come. I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.


Calm down.


(Sorry for bad English I'm Australian)


Now this is off-topic, but I thought English was the primary language in Australia. Do they just speak bad English? Any insight? :p

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Now this is off-topic, but I thought English was the primary language in Australia. Do they just speak bad English? Any insight? :p


I think they speak, well write, English english rather than American English. Unfortunately the forum spell check only reads American english which means it hates things like honour and colour.

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Because they are asking you to pay for it now, site unseen!


Normally when a company (any company in any genre) asks you to pre pay for something,




^^This is the whole problem...


People want to decide whether or not they're going to either

a) buy the Xpac


b) unsub now


To a lot of players the listed content isn't worth $10 on top of their monthly sub. Not when you compare it to the amount of content we've recieved as patches thus far. It just feels like a slightly bigger than normal patch.


I personally think it should at least include:

1) an additional WZ

2) a level 55 SM FP

3) level 50 -55 crafting recipes (considering that they're now giving away Tionese gear)


If they added those 3 things, I'd say it was worth $10. If they added an OP - I would say it was a good deal.

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We know pretty much nothing on RotHC expansion. So why do people jump to conclusions about what's coming and what's not, like they already know the answer to everything ever. I'm quite happy to wait and find out more content info that they will release in due time. I will not jump on the horrible band wagon of 'OMG THIS EXPANSION GOT ANNOUNCED A DAY AGO, AND ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WAS GIVING MEANS NOTHING ELSE IS COMING!!'


Just wait, people. More info will come. I don't ever remember any other expansion by any other game ever giving out all the information at once.


Calm down.


(Sorry for bad English I'm Australian)

I'm waiting. I expect there will be a few more pieces that they've not already announced, and I'm hoping for some good news on the content front there. However, what we've heard so far hasn't been promising (in my opinion), and their track record is really poor. I'm not about to start pining my hopes on huge assumptions that they'll be adding a lot more, like I see some people doing. I'll base what I know on what's been confirmed (and I'll be skeptical of that till I see it in game, given their flip-flops in the past).

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Because they are asking you to pay for it now, site unseen!


No, they are giving subscribers a discount incentive to buy the content sight unseen. It will still be available for purchase later. You just have to pay more for waiting.


No the pre-order is only for early access. If at a later date I buy it it will still cost me 9.99 as a sub. If I wait however until it has gone live and ends up on the CM, I know they have said they won't do this - I don't believe them - , it will cost us 19.99. via cartel coins.

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