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Remove or Replace Shockwave


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Remove or Replace Shockwave, thats it, Juggs and Maras are fine, rage is even fine, but shockwave has got to go altogether, instead maybe buff force choke or something, or cause smash to give a melee boost for 20secs, anything but Rage is just too OP atm. I have 3 speced into Rage just because I would be dumb to spec anything else for pvp. Hopefully Bioware, you don't ruin Juggs or Maras other trees based on biased numbers from Rage speced chars.
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Remove or Replace Shockwave, thats it, Juggs and Maras are fine, rage is even fine, but shockwave has got to go altogether, instead maybe buff force choke or something, or cause smash to give a melee boost for 20secs, anything but Rage is just too OP atm. I have 3 speced into Rage just because I would be dumb to spec anything else for pvp. Hopefully Bioware, you don't ruin Juggs or Maras other trees based on biased numbers from Rage speced chars.


pretty sure i got force choked from about 67 yards this morning


nothing about these classes is fine, force choke should be melee range


7k smashers do not need a 5k execute ability



i am looking forward to a shift in class balance with the expansion hopefully

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The problem isnt only shockwave (although it is by far the biggest reason of" lol-mongo-smash!")


+30% crit damage with all your main damage abilities

30% ap with everything

100% crit chance

100% damage increase.


I mean seriously, who the hell do they have working on balance?

There is no other class/spec in the game that has anything even close to what knight's/sith's are getting from one tree, and not only that its by far one of the easiest spec's to play in the game.


Its like they wanted to make a pvp class for people that have a mental disability, or one of the dev's got raped to hard pre 1.4 and decided to give his personal class godmode (and because noone seems to care over at bioware after the massive layoff's im thinking they let this one pass just to get rid of the remaining 500k player's as payback to ea)


Its not bad, its so fantastically broken its just incomprehensible that **** like this makes it through testing.


When 95% of the playerbase is playing the same spec/classes, thats a pretty heavy hint something isnt working.

Edited by Furok
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The problem isnt only shockwave (although it is by far the biggest reason of" lol-mongo-smash!")


+30% crit damage with all your main damage abilities

30% ap with everything

100% crit chance

100% damage increase.


I mean seriously, who the hell do they have working on balance?

There is no other class/spec in the game that has anything even close to what knight's/sith's are getting from one tree, and not only that its by far one of the easiest spec's to play in the game.


Its like they wanted to make a pvp class for people that have a mental disability, or one of the dev's got raped to hard pre 1.4 and decided to give his personal class godmode (and because noone seems to care over at bioware after the massive layoff's im thinking they let this one pass just to get rid of the remaining 500k player's as payback to ea)


Its not bad, its so fantastically broken its just incomprehensible that **** like this makes it through testing.


When 95% of the playerbase is playing the same spec/classes, thats a pretty heavy hint something isnt working.


You sir should get not a cookie but a cookie factory, those clases needed to be nerfed yesterday and yet bioware stil doesn t give a $#@! about it Good Jobb Bioware, good jobb indeed.

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The problem isnt only shockwave (although it is by far the biggest reason of" lol-mongo-smash!")


+30% crit damage with all your main damage abilities

30% ap with everything

100% crit chance

100% damage increase.


I mean seriously, who the hell do they have working on balance?

There is no other class/spec in the game that has anything even close to what knight's/sith's are getting from one tree, and not only that its by far one of the easiest spec's to play in the game.


Its like they wanted to make a pvp class for people that have a mental disability, or one of the dev's got raped to hard pre 1.4 and decided to give his personal class godmode (and because noone seems to care over at bioware after the massive layoff's im thinking they let this one pass just to get rid of the remaining 500k player's as payback to ea)


Its not bad, its so fantastically broken its just incomprehensible that **** like this makes it through testing.


When 95% of the playerbase is playing the same spec/classes, thats a pretty heavy hint something isnt working.


Lets see ....

Kinetic Combat Shadow's Project - 15%+ Base Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3K-6K variable* CD, Range 10m)

Infiltration Shadow's Project - 30%+ Damage, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 50% reduced Force cost, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3k-9K on 6s CD, Range 10m)

Combat Sentinel's Bladestorm - 30%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, only cost 2 Focus (3K-6K on 9s CD, Range 10m)

Watchmen Sentinel's Burns - 30%+ Base Dmg, 30% Crit Dmg, Elemental Damage (500-1k+, 2 burns - variable and 12s CD, Range Debuff(4m))

Lightning Sorceror's Thundering Blast - 50%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, Internal Dmg (5K+ on 9s CD, Range 30m)

variable - abilities can be forced off their CD


Almost every class has skills that can do massive amounts of damage, as well as have various other abilities at their disposal. Above I've only listed one ability from each specialization. Listing what a class can do is no basis for an argument, it's just card stacking. Also, I hope you don't think that those four points apply to all of the Focus Knight's abilities ...

Edited by Daikeru
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You forgot cleanse, although u probably just saving Resilience to avoid smash entirely


One of the most annoying things a shadow can do when im in smash spec is to resilience right after i force exhaustion/crush them, but not many ever do, partly because I'm not usually using that on shadows lol. But it's not as bad if i have stasis/choke up, or 30 stacks for zen (or my gain 10 focus 40 sec CD on my jug whose name escapes me right now), in which case I'll have another means of getting singularity/shockwave stacks for a smash as soon as their resil wears off. So honestly it depends which use of resil counters smash spec better. At the start of a fight when they have all their cooldowns, definitely resil the smash. As the fight progresses, the time to generate singularity stacks becomes longer than the time to get smash off CD, so resiliencing their mechanism for building those stacks (exhaustion/crush) might be more effective than resiling the smash, if you have fast enough reflexes.


Of course one thing everyone should do vs smash spec is cc break their stasis/choke, and not necessarily wait till youre full resolve

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Lets see ....

Kinetic Combat Shadow's Project - 15%+ Base Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3K-6K variable* CD, Range 10m)

Infiltration Shadow's Project - 30%+ Damage, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 50% reduced Force cost, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3k-9K on 6s CD, Range 10m)

Combat Sentinel's Bladestorm - 30%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, only cost 2 Focus (3K-6K on 9s CD, Range 10m)

Watchmen Sentinel's Burns - 30%+ Base Dmg, 30% Crit Dmg, Elemental Damage (500-1k+, 2 burns - variable and 12s CD, Range Debuff(4m))

Lightning Sorceror's Thundering Blast - 50%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, Internal Dmg (5K+ on 9s CD, Range 30m)

variable - abilities can be forced off their CD


Almost every class has skills that can do massive amounts of damage, as well as have various other abilities at their disposal. Above I've only listed one ability from each specialization. Listing what a class can do is no basis for an argument, it's just card stacking. Also, I hope you don't think that those four points apply to all of the Focus Knight's abilities ...


I would love to know where you got that 5k+ from.

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Lets see ....

Kinetic Combat Shadow's Project - 15%+ Base Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3K-6K variable* CD, Range 10m)

Infiltration Shadow's Project - 30%+ Damage, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 50% reduced Force cost, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3k-9K on 6s CD, Range 10m)

Combat Sentinel's Bladestorm - 30%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, only cost 2 Focus (3K-6K on 9s CD, Range 10m)

Watchmen Sentinel's Burns - 30%+ Base Dmg, 30% Crit Dmg, Elemental Damage (500-1k+, 2 burns - variable and 12s CD, Range Debuff(4m))

Lightning Sorceror's Thundering Blast - 50%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, Internal Dmg (5K+ on 9s CD, Range 30m)

variable - abilities can be forced off their CD


Almost every class has skills that can do massive amounts of damage, as well as have various other abilities at their disposal. Above I've only listed one ability from each specialization. Listing what a class can do is no basis for an argument, it's just card stacking. Also, I hope you don't think that those four points apply to all of the Focus Knight's abilities ...


Yeah but all of that is single target damage, running tank stance I get smoked for 6k+. The only time I don't get hit that hard is running deception thanks to the 30% aoe reduction which is what I run most of the time for regs but it still can hit hard.

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Remove or Replace Shockwave, thats it, Juggs and Maras are fine, rage is even fine, but shockwave has got to go altogether, instead maybe buff force choke or something, or cause smash to give a melee boost for 20secs, anything but Rage is just too OP atm. I have 3 speced into Rage just because I would be dumb to spec anything else for pvp. Hopefully Bioware, you don't ruin Juggs or Maras other trees based on biased numbers from Rage speced chars.


I don't think BW can afford to ruin juggs or Maras. I wiling to bet those people would quit the game entirely like those that quit after the sorcerer nerf.

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I Recently went from full WH to 3/4 of the way WH Min/Max (and a few EWH). My smashes went from 4-5.5k to 5-6.8k. I'm probably 30 WZs worth of coms from consistent 7k+ smashes. The problem isn't shockwave it's having bonus force damage of 950+ and force crit multiplier of 109+%


The devs have to figure out how to balance a class that puts a huge gap between those who tweak gear and those who don't.

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or one of the dev's got raped to hard pre 1.4 and decided to give his personal class godmode


i always assumed that. I also figured almost all the devs must run solely maras/sents, since they only seem to get buffs every patch, aside from the few group heal nerfs lately.


lolsmash & stunbubbles are the 2 things ruining pvp right now. Bioware already stated they'll fix the bubbles eventually, but lolsmash? There is absolutely no reason why a fully augged wh geared jugg tank with 8k armor should be taking 5k hits from any class. Was in a huttball match earlier, had 3 sents and 2 guards all lolsmash me at once, I couldn't even get to the acid pool after grabbing the ball before being lolsmashed to death. And that was with 22k hp and a healer on me.


both of these need to go, need stunbubbles to counter lolsmash, but neither one have a place in pvp, hell even in pve, dunno if anyone actually uses lolsmash in ops.

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i always assumed that. I also figured almost all the devs must run solely maras/sents, since they only seem to get buffs every patch, aside from the few group heal nerfs lately.


lolsmash & stunbubbles are the 2 things ruining pvp right now. Bioware already stated they'll fix the bubbles eventually, but lolsmash? There is absolutely no reason why a fully augged wh geared jugg tank with 8k armor should be taking 5k hits from any class. Was in a huttball match earlier, had 3 sents and 2 guards all lolsmash me at once, I couldn't even get to the acid pool after grabbing the ball before being lolsmashed to death. And that was with 22k hp and a healer on me.


both of these need to go, need stunbubbles to counter lolsmash, but neither one have a place in pvp, hell even in pve, dunno if anyone actually uses lolsmash in ops.


we do, but only because of the changes made in 1.4


We'll see if they can fix smash in PvP without making it, once again, useless in PvE. I really hope they don't just break the tree. Perhaps when they make all PvP gear equal in expertise players won't wanto to min/max anymore

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pretty sure i got force choked from about 67 yards this morning


nothing about these classes is fine, force choke should be melee range


7k smashers do not need a 5k execute ability



i am looking forward to a shift in class balance with the expansion hopefully


not to nitpick but in terms of lore, as long as you can see the person, even if its on video, you can force choke them. Reference from the empire strikes back.

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Remove or Replace Shockwave, thats it, Juggs and Maras are fine, rage is even fine, but shockwave has got to go altogether, instead maybe buff force choke or something, or cause smash to give a melee boost for 20secs, anything but Rage is just too OP atm. I have 3 speced into Rage just because I would be dumb to spec anything else for pvp. Hopefully Bioware, you don't ruin Juggs or Maras other trees based on biased numbers from Rage speced chars.


Rage is OP...

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i always assumed that. I also figured almost all the devs must run solely maras/sents, since they only seem to get buffs every patch, aside from the few group heal nerfs lately.


lolsmash & stunbubbles are the 2 things ruining pvp right now. Bioware already stated they'll fix the bubbles eventually, but lolsmash? There is absolutely no reason why a fully augged wh geared jugg tank with 8k armor should be taking 5k hits from any class. Was in a huttball match earlier, had 3 sents and 2 guards all lolsmash me at once, I couldn't even get to the acid pool after grabbing the ball before being lolsmashed to death. And that was with 22k hp and a healer on me.


both of these need to go, need stunbubbles to counter lolsmash, but neither one have a place in pvp, hell even in pve, dunno if anyone actually uses lolsmash in ops.


I play Vig and love it for OPs. Even with the new update to try and FORCE me to play the Smash spec I refuse. In PvP I will do Smash spec, but only because there is no viable PvP build where Vig can do anything worth-while (except kill IAs like a champ). This is a lack of options for Guardians. Sentinels are just bandwaggoning after their heal was nerfed. Of course if you could get the stinkin' tanks out of my Vig tree and make it worth-while I'd never play that dumb smash-spec again.

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Lets see ....

Kinetic Combat Shadow's Project - 15%+ Base Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3K-6K variable* CD, Range 10m)

Infiltration Shadow's Project - 30%+ Damage, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 50% reduced Force cost, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3k-9K on 6s CD, Range 10m)

Combat Sentinel's Bladestorm - 30%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, only cost 2 Focus (3K-6K on 9s CD, Range 10m)

Watchmen Sentinel's Burns - 30%+ Base Dmg, 30% Crit Dmg, Elemental Damage (500-1k+, 2 burns - variable and 12s CD, Range Debuff(4m))

Lightning Sorceror's Thundering Blast - 50%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, Internal Dmg (5K+ on 9s CD, Range 30m)

variable - abilities can be forced off their CD


Almost every class has skills that can do massive amounts of damage, as well as have various other abilities at their disposal. Above I've only listed one ability from each specialization. Listing what a class can do is no basis for an argument, it's just card stacking. Also, I hope you don't think that those four points apply to all of the Focus Knight's abilities ...


The problem is simple, lets comapre the shadow with the smashing monkey. I'll use the assassin's terms because I dont know a lot about shadow.


If you want to get a 6k hit with a Darkness(tank tree) using shock you have to: use trash (require 25 force) till the buff procs (30% chance), have recklessness ready( the buff that give charges to increase the crit rate by 60%), your shock have to proc the chained shock (45%) AND you have to fight a pve geared light armor or maybe medium armor. Shock is single target


Infiltration aka deception: 9k hits are a purely fake. If you want to reach 7k you have to do 2 voltaic slashes and if recklessness is not up you depend on the rng god and if your crit rating is under 40% you can still not crit with recklessness also, the shock chain have to proc. Oh and its a single target skill


Smashmonkeys have to... leap push leap smah? or leap choke leap? And once its done they have 100% crit with the strongest ability of the game, single and aoe wise. and they WILL hit 6k on geared heavy armor players.


Finaly, Assassin's shock vs Rage's smash. Assassin have to get a lot or random procs based on rng to hit a SINGLE target for +/- 4k as a tank or +/- 6k as the squishiest melee dps while smashmonkey have to roll their face on the keyboard and then press one key to get a 5 to 6.5k AOE

Edited by Philelectric
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According to the recent Dev trackers, we are not only getting a skill rebalance, but a gear rebalance.


My prediction: They are going to pull a Surge 2.0 and nerf Power. That alone, would probably make the "Smash Spec" less desirable for PvP while still leaving Rage a viable tree for PvE.

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i always assumed that. I also figured almost all the devs must run solely maras/sents, since they only seem to get buffs every patch, aside from the few group heal nerfs lately.


lolsmash & stunbubbles are the 2 things ruining pvp right now. Bioware already stated they'll fix the bubbles eventually, but lolsmash? There is absolutely no reason why a fully augged wh geared jugg tank with 8k armor should be taking 5k hits from any class. Was in a huttball match earlier, had 3 sents and 2 guards all lolsmash me at once, I couldn't even get to the acid pool after grabbing the ball before being lolsmashed to death. And that was with 22k hp and a healer on me.


both of these need to go, need stunbubbles to counter lolsmash, but neither one have a place in pvp, hell even in pve, dunno if anyone actually uses lolsmash in ops.


Some of the problem is in the WZ match making system where 4+ of any class on one team is a setup for destruction of the other team.


What would have happened if you got hit by HiBs fired by 5 Vanguards all at the same time?

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Bioware will not nerf Rage/Focus as it was buffed for PVE and PVE comes first in this game so good luck getting them to nerf something they buffed for PVE


and before u ask no I don't play these stupid classes.


If that were true they wouldn't have nerfed watchman heals given that it negatively affected PVE. :rolleyes:

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