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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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+ It won't be out before end of March ("Spring" is March-June).

+ My sub runs out in February.

+ The deadline is for early access.

+ Should things remain as they are announced now I should be able to get it at subscriber discount in March, April or whenever it comes out.


= I'll buy when it comes out, if I'm still playing by then.


I've supported the game with in-advance payments for over a year through really difficult times and they used the money to turn it into something I'm not really enjoying anymore. I'm reverting to cash-on-delivery.

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Contemplated waiting to buy it until after some reviews came out....but then bought it a day or two later anyway.


I figured...$10...so I skip coffee for a week.


I have some issues with the game and have been very displeased with certain things, but in the end, I still like the game enough to support it.


I guess I see it as anything in life: there are always pros and cons...nothing will ever be perfect. It's whether it's close enough for your own personal taste. I enjoy swtor enough to support it.

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I'm waiting.


If the game hasn't been optimized to run better before this "expansion", I won't bother.

I'm tired of playing a game that SHOULD run well on my computer but it doesn't.


Also, if there won't be any new Operations before or at the launch of this "expansion", I won't bother.

Running Terror from Beyond for 5 more months or so? Yeah, no thanks.


I'm in total agreement. I'm not going to buy any new content until they fix a large portion of the bugs listed on the Known Issues page. Most of those bugs have been around through many, many patches without a fix. If they won't fix what they broke and just keep adding new broken content, I'll take my money elsewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...
+ It won't be out before end of March ("Spring" is March-June).

+ My sub runs out in February.

+ The deadline is for early access.

+ Should things remain as they are announced now I should be able to get it at subscriber discount in March, April or whenever it comes out.


= I'll buy when it comes out, if I'm still playing by then.


I've supported the game with in-advance payments for over a year through really difficult times and they used the money to turn it into something I'm not really enjoying anymore. I'm reverting to cash-on-delivery.


actually you paid for play the game not for "support" the game

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At the moment I am not gonna buy it, as I have said before I do not trust when you buy things for real money digitally. I would really prefer to buy it trhough CC or in a real store if this wont happen I wont buy it. :mad:


we are talking about bioware, lucas there is nothing for fear. maybe you could make a paypal acount they are really good

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I will buy it based on the following, which the first being a condition. My sub runs out the 17 of this month.


1. Player transfers become available

2. Quality of the Makeb patch

3. Changes in PvP

Edited by Knockerz
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what are you gonna do?


did you buy the expansion?



Well, would have liked to, but.....


My game is crashing every hour on the hour.


I spent real world money for level 7 ship upgrades and the dailies are not showing up so cannot be done


I received a permanent 3 point infraction against my account for merely posting in a thread that was considered "politics" or some such thing.


Tonight I discovered that the credits for every other GTN sale are disappearing in the mail.


Tickets closed, no reply either there or on the CS board.


....so, unfortunately, I'll not be not be furthering my experience with this game.

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I am in between buying it much later or never. The minimal amount of info they have released on it while also accepting pre-order has me uneasy. Especially more with the whole The WarZ debacle. I do trust BW will release what they say they will, but since they are saying very little it would be foolish of me to start handing money over before knowing what I get.
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Well, would have liked to, but.....


My game is crashing every hour on the hour.


I spent real world money for level 7 ship upgrades and the dailies are not showing up so cannot be done


I received a permanent 3 point infraction against my account for merely posting in a thread that was considered "politics" or some such thing.


Tonight I discovered that the credits for every other GTN sale are disappearing in the mail.


Tickets closed, no reply either there or on the CS board.


....so, unfortunately, I'll not be not be furthering my experience with this game.


you should re intall the game or get a better computer because to be honest i can play the game so you have a problem. sorry :S

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well my 6 month sub kicked in and I pre ordered because of that...so guess Ill at least check it out though it does not appear to offer anything new or exciting. Just more of the same. I have been really disappointed with how easy the pve is still even nightmare ec. Its sad when the hardest part about raid night is hoping enough people show up so you can actually do the raid which only takes about 50 mins.
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you should re intall the game or get a better computer because to be honest i can play the game so you have a problem. sorry :S


Neither did I until the most recent patches. I've been up and down this issue. I've spoken with people that have the same issues, have done a re-install, trouble shot every possible solution on their end. These issues are affecting a multitude of players, and they have acknowledged them. The problem is not client side.


However, if you can post your credentials within the field of computer science and programing, then demonstrate a solution that could be viable, I would certainly be willing to take your advice and try a solution recommended. ;p

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Neither did I until the most recent patches. I've been up and down this issue. I've spoken with people that have the same issues, have done a re-install, trouble shot every possible solution on their end. These issues are affecting a multitude of players, and they have acknowledged them. The problem is not client side.


However, if you can post your credentials within the field of computer science and programing, then demonstrate a solution that could be viable, I would certainly be willing to take your advice and try a solution recommended. ;p


If you post problems you are experiencing on these forums you will always get the people that say "The game runs fine for me, must be you."

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Neither did I until the most recent patches. I've been up and down this issue. I've spoken with people that have the same issues, have done a re-install, trouble shot every possible solution on their end. These issues are affecting a multitude of players, and they have acknowledged them. The problem is not client side.


However, if you can post your credentials within the field of computer science and programing, then demonstrate a solution that could be viable, I would certainly be willing to take your advice and try a solution recommended. ;p


i hope you can play swtor again, i do not like see people who cannot play it : (

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I pre-ordered the moment it became available. I was happy to fork over $10 - that's 2 cups of coffee where I'm from. I just wish that it was coming out sooner! I do think it would be nice if people could use their cartel coins to purchase it though - not everyone pays for their subscription with a credit card so being able to save up their allowance of cartel coins to pay for DLC might make it easier for some people.
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Yes. I pre-ordered.


However, I will say this "Expansion" will be a make or break for me. If it does not impress me and look like they really tried with it and the game. I will simply move on to a different game.


So here is to the best of hopes for Rise of the Hutt Cartell.

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