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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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I bought it the same day it was announced. I have been playing the game since launch and it has never bored me like other mmorpg's did after an extended period. I knew Makeb was earlier reported to be included in an update, but I realise times have changed. The gaming market has changed since the creation of this game, and I see this change of direction as a consequence of that change.

I personally do not understand the people nowadays who seem to make a lot of effort stating what they are not going to do, while they could have used their time and energy in other manners or places. I also do not understand the hypes these days. People expect too much of brands and companies, at time X they praise it to the heavens and at time Y curse everything it has done so far and plans to do in the future. If you get so stressed out in your spare time I advise you to do more or other things.

I personally try to see things from realistic point of view, for me the cost of this expansion are little compared to other things in life. I hope to be surprised and amazed by it's content, that's all.

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did you buy the expansion?




are you gonna buy it?


Very unsure


do you want to wait?


Not a question of want to, but a question of am I willing and determined to wait. And the answer is YES, lack of content is the issue, and the only content anyone can be sure of is that listed in their advert... nothing else, only that.


never buy it?


Highly likely at this juncture.

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I resubbed at launch of F2P, unsubbed again a few days ago due to a number of issues - including this lill gold rush.


So no i wont be buying it and seriously doubt i'll miss much tbh.


10 bux for hours of fun....... wheres the proof of this statement??

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I resubbed at launch of F2P, unsubbed again a few days ago due to a number of issues - including this lill gold rush.


So no i wont be buying it and seriously doubt i'll miss much tbh.


10 bux for hours of fun....... wheres the proof of this statement??


a game without issues is not a game

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Is there anything wrong with this game in your eyes or is it perfect? You seem to have issues with those who bring up problems like its messing with your world view. This game is not perfect, far from it.


no game is perfect.

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Friend and I will be purchasing a pre-order i nthe next few weeks.


The pre-order is not immediate for a few reasons:


1)We are leerly of the post-50 expansion. Both of us have late 20s-mid-30s characters and the game "ends" at 50 in so many MMOs, we hope that isn't the case here and there are actually quests/flashpoints with some difficulty at level cap.


2)Cartel Market dissatisfaction. We just aren't spending our coins. We came from City of Heroes where we had a LOT of cosmetic options; understand here looks are gear based and you can earn social items which is fine, but I'd pat coins for say...a themed outfit that I could mod, or stuff like that. Or just...stuff like a server transfer (not that I need one, Ebon Hawk is fine so far) but the prices seem too high on a lot of stuff.


Still like the game after a month or two and not unsubbing, just hoping the new planet has a good amount of content and some flashpoints/interesting arcs. I hear there are no actual class arcs which is a shame... :(

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Friend and I will be purchasing a pre-order i nthe next few weeks.


The pre-order is not immediate for a few reasons:


1)We are leerly of the post-50 expansion. Both of us have late 20s-mid-30s characters and the game "ends" at 50 in so many MMOs, we hope that isn't the case here and there are actually quests/flashpoints with some difficulty at level cap.


2)Cartel Market dissatisfaction. We just aren't spending our coins. We came from City of Heroes where we had a LOT of cosmetic options; understand here looks are gear based and you can earn social items which is fine, but I'd pat coins for say...a themed outfit that I could mod, or stuff like that. Or just...stuff like a server transfer (not that I need one, Ebon Hawk is fine so far) but the prices seem too high on a lot of stuff.


Still like the game after a month or two and not unsubbing, just hoping the new planet has a good amount of content and some flashpoints/interesting arcs. I hear there are no actual class arcs which is a shame... :(


if vanity is your thing go play skinwars2 aka gw2.


Will not buy the digi pack based on the current information. 5 lvls is not worth 10bucks.

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We hit level 10 on the starter Planet.

Would you spend 10 bucks just for one of the starter planets that we leave in 30 min to an hour?

Just a thought.


Well, for me...I started out subbed and my friend f2p. He switched to a sub with the "xp loss" at level 10 or so, where there was a marked slower progression compared to me. I wouln't pay $10 for a starter planet, no. But I would pay $10 for:


New planet

Bunch of arcs on planet

Expansion of skill trees

New Active class power

Level cap increase (though I doubt I will have even one 50 by then...)


And I'll pay $10 just because I am enjoying myself at the moment and if the money helps fund more stuff and longer access before the game decays, that sounds fine. Now that being said, I won't be doing this multiple times a year...I do expect some free stuff with my sub.

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Well, I would rather buy it after they release information on it. To me it sounds like just another planet to level on then after that you'll be back on fleet again doing the same ol' gear grind in the same ol' content. If they expect me to pay $20 as a subscriber if I don't pre order early on then they can forget about it. This content seems necessary to keep playing though, otherwise you won't be end game. I just don't know if I'll want to keep playing next year, I'm on my way out the door because I don't like their new business model.


I think you're having trouble understanding what you read, because I've already seen you writing this rubbish in another post. NO - THEY ARE NOT EXPECTING YOU TO PAY 20$ IF YOU DON'T PREORDER!!! SUBSCRIBERS PAY 10$ now... I hope we got that straight... preordering before 7th of January gives you 5 days of headstart, it does not influence the price.


Just thought I'd try and explain it... ;)

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