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did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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I pre ordered the expac although grudgingly so. I'm thinking of cancelling my sub until it comes out because the game has grown so stale. I'm not exactly a fan of the shared faction story only for the expac and only 1 planet. I would like bioware to release more information about any new flashpoints or operations that we can expect to see. Also world boss info new warzones and stuff like that.


I am also still upset at the large amount of bugs that are still found in the game. The most disturbing involve crashes during certain conversations in BT, foundry, and other flash points. I tried to use biowares workaround for this and its not working. I'm also upset that there are still combat delays and occassional psuedo activations of GCD/skills. I swear if I dry fire unload one more time I just might scream. If bioware would fix the basic problems with the game before releasing more broken game then it would make me a lot happier.


One last thing bioware really needs to work on to win me over 100% before the expac is to fix their terrible customer service. I have had over 200 tickets opened in the last 2 months involving players on my server harrassing, bullying, and generally acting very inappropriately and nothing has happened as its the same people doing the same things over and over again. I guess bioware CSRs just don't want to do their jobs or they are sending out the same warning over and over again and its obviously going unheeded. My ignore list is full and I have to rotate people off and on it based on when they log on to harrass me. On top of that I had to send multiple tickets in game concerning a delay in receiving my subscription monthly cartel coins that took them almost 5 days to even respond to. Basically I had to wait 5 days for something I had paid for on the 17th.


TLDR; I bought expac but lots of stuff needs to get straightened out first or I'm unsubbing until expac.

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I have already preordered it and I am hoping they come out with a deluxe version, already spending $10 on it, I wouldn't mind throwing down an extra 20-30 bucks for special stuff included. Edited by Faust
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Dunno, might need more info, and to see the direction this mmo is taking. Things are not looking to good. :confused:


Also, I've been waiting for new playable species since...Release? And still no word. It's like, they are already there BioWare, all you got to do is make them playable, clipping issues? Charge people on the cm for a decent gear or something, why do you care now? :confused:

Edited by Bhemont
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For me it's not the cost that is making my decision, yea I can drop 10 bucks with no problem, its the lack of character driven story and to be honest I am not thrilled with how the game is going. The newest WZ sucks, the end game is lacking to be nice and once you have hit 50 its boring. Yes there will be a new level cap but do I want to play the same Imperial story 3 more times after the first time, most likely after the second time through it will get stale. I also don't know if I will be playing in two or three months so why buy something I may never play. I will most likely wait until it comes out if I am playing at the time and see.
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I don't really care about being able to play it earlier. So I have no incentive to pre-order it.


I'm waiting to see if they gonna finally fix all the bugs caused by recent updates including the Unify Color and the infamous "hyperspace dialogue crash" on Esseles/Black Talon/The Foundry. Because if they don't, that's really not promising at all for the quality of the additional content.

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Eh? Thats what your own article says, which you would know if you actually read what it says.


Reasons for F2P:


1. game was falling and falling fast, below 500k needed subs

2. its good marketing

3. it lets your current subscribers spend more money (what was their primary goal, dont you adore how they sweet talk "value of sub" :D )


Now, they said they need 500k subs long term to break even. With all the layoffs and stuff, lets say that they now need 400k.

They dropped below that. And what do you do? Masterplan!

We will need only 200k if they all pay 30$!

So yah, consider yourself warned :D


You just don't get it, do you? You're still touting subs like it was the master plan, like the number of subs even matter anymore, like the typical MMO surge and dropoff wasn't already planned for. In fact, before the game even launched, BioWare acknowledge that typical dropoff/surge of subscriptions and said, at that time, they have several plans ready depending on typical scenarios.


They already know about phenomenon like this: https://exhaustport.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/content-locusts-and-the-subscriber-drop/


Your Chicken Littling is pointless. Subs don't matter, because they have well more than 500k paying players right now.

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Waiting because I don't trust such a trash of a company.


I was going to pre order and posted that I would.


Then I went to work and by the time I got home, had decided not to.


I will likely (and my wife as well) buy the new expansion? but see no reason to do so now. It is an expansion? coming at an undefined date with just a hint as to what it will be. The $ 10 each is meaningless to us, but until the expansion? becomes real with a real date, I do not feel motivated to open my wallet.


I am sorry to say this, but I do not have much trust or faith left in or for EA/BW. So although we preordered the game on the first day and subbing since, we will wait until launch of the expansion? to make up our minds and likely buy.

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Outside of leveling alts to see other 1-50 class stories, I believe most people will either buy it or cancel as there will be no reason at all to play this game as a level 50 once cap moves to 55.


Right now though, I'm holding off on buying it as I don't know if I'll even be playing this game in a couple of months.


And the reasons run the gamut from the bugs and flaws that have existed since launch and never been addressed combined with the direction the game seems to be headed with the cash shop overlaid with the typical challenges of a game like this in keeping me engaged at level cap.


Now if they had announced this as a true expansion with a full continuation of class stories, a major update to the core game, and more than just one planet, I probably would have bought it.


But adding a couple of days worth of generic missions and a new level cap in the same basic game we have today (no major changes) is just not something that excites me.

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Don't know if ill get it atm im waiting till it is out then ill see if there is anything on youtube and if its something i will like ill get it but if it is a stinker then i wont dont want to spend my hard earned cash on something that might be a load of junk but i would like more info on it :)
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Will not pre-order. All you get is 5 days early access, which to me just means that you get to be the first testers.

I'll buy it if I still have a sub when it is released. Chances are good unless "Spring 2013" means June 20, 2013 (last day of spring).


Plus, they are getting enough cash from the CM to fill the Executive Christmas Bonus fund.

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Will not pre-order. All you get is 5 days early access, which to me just means that you get to be the first testers.

I'll buy it if I still have a sub when it is released. Chances are good unless "Spring 2013" means June 20, 2013 (last day of spring).


Plus, they are getting enough cash from the CM to fill the Executive Christmas Bonus fund.


Yup. that's the way to go about it.

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So strange to see people are still in the mind set of "it will get better, no company is perfect..." etc. EA started feeding poison to SWTOR early in the game. Just a little after March, many of the great people that made this game happen left, let go, gone. I was hoping that maybe...MAYBE EA wouldn't move into SWTOR but there EA was, from the beginning. For a long time, I kept talking to friends that were thinking of unsubbing or have already, telling them SWTOR will not fall. That it wouldn't go the way of the mainstream games of today... yet, I am hear to say I was wrong. All my RL friends left a while back, not even interested in coming back. Really not sure how much longer SWTOR will be around or worth subbing anymore. And I hate saying that. Same old fail, out dated PvP, gear > skill MMO crap standard as the rest of the MMO's. No events for months to change up a little of the old grind. CM becoming more and more the "game" and core of SWTOR. I have really started to move to other games (and I don't really want too as I want to love this game!) Sadly, I am starting to see switching from sub to F2P might be the way to go for me. :(


TL;DR version - I will wait until probably Jan 7th to make up my mind. Been a CE, Headstart subscriber and hate to see EA kill a great game as it usually does with everything EA is in. At least its a good thing I can switch to F2P and maybe raid once a week or a FP as it wouldn't cost anything else.

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