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Getting HK-51 is way too difficult


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Only thing they need to change is decrease the spawn area size or increase X minutes between re spawns (movement wise). Failing that increase scan size from 25m to 100m.


Solo'ing it now is just bloody painful, am doing it at the moment with my asn and feel like crying. Have so far spent 2 hours on taris for this piece. Jedi temple about the same.


Those that have said they solo'd it in like 2 hours or something are either very fortunate finding the spawns or full of ####

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I only have one thing to say.


Old Warlock Dreadsteed quest.


Few things compare.


Nuff said.


This 1000x this. These kids have it uber easy these days. HK took me a week to get, searching for parts two hours at a time. I got lucky on Hoth, the rest took me almost two hours to find (each)


HK is totally worth it. At max affection his generic crew skill bonuses are fantastic, and after he's been slotted with 66 mods, he hits like a freight train.


Those of you who don't have the time to get him, shouldn't get him. The quest line requires patience. Not everything in this game should take just a single afternoon to obtain.

Edited by gorstram
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lord the dreadsteed quest brings back memories... many a tear was had when i got my firey horsey :p


THAT was something to brag about. I remember when I FINALLY finished and got mine. I found every excuse I could to ride that thing around hehe.


Cost me two bottles of whiskey and a good collection of headaches and groans.

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THAT was something to brag about. I remember when I FINALLY finished and got mine. I found every excuse I could to ride that thing around hehe.


Cost me two bottles of whiskey and a good collection of headaches and groans.


I remember when I finally got my Swift Razashi Raptor from ZG. I had been sand bagging my DKP, and outbid our GM for it. I didn't have to follow a quest line for it, but I did have to run 29 weeks of ZG and have enough DKP to outbid everyone for it.

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The warlock one was better, the paladin one was good too, although the people who won pristine black diamonds soon realised they could charge a fortune for them.


And I used to love winding up a friend of mine who spent years hunting the ZG raid mounts. I had picked up the first raptor the guild saw, lucky enough to have the most dkp that week, and while I didn't have the dedication to go every week, I used to pop in and solo the Tiger boss in the vain hope of getting the pair. Two weeks before the raid was removed and replaced by the instance, I got lucky. A nice random macro used to pick which to ride :)

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I'm in the process of getting HK and it's not that it's way too difficult - it's not. It's just that a lot of it is a waste of time and reliance on stupid mechanics. I hate the jump-and-run element of certain tasks and quests in this game, and I loathed the Theoretika for that - even though the ship had such an awesome atmosphere; and don't even let me get started about the search of the HK part on Dromund Kaas...
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Apparently, B-dubs didn't think it was quite hard enough, so they decided to reset the mission with the latest patch; coincidentally, right after I finally decided to do it on my BH. Even though I completed the entire thing on my sniper back when it first came out, and paid the credits to unlock on multiple other characters, I wanted to save the million credits this time around. So, as I was down to only needing the pieces from the flash points, and I think one other dug up piece, they decided to set me back to "Go to the Theoretica". Thanks BW. I love you too.



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It's not difficult, its just time-consuming to do the scanning. If the time gate wasn't there, it you could argue it would be too easy. I did the quest once and got him, but could not see doing it again.


I say leave this one as it is, but in the future Bioware really needs to focus on mechanics that are fun, not just grindy.

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but then again I'm an unforgivable sinner, because god forbid that people >>>** Group Up **<<< to do content together in an mmo. I'll surely burn to hell for this. D:

i, for one, insist on all story parts of this game to be perfectly soloable (as the main class story is) and not requiring to find people manually for that (which is a real pain on eu server at night time, especially when 99% of those who wanted have already it done). this is not HM flashpoint nor OP part to force group play.

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Apparently, B-dubs didn't think it was quite hard enough, so they decided to reset the mission with the latest patch; coincidentally, right after I finally decided to do it on my BH. Even though I completed the entire thing on my sniper back when it first came out, and paid the credits to unlock on multiple other characters, I wanted to save the million credits this time around. So, as I was down to only needing the pieces from the flash points, and I think one other dug up piece, they decided to set me back to "Go to the Theoretica". Thanks BW. I love you too.




So far in this thread, I've been LOL'ing at folks who think this is too hard, but I FEEL for you folks that had your progress reset. That is just the worst low blow I've seen a gaming company do in recent years.


If you haven't already, I would invite you to put in a ticket with the CS team. I saw in another thread that Eric Musco suggested this. I'm not sure if CS is being given a directive to make you folks whole, but I am hoping for your sake that they are.


Good luck, I sincerely hope you're made whole.

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So far in this thread, I've been LOL'ing at folks who think this is too hard, but I FEEL for you folks that had your progress reset. That is just the worst low blow I've seen a gaming company do in recent years.


If you haven't already, I would invite you to put in a ticket with the CS team. I saw in another thread that Eric Musco suggested this. I'm not sure if CS is being given a directive to make you folks whole, but I am hoping for your sake that they are.


Good luck, I sincerely hope you're made whole.


Indeed CS is taking care of the issue. It didn't happen to me, but it happened to a few guildies I was helping run through HK. The parts acquired were returned and they got bumped up to the next phase of the overall quest line. In our case it bumped the group up to the final H4 with all parts in hand.

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I'm in the process of getting HK and it's not that it's way too difficult - it's not. It's just that a lot of it is a waste of time and reliance on stupid mechanics. I hate the jump-and-run element of certain tasks and quests in this game, and I loathed the Theoretika for that - even though the ship had such an awesome atmosphere; and don't even let me get started about the search of the HK part on Dromund Kaas...

actually theoretika is the best part of this quest, so unusual to this game. they should implement acquiring all the other parts that way, via such mini-instances, not via some mindless digging like it ended up for now.

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It takes 2 days to get HK-51, 3 days tops. I just ran the series again for the first time since it came out. Much easier as a level 55 than it was before as a 50. You can almost solo everything. Me and my bro 2-manned the FPs.


Searching is a drag, but that wasn't even that bad. Most planets you find one or two people trying to bang out the quest. All you have to do is pipe up in General to make a group. The Theoretika is still awesome and one of my favorite scenarios in the game.


Peeps just get their panties in a bunch because getting HK lacks the instant gratification factor.

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It takes 2 days to get HK-51, 3 days tops. I just ran the series again for the first time since it came out. Much easier as a level 55 than it was before as a 50. You can almost solo everything. Me and my bro 2-manned the FPs.


Searching is a drag, but that wasn't even that bad. Most planets you find one or two people trying to bang out the quest. All you have to do is pipe up in General to make a group. The Theoretika is still awesome and one of my favorite scenarios in the game.


Peeps just get their panties in a bunch because getting HK lacks the instant gratification factor.


4-1/2 hours from start to finish. 3 of us did it this weekend - I literally had not started the quest prior. Hoth slowed us down for about an hour, bugging in the ship you go to (headlamp didn't work so I we all died in that room that goes dark - this was about an hour as well) but that was all that caused us major frustrations.

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Missions to do HK-51 difficult?


I don't think so.


Missions to do HK-51 tedius?


Oh heck yeah, way too tedius, the idiotic search for the parts all over a map, is simply stupid, this can be done much better, at least have the darn detecter give you a sense of direction with the range...


I would drop the part you have to have a character on the other faction to get a piece, that is just dumb...



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Missions to do HK-51 difficult?


I don't think so.


Missions to do HK-51 tedius?


Oh heck yeah, way too tedius, the idiotic search for the parts all over a map, is simply stupid, this can be done much better, at least have the darn detecter give you a sense of direction with the range...


I would drop the part you have to have a character on the other faction to get a piece, that is just dumb...




I completely agree with the "direction" thing...they should update this quest to more closely match the Seeker Droid thing. Being within 15m, the minimum range to "detect" a piece I believe, is far too freaking close.

Edited by TUXs
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It didnt take *that* long to aquire HK-51.


I got him today (i stopped playing before he was released, and came back recently).


The only help i got was another guy also scanning on Taris, all the other parts were done solo (dont seem like too many people are doing this quest anymore). Hoth and Dromund-Kaas was "hell" because they were large areas, but i still found the part within half an hour or so.


The longest wait was for the Hard Mode flashpoint (Foundry if i recall), where i waited over 4 hours before it finally popped.


Edit : Can also add that i started the quest yesterday evening, so it took a day in total.

Edited by PlacidDragon
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The longest wait was for the Hard Mode flashpoint (Foundry if i recall), where i waited over 4 hours before it finally popped.

Um, not meaning to threadjack but... what? I did the HM Foundry for the HK part literally last night and I don't get what you're saying about waiting over 4 hours. I mean, it's just a clickable item, right next to the chest after you kill Revan...

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Um, not meaning to threadjack but... what? I did the HM Foundry for the HK part literally last night and I don't get what you're saying about waiting over 4 hours. I mean, it's just a clickable item, right next to the chest after you kill Revan...


You don't kill Revan...you release him...And he was talking about waiting in the GF queue for 4-hours I assumed.

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Um, not meaning to threadjack but... what? I did the HM Foundry for the HK part literally last night and I don't get what you're saying about waiting over 4 hours. I mean, it's just a clickable item, right next to the chest after you kill Revan...

Getting 4 people together so that we could run the flashpoint :) (i dont know a soul anymore, so i have to use the group finder).


You don't kill Revan...you release him...And he was talking about waiting in the GF queue for 4-hours I assumed.

Exactly, thank you :)

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