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One planet is not an expansion


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excuse me for pointing this out but my sub here costs exactly the same as my sub on wow so the pricing is identicle, in that sense the like for like can be done and the scaling is done on the content to price scenario for bang to the buck on quantity delievered. As it stands we have no class storry, we have no companion story, we know we are getting one new ability and that is it.


We know that the planet is the size of alderaan for example but in relative terms that means if following normal rules that one planet is split in 2 for the factions with one side taking a half each to lvl through as they love to seperate us, we have no word on new operations nor on flashpoints. we dont know but we can believe there will be no new warzone and we can assume there is no new crafting skill, race or class combined in this price as it is relativly easy to asume cathar will be in the cartel market.


We can assume that they will be re-adjusting the already exisitng heroic modes for 55 and more then likly setting future nightmare modes of operations to 55.


We have no word of any mini games or social enhancments within this but if they were in you can bet we would have heard about it to try and get us to purchase it.


Afaik know lotro has a sub option as well. It's time to wake up and smell the coffe. The game wen't F2P. Bombed. Flopped. Did not perform to expectations. Take your pick. We as subscribers will not see the quality of service blizz provides cos unlike blizz BW doesnt have a game that makes them 100s of millions a quarter to finance development. A subscription in a f2p title ammounts to a discount on all/most cash market unlocks purchased every month. That is the reality of our situation. It is dire.


Personally I'll be ecstatic if they ever decide to produce a proper boxed 60$ expansion that will perhaps advance class stories. But at this stage I'm worried if we'll even get anything makeb-like AFTER makeb, nvm get it for free like wow does.

Edited by aeterno
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Afaik know lotro has a sub option as well. It's time to wake up and smell the coffe. The game wen't F2P. Bombed. Flopped. Did not perform to expectations. Take your pick. We as subscribers will not see the quality of service blizz provides cos unlike blizz BW doesnt have a game that makes them 100s of millions a quarter to finance development. A subscription in a f2p title ammounts to a discount on all/most cash market unlocks purchased every month. That is the reality of our situation. It is dire.


Personally I'll be ecstatic if they ever decide to produce a proper boxed 60$ expansion that will perhaps advance class stories. But at this stage I'm worried if we'll even get anything makeb-like AFTER makeb, nvm get it for free like wow does.


Ow right now i understand you, you want us to compare it to a game that tanked and not a game that offers good quality to its subscribers. now i understand perfectly.


BTW this game is far from f2p, its more fremium forcing you to sub. And this game has so far not made losses, it went f2p simply to bring in more cash and not out of necesity. As for what a subscription offers in a f2p game it better offer the exact same services that any mmo sub does or it will lose customers who are constant subscribers and they should know that.

Edited by Shingara
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"To give you all a better idea of Makeb's scope, it's a planet of equal size to our larger planets and it contains a variety of areas – sprawling mesas, underground caverns, garden estates, and more. It introduces faction-specific storylines, new Heroic missions and bosses, repeatable mission series, and new Datacrons! The 5 new levels will occupy players for a fair amount of time, and there's plenty of content to get you there (including a lot of stuff tucked away for the explorers out there). Keep in mind that this announcement is just the start – as we approach Makeb's launch, you'll see more details about the content coming with Rise of the Hutt Cartel!"


It sounds nice but are these underground caverns generic, or are they going to be something fun like the Myydril Caverns in swg. That was one big cave network, it was fun, and most importantly you could get lost which lead to a adventure feel to it. How much of this terrain could a rper use? When I came to swtor, one thing I found disappointing was all the good areas were full of npcs, or they were phased. In swg there was good areas you could use, that were void of npcs.

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So raising the level cap, adding new class story content, new faction story content, new items, new flashpoints and operations, and new datacrons (more specific for this game in particular) isn't recognized as an expansion anymore? When did that happen o.o
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What the planet should have

New Heroics

New Flash points

New Class missions

New Datcrons

a lot of areas to explore

HK- should talk in the missions like the other do when your leveling


If they don't have them then no its not really an expansion

Edited by Genuine
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So raising the level cap, adding new class story content, new faction story content, new items, new flashpoints and operations, and new datacrons (more specific for this game in particular) isn't recognized as an expansion anymore? When did that happen o.o


When did it happen that Makeb has new class story content? (it doesn't). When did it happen that it has new FPs and OPs (nothing has been announced).


So what you actually meant was "when does a content patch become an expansion?" Answer when EA needs to show a healthy profit for their stockholders meeting.

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So raising the level cap, adding new class story content, new faction story content, new items, new flashpoints and operations, and new datacrons (more specific for this game in particular) isn't recognized as an expansion anymore? When did that happen o.o


There will be no class story content they said it allready. Where does it say anything about new flashpoints and operations? And datacrons? Please give me tools and 30 mins and i can add 100 new datacrons to game lmao.

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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As far as expansions go, they should have incorporated more into the expansion. Maybe more story for classes or an extra chapter. Made lightsabers look more devastating instead of beating clubs, i would like to see lightsabers doing the same things they did in the movies. Giving ships a custom feature allowing playing to change the colors of their ships. Fixing all pre-existing bugs. More things added to the social vendors and or pvp vendors. For active subscribers we should see atleast 1000 cartel coins if you think about it because paying 14.99 a month and only getting 500 feels like were getting the short end of the stick. Add a GTN, pvp terminal / vendor, pve mission terminal and vendor, and respec vendor on all worlds, so people don't have to flood the fleet or their home worlds. Maybe allow people to purchase credits from the cartel market, might get rid of some of the cred farmers. I love the game, just wish they had more story. Every class had 3 chapters of their own story and yet in this expansion there isn't anymore story, seriously!!!
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There will be no class story content they said it allready. Where does it say anything about new flashpoints and operations? And datacrons? Please give me tools and 30 mins and i can add 100 new datacrons to game lmao.


Allison has said there will be new datacrons

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So red bit ye ?


Do you really think the lvl 50 flashpoints and operations is everything there is going to be? With a level cap of 55? Logic is a wise thing, my friend. Sure, you can use boxershorts for 5 year old kids when you're a grown up, but will they fit? No. Simple logic, man. Also, I would only assume that class stories would continue past level 50, wouldn't you? Doesn't make sense to abandon what makes the game amazing, at the very least right now. I doubt EA would like to lose more subs than they already have, so discontinuing class stories is out of the question.

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When did it happen that it has new FPs and OPs (nothing has been announced).


Is the general lack of logic this prominent among people nowadays? Seriously, I can't believe you guys actually believe they will keep level 50 flashpoints and operations when the cap is 55. The failings in logic among human beings surprise me more and more every day.


They mentioned adding new story missions, I don't see why that wouldn't also entail class stories.

Edited by Senatsu
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Do you really think the lvl 50 flashpoints and operations is everything there is going to be? With a level cap of 55? Logic is a wise thing, my friend. Sure, you can use boxershorts for 5 year old kids when you're a grown up, but will they fit? No. Simple logic, man. Also, I would only assume that class stories would continue past level 50, wouldn't you? Doesn't make sense to abandon what makes the game amazing, at the very least right now. I doubt EA would like to lose more subs than they already have, so discontinuing class stories is out of the question.


Your assumption would be wrong it has been confirmed by the devs there is no class story in Makeb. So yes logic is a fine thing but people aren't necessarily logical - including game devs.


As for FP and OPs what most people currently twitchy about is not that they will leave current content as lvl 50 they will instead regear current content to require lvl 55 and those without the expansion are SoL

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Do you really think the lvl 50 flashpoints and operations is everything there is going to be? With a level cap of 55? Logic is a wise thing, my friend. Sure, you can use boxershorts for 5 year old kids when you're a grown up, but will they fit? No. Simple logic, man. Also, I would only assume that class stories would continue past level 50, wouldn't you? Doesn't make sense to abandon what makes the game amazing, at the very least right now. I doubt EA would like to lose more subs than they already have, so discontinuing class stories is out of the question.


logic has no buisness in the control of hickman, will there be flashpoints at lvl 55, will they be part of makeb is another matter, if new flashpoints drop after makeb they had as much chance of dropping before just as operations do but the only difference is the lvl cap has been increased thus increasing the lvl cap on said flashpoints and operations via patchs and there is every chance that a new flashpoint or operation could drop in spring but it could have always been made tobe introduced in spring where makeb was meant tobe introduced in november/december.


People are assuming so much is going tobe in makeb but so many forget that makeb was intended as a content patch designed to balance the metrics for what they originally intended. Other games have done this and not charged. so as this was itself intended as a content patch all things designed to drop after will have followed on from the lvl cap that shall be introduced by this.


And least forget makeb should have been here now and makeb is the last thing promoted to be coming this year, so content that was set in motion after makeb is automaticaly set to the higher limit but not mentioned to us yet, and remember makeb info was released and demo'ed in june, that means they started working on it atleast in febuary and the only reason its not here is because all content, that being hypergates etc were pushed back whilst they put the bulk of the devs on the f2p development.


As for EA, forget EA and think of hickman, you remember warhammer right, logic has no place in this one bit and class story has already been ruled out for makeb. That said i fully expect a flashpoint and op to be dropped in with makeb but i also expect it tobe at the cost of content between now and then withstanding illum of course that is in gabes control.


Ow and i never said there would only be lvl 50 flashpoints and ops, i fully expect them to whack in nightmare level for flashpoints and ops at 55.

Edited by Shingara
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Your assumption would be wrong it has been confirmed by the devs there is no class story in Makeb. So yes logic is a fine thing but people aren't necessarily logical - including game devs.


As for FP and OPs what most people currently twitchy about is not that they will leave current content as lvl 50 they will instead regear current content to require lvl 55 and those without the expansion are SoL


Have any expansion actually regeared all current content instead of making anything new? I know WoW has been a master at doing this to several of their instances and raids, but all of them? Seems way to idiotic to be true. Though, if all you say is true, SWTOR will end up even worse than before group finder and CM.

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Have any expansion actually regeared all current content instead of making anything new? I know WoW has been a master at doing this to several of their instances and raids, but all of them? Seems way to idiotic to be true. Though, if all you say is true, SWTOR will end up even worse than before group finder and CM.


No-one knows what is happening about FPs and OPs they have said not a peep. But if they had a lot of new ones wouldn't they be advertising to encourage preorders?

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No-one knows what is happening about FPs and OPs they have said not a peep. But if they had a lot of new ones wouldn't they be advertising to encourage preorders?


They are trying to get impatient people to preorder it right away without looking at info.

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They are trying to get impatient people to preorder it right away without looking at info.


Those people are gonna be rewarded with 5 day early acess.


When they release more info and those that didnt pre-order right away will want to... they will have to wait an extra 5 days and will feel dumb for having bitten into the hate train.

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No-one knows what is happening about FPs and OPs they have said not a peep. But if they had a lot of new ones wouldn't they be advertising to encourage preorders?


They are unsure about what is gonna make it in and what they will keep out for the 6 week patches to keep going. Otherwise we get lots of trolls saying they were liars when they said they would give us 6-8 week patches cause we get a juicy expansion instead.


Dont you just love the effect haters have. They only make it worse on themselves and everyone else and they think they are useful. :D

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Comparisons with WoW are out the window at this stage. We got our wish, TOR is no longer a comparable product/pricing model.


Let's compare RotHC with comparable products. What does a typical LOTRO quest pack contain and what are it's price points?


Or at least also compre price. WoW expansion are bigger... but so is the price tag.

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