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FPS on a Gtx570


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Can anyone explain why I can run battlefield 3 on ultra with an average 60 fps but swtor only gives me 10-15 in warfronts and most cities ON LOW SETTINGS. My GPU runs at 95-100% on bf3 but only hits 30% max on swtor...


Must be something very wrong with your computer. I have a gtx 580 and i have a stable 100 fps everywhere with all settings on high.

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Can anyone explain why I can run battlefield 3 on ultra with an average 60 fps but swtor only gives me 10-15 in warfronts and most cities ON LOW SETTINGS. My GPU runs at 95-100% on bf3 but only hits 30% max on swtor...


I also have a GTX 570 and SWTOR runs at constant 60 FPS on max settings and with 4xAA.

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Yeah, you've got some kind of issue with your PC.


I'm running an old EVGA GTX 260 OC Ed. and I get a steady 70 fps on high if I turn shadows off.


What is your motherboard, cpu, and memory? I remember reading that this game is a lot like WoW for the fact that it tends to be CPU limited more so than GPU. Which basically means you could be running two GTX 590 GTs in SLI and still only see 30 fps if you are running an old dual core CPU with less than a 1066 mHz fsb.

Edited by NaciremaDiputs
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my spec,


i5 2500k @ 4.3 ghz

8gig DDR

GTX 570


getting 110 indoors but outside i get regular slowdowns to 60-70 , in warzones it's around 50-70 regardless if the settings are all on high or low, talk about crappy optimization.


Considering my PC I was expecting better than 50 fps in warzones.

I feel sorry for people with minimum specs.

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i also have a gtx570. 16GB RAM, i7-2600k. never had a slow down except for the rare server lag. /shrug

i really think people could most benefit from more RAM. i can't remember the exact number but when I checked my memory usage SWTOR was pulling around 4GB of physical memory just by itself. with other programs running I was using up to 6.5. with a few more programs running could probably get close to filling up 8..

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No it doesn't sound like I'm bottle necking. If I can run bf 3 on ultra setting in a 64 man game perfectly fine with 60+ fps then I'm not bottle necking.


Can someone who's getting good fps in swtor post what % your gpu is being used while your in game? Mines only runnin 30% it's like the games not using my gpu at all. All my other games run the gpu at 90-100%

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No it doesn't sound like I'm bottle necking. If I can run bf 3 on ultra setting in a 64 man game perfectly fine with 60+ fps then I'm not bottle necking.


Can someone who's getting good fps in swtor post what % your gpu is being used while your in game? Mines only runnin 30% it's like the games not using my gpu at all. All my other games run the gpu at 90-100%


Try setting your graphics to high, hit ok, then go back and set them to low, hit ok. Then manually raise each option to high. Some people have reported success with this method in changing the framerate when it is artificially low.


Other than that, update your drivers. You must be able to see how people could think you have some sort of other issue with your pc, since most people with video cards worse than yours get a much higher framerate.

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For those people saying you have a computer problem with this game, do not listen to those clowns. I am having the same issue with the game. My max frames range from 60 FPS - 85 FPS occasionally. My average frames in the world and in the cities is 15 FPS - 39 FPS. I am a system builder and run my own business. I have tried all different drivers and still get the same results. I have multiple gaming computers and I am having the same problem on most of them.


Here are my specs:


System #1


GTX 570 in SLI

16GB of Corsair RAM

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T

Creative Labs Titanium X-Fi

1050 watt Corsair Power Supply

Asrock 990FX Extreme 3


System #2


GTX 570 in SLI

16 of Corsair Ram

Intel I7 2600K

Asrock P67 Fatal1ty

Creative Labs Titanium X-Fi

1200 watt PC Power & Cooling Power Supply


I play Battlefield 3 on Ultra and get an average frame of 125 FPS - 160 FPS on the AMD. I play many other dx11, dx9, and dx10 games on both systems and max out all my settings. This is the only game that runs like garbage on my AMD. I have tried running the game with only 1 GTX 570 and the results are the same as with both cards in SLI.




The FPS issues with this game are a result of software, not hardware. Either EA or Nvidia/AMD need to fix these video/memory leakage issues. There is no reason why either of my top end systems should ever see 15 - 39 FPS. Even when I turn my graphics on low, I still only get about 10-15 frames more. On low graphics my top end computers still see FPS ranges in the 20 FPS range at times. This is very unacceptable. It is issues like this that cause customers to quit an MMO. I just hope this is fix soon because at times the game is unplayable.

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To OP:

You say your graphics card usage is 30%. You might want to check gpu-z and see what your clocks/shaders are at. Its possible that your graphics card is down-clocking for some reason.


It is an issue with your computer, settings, and the client. That doesn't mean it doesn't have anything to do with Swtor.


I have an AMD 555 and a 570 and I sit at 60fps the majority of the time on high. Sometimes it drops to in the 40s. I have AA forced through nvidia inspector, not nvidia control panel.


While I understand your bottleneck rational my 555 is pushed to 4.0ghz.


BF3 may be highly optimized for video cards while swtor may rely heavily on the CPU. It is possible it is not feeding your graphics card fast enough-hence bottleneck. Bf3 may be sending more info to your graphics card, but swtor may be using so much cpu that it isn't able to send enough info. That doesn't mean that is your issue, but ruling it out because you can play bf3 on ultra does not make sense.


To Lazlo3 with the 'super' computer:


While there are various issues with the client it sounds like you are definitely down-clocking. I agree there is no reason you should ever see 15fps with that system. However, I have had plenty of issues with swtor, but none of them have been fps related, and I run a much lesser system.


You say you are in the business, but my first guess would be power management settings in your bios.


Edit: I just noticed the SLI. I doubt you haven't tried this, but I would disable one, remove the bridge. We all know how wonderful nvidia is about releasing sli optimization months and months after a release. Not to mention if its a down-clocking issue that is so much overkill your dual graphics cards should be yawning without forced optimization.


You may want to try running bf3 + swtor at the same time or a graphics benchmark + swtor to see if you get a lot better performance under full load.


When I get home from work I'll check what kind of usage I'm sitting at/what driver version and see if I can't be more helpful.


Edit 2: I don't know how this would effect your situation but swtor is recommending you set your pagefile to 3x your ram. Win 7 64 bit auto sets mine at 1gig under my amount of ram. Probably wont help you, but I've only seen them state that in a random forum post, and it did resolve some other issues I was having. Worth looking into.

Edited by khaoimon
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For those people saying you have a computer problem with this game, do not listen to those clowns. I am having the same issue with the game. My max frames range from 60 FPS - 85 FPS occasionally. My average frames in the world and in the cities is 15 FPS - 39 FPS. I am a system builder and run my own business. I have tried all different drivers and still get the same results. I have multiple gaming computers and I am having the same problem on most of them.


Here are my specs:


System #1


GTX 570 in SLI

16GB of Corsair RAM

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T

Creative Labs Titanium X-Fi

1050 watt Corsair Power Supply

Asrock 990FX Extreme 3


System #2


GTX 570 in SLI

16 of Corsair Ram

Intel I7 2600K

Asrock P67 Fatal1ty

Creative Labs Titanium X-Fi

1200 watt PC Power & Cooling Power Supply


I play Battlefield 3 on Ultra and get an average frame of 125 FPS - 160 FPS on the AMD. I play many other dx11, dx9, and dx10 games on both systems and max out all my settings. This is the only game that runs like garbage on my AMD. I have tried running the game with only 1 GTX 570 and the results are the same as with both cards in SLI.




The FPS issues with this game are a result of software, not hardware. Either EA or Nvidia/AMD need to fix these video/memory leakage issues. There is no reason why either of my top end systems should ever see 15 - 39 FPS. Even when I turn my graphics on low, I still only get about 10-15 frames more. On low graphics my top end computers still see FPS ranges in the 20 FPS range at times. This is very unacceptable. It is issues like this that cause customers to quit an MMO. I just hope this is fix soon because at times the game is unplayable.


I play on a system with a radeon 5770 (also have an older core 2 E6750 and 6 gigs of ram and my hard drives are in raid 0 to squeeze a little more performance out) and I get 25 to 60 fps depending on where I am. My wife has a radeon 6770 with a newer 6 core phenom and gets fps that is roughly the same, maybe a tad better. The gpu is limiting the performance on both pc's.


I'm not sure what you were going on about being a "system builder" and owning your own business, but since we are arbitrarily stating our jobs, I am a network admin for a large firm and have been so for the past 6 years.


I didn't update my drivers for the game, in fact I have not updated anything on my pc in a long time. The game performs quite well. The lowest fps seems to be when around the hold in the fleet. Drops down to 20 to 25 fps sometimes there.


It does seem that a lot of people that are having problems are using SLI or Crossfire. That doesn't surprise me since support for both SLI and Crossfire has been limited and buggy in most games, not to mention the temperature issues that arise. Even I with my measly 5770 have an 8 inch top fan, 2 front fans, 2 back fans, 1 side fan, and my psu fan just to keep my pc cool (and I don't even OC), and it runs at around room temp for the motherboard, and 34 degrees celcius for the 5770 when idle, and nice cool temps around 50 or 60 degrees under load.


There is so many variables as to why a pc might not be performing well in a particular game it's crazy. Blaming the software, which performs very well for the vast majority of players, is kinda silly. It performs well on my old rig and that tells me there isn't any real issue with the game itself. Just because BF3 performs well means almost nothing. MMO's are a very different beast and nothing heats up my PC more than WoW (which is not graphically intensive at all), not to mention SLI can be so terrible, and who knows what else might be going on. Just a thought.

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