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Really Bioware? Typo's in your missions?


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Can you post a screenshot ? I haven't ever noticed any bad grammar/typos and I've done a LOT of questing. This stuff happens though. I can yet again mention that I have in fact come across a lot of typos in WoW quests over the years. They often go unnoticed until someone actually sends a report in about it.
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Was doing the trooper class quest A-77. Noticed that the quest items for the bonus missions have really broken English (or Basic since this is Star Wars). Does your team bother to check stuff like this?


Oh yeah?

I find this hard to take seriously.

But please, do go on.

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Was doing the trooper class quest A-77. Noticed that the quest items for the bonus missions have really broken English (or Basic since this is Star Wars). Does your team bother to check stuff like this?




Do you bother to check this stuff?

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Was doing the trooper class quest A-77. Noticed that the quest items for the bonus missions have really broken English (or Basic since this is Star Wars). Does your team bother to check stuff like this?


So let me get this straight, you've likely witnessed thousands of words in SWTOR all spelled correctly with fluent sentence structure and you’re getting hung up on one word? WoW has made plenty of typos in its time, and they arguably have a bigger team to spell check stuff.

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Man Bioware is really just worthless, huh? I mean a typo...in a quest item...for a bonus mission...only played by a single class...they really need to get their act together...more than a year ago.


Also, *Typos




Do you bother to check this stuff?


...does the asterisk go BEFORE, or AFTER the correction?

I personally prefer before.

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Although I find that a little annoying, there are a lot of quests out there and there can be oversights. The idea is that you report it to CS so they can send it to the developers.


Everybody can make mistakes and I will tell you that I have played quite a few games and all of them have had typos in their games somewhere. So if you think this is unusual, you should really ask yourself why you have never noticed it before. Perhaps it's the first game where you really paid attention to the story lines.


In any case, it's not unusual but it is good to report it so they can fix it.

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Was doing the trooper class quest A-77. Noticed that the quest items for the bonus missions have really broken English (or Basic since this is Star Wars). Does your team bother to check stuff like this?


No, a typo is nothing to me. I make them constantly while trying to write either online or on paper. It is human error and it happens all the time. I can barely even type in game when I'm talking to someone. Bioware has a lot of faults, spelling errors should be the least of anyone's worries.

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Was doing the trooper class quest A-77. Noticed that the quest items for the bonus missions have really broken English (or Basic since this is Star Wars). Does your team bother to check stuff like this?


"Does your team bother to check stuff like this" :rolleyes: I seriously haven't seen one single typo so far during my year in game, so yeah I bet they do check, don't you think? If you find a rare typo you report the issue and move on. But my guess is you wanted to add a little to the fire, huh?


Oh man, I missed that you spelled it typo's...

Edited by Trenter
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